Red currant blanks for the winter are jam: the best recipes. How to make tasty jam made of red and black, white currants together, gooseberries, orange, irga, zucchini, raspberries, apples, sugar without cooking, without sugar, five minute for the winter: recipe

Red currant blanks for the winter are jam: the best recipes. How to make tasty jam made of red and black, white currants together, gooseberries, orange, irga, zucchini, raspberries, apples, sugar without cooking, without sugar, five minute for the winter: recipe

From this article you will learn what ways to cook, and what to add to red currant jam.

Red currants supports quickly, after which the berries become soft, and you need to quickly process it for the winter. A good solution is cooking from one currant or with the addition of other fruits, and even vegetables, such as zucchini. We will learn how to cook red currant jam.

How to cook red currant jam for the winter according to a classic recipe?

Classic recipe for red currant jam

According to the classic recipe for sugar, they take the same or slightly more as berries as berries as berries, but you can take less (0.5-0.7 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries), the jam will not go bad.

For a classic recipe for jam, you need:

  • 1 kg of red currant
  • 0.5-0.7 kg of sugar

We begin to cook:

  1. My currant, remove the berry from the twigs, and put it in a saucepan.
  2. Heat on low heat, and then boil for 15-20 minutes, until the juice is released.
  3. We pour the berries with sugar and cook further, for another 5-10 minutes or more, while the sugar does not dissolve, foam will cease to form, and jam will begin to thicken and acquire the consistency of jelly.

Note. Red Smorodine jam is well preserved under plastic lids, but it needs to be stored in a cold place, since in the berries of red currants there is much more vitamin C than in other berries, and vitamin is a kind of preservative.

How to cook a five -minute of red currant for the winter: Recipe

Quick jam that is preparing in 5 minutes from red currants is a very simple recipe, for it you need:

  • 1 kg of red currants
  • 1.5 kg of sugar
  • 1 cup of water

We begin to cook:

  1. Put water on the stove, boil it and pour sugar, interfere with the dissolution.
  2. Add the sophisticated berries without tails, stirring, cook for 5 minutes.
  3. We distribute the jam into sterilized jars, roll it with lids.

How to cook delicious red and blackcurrant jam together, for the winter: recipe

From red and black currants together also cook jam together

Red and black currant jam is original: beautiful in color, and unusual in taste.

For him you need:

  • 0.5 kg of red and blackcurrant
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 300 ml of water

We begin to cook:

  1. Pure berries without tails with a push.
  2. Pour water and boil into the berries.
  3. Pour sugar, stirring, cook for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Fill clean jars with jam, and roll up.

How to cook delicious red and white currant jam together for the winter: Recipe

Red and white currant jam interspersed

For this jam, they take red and white currants mixed. For jam, you need:

  • 18 glasses of red and white currants interspersed
  • 24 cups of sugar
  • 6 glasses of water

We begin to cook:

  1. My currant, we tear it off from the branches.
  2. Pour water into the pan and pour half the sugar, boil.
  3. In the boiled syrup, we lay the berries, cook for 5 minutes, stirring carefully, and removing the foam.
  4. Pour the sugar that remained and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the jam into boiled jars, let the crust form on top, close with plastic lids, and store in a cold place.

How to cook tasty red currant jam and gooseberries for the winter: Recipe

Red currant jam and gooseberries

Jam with red currants and gooseberries is chewed and acidic. For him you need:

  • 3 half -liter cans of red currants
  • 6 half -liter cans of gooseberries
  • 2 kg of sugar

We begin to cook:

  1. My red currant in a colander, when water drains, wipe the berries through the sieve, throw the skins on the sieve.
  2. Irzhnikov, we tear off the tails and remains of the flower, we prick with a thick needle.
  3. Pour sugar into the resulting juice, let it boil, add gooseberries and cook for 20 minutes, stirring.
  4. Pour into sterile jars and roll up.

How to cook delicious red currant jam and orange

Currants and oranges are also prepared from red currants and oranges

For jam, you need:

  • 1 kg of red currant
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 2 average orange

We begin to cook:

  1. My berries, we sort out from the tails.
  2. I am my orange, throw the seeds, if any, cut into pieces.
  3. Prepared currants with oranges are challenge in a meat grinder.
  4. In the pan, we pour sugar to mashed potatoes, and cook, stirring close for 7 minutes.
  5. Pour into clean jars and roll up.

How to cook delicious red currant jam and irga

Red currant jam and Irga

Red currant jam and IRGI are delicious and healthy: the Irga strengthens the vessels, and red currant removes fluid from the body, therefore it is useful for hypertension and cores. Irga tastes, so citric acid is added to jam from it, and we will add red currants. For jam, you need:

  • 2 cups of red currant
  • 600 g of sugar
  • 2 cups of Irgi

We begin to cook:

  1. We sort out the currants with the Irga, mine, place it in a colander, and wait until the water is draining.
  2. Challenge berries in a meat grinder, fall asleep with sugar, stir, and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour into clean jars and twist the lids.

