The most popular female names are beautiful, popular, modern: meaning of names

The most popular female names are beautiful, popular, modern: meaning of names

In our article you will find the most popular names at the moment, and also find out what character their owner will be endowed with.

The most popular female names are meaning

The most popular female names are meaning
The most popular female names are meaning

The most popular female names are meaning:

  • Arina - Calm, peaceful. If you dream that your daughter should be flexible, sweet, hardworking, then call her just this beautiful name. It has the most positive energy. The girl, who was called Arina, will always be the joy and pride of her parents. It will not cause trouble either in small or adolescence. Owners of this name always know what they want, and achieve what they want with their labor. They easily manage to master any skills. For which he does not take, they do everything perfectly.
  • Alexandra - The courageous patroness, a real defender. A fair sex with a solid and purposeful character. We can say that it has many personal qualities more characteristic of men. He always boldly defends his opinion, is not afraid to take dangerous steps if he understands that her actions will help her quickly solve the most pleasant situation. But do not think that Alexandra is masculine. They know how to be feminine and attractive, just only those whom they love, and to whom they trust them, see them. The only thing to take into account is their emotionality. Sometimes it is this character trait that does not allow them to behave correctly in society.
  • Barbara - The most devoted, faithful, strong in spirit. The owner of the name is a unique person who tries to know the world surrounding her completely without a trace. Therefore, if possible, she will do many things to work at the same time, the main thing is that her interest is satisfied. She is never interested in one sphere of life, but tries to study everything at once, and she does it perfectly. Barbarians are maximalists, so if they participate in some competitions, they seek to win, and almost always they succeed. Growing up, they become confident in themselves, purposeful personalities who easily conquer any peaks. If Varvara decides to open her own business, then her undertaking will be successful, because her assertiveness will not let her give up in difficult times.
  • Victoria - The winner. The owner of this popular female name in childhood does not realize that she is able to influence the opinion of people. Therefore, it grows as a quiet, obedient child who will never rewind parents. She tries to study well so as not to upset those whom she loves, although this does not give her much pleasure. Having matured, Victoria begins to perceive herself more correctly, and begins to show her perseverance, determination and ambitiousness. This helps her build a good career, quickly move up the career ladder. The owners of this name always have many friends who are ready for the sake of them for the most crazy actions.
  • Zarina - Beautiful, like morning Zorya. As a rule, the owners of this name are complex. They are very demanding, selfish, do not like when they are refused. It is useless to argue with such a person, he will still not perceive your arguments, and will continue to insist on his own. For Zarin, it is quite normal to blow his lips and act up, in order to get what they want, and thus they act at any age. In general, the owners of this name love to idealize themselves, and are very surprised if someone does not notice their perfection. But with all this, they are very hardworking and reinforced, so they can easily cope with any monotonous work. Moreover, it is the work that is able to distract them a little from its greatness, helping to maintain psycho -emotional health in normal.

The most popular female name in Russia

The most popular female name in Russia
The most popular female name in Russia

The most popular female name in Russia:

  • Anastasia - The one that returned to life. Owners of the name are kind, responsive, feminine and attractive. Nastya is beautiful mistress, and this feature manifests itself in childhood. They happily help mom cook, and when they grow up, they often do it themselves. Anastasia is prone to accurate sciences, therefore, they choose the profession related to mathematics, for example, programming. As a rule, they get married early, make children. They belong to that category of women who, for the sake of a loved one, are ready to go to the ends of the world. And at the same time, it is not particularly important for them where they will live - in a palace or a wooden hut.
  • Maria - Tender bitterness, desired. Good, open, smart, hardworking, faithful. As you can see, the name has a very positive energy, so it is ideal for any girl. Owners of the name are very kind, they love people and the world surrounding them, and try not to offend anyone. And if it happens that they will say an extra word, they will surely apologize. Mary is generally very wasteful, therefore, if they are angry or capricious, then you can let them calm down, and they will again turn into ideal representatives of the fair sex. But with such visible softness, Maria is not afraid to tell the truth in the eye, especially if they clearly understand that their opponent is wrong.
  • Anna - Strong, sweet, fertile. The owners of this name categorically do not accept a lie, even if it is pronounced for the good. They are so honest that they prefer to hear bitter truth than to live in lies. And at the same time, they do not scare them at all that such a straightforwardness may not like people. Anna generally love to do everything taking into account their desires, and, probably, that is why they achieve a lot in life with their hard work. They will never go over their heads for their well -being, they will always try to seek the desired, let it be in a long way, but at the same time they will not spoil the life of their environment. It is pleasant to communicate with the Andam, because they never pull the palm of the championship in their direction, and try to build equal relations both in friendship and in alliance with a man.
  • Sofia - Very wise, hardworking. The owners of this name are always wise for years. And all because they treat any business responsibly and carefully. If they are entrusted with something, they will try to do this at the highest level. Sofias are very gullible, they consider the world too beautiful, and sometimes do not see obvious tips indicating that they need to stop and not move on. Very often, it is excessive trusting that prevents owners of the name of the name correctly prioritize in life. Growing up, Sofia turns into a sweet, open girl, always ready to break from a place for a pleasant pastime in a circle of loved ones and relatives. Most often, it is she who is the person who collects everyone together, and throws ideas for fascinating travels.
  • Elizabeth - ambitious, friendly, emotional. In childhood, the owner of this name is very emotional. They always react violently to what is happening around them, regardless of whether this is pleasant moments or not. Very often they are considered crybabies, and all because they pour tears both in joy and in grief. But growing up, they still learn to control their emotions, and try to hide their feelings from strangers. In adulthood, Elizabeth becomes very ambitious, constantly set goals, and with all their might try to achieve them. But with such assertiveness, they still exude positive energy, and remain kind and open.

