The female name Arina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Arina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Arina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Arina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Arina is a beautiful and rare name. Want to know its meaning and origin, read the article

A few years ago a female name Arina It was rarely used. But recently, it began to return, and more and more often parents have the name of the daughters of babies.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "If you change the name or surname, will fate change?". You will learn how it affects the decoding of numerological significance, and you will also find reviews of other people. It is also explained when you should not change the surname.

Want to know what this name means? What is his origin and who is the patron saint? In this article there is a lot of this and other interesting information below. Read further.

What does the name Arina mean  according to the church calendar?

In Orthodoxy, in the church calendar, an independent name Arina does not exist. It is united with the name of Irina. The church does not oblige this name to accept at baptism, perhaps any other. But Irina is used more often, since it is more consonant. It means "Mir" and "peace."

Our site has another article about the meaning of the name Irina - Read this interesting information.

Saint patron named after Arina

The name day of Arina, or Irina, is celebrated several times a year. It turns out 13 times. The saint patronizes, including Arina. From the point of view of Christianity, it is revered great Martyr Irina.

  • She was a student of Apeliana. He taught her a lot, and most importantly told about Christ.
  • When the girl grew up, she was christened. From birth, her name was Penelope.
  • Having become a Christian - the girl became Irina. She went against the rulers, urging to abandon polytheism.
  • When she was caught, she was cruelly punished and tortured.
  • It was wonderful that after all this she did not feel pain.
  • Throughout her life, she visited different cities, and preached there.

Before his death, the girl had a vision. After that, she retired to the cave, and she bequeathed to the entrance with a huge stone.

The secret of the name Arina

  • The main advantage of the name of the name is very strong energy. This gives the owner a desire for freedom. She is very independent. Always strives for his goal. From childhood, the girl wants to be independent. And growing up, freedom -loving ladies are obtained from such babies. They are very active. The crumbs are very restless.
  • But even at the same time - wise, reasonable. They are also distinguished by determination, they do not sit in anticipation of actions and demand this from others. Arina It will always be in the spotlight of others, as she makes contact very well, collects large and noisy companies around her. This is her secret, and this differs from others.
  • She finds a common language with a variety of people. He is interested in various topics, so he does not remain silent in conversations, but leads discussions. She does not have a division into rich and poor, she treats everyone the same, does not look down.

Name Arina: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Arina?

This name is considered to be Russian by nationality. According to some versions, Arina is a colloquial uniform from the complete “Irina”. In modern times, it is used as personal and independent, not a diminutive.

Arina name: origin and meaning, popularity

There are versions of the Slavic, Greek, Jewish, Bulgarian origin of the name Arina. Slavic roots go on behalf of Yarin. It comes from the name of the deity of the pagans Yaril, that is, the sun. It is believed that with the adoption of the Christian faith, preferences have changed. Thus, the names simply changed each other. But the old form still existed. In the Middle Ages, Arina was used in Russia more often, especially among peasants. The nobles did not like to call their daughters like that. And in merchants, on the contrary, this female name was very popular.

Another interesting information:

  • The Bulgarian roots are similar in the name of the goddess of the sun known in Thrace.
  • There is a version associated with Jewish origin. In male form, this is Aaron, and accordingly in the female - Arina. Translated into Russian means an enlightened or teacher.
  • From the point of view of Islam, such a name does not exist at all. During the adoption of Islam, Aisha and Aisha is given in tune.

Woman's name Arina It is rarely used. But now it is gaining popularity. It takes about 10th place among others. According to experts, 11 out of a thousand girls are called that.

Arina - decoding a name from Greek

According to Greek legend, Ayren was the daughter of Zeus and Femis. The Divine Father endowed his daughter by force, capable of resolving the situations peacefully. Translated from Greek means peace, peace. Where was Ayren ( Arina), there was a peaceful life.

Arina name in English, Latin, different languages

This name, like many others, is modified in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. But despite the sound, it is believed that this is the same name - Arina:

  • The French version sounds - Irene, it is written - Irene
  • English does not have a separate independent name, but in reading sounds like Irene (Iren)
  • Latin - Arina
  • German and Italian - Irene
  • In Polish and Czech, closer to Russian –iren (Irena)
  • Greek - Irini
  • In the Belarusian sound - Iryna, Aryna
  • The Ukrainian version is closest - Arina, Orina

Some variations are closest to the Russian name Irina, but in fact they can also be attributed to Arina. It can be traced that the Slavic roots of languages \u200b\u200bare most consonant with the usual pronunciation for Russian people.

