The door locks freeze, what to do, how to open? How to grease the freezing lock in a garage, cellar, car?

The door locks freeze, what to do, how to open? How to grease the freezing lock in a garage, cellar, car?

Lubrication agents against icing.

The freezing of locks in the winter is a common problem that motorists, owners of garages and cellars face. It is the garage gates, as well as the doors of the cars most often freeze and do not open. In this article, we will tell you how to open a frozen lock, and prevent repeated freezing. 

Why do the door locks freeze?

Very often, the reason that the shut -off mechanism does not open in the winter is moisture. It is snowing, rain, drops of water and other precipitation fall into a shut -off mechanism. Thus, when the temperature is reduced, the moisture freezes, as a result of which crystals that prevent the normal functioning of the lock are formed.

Why freezing door locks:

  • The presence of dirt 
  • Water from the water mechanism 
  • A large amount of lubrication 
Frozen the castle
Frozen the castle

How to open a frozen lock?

On the network you can find a lot of ways that will allow you to open the lock.

How to open a frozen lock:

  • The most common and popular is the use of hot water. It is necessary to pour hot water and wait until it warms up. We do not recommend this option for garage gates, and for the car. As a result, you will heat the door, you can open it, but in just a few minutes the situation will repeat. After all, hot water freezes much faster cold. In addition, moisture can spoil the parts, contributes to the formation of condensate, which will lead to corrosion and damage.
  • The second option, which is recommended to use, is a hair dryer. This method works, but it is quite difficult to bring a fian to the garage. It is necessary to take care of the carrying, and about household appliances that will warm the lock. The method is good, since it is effective, but it is extremely few opportunities to realize it, due to the remoteness of the garage from the house. Agree that not every car owner has a hairdryer. 
The door lock froze
The door lock froze

What to do if the code castle freezes?

With the code castle, things are somewhat different, because the effects of hot water, as well as open fire, are undesirable. Strong heating can contribute to the melting of wires, as well as violation of the case.

What to do if the code lock freezes

  • Sometimes it is made of plastic. With the help of fire, you can ruin the mechanism. The most optimal option is antifreeze or antifreeze. Oddly enough, these liquids are suitable not only for the car, but also for household needs.
  • You can also use these liquids to defrost the code lock. How to pour the liquid? It is best to do it from the inside. For these purposes, you will have to get inside.
  • You can ask a neighbor from the first floor to look out and give him a cancer canister. Take care of the presence of a bottle with a thin nose to pour into the holes. If there is no antifreeze, you can warm up the mechanism with a hairdryer. This is a long way, but the safest. Hot air temperatures are not enough to melt the wires.
Code castle
Code castle

What to do if the castle freezes in the garage, cellar?

The easiest way is anti -frozen. It can be purchased in a car shop. It is sold in the form of an aerosol, and most often equipped with long nose and tubes, which allow you to introduce the product deeply, and spray even on the inner part of the locking mechanism. These liquids contain special solvents that transfer ice into a liquid state and prevent further freezing. The price of such a spray can is quite high, but the effect is also very good. Such funds are often used for prevention. 

What to do if the castle freezes in the garage, the cellar:

  • You can use a lighter or open fire. To do this, set fire to the newspaper and hold near the castle. Of course, the method is not suitable if the lock in the car froze. However, the option is suitable if you cannot open the door in the garage.
  • As a result of an increase in temperature, the door warms up, and it is much easier to open. One of the simplest options is heating the key itself. It is necessary to enter the key, and gradually heat.
  • This option is suitable only if the lock does not have a plastic head, and it is completely made of metal. With gradual heating, heat will be transmitted from the key to the inner parts of the castle, as a result of which they will heat, they can be opened. 
  • This method is not used for cars, because it can contribute to the breakdown of the lock and the key itself. Also does not fit if the castlechipped, that isinto the key The chip is built. In no case should you warm it. 

Frozen the castle, what to do?

The best option against freezing locks is prevention. For these purposes, it is recommended to disassemble the garage lock every year, and lubricate all its spare parts with a special anti -frozen lubricant. VD-40 is suitable, or domestic lubrication against freezing.

