Amber in the shape of a heart. A meeting with fate awaits you: love about love

Amber in the shape of a heart. A meeting with fate awaits you: love about love

This story about the meeting of the girl with fate and how she carried her love through many years.

"All girlfriends got to the registry office as one, only I can’t see the groom in this life!" - I hummed cheerfully, waiting for parts of a branded energy bomb in the oven. Tonight, the delicate taste of this mine mines will deceive the consciousness of her absorbing and explode in their body hundreds of sweet kilocalories. I want to talk about a meeting of the fate that was in the life of one girl.

When and where will I meet a man by fate?

The girl dreams of meeting a man by fate
The girl dreams of meeting a man by fate

My friend Svetlana had a long -awaited son. Official briefings for the relatives, and they were added to them, took place two weeks ago, but now it was the turn of the best friends to express their admiration for her feat. For the sake of such an incident, Alex fell off the excavations in the red-hot sands of the Kyzylkum desert, leaving a comrade-in-arms in science and a life partner in the society of the Scythian Queen, beautiful, but, fortunately, ancient enough to compete.

Zhenya postponed the opening of her own exhibition of artistic photography, for which she was preparing for more than six months, forgetting everything up to the performance of marital duty. As for me, I didn’t have to leave anyone, I didn’t have to put off anything. But I myself assigned a heroic duty on the time -consuming process of manufacturing a masterpiece of confectionery art, to which a certain gourmet gourmet gave a shocking name - “ bird's milk».

Such a strong female friendship connected us from the time of a group meeting on kindergarten pots and throughout the entire time of transformation into adult geniuses of pure beauty, that is, to this day. The periodic appearance of men did not harm at all, and sometimes even strengthened our relationship. Who, if not a girlfriend after another unsuccessful novel, will explain her female uniqueness in comparison with the widespread natural phenomenon of male ordinaryness? Who, like not she will cheer up in a difficult moment in a life -affirming word:

"The more problems a person has, the less he needs for happiness!"

In general, in our circle, a friend is a creature with a halo and white wings. In the process of life formation, my angels got married, took off their wings and hid gold nymbuses on the scores (so as not to scare new relatives), and I: I:

“Well, I am not to blame that I was born with such a karma! Marriage is not included in her plans for my re -education! "

Saying these words, I shook my hands when one of the friends once again tried to direct me to the true path, that is, to the road leading to the registry office. When and where I would meet a man by fate, I did not know, but still hoped that this would happen very soon.

Fortune telling “I will meet my fate” or failure again?

Fortune telling
Fortune telling "I will meet my fate"

Of course, during the period of development between childhood and adulthood, when I was very young and inexperienced, a bright dream of a beautiful prince lived in me. I even subjected myself to the dangers of Christmas fortune -telling, the main reverent purpose of which was to clarify the personality of the future husband. My fairy -tale luck in this area made me in the tongue, supplying my friends and accidentally passing an exclusive material for entertainment. But I continued to believe that I would definitely meet my fate. Here are my attempts:

  • A boot from the left leg (be sure to the left!), Thrown through the open window, I fell exactly into the sewer hatch, from which someone prudently removed the lid.
  • Bezlunna midnight standing at the intersection closest to the house in a circle of circle and listening to surrounding sounds, I invariably attracted the attention of the outfit of the valiant police.

But the point in my possible career of the future bride put a fortune -telling on the “dinner for the narrowed”. Following the rules, once late in the evening of January thirty, I put a plate on a table set, instead of electricity, lit a candle and told the darkness outside the window:

  • "Mowing, suited, come to visit me to have dinner."

The fact that I was not at home (we wondered in the apartment of Alex) did not bother me and, as I hoped, I should not have been embarrassed either.

The giggling friends hid in the next room, and I, comfortably sitting on the couch, patiently began to wait for my fate. Five minutes later, the first signs of the guest called. Wind, calls and blows at the door. Soon he arrived himself - in the form of a swaying body in the gray overalls on the fur.

The narrowed exuded a sharp vodka amber. Following the warning, I sat quietly, with curiosity looking at the facial features and clothes of the appeared.

