Standard hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: an approximate menu for a week and for every day with recipes of dishes, reviews. Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: what is possible and what can not be eaten?

Standard hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: an approximate menu for a week and for every day with recipes of dishes, reviews. Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: what is possible and what can not be eaten?

The hypocholesterol diet 10 helps to reduce the level of “harmful” cholesterol. The article presents recipes for useful dishes.

Cholesterol is not considered a prohibited product. If his influence were too negative, then he would belong to the category of poisons. In moderate quantities, cholesterol is needed for our body, because it is a building material for cells, with the formation of sex hormones and is actively involved in immune protection.

  • It is impossible to completely exclude cholesterol from the diet.
  • But it is worth remembering that an excess of this substance leads to blockage of blood vessels, which increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. In addition, the percentage of gallstone disease increases. No wonder it is the increased cholesterol in the body that is called the "invisible killer."
  • If the state of health worsens dramatically, the pressure jumps, or someone from close relatives had increased cholesterol in the blood, do not postpone a visit to the doctor for later. Only the doctor will be able to diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.
  • The hypocholesterol diet is an event that should be carried out primarily in the fight against this dangerous and “harmful fat”.

Diet - table No. 10, with a restriction of sodium salt for patients with hypertension, in heart disease, angina pectoris, increased cholesterol: diet rules

Diet - table No. 10, with a restriction of sodium salt for patients with hypertension, in heart disease, angina pectoris, increased cholesterol: diet rules
Diet - table No. 10, with a restriction of sodium salt for patients with hypertension, in heart disease, angina pectoris, increased cholesterol: diet rules

Therapeutic nutrition helps not only to reduce the harm of cholesterol on the body, but also improves metabolism, blood circulation, functioning of the liver, kidneys, and intestines. If you are genetically predisposed to excess weight, then you have a risk of diabetes, cardiological ailments and diseases of blood vessels. In this case, you simply must observe a diet - table No. 10.

Diet - table No. 10, with a restriction of sodium salt for patients with hypertension, in heart disease, angina pectoris, increased cholesterol
Diet - table No. 10, with a restriction of sodium salt for patients with hypertension, in heart disease, angina pectoris, increased cholesterol

Diet Rules with a restriction of table salt for patients with hypertension, in heart disease, angina pectoris, increased cholesterol:

  • Rejection of "harmful" fats. Many people with high blood cholesterol try to refuse in principle from fats in nutrition, but this is wrong. Useful fats are needed by the body - vegetable oils, fish oil.
  • Fish consumption. This product contains omega-3 fatty acids that are important for the body, since they participate in the process of reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. These substances contained in fish (and it does not matter whether oily, expensive fish or the cheapest marine - all useful), have an anti -inflammatory or antioxidant effect. Two or three times a week use any fish.
  • The right way to make dishes. Even the most useful product can be ruined by frying in oil. It is necessary to boil food, bake in the oven or steam.
  • Not greeted broths and vegetable soups. If you cook broth from meat (especially fat - pork, chicken burn), then all fat will go into the liquid. Therefore, give preference to vegetable broths and borschs cooked on chicken breast or water. If you want to put another meat in the soup, boil it in another pan in advance, and put a boiled piece without fat in the finished dish.
  • Spices - improve the taste of food. If you do not like the table diet No. 10, and the food will seem fresh and tasteless to you, add spices to food. Fragrant herbs (mint, rosemary) black pepper, add dishes of a new rich taste.
  • Water-2-2.5 liters per day. Be sure to drink clean water, but compotes, juices, decoctions and fruit drinks are also needed by the body.
  • Regular nutrition. The break between meals should be no more than 4 hours. Teach yourself to carry ugly yogurts, fruits, nuts, so that you can make a snack between the main meals.
  • Complex carbohydrates - the basis of power. Take a rule that the basis of your daily diet is cereals, soups, vegetables and fruits. Complex carbohydrates contain trace elements necessary for our body.
  • Alcohol is prohibited!
Diet - table No. 10, with a restriction of sodium salt for patients with hypertension, with heart disease, angina pectoris
Diet - table No. 10, with a restriction of sodium salt for patients with hypertension, with heart disease, angina pectoris

If the amount of fats in the daily use of products decreases, then this does not mean that the total calorie content is also reduced. You must eat 2500-3000 kcal per day. Change nutrition only due to the components of products.

Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for the week

Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for the week
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for the week

The number of proteins per day decreases to 80-100 grams. Do not abuse with fat cottage cheese, homemade sour cream, meat and offal. Give preference to fish, chicken breast and vegetable proteins without gluten (soy, beans, peas, nuts and others).

An approximate menu for a week according to a standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10:

Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: menu
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: menu
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: Continuation of the menu
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: Continuation of the menu
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for Sunday
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for Sunday

You can change the components of the menu dishes to your liking. But do not forget about products harmful to health. They cannot be included in the diet.

Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for each day

Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for each day
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for each day

It is important for any diet to make your diet not only balanced, but also diverse. After all, if the food is monotonous, then after a while it will get bored and you will want to eat one of the prohibited products, and in a diet it is unacceptable.

Remember: a diet is not just a food or a set of products that can be consumed and which are not. Diet is a lifestyle that must be kept constantly.

Below are the options for breakfast, lunch and dinner from the allowed products to make it easier to compose and diversify your menu.

Breakfast options:

Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for every day, breakfast options
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for every day, breakfast options

Lunch options:

Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for every day, dinner options
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for every day, dinner options

In the dinner options, only second dishes with salads are presented. The first dishes are any soups cooked from any cereal or vegetables, with the addition of already boiled meat.

Options of dinner:

Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for every day, dinner options
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for every day, dinner options

For dinner, you can cook any porridge with a piece of fish or chicken fillet. You can also make meatballs from chicken or beef minced meat, but cook this dish for steam or cook just in water. 2 hours after dinner, it is allowed to drink a glass of skim kefir or a glass of green tea. This is a standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10. This may be an approximate menu for every day:

Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for one day
Standard hypocholesterolemic diet - table No. 10: approximate menu for one day

Important: with increased cholesterol, it is also recommended to conduct fasting days once every 10 days. But, before following such recommendations, consult your attending physician.

Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: what is possible and what can not be eaten: a table of permitted products

Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: what is possible and what can not be eaten: a table of permitted products
Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: what is possible and what can not be eaten: a table of permitted products

With a hypocholesterol diet, all dishes must be prepared with minimal culinary processing. The temperature of the dishes is standard-60-70 degrees Celsius. The diet should include polyunsaturated fatty acids, lipotropic compounds (contained in beef, low -fat fish, cottage cheese, soybean, chicken proteins), vitamins and trace elements (except calciferol), dietary fiber, seafood, potassium, magnesium, food with an exciting effect (dairy Products, milk, vegetables and fruits).

So, the table of permitted products, table No. 10 - what is possible and what cannot be eaten:

Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: what is possible and what you can’t eat: a table of permitted and prohibited products
Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: what is possible and what you can’t eat: a table of permitted and prohibited products

Continuation of the table: fruits, drinks, desserts - they can also be eaten. Cereals should be the basis of the diet, and dairy products should be included in the diet 2-3 times a week.

Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: what is possible and what can not be eaten: a table of permitted and prohibited products, continuation
Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: what is possible and what can not be eaten: a table of permitted and prohibited products, continuation

As you can see, there are more permitted foods on this diet than prohibited. Make a menu that will help reduce cholesterol and protect from the appearance of deadly diseases.

Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: how much to drink water?

Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: how much to drink water?
Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: how much to drink water?

If the hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10 was prescribed for hypertension, then water should be drunk in small quantities, especially with kidney diseases - up to 1.5 liters per day. In this case, the use of salt is limited.

Important: do not set the dishes on purpose. The products already contain salt in natural form and it is enough for the body if the nutrition is balanced.

If the kidneys are healthy, and the pressure is returned to normal after using the hypocholesterol diet, then you can begin to increase the volume of fluid used to 2 liters per day. But salt is also prohibited, as it delays fluid in the body.

Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: Is it possible to eat halva?

Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: Is it possible to eat halva?
Hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10: Is it possible to eat halva?

Halva is a favorite treat from childhood. Such eastern sweetness is made of vegetable oils with the addition of sugar. With a hypocholesterol diet - table No. 10 is forbidden to eat sweets, as the metabolism is disturbed.

Remember: one sugar molecule turns into two molecules of "bad" fat.

But “harmful” cholesterol is animal fats that are not in halva. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to eat halva, you can answer ambiguously: yes, and no. On the one hand, halva is produced from vegetable oils, but on the other hand, it is very high -calorie and contains a lot of sugar. If you still want to pamper yourself with this delicacy, then you can eat 50-100 grams of halva once a month-nothing bad will happen. Naturally, it is impossible to abuse this product.

How many months to sit on a hypocholesterol diet?

