The female name Margarita - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Margarita: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Margarita - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Margarita: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Margarita is a magical, mysterious and beautiful name. The article describes its origin, interpretation and meaning.


Any parent wants to give his child a special name, that it sounded beautifully, approached the patronymic and had an interesting origin and meaning. Name Margarita It has a certain magic. This is a beautiful and sonorous names.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The most popular female names are beautiful, popular, modern". You will find a lot of interesting information about the meaning of names.

Your attention in the article below is the analysis of the female name Margarita. What does it mean? What is his secret? Are there any talismans and what do they give? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article below. Read further.

What does the name of Margarita in the church calendar mean?

Name Margarita There are no saints of the Saints Orthodox Church names. The parents of the girls have the question: “What name to baptize your daughter?” Until the onset of 2010 - baptized under the name Maria. Now you can take any name that parents like. Basically, Maria, Marina and others are used. But there is other information. Read further.

Saint patron named after Margarita

Originally believed that the name Margarita - Catholic and it is not in the holy. In this regard, it was decided to baptize babies under the name Maria. However, after 2010, two saints were introduced on the list of the Orthodox calendar Margaritas - Gunarono And the nun Zakachurin.

Margarita Gunarone.Born in Kyiv land, in 1865. From early childhood, for any advice, she did not appeal to her loved ones (relatives), but in the priest, showing interest in the commandments of God. After some time, she accepted the monasticism and was sent to the Moscow Monastery. In 1917 he became an abbess of the Convent, in the Ufa province. It was this year that the civil war began, which, over time, reached the distant province. The soldiers wanted to mock Christian relics, and reached the monastery. Saint Margarita flatly refused to let them in, after which she heard threats to her execution the next morning. All spent night, praying in the temple, in the morning, leaving the holy place - was shot.

Margarita Zakachurin. Born in the most ordinary village, not far from the Ivanovo province, in 1884. Having survived the death of his mother and without making friends with the stepmother, in 1902 she began to sing on the Church in one of the city temples. Having reached the age of age, she became a nuine. In 1918, a kind of boarding school was made from the monastery. In 1927 he was closed, the sisters began to live in a small house. Having learned this fact of the city’s power, they sent everyone to exile for five years. Being in custody, in Kazakhstan, Margarita and all sisters were shot on December 15, 1937.

 The secret of Margarita


The secret or secret of this unusually beautiful name is the color that accompanies the owners throughout life. The calculation is a little below:

  • M (5) + a (1) + p (9) + g (4) + a (1) + p (9) + and (1) + t (2) + a (1) \u003d 33 \u003d 3 + 3 \u003d 6

Happy color Margaritas counts blue. These are people with a classic sign of property and power. He gets only to those people who understand exactly what he needs and how to achieve this. These are strong people - purposeful and strong, always with their point of view.

Margarita name: Russian or not, what nationality is the name of Margarita?

There are quite a lot of versions about the origin of the name Margarita. The main ones are that the name came from the Indian language and is listed as "Bold", or from Spanish and denotes "Chamomile color". Still others are sure that the nationality of such an adversary is Russian.

But it is formed from the Latin word margarita, Which, in turn, has ancient Greek roots (μαργαριτης) means "pearl". A number of researchers believe that the name was formed from the Greek word Margaritis, in translation "daisy".

Margarita name: origin and meaning, popularity

Above in the text it was described that Margarita has many different versions in origin, as well as many meanings. Basically, attention is drawn to two versions: Latin - denoting margaritaand Greek - daisy.

Among the most encountered names in the world-this names occupies an honorable 245th place. It is worn on planet Earth about 2.5 million people. The largest number of such individuals inhabit Mexico and Cuba. A detailed description of the popularity of countries in the table below:

Country The ratio of men and women bearing this name The number of people (in thousands)
Mexico 100% women 650, 254
Russia 100% women 392, 498
Argentina 100% women 138, 467
Colombia 100% women 118,224
USA 100% women 110, 394
Peru 100% women 107, 645
Chile 100% women 93,574
Spain 100% women 93,085
Cuba 100% women 77, 194

From the table we can conclude that the most girls with such adversary can be found on the territory of Mexico and Russia.