  • "Yeees- I thought with annoyance, - - All people are like people, and I am alone so happy! What prince grabbed into! ”

In the end, the narrowed one plopped down next to me on the sofa, closed his eyes and sniffed sleepily. I got angry. What is he here, a hotel?!

What's your name? - according to the scenario, fortune -telling, I barked point blank. The guy, waking up, jumped and, stretching out with a string, reported:

Vasily Gorky! - Then, making "freely", he confidentially said: - I am a plumber. Here, in the morning I wanted to subordinate the tap early in the morning.

He took out from his pocket a request for a two -week ago for the repair of a crane in the bathroom and handed it to me. - Chur me! - I exhaled in relief, I finished the fortune -telling.

Will I meet my fate: a person by fate

Meeting with a fortuneteller and a person by fate
Meeting with a fortuneteller and a person by fate

After this attempt, listening to the transparent hint of dark forces, whose competence everyone who has a desire to recognize their future is counting on, I stopped teasing fate. Since then, a lot of rains and snow flowed. I reconciled with one day voluntarily occupied by loner, and this caused sincere discontent of the living friends who were married. To fight for the happiness of my personal life, they organized a crusade under the motto: they organized: "She got married herself, drag a girlfriend there!". I praised myself with questions: “Will I meet my fate?”, “When will this happen?”

A premonition of another surprise with the groom and a person by fate made me add butter to the cream for a cake more than it was supposed. Behind all the preparations, I did not notice how the evening came - the time of bringing gifts. "Bird milk", together with a huge container for carrying cakes, weighed five kilograms.

The box closed the look in front of me, and I had to descend, feeling the surface under my feet with stilettos. The circumstance, which almost became fatal for me. On the last staircase, I stumbled upon a granny, who was sitting right on the steps, and we miraculously escaped the fate of Icar with a cake.

- Grandma, could you really find another place to relax! - I swallowed the curse, I was indignant in my hearts.

“And you are healthy, girl!” - Grandma mumbled.

- Can you ask you to move? - I tried to stay polite. - I'm in a hurry!

- All of you are in a hurry ... There is no time to say hello or talk ...

- Grandma, let me go! - losing patience, I prayed. And then she suddenly suggested:

-Let me better tell you! "Not that!" -For some reason I was worried.

- Listen, it's not funny! Skip me, after all!

Granny, rising in full grenadier growth, sighed: - Well, the youth went! No, to give an old woman the opportunity to make a pension to a pension! While I was in amazement for the words for a decent answer, the granny pressed her palm to my forehead and, covering my eyes, began to say:

- Listen carefully, dear. An unexpectedly unexpected, but given by fate, is waiting for you, and this meeting will bring you a short path straight to the state house.

Who would doubt that! I grunted:

- Granny, be a god to God! Do you mean a prison by the official house? Did you do it with a bandit with a bandit?

- Why with a bandit? - Opening his eyes, the grandmother was offended. - With an honest person, although very wealthy.

- And the state house? - That's stupid! She muttered. - This is the registry office!

Oops! The farther to the forest, the more preoccupied! I twisted my shoulder annoyingly, but since I was tortured as a child as a child, I asked with good in my eyes and voice:

- Grandma, how much am an amazing prediction for you for this? The grandmother shook her head and rode to the door, throwing before the exit:

- Then, girl, we count!

Signs of fate: the meeting was presented by fate

Signs of fate: the meeting was presented by fate
Signs of fate: the meeting was presented by fate

From the street there was an irritated Croeson signal. Taxi! I threw off the stupor and ran out of the entrance. The road seemed twice as long as ordinary, and thoughts about the wonderful granny occupied me until the broken elevator in the house of Sveta and the climb on foot to the ninth floor knocked out all the thoughts of my head completely.

- Not a hat is a dream. - I heard Zhenya's voice, entering the apartment. “But the diameter of this dream is slightly smaller than the Ferris wheel.” Alex admires his reflection in the mirror and regrets with regret that her head in this hat will not fit anywhere. Among the overwhelmed soprano of female laughter, I clearly thought of men's baritones. Is Svetkin the husband dared to be present? Or was he left as a nanny? Although her friend promised to put the child to bed so that the capricious culprit of the celebration would not interfere with the celebration of her birth.

