Conspiracies and prayers for all occasions. Orthodox, Christian, Muslim, Islamic, Jewish, Joseph Murphy, Angel Keeper of Prayer for all occasions in life

Conspiracies and prayers for all occasions. Orthodox, Christian, Muslim, Islamic, Jewish, Joseph Murphy, Angel Keeper of Prayer for all occasions in life
Christian, Muslim and Jewish prayers for all occasions. Strong conspiracies.
Prayer is an intimate dialogue with the Lord, in which we open our hearts and let him go there. Since our relations with him are eternal, we may well turn to God every minute of our life.

We will talk about the types of prayers, their strength and reading features in more detail in the article.

Orthodox prayers for all occasions

The girl prays in the Orthodox Church
the girl prays in the Orthodox Church
If your faith is strong or life circumstances led you to God, pray with all your heart.

In Orthodoxy, you will find prayers for all occasions that can be read:

  • at birth and due to leaving life
  • during pregnancy, before and after childbirth
  • to help relatives and friends in illness
  • before marriage and in family life
  • before important tests, for example, passing exams
  • to strengthen the spirit before an important transaction, a responsible day/event, trip or leaving for another city for a long time
  • after the murder, including abortion
  • during depression
  • to help get rid of addictions - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction
  • to gain the meaning of life
  • to restore psychological and mental balance after testing
  • every day before bedtime, eating, after awakening, thanksgiving
  • especially in front of different icons, for example, Mother of God, saints
On sites in Runet, you will also find prayers from the evil eye, enemies, for luck, to attract money.

The prayer of the Optina elders is considered to be known and revered, its text is presented below in the figure.

The text of the Prayer of Optina Elders
the text of the Prayer of Optina Elders

A symbol of faith will help you when doubts and fears in life are overcome.

The text of the prayer symbol of faith
the text of the prayer symbol of faith

Perhaps the only prayer for all occasions can be called ISSOV. It is presented in the figure below.

The text of the prayer is our father
the text of the prayer is our father

Christian prayers for all occasions

A man prays at the cross at dawn
a man prays at the cross at dawn
Prayer in the life of a Christian is also important as water for drinking. After all, we have everything for this:
  • intelligence
  • voice
  • heart
  • soul
When in an intimate conversation with God we sincerely open his heart to him, he hears us and is even ready to remove the hand brought over our heads for punishment. So the elders and saints write in their call books.

What do you forget about during your life? About what you really are:

  • you do not own anything
  • are not able to independently affect events in their life
  • endowed with abilities and qualities similar to the creator, but not identical
  • you will not be able to pick up material blessings with you after leaving life
  • able to leave behind a train from good deeds
  • i am able to communicate with the Lord every moment and accept with gratitude everything that He gives
In life, every person has a lot of events that seem incomprehensible to us at first glance. Only sincere prayer and faith are able to maintain peace of mind and confidence that the Lord to take care of us and gives only what really needs at a particular moment.

Read the following prayers that are presented below in the pictures.

Texts of Christian prayers for different occasions, option 3
texts of Christian prayers for different occasions, option 3
Texts of Christian prayers for different occasions, option 2
texts of Christian prayers for different occasions, option 2
Texts of Christian prayers for different occasions, option 1
texts of Christian prayers for different occasions, option 1

Remember that it is not enough for a Christian to create prayers daily, you should also act as holy fathers:

  • be in love
  • forgive
  • compassionate
  • cry about sinners
  • glorify God the Father and thank Him for everything

Therefore, more often the Lord read prayer during the day and find comfort in her words. The text of the prayer was given in the previous section.