How is the name Arina written in the passport?

Receiving a foreign passport, a girl named Arina It is necessary to check its correct spelling. This will help to avoid many problems in the future. It should be written in English - Arina. The law on such filling out documents was adopted in 2006 in the Russian Federation.

Arina: What is the reduced short name, reducing-lactative?

The little girl always wants to be called kindly. Then it goes into a habit and loved ones continue to turn to their daughter in a short, short form. Name Arina is no exception. This adherence in itself is not long, but has several diminutive forms. The most main of them:

  • Arisha
  • Arishka
  • Arinka
  • Arinochka

Less used:

  • Arya
  • Arishulya
  • Arinushka
  • Aryusha
  • Arinchik

Below even more useful and interesting information. Read further.

Arina: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Girls with this name are more often calm. Arina is fond of reading. By virtue of his curiosity, he tries to find out from several sources the questions of interest to her. At school, as a rule, Arisha is an exemplary student and excellent student. Attaches great importance to study and the process of gaining new knowledge. She almost from the first grade chooses a profession from first grade and strives for it. The same goes for hobbies.

  • She refuses to accept the choice of parents.
  • It does not suit empty tantrums and is balanced.
  • He knows how to be friends and keep secrets.
  • Friends will always receive the necessary support from her with a word or deed. Many use this quality of her, and the girl can not refuse.
  • She is friendly to everyone around. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish this from real friendship. However, this is just a manifestation of her good manners.
  • Friendship for her is a circle for the elect.
  • Arish’s intuition is too well developed, so simplicity in appearance does not mean anything.

Character Arina can hardly be called simple:

  • She hates those who are looking for their benefits and cunning, so having made new acquaintances, they immediately filter them out.
  • Self -critical, he does not see self -confidence.
  • In infancy, the baby is very calm. She looks at everyone, an adult look.
  • Sociable only with their own. Large companies cause vagaries and discontent.

Born Arina in winter:

  • Contradict themselves.
  • In communication, they are more closed.
  • Often avoid large companies.
  • Its principality can lead close to itself.
  • She chooses a kind of activity that provides for male colleagues.

Spring Arina:

  • Have many talents.
  • Love work.
  • The main disadvantage is that they cannot insist on their own for a long time.
  • Maybe a good listener.

Born in the summer:

  • Very trusting.
  • Good by nature.
  • They always come to the rescue of the first, considering themselves the main hope of relatives and friends.

Arins who are born in autumn, which:

  • Decisive, but act slowly.
  • Think several times, and then do it.
  • But they also have a minus - they are easily succumbing to conflicts, so communication with autumn arins is not always successful.

Fate Usually it develops well, is an example for others. The girl is confident in her laid path, as if she knows what his end will be. Those women who get a difficult fate are not easy. But they accept everything as they are and live in the struggle, and not in humility. Arina shows her courage and readiness for life difficulties.

The fair sex with this name has wide mental capabilities. They improve them thanks to excellent memorization. Arinochka is not far from material values. Often creates his own business, having a good income from him. Not daring to serious transactions, a woman can slow down with business. In this case, the partner can help in this case.

Persistence makes it possible to get involved in sewing or knitting. Such a hobby often brings earnings. Being a hater of lies, she has excellent intuition. This quality helps to outplay deceivers among others.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Arina: compatibility with male names

Future parents are often interested in the issue of compatibility of the name of the daughter and father. Because she will have to use her patronymic throughout her life. What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name Arina? Well consonant:

  • Vladimirovna
  • Pavlovna
  • Yuryevna
  • Grigoryevna

Love compatibility is intended for each. But experts give preliminary assessments with the most common male names. Here is a description of compatibility with male names:

  • With Sasha - Passion will be the binding link, and it will fade like fire. The high probability is that the love story ends with parting.
  • With Dima - Both decisive and independent. They love freedom too much to pick themselves up marriage. Beloved will not endure the jealousy of each other.
  • With Igor - Good friends and nothing more. Such relationships can connect for many years, since there is mutual respect between the couple.
  • With Andrei is the most suitable partner for a girl with that name. Relations and the union will be long and happy.
  • With Lesha- interest each other from the first meeting. They travel a lot and spend time together. If they are decided on a common child, then they will not part.
  • With Zhenya - They understand each other well. The leader in the relationship will be a girl.
  • With Max - Not a love relationship, but more reminiscent of a student and teacher.