Margarita - Deciphering a name from Greek

Greek name Margarita sounds like "Margarritos" and denotes «pearl "" Pearls "This is what the goddess of love and sailors called Aphrodite. For this, pearls and sea shells were often given to her.

Margarita name in English, Latin, different languages

It is often necessary to know how to write or how your adoption sounds in foreign languages. This is especially necessary when traveling abroad. This is how the name is written in different languages:

Margarita in different languages
Margarita in different languages

Below is the sound of the name Margarita In different languages:

Language How it sounds
scottish Mayrett
irish Mreda
finnish Market, Maaret, Marita
norwegian and Danish Margrette
bulgarian Marga
czech Market
polish Malgozhaat
ukrainian, Belarusian Margaryta
portuguese Margarida
french Margritis, Margen, Margot, Magali
deutsch Margaret, Margit, Gretchen, Greta
english, Latin Margaret, Magan, Mardgeri

From the table above, you can notice that this is an unusual name, in other languages, sounds no less beautiful than in Russian.

How is the name Margarita written in the passport?

When visiting another country or a foreign city, any resident of our Motherland will need to present a passport. In this document of the Russian Federation the name Margarita Translivated in Margaret. It should be written precisely in large Latin letters. Any other spelling is considered incorrect.

If you need to translate other data into this format, then use the site

Margarita: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Anyone remembers from childhood as his parents, grandfathers and grandmothers called not just a name, but in a diminutive form. It is cute and always pleasant. There are also short forming forms that allow a person to contact a person more simply. For example, Margaritait has such abbreviated forms:

  • Rita
  • Margot
  • Mara
  • Magician
  • Poppy
  • Tusya

Squinting and abroad:

  • Maroussia
  • Margusya
  • Ritusya
  • Ritula
  • Ritochka
  • Ritusha
  • Ritunia
  • Margosha
  • Margusha
  • Daisy

You can come up with your own version of a person and it will become special and unique.

Margarita: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Significant years in the fate of a girl named Margarita are three time segments:

  • 18-21 years:during this period, girls conduct many different experiments related to their appearance, with relations with the opposite sex, with the construction of a career.
  • 30-40 years: At this stage of life, a change in the direction of career is very possible (sometimes the field of activity may change, and dramatically). Perhaps the creation, opening and a serious “step forward” of your own business, but this requires enormous energy consumption and maximum focus on the slightest details.
  • 45-50 years: Here, the fair sex can afford to get into the third, fourth time to marry, without regretting anything.

Note that at any age, a girl, and even with such an extraordinary name, has her own independent and free character. Growing up, becomes wiser. If in childhood and youth can be emotional, then closer to maturity - their psyche becomes stable.

Childhood. Like most children, in this time, naughty (in the good sense of the word), not sitting in place, active and energetic. Already at this age, she understands that playing is more interesting and fascinating with the opposite sex. It is an open child, smart and brave. But sometimes it can be harmful. Parents will be able to change this, but only due to affection, attention and care.

Youth. At the age of 12-18 years, the character of an independent of anything and no one is formed and even strengthened. The class acts like an elder. He monitors order, classmates, is engaged in the organization of school events.

As for assessments in primary and high school - not everything is so smooth. It can receive both deuces and three. But when she is tuned to study, it costs nothing to win a positive assessment for her. In high school, accurately understanding where it will go further through life (which university will go, who will work, etc.), will devote a lot of time only to those subjects that will be needed for exams and further entering a higher educational institution .

He communicates with the boys on one wave. But not only fascinates them with his beauty, also knows how to be friends with them - he will be able to provide support at the right time. Having solid life values \u200b\u200balready in his youth, he tells the whole truth in person. Sometimes it happens too much. Having learned about the secret of another person, he will remain silent.

Adulthood. Still active, energetic, purposeful, wise. At an older age has a hard, sometimes tough male character. In a friendly circle is the main tag. In the family - an undoubted leader. At work, mainly as a leader. In family life - does not always engage in economics. It all depends on the mood. Sometimes it can surprise relatives with a culinary masterpiece. Does not tolerate monotony in life.