Muslim prayers for all occasions to read

Muslim raised his hands to the sky during prayer
muslim raised his hands to the sky during prayer
Muslims have ancient indestructible laws regarding prayer - prayer. It:
  • five -time pronunciation of them during the day
  • the purity of thoughts, bodies, clothes during prayer
  • the implementation of prayer in the right clothes covering in women the whole body, except the face, hands and feet, in men - the area from the navel to the knees

In addition to the main appeals to God, Muslims can glorify him and pray in various situations. Let us give examples of some of them along with prayer-form:

  • when leaving the house and return
In the first case, say:
"Bismil-Lyahai, Tavakkealt‘ Alyal-Laah, Vaia Khalya Vai Lyava Kuvvate Illya Bil-Lyai. "
It means:
“With the name of Allah Almighty!
I only trust in him.
True power and strength belong only to him. "

Crossing the threshold of the house upon return, welcome all its inhabitants as follows:

"Bismil-Lyayakhi Valyajna, wa bismil-laihai harajna wa‘ alya rabbina ta-vakkayalnaa. "
It means:
“With the name of the Almighty, we entered and came out with his name.
And only for our Lord we manage "
  • before meeting with a candidate for spouses
“Allaahumma Innakya Tsdir Vaia Va'lyam wa a'lyam wa Ante 'Alla Yamul-Guuyub, Fa Ra'aita Anna (names the name of the girl) Khairun Liya Dyaniy Vaniy-I wa aakhiratia Faxi Lee Lee Lee Lee , va kiayanet Gayruhaa Khayran Liya Minhaa Fii Diyinia Vyanya-I wa aahirati Formdurhaa Liya. ”
It means:
“Oh Allah! Everything is in your strength, I am not able to do anything.
You know everything, but I don’t.
You know everything that is hidden from us. And if you think that the name of a girl or man ›is the best for preserving my religiosity and well -being both in this and in the future worlds, then help me become my wife (husband).
And if the other is the best to preserve my religiosity and well -being in both worlds, then help me so that the other to become my wife (husband) ”
  • to remove enemies, envy, gossip and all the bad from life

“Innaa Lil-Lyayakhi VA Ilyaihi Raadzhi’UUN, Allaahuma‘ Indakya Akhtasibu Musybatia Fa’jurnia Fihe, VDILNIA Bihee Hayran Minhee. ”
It means:
“Truly, we are completely belonging to Allah and, truly, we all return to him.
Oh Lord, before you I will give a report for understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience that I showed, and replace trouble for what is better than her "

  • before eating
"Bismillah!" Which means: "The name of Allah!"
Check out a lot of situations and prayers on this any Muslim site.

Prayer that can change your life

Men's hands folded in prayer
men's hands folded in prayer
The open spaces of Runet present the readers of the prayer, which is able to radically change their lives.

To do this, read it aloud twice a day - early in the morning and before going to bed. The authors of articles on amazing prayer argue that after a month of constant actions their life changed dramatically for the better.

The text of the prayer was taken from Joseph Murphy’s book “The Magic power of the mind” and more resembles a conspiracy, pronouncing words to program space and events:

“The gifts of God are my gifts. I use every moment of this day.

Divine harmony, peace and abundance with me.
Divine love comes from me, blessing everyone who falls into my environment.

Divine love heals me now. I will not be afraid of evil, because God is with me.

I am always surrounded by a sacred halo of divine love and strength.

I affirm, I feel, I know and believe decisively and positively that the spells of divine love and vigilance direct, heal and care about all my family members and about those whom I love.

I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate divine love, peace and goodwill for all people, wherever they are.

In the center of my being, the world reigns, it is the world of God.

In this silence, I feel his strength, the leadership and love of his holy presence.

I am divinely directed on all my paths.

I am a pure channel for divine love, truth and beauty.
I feel how his river of the world flows through me.

I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God.

The paths of God are my paths.
The words that I say fall to where I am sending them.

I rejoice and offer gratitude, realizing that I will receive an answer to my prayer. May it be so."