The most popular female names in the world: List

The most popular female names in the world: List
The most popular female names in the world: List

The most popular female names in the world are a list:

  • Mia - belonging to me. A very beautiful name that rarely can be heard with us. But still lately it has become more and more popular in our country. The owners of this name are inquisitive, open, always positively configured. It is almost impossible to see Miya in a bad mood. In any situation, she will find positive and will concentrate her attention precisely on it. The owners of this name easily find a common language with everyone who surrounds them, even if this person is closed and not particularly people. Growing up, they become even more sociable, and easily control people's opinions. This feature allows them to build an ideal relationship in all areas of life.
  • Amelia - hardworking, diligent, reliable. Another beautiful and sonorous name endowing the fair sex with positive character traits. Little Amelia is a kind, sweet little man tied to the house and parents. She does not really love unnecessary attention and prefers to spend time with books. Probably, this is what contributes to the fact that it turns into a hardworking person who can deal with the most difficult tasks. Having matured, Amelia begins even more and more diligent to work in order to live the way she wants. And she strives for financial stability and recognition of her abilities. Reliable personalities grow out of Amelius, who for the sake of those whom they love can turn mountains.
  • Olivia - True, responsible, optimistic. The owner of this name always radiates positive, even in cases where the rest are in a panic. Faith in the best and beautiful, helps Olivia always stay afloat, because when troubles happen, it does not panic, but immediately begins to plan its actions after everything is getting better. She knows how to abstract from everything bad, for her great future. But do not think that she behaves like an ostrich - she hides her head in the sand. She just tries to solve all problems with a cold head, and just does it in her own way. In general, Olivia is a very responsible person whom you can rely on in any situation. She will always help, even a stranger, the main thing is that her life again becomes calm and predictable.
  • Julia - Beautiful, idealist with a sense of humor. Owners of this name are able to properly present themselves. As a rule, they leave a good impression in people who see them for the first time. And all because they are always perfectly dressed and combed - they generally strive for ideality in everything. Even a very little Julia will always demand from the mother beautiful, perfectly ironed dresses, and the most beautiful hairstyles. The owners of this name are generally very demanding, and not only to their environment, but also to themselves. They believe that a person may be attractive to the rest, if it is perfect in everything. Adult Julia are beautiful seducers who attract men as a magnet. But at the same time, they are not sprayed to a short relationship, but look for a man for life.
  • Isabel - energetic, temperamental, hardworking. Little Isabella is a cheerful, emotional, restless child who longed for adventure. She does not really love school classes, and devotes them the minimum time. She likes creative development - music, dancing, drawing. She is ready to devote all her time to these classes. Having matured, Isabella becomes more diligent and hardworking, and it is good for her to cope with monotonous work. True, sometimes her temperamentalness prevents her from moving along the career ladder - she often does not hold back her emotions and throws all the negative on the one who was closest.