How to cook delicious red currant jam and zucchini

Red currant jam and zucchini

There are legends that jam from currants and zucchini was prepared in the old days in France. For jam, you need:

  • 1 kg of red currant
  • 2 kg of young zucchini
  • 2.5-3 kg of sugar

We begin to cook:

  1. You are my young zucchini, cut into cubes. If you took not very young zucchini, then you need to cut the skin and throw away the seeds from them, and all that remains (the inside without seeds) cut into cubes.
  2. Red currants, we tear off the berries from the twigs.
  3. Mix the cubes of zucchini and currant berries in one bowl, fall asleep with sugar, and set aside for 6-10 hours until the juice releases.
  4. We put the pan on the fire, and let the future jam boil, often stiring, cook for 2-3 minutes, cool until completely cooled.
  5. We put it on the fire for the second time, and cook with a weak boil for 5 minutes, cool.
  6. For the third time, cook the jam for 10 minutes or more, then pour it into clean jars and tighten the lids.

How to cook tasty red currant jam with raspberries

You can also cook jam from red currants and raspberries

The combination of currant berries with raspberries in jam is very helpful: you feel the distinct smell of raspberries, with a sour taste of red currant. For him you need:

  • 0.5 kg of red currants
  • 1 kg of raspberries
  • 1.5 kg of sugar

We begin to cook:

  1. We sort the raspberry, remove the spoiled berries, leaves and twigs, do not mine.
  2. My currant, we tear off the berries from the branches.
  3. Mix both types of berries in one bowl, pour sugar to them, and leave for 5-6 hours so that the juice is allocated.
  4. On low heat, we give the berries to boil.
  5. Cook for 20-25 minutes, pour it into clean jars and twist.

Attention. Malina cannot be cooked for a long time, otherwise it becomes stiff, and vitamins disappear.

How to cook delicious red currant jam with apples

You can make delicious red currant jam and apples

This jam is interesting in that sugar is much smaller in it than in ordinary jam.

For jam from currants and apples, you need:

  • 1.5 kg of red currant
  • 1.1 kg of sugar
  • 3 kg of sweet apples

We begin to cook:

  1. We sort the berries, tear off the twigs, we need a clean berry, and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. In the resulting mashed potatoes we fall asleep sugar, let it boil.
  3. We clean the apples from the peel, seeds, cut into thin slices and lower it into boiled puree with sugar.
  4. After 12 hours, put our jam on a hot burner, and bring to a boil, carefully stirring so that the apples remain intact.
  5. After another 12 hours, we let the fruit boil for 5-7 minutes, and distribute the jam into clean jars and tighten.

How to cook tasty red currant jam with sugar without cooking

Without the use of fire, you can prepare the so -called "cold" red currant jam. In a cold place, it persists well due to a large amount of sugar and geling properties of berries.

In jam, you need:

  • 1 kg of red currants
  • 2 kg of sugar

We begin to cook:

  1. We sort out the currants, my, dry in the air, pass in a meat grinder.
  2. Add sugar and interfere with a spoon until it dissolves.
  3. We lay out in clean jars, close with plastic or twisting lids, and put it stored in a cool place.

How to cook tasty red currant jam without sugar

Our grandmothers prepared jam without sugar, and it was in no way inferior to today's jam with sugar, and he brought a lot of usefulness.

Red currants without sugar, but only in his own juice, is useful in winter when there are not enough vitamins. Jam strengthens the immunity, increases the ability to fight viruses in winter.

In jam, you need:

  • Red currant

We begin to cook:

  1. We sort out the currants, mine, tear off the berries from the tails, dry it on a towel.
  2. We place the berries in the pan over low heat, heat up until they boil, and juice forms.
  3. We sterilize cans with lids for 15 minutes above the steam.
  4. We lay boiled berries into banks so that the berries are covered with juice.
  5. We cover the cans with berries with lids and lower it into a large pan with warm water.
  6. We heat the pan until it begins to boil weakly. From this time we count the time, boil for 15-20 minutes.
  7. We roll jars, turn the bottom up, cover with a warm blanket to cool.

How to cook frozen red currant jam: recipe

Frozen red currant

If you have a lot of frozen red currants, and soon a new season comes for her, you can cook jam from the remaining last year’s berry.

For jam from frozen currants you need:

  • 1 kg of red currant
  • 0.5 kg of sugar

We begin to cook:

  1. We take out the berries from the freezer, rinse in the water and dry a little.
  2. In a pan with unstressed berries, pour sugar, slightly stir and leave at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. We boil over low heat, stirring, for several minutes, and again set aside for several hours.
  4. We put it to cook again for 5-10 minutes and close it in banks.

Features of preparing red currant jam in a slow cooker: Description

Confreep-confitur from red currants

The slow cooker can be a vessel for making a delicious jam-confiture made of red currant.

For jam, you need:

  • 0.5 kg of red currant
  • 1 cup of sugar

We begin to cook:

  1. I wash the berries, sort out from the leaves, other garbage, tear off from branches, dried on a towel.
  2. From the berries we make juice on the juicer.
  3. Pour 1 cup of juice into a slow cooker, pour sugar.
  4. In the slow cooker, set the “jam” mode, and turn on the device for 20 minutes.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up and turn up the bottom, warm us with a blanket until cool.

So, we learned to cook not only tasty, but also healthy red currant jam.

Video: red currant jam

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