The main character traits:

  • Energy - Never afraid of responsibility. On the contrary, he always shows the initiative - takes on complex tasks that he successfully copes with.
  • Emotionality - Behind the mask of “stiffness” and “steel character” is a girl with a subtle mental organization. He will listen to everyone, sincerely experiencing with the narrator, all his failures.
  • Friendliness - There are no problems with building friendly (friendly) relations, but in rare cases it is very intrusive.
  • Self-esteem - He will never give himself offense to others, especially those who do not know or know, but does not respect. He always hears his inner voice and completely trusts him.
  • Sense of humor - He knows how to laugh at himself and his friends, but only in the case of a comfortable atmosphere around him. Otherwise, does not support anyone.
  • Goodwill - With great difficulty, he trusts strangers. It should take enough time to start trusting - at the beginning he disassembles a person on shelves.

In large, even friendly companies, he feels uncomfortable. It gives preference to either communication with one or two friends, or solitude with oneself.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Margarita: compatibility with male names  

For each person, it is important that his middle name is perfectly combined with the name. Otherwise, complexes will appear, and it will be inconvenient for others and unpleasant to pronounce this when applying to a person. What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Margarita? Combinals with male names are important. The following patronymics may be most suitable for such girls:

  • Dmitrievna
  • Filippovna
  • Lvovna
  • Glebovna
  • Antonovna
  • Yanovna
  • Egorovna
  • Arkadyevna
  • Semenovna
  • Evgenievna
  • Pavlovna
  • Sergeevna
  • Petrovna
  • Nikolaevna
  • Fedorovna
  • Romanovna
  • Vitalievna

It is difficult to pronounce the adversity with the middle name Feliksovna, Veniaminovna, Nikitichna, Eliseevna, Vsevolodovna and etc.

When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Margarita on the Orthodox calendar?

As has already been mentioned earlier, Margarita According to the Orthodox calendar, two saints. In days from veneration and the name of the person is celebrated. Angel's Day is the date of baptism of man in the church.

  • Margarita Gunarone, the former abbess of the monastery. It does not have its own memory day, so under the day of the angel the traditional The 25th of January - The day of memory of all the new martyrs.
  • As for the nun Margarita Zakachurina, then the day of the memory of this saint falls on December 2nd.

But we must not forget that earlier, until 2010, all the named girls by the Margaritas were baptized under a different name - Maria, Marina. Saints Mary are revered 41 times. You can choose the memory date of any Virgin Mary, who performs in the church of different images. Day of Remembrance great Martyr Marina (Margarita) Antioch It is necessary on theJuly 30.

She was born in the ancient city of Turkey - Antioch. Having lost her mother too early, at the age of 12 she believed in Christ and said this to her father. Upon learning of this, he renounced his daughter. A few years later, at that moment when she grazed her flock of sheep in the meadow, the emperor passed by and, seeing her, invited her to marry him. She flatly refused. The main reason was the fact that he is a pagan. Having told him this right in the face, the ruler ordered him to be carved with a hard whip. After the sets of blows through the body - all the flesh of Holy Blood, but did not agree to renounce her faith. Then she was locked in Chulan.

In the guise of a big snake, the devil came to her. In every way, he tried to tempt her. She did not succumb and at some point covered herself with a sign of a sign of a godfather: the snakes disappeared without a trace.  

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Margarita are short in verses and prose

We are all used to giving birthday to the birthday with expensive gifts that is necessary for them, etc. But sometimes simple and beautiful words are more important. Congratulations on the day of the angel can be made in the form of short verses and prose. Margarita Be sure to like such a surprise. It is unusual and beautiful.

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

 Song named Margarita

An even more original surprise will be a song named Margaritafor the owner of this adherence. There are a number of songs in which it is mentioned:

Songs with a name
Songs with a name

Listen to how beautiful such an adversary sounds in the song:

Video: Rita Margarita (Arkady Ukupnik, Mikhail Tanich)

Video: Valery Leontyev - Margarita

Video: Happy Birthday Margarita

Video: I love you Margarita

Tattoo named Margarita

Many people want to capture this beautiful name on their body. You can do this with a tattoo. Such images are inflicted by the owners of this adversary, as well as parents whose daughters are so called. The guys in love are also doing to prove their gratitude to the girl. See what beautiful sketches and tattoos named Margarita- Unusual and interesting:


Suspension with the name Margarita from gold: photo

Jewelry craftsmen, from gold, make original products with this name. They can be presented to the owners themselves or, for example, a young mother, if she had a daughter and they called her that. You can wear a pendant of gold with a saint or in the form of the first letter of the name - stylish and beautiful. Here is a photo:

Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold
Suspension of gold

Margarita name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Margarita completely trusts his intuition.As for love affairs, often this is the sixth feeling, and intelligence (mind), They hint at her that there is no one worthy nearby. None of the men can surprise and satisfy her with their care and affection.