The most popular female names are rare

The most popular female names are rare
The most popular female names are rare

The most popular female names are rare:

  • Alevtina - Strong, healthy, talented. The owners of this name have a slightly sharp character, can be rude, shout, and express their opinion in a rude form. In such an extravagant way, they try to defend their personal boundaries. In a similar way, they behave with absolutely everyone, if a person encroaches on their personal space and sphere of influence. But this does not mean that Alevtins do not know how to build relationships with people. They do this perfectly, but for this they have to make a huge amount of effort. Others love them because they never water people with mud, and do not dissolve unverified rumors. Alevtins are born leaders who can attract attention with correct words and actions, so they easily manage to lead people.
  • Venus - loving, artistic, independent. Venus is always confident in his abilities, is not afraid to lose, and always moves forward with his head raised. From childhood, she strives for independence. It starts to do everything very early, in adolescence to strive to work so that she always has pocket money. She does not like to depend on someone at all, so she always tries to rely solely on her strength and resources. Constantly falls in love, and idealizes his chosen one. But the problem is that for a long time she is not enough, and she again begins to look for a more ideal contender for her hand and heart. This leads to the fact that the owner of the name meets true love in adulthood, when it becomes a little wiser and calmer.
  • Ivetta - sociable, responsive, non -conflict. They say about such representatives of the fair sex - quieter of grass, lower than water. Ivetta will never arrange a showdown with screams and swearing, she considers this behavior to destroy the relations of loved ones. Therefore, in any negative situation, she will simply try to go aside, and wait for the passions to be subsided. The owner of this name by nature is a hardworking and stubborn person, and this she expects from others. Therefore, if someone from her environment shows laziness, then it annoys her very much, and she necessarily makes a person a remark. It is difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex, so they enter into an alliance with a man quite late.
  • Magdalene - Intelligent, silent, constant. A very rare name at the moment. Magdalene does not like to shake the air with extra words. She prefers to listen and draw conclusions, and to discuss what is happening in the most extreme case. People who know the owner of this rare name well, never impose their communication to her, because they understand that she is unlikely to make contact if she does not want to. From Magdalene you will make a faithful and reliable friend who will not betray in any situation. Therefore, the people who managed to get closer to her are always reverent to her.
  • Jadwiga - frivolous, energetic, loving. Owners of this name do not like to bear responsibility for anything. They love to live for their pleasure without looking at their environment. For them, the desire to spend money on fashionable things is quite normal, and then borrow money for food. Such frivolity prevents them from being financial and stable, although they manage to earn considerable money. At a young age, the owner of this name is very amorous, and they change partners like gloves. But having matured, they begin to understand that love is important for every woman, and strive to build a strong alliance with a man based on love and trust.

The most popular female names are old

The most popular female names are old
The most popular female names are old

The most popular female names are old:

  • Veselina - The most funny and cheerful, positive. A person who will always be able to cheer up - so you can briefly describe the owner of this rare name. She never discourages, always smiles and exudes positive. Veselina knows how to support people, and does it sincerely, not in order to hear praise, but in order to make it pleasant to the one who was in trouble. She always says a lot, but is not a frivolous chatterbox. She just loves communication with people, and it is she who helps her replenish energy reserves. But at the same time, if a person entrusts her his secret, she will never share with anyone. You can generally trust Vaselin in everything, they will never betray a person, even if it is very difficult for them.
  • Darina - Strong, bold, purposeful. A very beautiful name, which was undeservedly rare. Darines are a little slow, and therefore some people consider them phlegmaticians. But in fact, the owners of this name can be energetic, just for this they should be very interested in something. It is interest that can spur them to act more quickly and assertively. If there is no interest, Darina is unlikely to begin to spend her moral and physical forces. In a similar way, she behaves in all areas of life. This is especially pronounced in relations with the opposite sex. So, if a man interests her, then she will turn into a sweet, sexy cat and does not hesitate to show attention herself. If a man does not cause interest, then she will exude coldness and detachment.
  • Bogdan - Good, smiling, smart. The owners of this name are ideal daughters for their parents. They will obey them, even if they do not like requests and tips. Parents occupy a huge place in their souls, and they are painful from the same thought that beloved people can be upset and will suffer. Therefore, Bogdans try to be perfect, and not cause trouble. But at the same time, they can defend their opinion, and do it very assertively. True, they will never go to a long conflict, they will try to achieve what they want to do not spoil relations with loved ones. It is very difficult for them to leave the parent nest, so they live with their parents for a very long time. Bogdana generally love those sensations that gave them positive in childhood, so they try their best to get the same emotions, becoming adults.
  • Radmila - joyful, sweet, energetic. As a child, the owner of the name is distinguished by a calm, balanced disposition, never capricious and does not require parents to get the moon from the sky. She is always easy and simple with her, she easily makes friends, studies well at school. It is very energetic, so she seeks to do everything in the world at the same time. Of course, this becomes causal that the baby does not bring to a logical end not one of the things. Therefore, it is important for parents to control the child’s interest a little, and try to do so that she first completes one thing, and only then takes on another. In adulthood, she also strives for the palm of the championship, but does it more calmly and balanced. This allows her to improve and get new skills.

