Riddles about a rainbow, the colors of the rainbow with answers for children and preschool children: the best collection

Riddles about a rainbow, the colors of the rainbow with answers for children and preschool children: the best collection

The best riddles about the rainbow and all its colors.

It is reliably unknown how riddles have long arisen. But such options for popular folklore were mentioned in ancient times. Basically, they were invented along with proverbs and sayings in order to characterize metaphorically, to describe some natural phenomena. Later, riddles became a kind of exercise for the mind, as well as a test for erudition. Repeated popularity in the 17th century. It was then that it was quite fashionable to guess and guess riddles, invent them.

Riddles about the colors of the rainbow

Riddles for babies will expand their vocabulary, as well as improve imaginative thinking. In addition, using the description of specific objects, the child learns to guess what was made. Accordingly, logical thinking develops, as well as visual memory.

One of the brightest are riddles about the rainbow. They allow you to learn all the colors. Often used by mothers of preschool children precisely in order for the kids to learn all seven colors of the rainbow. Later, on the basis of the learned one, you can prepare children for distinguishing more complex shades.

Riddles about the colors of the rainbow:

Nature of summer,
Acacia leaves,
Linden, juniper
Call it soon (green)

The color of the sky,
And sea waves,
Speak what (blue)

Cornflows bloom in meadows
Decorate the field
Mischievous petals
These (blue) flowers

Clouds in the sky went bankrupt
(purple) poured

Give me an answer soon
How many animals are in the forest
How many flowers are there in the rainbow
Who is ready to give me an answer? (7)

This color is beautiful, known
And on the field it is appropriate
It is also in the yolk
And in the sun, on the sand (yellow)

This color in the fields is known
Early spring
Surprising, it can grow out of the earth with grass (green)

This color of bulls teases
Does not tell you further,
Also in the veins flows in us
And also bakes cheeks bakes (red color)

This color is known to all
He is on a protein in a wheel
Can be found on the fox
Also tangerine is full (orange)

This color is known to all preschoolers and kids,
All his boys know
He lies with snow on the window,
It is found in milk (white)

Seven -color braid
Simpses heaven (rainbow)

Rainbow riddles

Children's riddles will allow the kids to learn all the colors, as well as to navigate well in them. Not only a variety of riddles, but also developing toys can help in this. One of the most beloved games for girls is Rainbow's horse. Which has a colored mane painted in all colors of the rainbow.


What a miracle beauty
Painted gates
Appeared in the way
Do not enter them, do not enter (rainbow)

Colorful rocker
It hung over the river (rainbow)

Above the river rocker
Multi -colored hung (rainbow)

What a miracle beauty
Painted gates? (rainbow)

After the rain is often
In the clouds, the bridge is multi -colored,
With bright railing
He pops up with arches (rainbow)

Here is the rain over the river
Above a bright arc
Who is ready to call her? (rainbow)

Seven -color beauty
Protects the sky (rainbow)

Then the sun said, wait!
The seven -color bridge is steep.
Clouds hid from the sun
The bridge collapsed, and there are no traces (rainbow)

Rain with the sun made
The bridge is high without railing.
From a wonderful bridge
The whole world is beauty (rainbow)


Children do not remember the material that we give in the form of dry facts, or cramming. Much more fun to memorize numbers, letters, as well as colors, with the help of riddles, proverbs, and other creations of folklore.

See more puzzles in the articles:

Video: Rainbow colors

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