The girl is usually in no hurry with the choice of the groom. She is looking for a couple for a long time. Arina appreciates a family hearth and bonds, so he puts it in priorities.

When is the name of the Angel Angel at Arina on the Orthodox calendar?

As mentioned above, there is no name in the Christmas time Arina, but only Irina. In total, the name is noted with this name 13 times in a year. Since January and October, the month. In November and December, there are no saints on Arina (Irina). Two concepts of name day and Angel's Day differ among themselves. The latter refers to veneration of the name of the saint. Birthdays do not always understand the difference. But their day is indicated as the one in which a person has christened, no matter at what age.

Familiarize yourself with the exact dates for the name Arina According to the Orthodox calendar, you can below:


Congratulations on the Day of Angel Arina are short in verses and prose

Friends and relatives always want to please a loved one. Knowing the exact date of the day of the angel, this is easy to do. Congratulations can be printed using a photo editor on a postcard or photo, making it unique. As well as a simpler way using a message in the form of a poem or wishes.

Here are a few examples of short verses and prose for Arina:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Arina

Any girl is pleased to listen to the song with the mention of her name. Arina Also not an exception. Here is a small selection of songs especially for her:

Video: Song about Arina

Video: I love you Arina

Video: Happy Birthday Arina

Tattoo named Arina

The happy owner of this name can easily find many options for a tattoo with him. Experienced masters will offer non -standard spelling, both with the help of Russians and with the help of Latin letters. The paired tattoos also continue to remain in trend and the man will be able to make a tattoo with the name of his lover. Here are a few successful examples that look very advantageous. Tattoo named Arina:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Sketch for tattoos named
Sketch for tattoos named

Suspension with the name Arina from gold: photo

Name suspension with a name Arina It will be a great gift. You can choose both yellow and white or pink gold. Here is a photo:


Name Arina: intuition intelligence, morality

Usually Arina It has extraordinary intuition. This is manifested in work and study, as well as in personal life. The girl accurately chooses a partner and knows exactly what awaits her further. Thanks to her abilities, she achieves in life what she wants. Intuition suggests which correct profession to choose. Such a girl’s intelligence is tall, she is smart and always knows what to do at one time or another.

The negative qualities of character include stubbornness. She does not know how and does not want to listen to the opinions of others. Morality is present in excessive severity. But this does not prevent her from entering any circle of communication easily.

Name Arina: hobbies, activities, business

The creative abilities of the girl are manifested since childhood. She loves to dress, as she has a good taste. The artist’s talents, excellent musical hearing, grace and plasticity in dancing are often manifested. But her favorite hobbies are an active lifestyle (swimming and skiing). But Arina Very rarely chooses a creative profession. First of all, in her opinion, it is necessary to achieve independence in finance.

Career for her means a movement. She boldly climbs the steps of the posts. If she is interested in work, then a woman can completely go into her favorite activity. Along with this, if other opportunities appear, then it will use them to learn additionally. Therefore, any business can do perfectly.

Many professions that are related to constant self -improvement are good for Arina:

  • Jurisprudence
  • Medical business
  • Psychology
  • Journalism
  • Pedagogy

Arina often occupies senior positions. This is very suitable for her. Subordinates will not be deprived of attention, but at the same time they will know how fair, not picky, demanding. The risk for her is not at all characteristic. Her natural balance will not allow this.

In her house, the girl launches her imagination. She loves comfort and comfort. He seeks to create them as much as possible. He herself becomes a designer of the entire apartment. All free time can devote needlework.

Most often, girls with this name choose a change in the situation or solitude from everyone as a rest. After such productive weekends, they can please loved ones with a good result. For example, a new dress, sewn with your own hands, or a picture embroidered with beads.