The most popular beautiful female names

The most popular beautiful female names
The most popular beautiful female names

The most popular beautiful female names:

  • Arina - Calm, confident, straightforward. A beautiful name that will help to stand out against the background of the rest. It gives its owner a calm, non -conflict character. A girl with such a name is always charismatic, attractive, able to give herself correctly, she literally with a look and a couple of words can position the interlocutor to her. From Arin, good psychologists are obtained that cause confidence in people, and help them quickly solve their problems. Arina is always confident in her further actions, but all, because he never draws hasty conclusions. Before making a decision, she always considers everything well. She is generally a very restrained person who tries not to show negative emotions to others.
  • Veronica - Good and fair, winner. The owner of the name is a good, sweet representative of the fair sex, who is trying to do everything to make her life the most beautiful. She lives ideals that are in her head, and it is for them that she tries to adjust her environment. If someone resists this, she simply moves away and delete this person from her life. Veronica firmly believes that any person should feel like a winner in life, and it is precisely for this that she strives. She generally feels her superiority over everyone, simply does not show until a certain moment. Such representatives of the fair sex do not like to depend on someone else's opinion, so they most often do actions based on their vision of the world around them.
  • Zlata - Serious, judicious, truth -love. The owner of this beautiful name since childhood is a fighter for the truth. She will never endure lies and falsehoods, and will do everything to take the liar to clean water. Sometimes this will lead to problems with people, but this little truth will not stop. But it is worth knowing that it will definitely not be the opportunity to get into conflict, if there is an opportunity to settle everything peacefully, it will definitely not. Having matured, she will not cease to change her ideals, and will also selflessly fight the lie. It’s just that during this period it will be surrounded by its like -minded people who will support her. Adults are very sociable and prefer loneliness - communication with people. True, they prefer to rest not in noisy clubs, but in the country, in the park, in nature.
  • Milena - Dear, mischievous, diplomatic. Little Milena is a cheerful, mischievous child who almost never sits in one place. As soon as she learns to walk, she immediately begins to travel around the house. At school, she is always active, agree to participate in any events, most importantly, get positive emotions. Having matured, Milena becomes more restrained, but for relatives and friends she still remains a cute chatterbox that always amuses them. But the craving for adventures does not leave her in adulthood. She can easily move to live in another country if her soul wants it. Milen’s marriage enters very early, though not always successful. It falls in love with code, it practically dissolves in a person, and begins to forgive him all the misconduct. Over time, it still begins to annoy her, and she begins to pour negative on her partner. If at such a moment mutual understanding is not found, then the marriage will break up. But the second marriage of the owner of this name, as a rule, is more successful and durable.

The most popular female names are modern

The most popular female names are modern
The most popular female names are modern

The most popular female names are modern:

  • Valeria - Smart, hardy, sociable. The owner of this original name is distinguished by a cheerful, friendly disposition. She is always positive, tries not to lose heart. As a child, Valery is an ideal child who repeats everything behind his mother. Therefore, if parents have a desire to accustom the child to something, then you just need to do it yourself, and your child will definitely learn this. Having matured, Valeria will always know what he wants the most, and will try to get it all. If she receives proper support, she will be able to achieve a lot. As for her professional skills, then everything will be in order too. The owner of the name learns with pleasure, study is easy for her, so if desired, she has the opportunity to get recognition in any field.
  • Margarita - Independent, smart, diligent. From childhood, Margarita will strive for independence. She will try to do everything herself with all her might. And even if something does not work out, he will not cry. Margarita will be considered any failure of Margarita to learn. Such a philosophical attitude to life helps the owner of the name always keep a cold head in difficult life situations. In adulthood, Margarita turns into a real leader who wisely leads. And in a similar way it behaves not only in the professional sphere, but also in her personal life. Perhaps that is why she is not able to build a strong relationship the first time. Not every man is ready to be the second violin in the Union, so very often such marriages break up. But even in this case, Margarita refers to the problem philosophically. She releases her husband, and simply searches for him a worthy replacement.
  • Kristina - smart, talented, mysterious. If you talk closely with the owner of this name, you might think that you are in front of you. It seems that she knows everything in the world. In fact, it is. Christina loves to read books, and they are known to be a source of knowledge. This activity is the same heavily fascinates Christine at any age, so it is always interesting to communicate with them. They always try to keep up with the times, so they are always familiar with all new trends in the world. Christines know how to be friends, they value those people who find their time for them, moreover, they consider them their relatives. But blood relatives are often deleted from their lives, as they do not like that they constantly teach and give advice, considering themselves better and smarter.
  • Taisiya - A person with a dual, emotional character. The owner of this name can be safely called a condemn man. The most interesting thing is that sometimes she herself may not understand herself. Taisiya can be calm, balanced and reasonable - which is very attractive to her friends, but if you upset it or angry it, it will very quickly turn into an emotional, evil person who will tell a person everything that he thinks of him. Owners of this name are very difficult to worry about the negative who pours to them. As a rule, they forgive a person for a very long time, and sometimes this does not happen at all. But if Taisiya loves someone, then for this person will be the most sweet, kind, reliable person. She loves her relatives endlessly, and tries to make their life as comfortable as possible. Of the owners of this name, good mothers are obtained, for their children they are more likely girlfriends than teachers.

