Conspiracies, prayers, amulets for the car when buying, from theft, from the traffic police

Conspiracies, prayers, amulets for the car when buying, from theft, from the traffic police

When buying a car, the new owner is very worried about his safety and his own well -being. In this article you will learn how to protect the car.

With the acquisition of a car, we get an expensive material means of transportation, which is an increased danger to human life. Consonditions, prayers and amulets will help to protect the vehicle from theft, accidents and other traffic accidents.

Conspiracies for the purchase of a car will help make the right choice, minimize unforeseen breakdowns, cleanse the negative energy of the previous owner.

Car conspiracy: how to clean a new car of negative energy?

To illuminate a new car, you can invite a church priest. To conduct an independent rite, you will need a candle and illuminated river water. The owner of the car must go around the car with a burning candle clockwise 12 times.

In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the words of a magic conspiracy for the car when buying:

“For my achievements, paid. My new car is my reliable assistant, it will serve me for many years and will never let me down. Amen"

The supported vehicle must be cleaned of the energy of the former owner. To this end, place a church candle near a car and wait until the flame stops burning.

After the car is sprinkled with holy water and at the same time the conspiracy is sent to the car:

“As sacred water, the car cleanses the mud, so my energy is washing off with the old car owner. The road in front of us will be clean and open. We will achieve success together. Amen".

Carpet for a car It is read 5 times, after which the bright path is open to you. If you wash the car yourself, it is useful to add a little salt to soapy water. Negative energy will go along with water.

Car conspiracy: how to protect the car from an accident and theft?

You can prevent an accident and theft of a car using ordinary salt, holy water, natural stone and a special conspiracy for a car. It is necessary to purchase a new pack of salt and scatter it into the external and internal parts of the car.

Protect the car
Protect the car

So that the conspiracy to protect the machine from the accident works, magical words are pronounced:

  “Where white salt touched, there will be no breakdowns, no scratches, no defects. Damage do not take place, the evil eye does not come true. I approve and fix it with a magic word. Amen".

The car is carried out from the theft a conspiracy for a car with holy water.

We sprinkle the surface of the car with holy water and say:

« Do not walk on foot, how to turn into a forest beast. Just as silver will not be gilded, I can’t put it on the brownie. As you can’t move stone blocks from the place, so the car of the servant of God (driver name) cannot be stolen or stealing. I close my words with a steel shutter, reinforce with a talisman. Amen".

Words must be repeated three times. Magic words can be fixed a talisman made of natural stone. A piece of rock crystal or quartz They are able to accumulate the energy of a magical conspiracy and serve for the benefit of the owner. When pronouncing protective words, the stone is clamped in the hand.

Concentrate on the amulet. Imagine the visual protection of the car, envelop it with a clean aura. Take a deep breath and, by exhalation, direct all the strength to the amulet. Piece the stone in the car.

CART for car and driver

  • CART for a car Bought or created by their own hands. You can protect the car using Feng Shui talismans.
  • Presence in the cabin pavlin's pen It will help to avoid accidents and technical breakdowns.
  • Figure tortoise will bring good luck on a long distance.
  • To protect from external threats will help dog fu. There is no place for ringing objects in the cabin, as they will distract the attention of the driver.
  • To protect against evil views and human envy, pin a simple pin in the salon. The amulet should be hidden from prying eyes. Place best a drill for a driver's seat.
  • You can hang on the mirror in the cabin lighted cross. It is important that an inscription is applied to it "Bless and save". According to the driver, the cross protects from accidents on the roads and unpleasant meetings with the road inspector.
The inscription is required
The inscription is required
  • Obereg for a car Any item, charged with positive energy, can become. In order for the amulet to protect the car and the driver, it is necessary to hold it in his hands and concentrate your thoughts on it. Imagine your car covers armor or protective shell. Speak aloud the positive technical properties of your assistant. Then leave the amulet in the car in a prominent place.
  • You can also place in the glove compartment rag knuckle with dry herbs. As an amulet for a car, you need to dry mint, lavender and yarrow.
With herbs
With herbs

Connect into a common mass and speak with magical words:

“Field herbs are together together, they will be protected from troubles on the road with a single force. They will protect on the road from any misfortunes. ”

You can put up dry basil, dill and rosemary. One dry branch of each grass is enough. For these purposes, you can use purchased spicy herbs. Grass of dill protection against bad eye, basil will protect against theft, rosemary to improve the attention and reaction of the driver.

To strengthen the action of the amulet for the carLight a church candle in the process of its creation. Place the conspiracy item in one place, it should not wallow throughout the cabin.

Prayer on the road to the car

A blessing for the driver before a long trip will become prayer on the road by car Nikolai Wonderworker. Going to an unfamiliar area take care of your own well -being.

“Oh, Blessed Nikolai! Help your sinful slave (your name), appealing to you! Pray for me unworthy to the Lord, ask for the mercy of God in the present and future, let him forgive us our sins and provide favor. They begged God to protect me from all evil, to pacify troubles and misfortunes, do not let me get rid of sins and passions in the abyss. Saint Nicholas to Christ God pray to our peace for our peaceful life and our salvation, now and in the prison, forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer is pronounced in front of the icon of St. Nicholas. The minister of the Lord gives him our prayers. There must be a saint icon in the car. An ideal option is a triple icon with the face of Nikolai the Wonderworker, the Virgin and Jesus.

On the road
On the road

You can place a piece of paper with a driver’s prayer or put in a jacket or put in a jacket.

The prayer of the driver of the car with appeal to the Lord:

“Almighty Lord, I bow before you and humbly ask! Prevent a deadly threat and any danger on the road, protect me of the sinful and entrusted to me. Help live your age according to conscience, without causing pain and suffering to other people. Yes, your name is hooked. Amen".

When selling a car and transferring a car to another person, a leaflet with prayer must be taken from the cabin. The prayer is intended for only one driver.

A meeting with the post of traffic police can deliver unpleasant emotions and unforeseen troubles to the driver. To avoid a picky attitude of traffic cops on the road, you need to arm yourself prayer from the traffic police for the car:

“Next on the way, crossing, bowing to 4 side of the world. In front of me shone red in the sky of the Lord, behind the month is bright, but the road is safe. On the sides of the guardian angels protect me from any titles and posts, from commanders and bosses. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

Never boast of the lack of failures on the road. Follow the road rules and ask God a blessing.

Video: Tarks for Auto and Driver

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