Name Arina: Health and psyche

Sometimes you need to not forget to check your health in time. Arina In an effort to work, the doctor infrequently visits. Diets adversely affect her health. Therefore, the best choice for weight loss will be proper nutrition. The most common complaints of this woman are metabolism and stomach. Often she suffers from joints and spine. If the owner of this name takes care of the timely vacation, then she will not experience problems with the psyche and nervous disorders.

Name Arina: sexuality, marriage

Arina He believes in the tale of true and pure love. She sets a goal to find her ideal person. Often the girl is too dramatized. He loves when she is caring for her, invited to dates, give gifts. She will never give false hopes without experiencing real feelings.

  • In terms of sexual relations, the girl improves her knowledge in practice. She is all right with sexuality.
  • With her charm, she will attract any man. Such a lady can take the initiative herself.
  • A position and earnings are not important for her if you firmly decide to choose that man.

In family life, Arisha strives for ideal. She leads the farm, monitors the house, while not depriving her husband and children with attention. In raising a child, a woman will give the main role to her husband. The wife does not forgive cold indifference. It is important for her to know that her family needs her.

Which zodiac sign is the name Arina?

This name is suitable for three zodiac signs: Scorpions, Cancer and Fish.

  • Scorpions Very prudent and love to earn money. At the same time, they live without denying anything. They manipulate for their benefit. Often they change their partners in finding the right one.
  • Crayfish Very sensual and vulnerable. Such women are touchy and vindictive. Constantly worry about something or torment themselves with doubts. Crayfish will strive to put the “sterile” order everywhere and establish their own rules.
  • Fish Fantasers and dreamers living in their small world. Sometimes they do not feel the line between truth and fiction. Real life is terrible for them, they refuse to perceive it. Any insults turn around endless suffering. In general, they do not praise themselves, but work without sparing strength.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Stone-the-dumpman to the name of Arina

  • A suitable stone for Arishi is opal.
  • He brings the owner not only luck, but also heals. This is a real talisman for these people.
  • The nugget helps to get rid of depression well. You can put it under the pillow with insomnia.
  • The properties of the stone will relieve nightmares.
  • Another talisman Arina can choose agate.
  • It is better to choose a bracelet.
  • Being on the wrist, the stone protects from the evil eye and envy.
Calisman stone-mountain crystal
Calisman stone-mountain crystal

For good luck, astrologers advise buying rhinestone.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Arina

Lily of the valley - talisman named after
Lily of the valley - talisman named after

Fragrant lily of the valley - A plant that is well suited to the nature of Arina. They will bring happiness. Flower Crocus For the owner of this name personifies tenderness, the revival of a new life. He is able to maintain beauty, even having faded. To give strength, the girl needs a dalisman tree-well suits chestnut. Aspen Enters with energy, helps with an active arinochka.

Totem animal named after Arina

The totem animal of the name
The totem animal of the name

Persistence and determination are concentrated in a totem animal name Arina - cow. Another animal is snake. With its help, kindness is blocked against hatred and deception. Close in spirit is considered bear. He is responsible for curiosity and constant desire for training.

Numerology named after Arina

Exact numbers, or numerology, are needed for personality research. This allows you to see an approximate type of character. For Arina The leading number is "2". Such people are essentially incorrigible pedants, they are fighting for cleanliness and order in everything, very neat. These qualities give many positive features, but also at the same time do not allow to cross through themselves and cross a certain line.

Pseudonym to the name Arina

For a girl who wants to hide her real name under a pseudonym or nickname there are many options. First of all, this is spelling in Latin letters, capital or lowercase. Perhaps a consonant nickname is suitable for Arina:

  • Arinka Mandarinka
  • Ariya Arina
  • Arina ballerina, etc.

You can come up with your original nicknames, which other people may also use.

Famous people, celebrities named Arina

Many stars of show business and famous personalities wear the name Arina Or they call them their daughters. Below are celebrities with this name:

Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named

Arisha is a name with tenderness and loud sound. Throughout life, it does not lose heart like a bright flower, trying to be affectionate and domineering, sensitive and self -critical, strictly treating and taking care of loved ones, while combining all this in itself.

Video: The meaning of the name Arina. The secret of the name

Video: The meaning of the name Arina - karma, character and fate

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  1. Need a description of the name Arina

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