Moral Often suggests that others must help in difficult situations. It is necessary to provide support: in a word or deed. At the same time, she is independent. He builds personal life herself: as she considers necessary. He does not pay his attention to anyone (in this matter) and does not listen to anyone.

Margarita name: hobbies, activities, business

At an older age, it gives its preference to the two exact sciences - biology and mathematics. These are the main hobbies of a girl with a name Margarita. In all other respects, it depends on the mood. Interested in erotic works.

Sticking up to work, she understands that she will work exclusively for the sake of earnings, which will go to the implementation of various needs. Rare owners of this name find the “work of dreams”, from which they receive not only prosperity, but also pleasure. Moving along the career ladder, can rush to the head of a certain department or an entire enterprise. Activities in some company will go better than the development of its business, since entrepreneurship is not for such women.

Margarita name: Health and psyche

Thanks to the "steel" character Margaritas, developing from birth, has the most bore health. Rarely, but headaches happen. He gives out a lot of time to sports: studying it at home, on the street, in the gym.

The mind of such girls is owned by emotionality and energy. Sometimes uncertainty wakes up. The psyche does not suffer because of this, but the nervous system still needs to be protected from young age, so that closer to old age it does not fail.

Margarita name: sexuality, marriage  

She is able to surprise men in bed with unusual sexual experiments. Successful testers of her original fantasies can become men with names:

  • Peter
  • Dmitry
  • Sergey
  • Michael
  • Semyon
  • Edward
  • Gennady

It may marry the first person he meets, but only whom he will love. True, after some time, already in marriage, it may be seriously disappointed in it. For girls with this name, it is not uncommon to marry the second, third and fifteenth time. Children who appeared in marriages, protects, cherishes, takes care of them.

Which zodiac sign is the name of Margarita?

It is important that the name also suits the sign of the zodiac, since astrology is of great importance in our lives. It affects character and other qualities. So, to what sign of the zodiac is the name Margarita? Let us dwell on each of them in detail:

  • Aries - Mobile, emotional, open, devoted, but at the same time somewhat “explosive”.
  • Taurus- Calm, polite, attaching great importance to the financial part of life and comfort in everything.
  • Twins- interested in many aspects of life (and not only their own), in this regard, it can work simultaneously at several enterprises.
  • Crayfish- susceptible, with a sudden change of mood, but endowed with excellent intuition. In the home circle is a caring mistress with culinary talent.
  • a lion- Brilliant, with a “steel” character, capable of becoming a rather tough, but fair leader in the future, while a kind and friendly wife and mother.
  • Virgo- It is equally a dreamer and realist of his life, has a talent for dancing, drawing, does not like to argue with anyone.
  • Scales- Friendly, responsive, but at a pressure able to give a hard rebuff and put a person in place. It has many friends and acquaintances.
  • Scorpion- direct, having big plans for personal life and career, striving for self -realization.
  • Sagittarius- Mobile, looking at the world all the time and only forward, but can be harmful and stubborn.
  • Capricorn- A hardworking, efficient girl who rarely commits rash acts.
  • Aquarius- Intellectual, having a versatile circle of interests, which loves traveling to different countries and cities.
  • Fish- Incredibly efficient, leading the right lifestyle, preferring to relax in the fresh air.

You see how different people with one call can be, but with their zodiac signs. Our character and fate depend on a lot.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name of Margarita


Talismans are necessary in our life for confidence, firmness of decision -making, assistance in different matters and as amulets. Stones-stones are the name of Margarita- jade, pearls, ruby. Read more:

  • Pearl, Being a precious mineral, he is able to immerse girls with such a name in the sweet world of inner peace and complete satisfaction.
  • Nephritishe will endow with a kind heart, courage and purity of the soul.
  • Ruby gives incredible strength, energy and performance. It will be able to become a real friend who will always help in complex and insoluble situations.

