Japanese dog breeds with photographs, names and description

Japanese dog breeds with photographs, names and description

Most Japanese dog breeds have an exceptional appearance attracting attention. The charm of pets complements the noble, devoted and friendly character.

Representatives of Japanese breeds are smart and confident. They seek to take leadership in their environment and need constant training. Among Japanese breeds there are both purebred and crossed animals. Small -sized dogs get along well in apartments. For large individuals, private houses and long daily walks are needed. Consider what features of Japanese dog breeds have and how to choose the right pet into the family.

Japanese dog breeds with photographs, names and description: TOP-12 rocks

The breed of Akita-Inu

  • Large hunting breed from a group of spitz. Dense physique s wide muscular breasts It is improved as a result of crossing with mastiffs. Depending on the floor, the weight of the animal reaches 55 kg, height 60-70 cm. The dog has a voluminous head with a pointed face, triangular eyes and wide ears.
  • The tail bends on the back in the shape of a ring. The thick wool of Japanese pets is characteristic white, peach and sesame color. Akita Inu constantly licks her wool, which resembles representatives of cats.
  • A clean dog can be started both in the apartment and in the house. The representative of the Japanese breed will become not only a friend, but also a good guard. Despite the flexible character of Akita-Inu requires attention and regular training with physical exertion. The life expectancy of Japanese breed of dogs is 10-15 years. The famous representative of the breed of Akita-Inu was the devoted pet Hachiko from the film.
Famous for the film
Famous for the film

Kai Dog

  • Purebred Japanese dog breed. KAI is well traced hunting instinct. Thanks to the dense undercoat, the dogs are well adapted to any climate, various obstacles are overcame.
  • Animals have elongated muzzle and pointed ears, a wide chest and a muscular neck. The tail is twisted with a semicircle up. The weight of an adult is up to 25 kg, height up to half a meter. A distinctive feature of kai is tiger color.
  • Kai is very devoted to its master. Needs active pastime and endurance classes. The Japanese pet does not often bark, with a threat prefers to show fighting qualities. Great defender for the family. The dog does not need appearance for appearance and has good immunity from nature. The life expectancy of KAI up to 15 years.

Kisu Dog

  • Athletic breed of dogs with a compact structure of the body. The height of an adult is about half a meter. At Kisya An elongated narrow muzzle with a characteristic convex transition from forehead to muzzle. Triangular ears are located compactly with a slight tilt forward. The high tail is rolled up on the back. Thick thick hair with a soft undercoat is often painted white and bodily.
  • Smart Kisu is very affectionate in relations with people. From childhood, he manifests himself with a good guard, so he often starts as a watchman of property.
  • It manifests itself as shepherd and fishermen. Japanese stubborn pets need qualified training. With a low energy consumption, excess weight is rapidly gaining. Kisu has good health with life expectancy up to 15 years.
Snow White
Snow White

Sakhalin Husky

  • Porodydous pets with large dimensions. Muscular limbs can withstand strong loads. Strong case Allows the use of animals as a drain force. Husky can drag sleds in the snow for more than a day.
  • The growth of adult dogs reaches 70 cm, weight up to 40 kg. The Sakhalin Husky has a thick beautiful wool with a white-gray, black and red color. There are both spotted and plain colors. A long straight tail is covered with thick wool cover. External features are close to likes.
  • Active dogs are easily trained. They need regular physical exertion. Dogs with high intelligence strive for leadership and do not tolerate physical punishment. Husky is friendly by nature and are not suitable for the role of a watchman. A cleaned breed does not cause difficulties in maintenance at home.
Strong dogs
Strong dogs


  • A breeding breed with a proportional physique. Sansu reaches weight 25 kg, height up to 46 cm. The eyes of the almond -shaped shape are deeply planted. Small ears of a rounded triangular shape.
  • The tail is fluffy and twisted into the steering wheel on the back.
  • Thick wool is painted in red, brown, black, Peege color. Sansu is a very clean breed with a flexible character, What is a plus when keeping a pet in the apartment.
  • The Japanese dog of the Sansu breed is adapted to rapid memorization of the teams. The perfect partner in sports classes. Dogs by nature good hunters and watchmen. They begin to bark at any danger. With proper content, pets live up to 17 years.