Joseph Murphy: Prayers for all occasions

Drawing of a person’s connection with the Universe of the Second World War of Remey pronouncing prayer
drawing of a person’s connection with the universe during the pronunciation of prayer
Joseph Murphy offers prayers for different occasions, for example, for:
  • attracting the perfect husband/wife
  • life in abundance
  • improving the condition of the skin of the face
  • healing of physical and sincere
  • obtaining wealth
  • attracting success in business and hired positions
  • fulfillment of desire
  • attracting financial well -being
  • opening an account in your bank of abundance
  • peace and harmony of every day
Prayers offered by Murphy differ from religious. You need to concentrate on two aspects:
  • what you want to attract
  • why do you need it or why
At the same time, you firmly realized and accepted yourself as a piece of God, able to communicate with Him and live happily in abundance.

Use the following Joseph Murphy prayers given in the picture below.

Several texts of prayers for Joseph Murphy
Several texts of prayers for Joseph Murphy
Several texts of prayers for Joseph Murphy, Option 2
Several texts of prayers for Joseph Murphy, Option 2

Prayers to the Angel Keeper for all occasions

The girl prays to the guardian angel
the girl prays to the guardian angel

At birth, we gain a guardian angel. He helps us in the way of spiritual growth, is responsible for us to the Higher Forces. Communicate with him at home, open your heart to him as a friend and adviser.

Prayers addressed to the guardian angel are in a variety of cases, for example:
  • protective - from a bad word, evil eye, trouble, hatred and envy, misunderstanding from other people
  • repented
  • morning and evening
  • to keep from bad deeds, anger, harm to others
  • for a happy life

For example, we give the texts of prayers to an angel keeper that can be read in any situation:

“The angel of God, my saint, is given to me from God from heaven!
I pray diligently to: you will enlighten me, and save from all evil, instruct to all acts, and send it to the path of salvation.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Option 1
prayer to the Guardian Angel, Option 1
Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Option 2
prayer to the Guardian Angel, Option 2
Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Option 3
prayer to the Guardian Angel, Option 3

Islam: Prayers for all occasions

The man raised his hands to the sky with a prayer to God
the man raised his hands to the sky with a prayer to God
In Islam, prayer is called Du’a and means "prayer."

In the Holy Scriptures, Muslims say that with Du’a should be addressed to God in all his actions, that is, to remember Him, praise and rely on everything for His will.

We list several examples of situations when Muslims pronounce Du’a:
  • after waking up and before bedtime
  • before eating, leaving the house, leaving on the road
  • upon returning home, during a stop in a strange house while traveling
  • in situations where there are doubts about faith, in recovery
  • after fright in life and from bad sleep
  • during illness
  • before leaving for life
  • when you don't like something in life
  • before physical proximity
  • before entering the temple and after leaving it
  • before putting on clothes and after removing it
  • with insomnia
  • when sadness, disappointment, sadness, doubt, sorrow rolls
  • when a person fears the anger and punishment of the ruler, the boss
  • appeal to the father of a newborn child
  • to protect children and alleviate the suffering of the patient
To protect yourself from misfortunes and troubles, read this prayer:
"Bismillahil -Lazazi Yadurra Ma’asmikhi Shayun Fili Ardy wa fis -samai wa huva ’ul -’alim."

When you want to get a protection of God from bad words and thoughts of other people, say:

"A’Uzu bi Kalimatillyachitammati Min Sharry Ma Halyak."

In cases of panic fear that overcome you, read this prayer:
"La Haul Valya Kuvvat Ill Billahil-‘alil-‘Azhyum."

Jewish prayers for all occasions

Jewish monks pray aloud in the temple with lighted candles
jewish monks pray aloud in the temple with lighted candles
Jews are reverent to communicate with God. Therefore, they practice prayer as often as they can.

They believe that an appeal to God takes place on various reasons. For example, with:

  • birth and care
  • carrying rite
  • eating
  • awakening and going to bed
  • celebration of the wedding
  • appeal to God in the Church
  • the desire to find a couple to create a family
  • the birth of a child
  • earthquake
  • failures and successes in business
If you begin to pronounce the prayer given below three times a day, then get rid of all sins and protect yourself from any life tests.