- And here we are! I proclaimed.

- Hooray! The cake has arrived! - Alex slammed her hands.

“Yeah,” I nodded, passing Zhenya and Svetlana an impressive container with “bird's milk”, “the cake arrived, and I am still on the way!” I wonder which of them you were waiting for the most? Him or me?

- Of course you! -a long-familiar voice said.

- Hello, deer! I turned around and, swaying, whispered:

- You?

- I! - the man agreed.

Signs of fate: the meeting was presented by fate
Signs of fate: the meeting was presented by fate

Yes, it was him. It was a meeting donated by fate. Zhenya and I switched to the second year of the Institute of Arts. Jan has just finished training. A promising talented artist, according to which all God's creatures of the feminine, including geranium on the windowsills, were drying at the institute. And he chose ... Memories covered me.

The lunar path, winking ripples of river waves, warm rough sand and male lips slightly curved in paroxysm, whispering hotly: “I will love you forever!” Eternity ended a week later, when, suddenly throwing everything, Jan left for Paris. The note remained for me: “You are free. But if you can, wait. ”

I am grateful to fate for a meeting with you: love and amber in the form of a heart

Love and amber in the shape of a heart
Love and amber in the shape of a heart

Because of this, I played the performance of one actor all the years, because I considered it below my dignity to explain to everyone sympathetically loving that I can wait without a statute of limitations. And not because it is a fool, but because my brains are so, in love, inoperative. That's why I, with the virtuosity of the capricious princess, looked for the shortcomings of the offered and emerging candidates for husbands themselves.

Over time, it became easier to see over, but every year without Yana was erased from memory, like a rock -cutting machine, under the influence of a sandblasting machine. Waiting from the process turned into a persistent state. Five years. Why now?!

- What are you doing here? - depicting perfect disinterest, I asked.

“I came to visit,” the most beautiful men's lips in the world smiled.

When my bewildered head returned from another temporary ring, insight descended on it. The phenomenon of Jan is the result of the activity of an angel named Zhenya. Most likely, having met a longtime friend at the institute (by chance or not), she dragged him with her with the calculation, as always, to sink me, if not a new acquaintance, so at least the old one. At the end of an unexpectedly quiet festival, Yang volunteered to spend me. I agreed.

Girlfriends looked at each other meaningfully, and I am sure that I heard them satisfied: "I got!" - And the rustle of rubberized hands. We cheerfully walked along the same streets that remembered the former ones, and were silent. I mean, we were silent, although the streets also did not make a sound. The whole world froze in anticipation of something. I could not stand the first and said:

- The star fell!

“Yes, August is the time of the starfall,” Yang agreed immediately.

- You managed to make a desire? I asked only in order not to be in the viscous silence again.

“My desire goes next to you,” he carefully hugged my shoulders.

We stopped, Jan took out something from the inner pocket of the jacket and, taking my hand, put it “something” on my palm wet from excitement. Unprocessed, mysteriously glowing from the inside, the amber, similar to a bud of a tulip in the shape of a heart. The most magical, most beautiful creation of nature.

- I lost too much time for memories, and I can’t do that anymore. This amber in the form of a heart is a request to become my wife. Out of surprise, I seemed to have grown into asphalt. In these circumstances, I could not even speak under the threat of a lifelong deprivation of a voice, which for a woman is equivalent to a biological end.

Jan spoke and spoke, desperately waving his arms. They led my feelings and consciousness to a common denominator. I knew these hands, I saw them and felt on myself, but the last time not five years ago.

-Still, how much should I for your fortune telling? - I interrupted his monologue.

“Did Zhenya tell you such a creative method?” Jan hesitated and lowered his head.

“She ... but how did you know, because your girls made me so well?” Having smeared offense, pain and pride on an imaginary wall, I just answered:

“I loved the owner of these hands for too long and very much, so as not to recognize them.” Even if he suddenly transformed into an old man-storytake!

- Loved? - Ian asked me hoarsely. And I accepted the challenge of fate.

- I love! - I agreed with a happy sigh of the final decision.

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