It is difficult to combine all these stones in products on one person. Therefore, choose one and let it be a ring or necklace, and maybe a bracelet, and wear every day for beauty and soul.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name of Margarita

Margarita-Margarita Flower Flower
Margarita-Margarita Flower Flower

No matter how funny it sounds, but the flower of this name is - Daisywhich symbolizes pure love, fidelity of spouses, financial well -being.

Pine,even in the distant times of our ancestors, they compared with strong, “heroic” health and resistance to the transfer of the most terrible situations in life. This talisman tree will help to transfer all the burdens of life.

Gooseberry It is able to help girls with the direction of the life path and drive away torment and self -eating. This plant with delicious fruits is to the taste of many people and not only Margarites.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Totem animal named after Margarita  

A kind of amulet for the name Margarita The most ordinary pigeon,symbolizing good nature, love, incredible power. Such a totem is precisely for the soul, it contributes to calm and worldview.

Of great importance are the numbers in our lives. Read further.

Numerology named after Margarita

We will make an accurate calculation of the presented name Margarita. Each letter symbol, according to numerology, has its own serial number (for example, “a”, being the first letter- 1, “b”- 2, “c” --- 3 and so on).


  • M (14 \u003d 1 + 4 \u003d 5) + a (1) + p (18 \u003d 1 + 8 \u003d 9) + g (4) + a (1) + p (18 \u003d 1 + 8 \u003d 9) + and ( 10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1) + t (20 \u003d 2 + 0 \u003d 2) + a (1) \u003d 5 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 \u003d 33 \u003d 3 + 3 = 6

The girls who have been fixed by this figure value their family, devote free time to children, protecting them from all the bad and helping them in resolving complex life situations.  

Pseudonym to the name of Margarita

People use pseudonyms for various reasons. Some do not want to be recognized and they are hiding behind some symbols instead of their initials. Others want to give an additional charm to their image and personal data. The third just like to call yourself on social networks or on other sites on the Internet. To the name Margaritayou can come up with beautiful and stylish pseudonyms:

  • Margot
  • Margusha
  • Ritula
  • Ritochka
  • Maragarikochka
  • Ritusik
  • Daisy
  • Margosha
  • Mara
  • Arrita
  • Gata
  • Magate

Famous people, celebrities named Margarita

With this name  there are many women whom the whole world knows, and not only in our country. Famous people with this name are in sports, music, show business, politics. Here are celebrities with this name:

  • Margarita Navarre -princess of France, writer.
  • M. Terekhova - Popular actress of theater and Soviet cinema, People's Artist of Russia.
  • Margarita (Margaret) Tetcher - The only woman around the world who served as prime minister.
  • M. Gerard - The popular French artist at one time.
  • M. Aliychuk - Soviet gymnast and world champion, Honored Master of Sports.
  • M.P. Nazarova (11/26/1926 - 10/25/2005) - Soviet actress of circus and cinema.
  • M.P. Korbelnikova (born 06/19/1931) - Soviet theater and cinema actress.
  • Rita Moreno (born 11/11/1931) - actress from America, singer and dancer.
  • M. Carmen Kansino (pseudonym Rita Hayvort), (10/17/1918)-film actress and dancer from America, one of the most famous stars of Hollywood in 1940.
  • M.I. Aliger (1915-1992)-Russian poetess.
  • M.V. Sabashnikova (1882–1973) - artist and poetess.
  • M.A. Voest (born 10/30/1936)-Soviet Estonian singer (lyric-collapse of soprano). People's Artist of the USSR (1979).
  • M.N. Suvorov (09/04/1938 - 07/16/2014) - Soviet pop singer.
  • M.B. Terekhova (born 08/25/1942) - Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia.
  • M. Anatolyevna Sukhankin (born April 10, 1964)-Soviet and Russian opera (Mezzo-soprano) and pop singer.
  • M.O. Rudin (born April 24, 1979) - Russian ballerina.
  • M. Mamun (born November 1, 1995)-Russian gymnast, 7-time world champion in thin. gymnastics.
  • Margarita - The heroine of the novel by Mikhail Afanasevich Bulgakov “Master and Margarita”.

Summing up, I would like to note that in the name Margarita - Incredible power, inner strength and hardened character are laid down, which can only be envied. Once again, having studied this name, it can be said that weak girls will never be called with that name.

Video:  The meaning of the name Margarita is Karma, character and fate


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