The most popular female names in the USSR

The most popular female names in the USSR
The most popular female names in the USSR

The most popular female names in the USSR:

  • Aurora - Modest, shy, able to control his emotions. The owner of this name will never strive to be in the spotlight. She categorically does not like when many people are looking at her, or simply discuss her behavior. That is why she does everything to remain inconspicuous during a large number of people during a large number of people. But at the same time, she is an excellent interlocutor who always knows where you can insert your five cents. She will never interrupt and shouting her opponent, as she respects people. But excessive emotionality can influence her behavior. Often, it is this personal quality that contributes to what a person shows what he really feels. But this happens extremely rarely.
  • Aida - Conflicting, dreamy, mysterious. You can safely call a little Aida a dreamer. She comes up with a situation for herself, and tries to live them in real life. Everything would be fine, but she may want to become a princess for a couple of days, and will demand that everyone fulfill her whims. As a child, she generally lives in her fairy -tale world, which only occasionally intersects with reality. Adult Aida is not much different from a small one. She continues to believe in miracles, and strive to prove their existence. For this reason, a large number of people consider her eccentric, a woman-child. But in fact, everything is explained quite simply - Aida has a gift of clairvoyance, and understands and feels that for other people it is unknown. But by virtue of her character, she cannot correctly convey the information to the rest. Aids never claim the role of the leader of their circle, but do not allow them to encroach on their personal space.
  • Vladlena - Freedom -loving, curious, assertive. Nobody can ever squeeze the owner of this name into the generally accepted framework. She always has her opinion on the situation, tries to do as intuition suggests. In a similar way, she behaves in both childhood and adulthood. Vladlena loves freedom very much, so it is almost impossible to force her to sit in four walls. She will resist this in all possible ways. If this representative of the fair sex give freedom, then it will blossom both internally and externally. Vladlen is very purposeful and curious, and if she shows a desire, she will be able to get everything that she wants. And she wants a lot of life - a good job, a strong family, faithful friends. And sooner or later she gets it all.
  • Mayan - Female, persistent, self -confident. If you want your child to be unshakable in any life situation, name him with this beautiful name. From childhood, May is not afraid of difficulties, she easily copes with them, and quickly forgets about them. If you need to repulse the offender, she will do it without hesitation, and will certainly win in the dispute. But despite such persistence and confidence in its actions, Maya can be very feminine and sweet. If she does not need to fight for the palm of the championship, then she behaves very cute and calmly. If you look at it from the side, it may seem that this fragile girl can only wear a bouquet of flowers and a ladies' handbag. Failing, the owner of the name dissolves in a loved one, and devotes all his time to him. He is never jealous of his soul mate, and trusts her in everything.

The most popular English, American names women's

The most popular English, American names women's
The most popular English, American names women's

The most popular English, American names are women:

  • Alana - It constantly needs communication, she is drawn to people. The most terrible punishment for her is loneliness. For a girl with this name, stability in everything is very significant - in work, in relationships, in the family. As a rule, after short communication, it is attached to people. The most basic and enormous addiction of Alana is art in all its manifestations. More than others, she worships the theater and musical productions - they are an outlet for her in a harsh world.
  • Emma - It can look into the upcoming one, and anticipate events. She is very observant and quite closed, which very much helps her make the right decisions. A woman with this name can frank, unique, original. Emma's name is endowed with healthy energy. Unless sometimes insomnia can torment, and this is due to the nervous system, it must be put in order in a timely manner.
  • Linda - It has good memory and intuition. The girl is appreciated in any team for kindness and patience. However, it is not worth testing her nerves, she can take revenge and defend the right to a “place in the sun”. This person does not tolerate rigid straightforwardness, consequently finds the opportunity to speak out so in order to be on top and not upset the interlocutor.
  • Ophelia - In need of continuous male love and support, she is the man who constantly wants to protect and cherish. The secret of this name is in the femininity and defenselessness of its representative. From a young age, she shows a predisposition to depressive states, she has a weak psyche. To all sorts of life and downs reacts quite emotionally, can fall into long hysteria.

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