Why drink aspirin to people after 50 years old and what? How long should I drink aspirin after 50 years?

Why drink aspirin to people after 50 years old and what? How long should I drink aspirin after 50 years?

The feasibility of taking aspirin after 50 years.

At the end of the 20th century, in one of the American ballots there was a note that claims that the use of aspirin would protect daily from heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. It is since then that the intake of aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases has become quite popular. In this article we will tell you whether people need to take aspirin after 50 years old. 

Do I need to drink aspirin after 50 years?

Cardiologists recommend taking aspirin daily to their patients. It was established that it prevents platelet gluing and the formation of blood clots. Thus, the risk of blockage of the vessels of the heart, also the brain, is reduced. The number of heart attacks and strokes in people who take aspirin is reduced.

Do everyone need to take such medicines? Not so long ago, scientists of one of the medical institutions conducted a study, during which patients over seventy years old were given aspirin and placebo. It was possible to find out that taking aspirin in such people does not give any positive result. 

Do I need to drink aspirin after 50 years:

  1. It has been proved that regular intake of aspirin increases the risk of gastric bleeding. Accordingly, sometimes this can even become the cause of death. In some cases, really mortality among elderly patients was caused by the use of aspirin, and therefore bleeding.
  2. Doctors found that if a person did not suffer a heart attack or stroke until 70 years old, then there is no need to take aspirin. For prevention at this age, this tool is useless, and the risk of taking it is higher. In many cases, it was found that the effect of the drug on the body did not appear in any way, as when taking placebo.
  3. That is, the researchers received almost the same data. As for the reception of patients aged 50 to 69 years, doctors recommend taking aspirin. This applies only to the category of the population that is at risk, and suffered a stroke or heart attack.

Reception of aspirin for prevention after 50 and older

You can take aspirin and people who have never endured a heart attack, stroke, but are at risk. 

Such people include: 

  • Patients with obesity 
  • Smoking 
  • People with cardiovascular diseases 
  • High pressure patients 
  • Sick diabetes mellitus 

If you are a man, and at least one of the factors coincides, then you really are at risk, and it is recommended to take aspirin daily, for prevention. 

Reception of aspirin for prevention after 50 and older is recommended, e the patient is a woman, and more than two factors coincide. If a person has never suffered from diseases of the cardiovascular system in his life, not one of the factors coincides, the patient is not at risk and there is no need to take aspirin for prevention. This is due to the fact that there can be more harm from taking medicine for such people than good. 

An elderly couple
An elderly couple

How to take aspirin after 50 years?

How to take aspirin after 50 years:

  • As for the mandatory reception for people after 50 years, there is no such methodology, and patients, if they are not at risk, there is no point in prescribing aspirin. At the same time, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to cancel the drug and in what quantities it must be taken. 
  • During the study, it was found that the intake of aspirin and its sharp cancellation can cause cardiovascular diseases, stroke, heart attack. But this usually happens in patients who initially suffer from ailments are at risk.
  • Therefore, if your age is 50-69 years, you have an increased cholesterol, there is diabetes and obesity, then you can’t cancel aspirin in any case, because this can lead to a cancellation syndrome and a sharp deterioration in health. Before you start taking this drug or complete use, you must consult a doctor.
  • In general, any drugs that should be taken must be coordinated with the attending physician. But the fact is that aspirin in our country is a very popular medicine that is sold without a prescription.
Aspirin after 50
Aspirin after 50

What aspirin is taken after 50 years?

Popularization of the drug is also promoted by widespread advertising on television. The commercials say that it is useful to take aspirin to people after 50 years. Yes, indeed, but the reception makes sense only if patients were previously registered with a cardiologist. Otherwise, if a person does not suffer from obesity, he is normal cholesterol, adheres to a healthy diet, does not suffer from diabetes, then there is no need to take aspirin. 

What aspirin to take after 50 years:

  • Many therapists and family doctors recommend taking and consuming aspirin, which is sold in a certain form. Its inside is covered with a shell, which prevents the rapid resorption in the stomach, thereby reducing the possibility of internal bleeding. However, multiple studies confirmed that even if you introduce aspirin into a vein or intramuscularly, it still penetrates the substance into the walls of the stomach, thereby increasing the risk of bleeding.
  • If you have no stomach problem, you can take the most ordinary aspirin without overpaying for the shells and special formulas. It is worth noting that aspirin, which is sold for the heart and from temperature- this is The same medicine. Only concentration differs.
  • At the end of the 19th century, it was found that when taking a large amount of aspirin, heat is reduced, fever passes, and the patient's condition is generally improved. However, if you take aspirin in smaller dosages, this effect is not observed, but acetylsalicylic acid dilutes the blood, making it more fluid, thereby preventing thrombosis.
  • Ptherefore, the best option is the use of heart drugs, as it is convenient to take them, and the tablet contains a dose sufficient to liquefy blood. You can find out about blood liquefaction drugs here. 
Reception of pills
Reception of pills

Now in the pharmacy you can find a large amount of aspirin with different concentrations, the most minimum of which is 50. The concentration of aspirin should be prescribed exclusively by the doctor, so 50 units can be few, and 100 significantly increases the risk of bleeding. 

Video: Aspirin after 50 years

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Comments K. article

  1. Aspirin prescribes only a doctor after certain analyzes, do not try to treat yourself, can lead to serious consequences.

  2. Yes, such drugs only as prescribed by the doctor, I agree! I was appointed thrombos Ass for several weeks to prevent a stroke, the doctor said that we will periodically repeat such courses. By the way, I noticed that my health improved, there are no headaches.

  3. My mother was prescribed Tivortin, the price is not the most affordable, but an effective medicine. All her life was treated from the heart and pressure, but died of cancer.

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