“Yaa, Adyone, Aeh Aher Ae, Shadai, TsVAOT Iman Misgav Lana Eloi Yaakov Sal.
Yaa, Adyone, Aye Asher Aye, Shadai, TsVAT - Ashrey Adam Botheah Bach.
Yaa, Adyone, Aye Asher Aye, Shadai, TsVAOT - ERRAL, AmEELEH Yaanana Wei Karen. "

“The creator, the Lord, the previous, omnipotent, the lord of the army with us is our stronghold, the god Yaakov. Sala.
The creator, the Lord, the previous, omnipotent, the lord of the army is a happy person who trusts you.
The creator, the Lord, the previous, omnipotent, the lord of the army - save! The king will answer us on the day we will appeal. "

And also read the following prayers given in the drawings below.

Texts of Jewish prayers, option 1
texts of Jewish prayers, option 1
Texts of Jewish prayers, option 2
texts of Jewish prayers, option 2
Texts of Jewish prayers, option 3
texts of Jewish prayers, option 3
Texts of Jewish prayers, option 4
texts of Jewish prayers, option 4
Texts of Jewish prayers, option 5
texts of Jewish prayers, option 5

Prayer so that everything will work out in life, so that everything is good

A woman with tears in her eyes prays
a woman with tears in her eyes prays
A person starting his prayer path wishes a lot. But if you ask him, hear the following - so that everything in life will work out and become good in the family of all relatives and friends.

The goal is high and worthy, however, for its implementation, you will have to work hard, open your heart to God, learn to forgive your neighbors and yourself.

In the open spaces of Runet, you will easily find the advice of materialistic authors regarding attracting success and happiness in your life. They promise the rapid performance of the desired during regular repetition of the texts that cite in the articles.

If you believe in this method of obtaining a good result, practice as the authors describe. By the way, the latter offer several options for actions:

  • to improve life in general
  • to attract success and prosperity in business, growth in income
  • so that everything is fine in the life of children
At the same time, the authors recommend turning to different icons of saints, for example, Joseph Volotsky, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Nikolai Miroliki, Matrona of Moscow, Nicholas the Wonderworker.
The text of the prayer to Matron Moscow
the text of the prayer to Matron Moscow
The text of the prayer to Nikolai Wonderworker
the text of the prayer to Nikolai Wonderworker
Texts of prayers to Virgin Mary
texts of prayers to Virgin Mary

For example, we give the text of the prayer to the Lord for the fulfillment of desires:

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Fulfill my desires cherished and do not refuse their sinless achievement. Bring the luck of the wise actions and turn off the success in sinful ambitions.
Let all good desires will certainly fulfill, and thin acts will be dismissed. May it be so. Amen."

Prayer that is read once in a life

A man prays focusing his fingers with each other concentratedly
a man prays focusing his fingers with each other concentratedly
More precisely, not a prayer, but a conspiracy in which you call on the Holy Spirit to fulfill your most cherished desire.

In the open spaces of Runet, many sites contain the text of this conspiracy with a note that it should be read only once in a life, repeating three times and leaving the text in a crowded place for further reading to others. Its text is this:

“The Holy Spirit, solving all the problems that shed light on all the roads, so that I could come to my goal.

You, giving me the divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil. Made against me, in all the storms of life staying with me.

In this brief prayer, I want to thank you for everything and once again prove that I will never part with you, in spite of any illusory of matter. I want to stay with you in your eternal glory.

Thank you for all your good deeds to me and my neighbor. I ask you to give a chance ... "

Instead of a threefold, insert what you dream about.

So, we examined the prayers of several religious denominations, as well as conspiracies to fulfill desires and attract happy events in life.
Listen to your heart, read the scriptures, visit the temple regularly and contact God with open hearts. Then the grace of the Lord and His mercy will always be with you.

Video: Prayers and conspiracies for all occasions

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