The breed of dogs Siba-Inu

  • Japanese breed of Siba-Inu dogs with harmonious compact structure of the body. Animal height is up to 40 cm, weight about 10 kg. The structure of the head with triangular eyes and compact pointed ears make Siba-Inu similar to a fox.
  • A tall tail is curled up. Thick fluffy wool is more often painted in light red, white, brown shades. The limbs and lower part of the muzzle are often bleached.
  • The dog is very active and cod, has a hunting instinct. In the city, they are happy to chase cats and birds. During training, they require a volitional dominant owner. In public places they need constant control. Any danger is accompanied by loud barking.
  • Siba-Inu is strongly fed throughout the year, which is a restriction for allergy sufferers. The Japanese breed is prone to hereditary joint diseases, therefore it requires a qualified examination during the institution regularly.
Active and dexterous
Active and dexterous

Dog Tos-Inu

  • Large fighting breed with high rates resistance and strength. On a strong body with short stocky paws, muscles and muscles are clearly visible. A large head with a massive muzzle and short -haired hanging ears.
  • Representatives of the Japanese breed of dogs are gaining from 70 to 100 kg in weight. For short dense wool, dark washing, red, deer, black color is characteristic.
  • Tos-Inu good watchmen. The breed is capable of aggression, so it needs constant education from childhood. The character of a pet is not suitable for a family with little children. In the absence of external stimuli, the Japanese breed is an example of equanimity and self -control.
  • In contact with other breeds, he claims leadership and easily enters into battle. Large pets are not suitable for small apartments.

Hokkaido dog

  • An expensive and rare Japanese breed of hockey dogs with a strong proportional physique. Hokkaido has original attractive appearance. An adult pet gains weight to 30 kg and grows up to half a meter in height.
  • The head is voluminous with wide eyes and standing ears in the shape of a triangle. Direct hard wool has a brown or red color. At the beginning of the neck, a thick withers are clearly visible. The fluffy tail is twisted up.
  • Hunting breed is adapted to difficult environmental conditions. Shows endurance and devotion. It has a strong bite. They require socialization with other animals from early childhood.
  • In relation to a man, Japanese Hokkaido is very subjected, shows softness and kindness of character. It will become a good companion for the owner with an active lifestyle. With a long stay in the apartment, the energy spilles on the surrounding objects.


  • Japanese old -timer with a strong muscular building. A triangular head with a small muzzle and standing ears. The wool is short and fluffy, elongated on a rounded tail. The dog Shikoku does not require constant combing and special care. The weight of an adult pet about 20 kg, height 40-50 cm.
  • Shikoku is unpretentious in food and adapts to any weather conditions. Finding in a closed environment must be compensated by long loads.
  • Dog With active temperament It needs training, but independent and independent. For Japanese breed of dogs, suburban conditions are ideal.
Needs training
Needs training

Japanese terrier

  • Hunting and contented rare dog breed. Animals have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. The physique is very elegant with a minimum amount of woolTherefore, Japanese terriers are not adapted to low temperatures. In winter, they need additional clothes.
  • Japanese terriers have a two -color color - a single -color light trunk and a dark head. The weight of the dog is up to 4 kg, height is about 30 cm.
  • Japanese terriers are very attached to the owner, strive to gain trust and recognition. With small parameters of the dog very Bold and active. Japanese terriers can be compared with young children, they can play and enjoy at home.
  • The breed requires specialized nutrition, otherwise, the risk of developing various diseases increases. The life expectancy of Japanese terriers is up to 13 years.
Two -color
Two -color

The breed of dogs is kin

  • Elegant and noble Japanese breed. The elegant physique reaches a quarter meter in height, and the weight is up to 3-4 kg. The head is small with large convex eyes and a short flattened muzzle.
  • Triangular hanging ears harmoniously decorate the Japanese breed. The body of the pet is covered with long wool. The fluffy tail is beautifully bent on the back. Classic color - white with black and red marks.
  • Hyans are hardy, by nature are clean and careful. An ideal breed for keeping in an apartment. Long wool requires timely combing. A special structure of the muzzle leads to increased tears and rapid breathing. Beautiful khina active participants in dog exhibitions.

Japanese spitz

  • Miniature Japanese breed of dogs with standard white color. A decorative dog looks like a white fluffy cloud and needs constant hair care. The weight of an adult is up to 8 kg, height up to 40 cm.
  • The dog has a small acute muzzle and pointed ears. The lush tail is thrown onto the back. The dog is not picky in nutrition and has no extraneous smell.
  • Dogs with a cheerful disposition are actively involved for demonstrations. A friendly pet is an ideal friend for a family with children and a faithful accompanying person for an elderly person. Spitz defend loud barking. Liberty animals do not tolerate leashes and adore long walks. Life expectancy is up to 15 years.

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