Frozen the castle, what to do:

  • You can also use liquid graphite to process. It forms a thin film on the surface of parts, which reduces friction, improving sliding, thereby preventing freezing.
  • Even in severe frost, open such a door will not be difficult. In order to prevent freezing, you will have to take preventive measures, that is, completely disassemble the lock. Not all owners of garages are ready to spend half a day in order to disassemble and assemble a shut -off mechanism. 
  • You can easily use the cut bottom of the plastic bottle. Due to the fact that drinks are sold in bottles of different diameters, it is possible to choose the right size for your door. The method is simple and reliable. Protection is usually attached using wire.
Frozen the castle in the garage
Frozen the castle in the garage

How to open a frozen car lock?

The situation is somewhat more complicated withauto Zamokwhich is mounted in the door of the iron horse. In any case, it is impossible to use hot water. This will contribute to damage to the castle, as well as the seal. Due to sharp temperatures, the rubber seal maycrack. The ideal option is preventive measures.

That is, it is necessary to regularly wipe the rubber seals with a dry cloth, and treat with special products. Can be found in any car shop. The most common arenon -freezingbut not for glasses, but for castles. These are oily liquids that are found in bottles with a spray. Such lubricants have a low freezing temperature, due to which, even with severe frosts, it is possible to avoid breakdown of the lock. 

The hinges froze
The hinges froze

What to do so that the lock does not freeze?

The best option that will prevent freezing of locks is their right choice during installation. The fact is that small cylindrical locks, as well as code options, quickly fails.

What to do so that the lock does not freeze:

  • This is due to the fact that they are made using a large number of small details. Therefore, even a small grain of sand can fall between the mechanisms, causing their breakdown.
  • Therefore, when choosing a lock for installation in the garage, or external doors that are in contact with the cold, give preference to leap options. They are made using large parts, so they are less likely to fail. 
  • Many people think that the lubricant improves the operation of the castle, and very often, during disassembly, they feed on lubricating all the mechanisms. But the fact is that most of the lubricants that exist, made on a fat basis, which hardens when the temperature is reduced.
  • The viscosity of this lubricant increases, it becomes solid, as a result of which the mechanism ceases to function normally. To bring to the castle to working condition, it is necessary to make a lubricant less viscous, for this it is heated. 
Silicone Grease
Silicone Grease

How to grease the freezing lock?

In order to prevent freezing of the lock, you can use special products made of active chemical elements. The usual are sold in auto chemical stores, called white lubricant. It can be with the addition of ceramic dust. The fact is that this kind of substances repel dirt and prevent water from entering. In fact, they repel it.

Thus, the castle for a long period of time works just fine. Most of the bottles are equipped with a thin tube that helps to introduce the substance into hard -to -reach places. They are used not only for lubricating automobile locks, but also for ordinary locks in the garage, as well as for lubricating loops. Below we present a list of special chemicals that prevent the freezing of locks. 

Than to lubricate the freezing lock:

  • White lubricant Liqui Moly Wartungs Spray Weiss
  • Lubrication of door mechanisms Presto
  • Liquu Moly Turshloss-Pflege
  • Lubrication W44T for maintenance and installation
  • Penetrating lubricant-spray for XADO locks
Lubrication for locks
Lubrication for locks

How to grease the lock so that it does not freeze in winter?

To prevent freezing of locks,necessary Their protection from moisture and dirt. That is, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a cover or protective structure, which will prevent the ingress of garbage and water.

Than to lubricate the lock so that it does not freeze in winter:

  • In no case do not use solidol for lubrication. It thickens greatly with a decrease in temperature, attracts dirt, dust and water. As a result, the locks will begin to deteriorate much faster than without a solidol.
  • If the car castle is jammed, inside which there is a battery, then most likely in the middle of this design, oxidation processes were passed. To unlock the lock, to open it easily, use liquefied kerosene VD-40.
  • It perfectly dissolves all the garbage, contributing to thawing ice. Using such a tool, you can easily open the lock. Do not forget to carefully blow the lock with compressed air to remove the remains of kerosene. 
The car is in the ice
The car is in the ice

There are several ways that will help prevent moisture from entering the lock. For these purposes, the tin lock is usually installed on top of the lock, which are screwed from above, or ordinary pieces of linoleum.

Video: frozen the castle


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  1. try to grease the lock with oil from the refrigerator compressor, it will not freeze to -25.

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