How many months to sit on a hypocholesterol diet?
How many months to sit on a hypocholesterol diet?

To achieve a healing effect, you will have to sit on a hypocholesterol diet from several weeks to several months. The period of compliance with the diet is established only by the doctor. Many people have to observe her all their lives, if there is a risk of re -increasing cholesterol, an excessive tendency and increased pressure.

Recipes of dishes for a hypocholesterol diet

Recipes of dishes for a hypocholesterol diet
Recipes of dishes for a hypocholesterol diet

Dishes for a hypocholesterol diet are easy to cook. If you need to put eggs, then only proteins should be placed. The dishes are steamed, boiled or baked in the oven, but without crust. As a result, it will be possible to make not only healthy dishes, but also tasty, but the menu is diverse. Recipes of dishes for a hypocholesterol diet:

Swims from skim cottage cheese


  • cottage cheese - 300 grams;
  • semolina - 2 tablespoons;
  • wheat flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • proteins 2 eggs;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon.


  • Separate the proteins from the yolks and beat with sugar in foam.
  • Beat the cottage cheese separately and mix with whipped proteins and sugar.
  • Add flour, semolina, soda and mix the mass until smooth.
  • Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and put the cheesecakes on it with a tablespoon.
  • Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees - 15 minutes.
  • Serve to the table with fruits.

Vegetable soup with garlic


  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • cucumber - 1 piece;
  • sweet pepper red or yellow - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • a piece of yesterday's rye bread;
  • a little greenery;
  • spices to taste.


  • Pour the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin.
  • Soak a piece of bread in warm water.
  • Clean the cucumber, garlic, and pepper from seeds.
  • Put the vegetables and bread in a bowl for a blender and beat until a homogeneous mass.
  • Put the resulting mashed potatoes into a plate, add olive oil and chopped greens.
Recipes for dishes for hypocholesterol diet with seafood
Recipes for dishes for hypocholesterol diet with seafood

Fish and shrimp salad


  • peeled shrimp - 150 grams;
  • slightly salted salmon - 100 grams;
  • boiled squid - 100 grams;
  • sweet red - 1 piece;
  • medium -sized tomato - 1 piece;
  • olive or corn oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice to taste.


  • Cut the squid and salmon into strips.
  • Add shrimp.
  • Clean the pepper and cut into strips. Add it to seafood.
  • Clean the tomato from the skin. Remove the seeds and squeeze the juice. Cut the pulp into strips.
  • Mix all ingredients. Pour oil and lemon juice.

Ground steak made of turkey with lemon juice and vegetables


  • turkey fillet - 150 grams;
  • lemon juice - a little;
  • spices to taste;
  • vegetables for light salad are cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes and others.


  • Lubricate the turkey fillet and spray with lemon juice. Leave the meat to marry.
  • Turn on the grill. Put pickled meat on the heat panel and fry until cooked.
  • Remove the meat from the device, transfer to a plate.
  • Cut the vegetables and serve with the steak.
Recipes of dishes for a hypocholesterol diet - cottage cheese fruit smoothies
Recipes of dishes for a hypocholesterol diet-cottage cheese fruit smoothies

Smoothies made of cottage cheese, strawberries and black currants


  • death -fat cottage cheese - 150 grams;
  • strawberries - 10 pieces;
  • currant - 10 pieces;
  • natural yogurt - 1/3 glasses;
  • honey - 0.5 teaspoon.


  • Grind strawberries in a blender. Add honey and mix.
  • Then whisk yogurt, cottage cheese and currants in a blender.
  • Now take a glass for desserts and first lay out the mass with cottage cheese and currant, and then strawberries with honey.
  • Decorate the smoothie with a leaf of mint.

Thanks to the menu and recipes presented in this article, you can diversify your hypocholesterol diet. In the future, you will get used to such a diet and learn to distinguish between good and “harmful” fats.

Learn to replace the usual dishes useful. For example, replace the sandwich with white bread and sausage with the same delicious dish, but from whole grain bread, boiled chicken breast and greens. Replace sweets with prepared casseroles or smoothies from cottage cheese and fruits. Everything is simple, tasty and healthy!

Video: About the most important thing. How to reduce cholesterol?

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Comments K. article

  1. Such food is really worth praising. After the transition to this diet, cholesterol came to normal quite quickly+of course, I also took a cardioactive and tinctures on the tulle. But in general, I can say that the food decides. And first of all, pay attention to him precisely

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