Look at alternative methods of treatment and their effectiveness

Look at alternative methods of treatment and their effectiveness

In addition to tablets, micro, injections and other ways to get rid of the disease, which the doctor prescribes, there are many techniques to which we often resort to folk traditions.

Often, at the same time, we do not even think that tea with mint or raspberries with colds is prunes in order to cope with the constipation of the baby, and other “herbal” methods of treatment - and are one of the many forms of alternative methods of treatment.

What is alternative medicine?

  • So, alternative (or, as they are also called, non -traditional) methods of treatment They are the array of experience and knowledge that our ancestors have accumulated over many centuries, discovering the effect on the human body of a particular plant, mineral and other elements of the environment surrounding us. These knowledge were accumulated on the basis of both positive and negative experience, screening out unnecessary and harmful and fixing the relationship, causes and investigation, etc.
  • So, over time, alternative treatment methods that we use today have been developed. There are many of them, and in many ways they complement traditional medicine, enhancing the effect of drugs and medicines. Read more about each of the methods of non -traditional treatment - below.

What is acupuncture?

  • Acupuncture is an alternative treatment method that provides for the use of special needleby which injections are applied to strictly defined points located on our body. This method is also called acupuncture or acupuncture.
  • The philosophy of acupuncture is based on the approach to the body as a holistic interconnected system, and on the same complex treatment. And this method of acupuncture is close to the traditional approach. As a doctor, prescribing treatment, puts the principle of “no harm”, and an experienced acupuncture, determining the necessary points, seeks to take into account the general condition so as not to provoke problems for other body organs.

So, acupuncture can very effectively complement orthodox methods of treatment: for example, with arthrosis or hernias. But the cholelithiasis of the Acupuncture will not solve.

  • How effective is the acupuncture method - there is no consensus. Some compare it with the "placebo effect", i.e. Self -hypnosis, others are convinced that a competent approach and an unmistakable determination of the injection areas can cope with the disease no less effective than the methods of traditional medicine.

What is animal therapy?

  • This is a very pleasant and emotional alternative treatment method based on contact with animals (or their images). It is proved that communication with dogs helps to reduce the level of aggression. Now the ability of dogs to feel the moment of decreasing sugar level in the human body, and the approach of children's epileptic seizures is actively studied.
  • The main function of animal therapy refers to psychotherapeuticsince it does not affect physical health, but on the psychological state of a person. This treatment method has successfully established itself in the implementation of functions that also rehabilitating, psychophysiological, and the needs of self -realization and communication.
  • Depending on indications for animal therapy, it is most often suitable contact with horses, dogs, dolphins, cats. Sometimes insects and leeches are also used for treatment. In general, more than two thousand species of different animals are involved in the animal therapy method. You cannot talk about the effectiveness of this method in the case of allergies to wool, in infectious diseases, with certain mental disorders.

What is apitherapy?

  • Apitherapy is everything related to bees and beekeeping - This is the eating (and externally) beekeeping products, and the use of bees bites and their introduction of poison, which includes more than 50 different acids, beneficial substances and other macro- and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body.
  • Among the diseases in which bee venom can be used - nervous and respiratory, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal, genitourinary and musculoskeletal, skin, endocrine, ophthalmological... The same applies not only to poison, but also to other beekeeping products.
  • By and large, the apitherapy is a part of animal therapy isolated into a separate industry. But it is accepted separately to consider it separately, since such an alternative method of treatment is primarily aimed at the physiological rather than the psycho -emotional state of the patient.
Bee treatment
Bee treatment

Among the contraindications to apitherapy are allergies to beekeeping products, age-related restrictions up to 5 years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding, tuberculosis, low blood coagulation, etc.

What is aromatherapy?

  • These are procedures consisting in inhalation of aromas one or another essential oil contained in plants. It is used, as a rule, in order to improve physical and psychoemotional states. The separate benefits of essential oils are to contain a sufficient amount of natural vitamins and trace elements in them.
  • Traditional medicine recognizes the positive effect of such an alternative treatment method, provided that the correct dosage is observed. Aromamaed can be used, for example, as antiseptic or natural antibiotic. The composition may contain a variety of components: diuretic and analgesic, choleretic and antiviral or immunomodulating. It is possible to influence blood circulation and digestion processes.
  • If we talk about the psycho -emotional effect, then aromatherapy can act as natural aphrodisiac, antidepressant. As an auxiliary treatment, it can be used to facilitate conditions for articular diseases (arthritis, osteochondrosis, etc.).

What is autogenic training?

  • At the heart of this alternative method of treatment lies self -hypnosis. Another, no less popular name - auto -training. It is used to correct a state related to anxious, with depression and psychosomatic disorders. Practice shows that a certain effect of this method lies in expansion of blood vesselswhich leads to a feeling of heat, and to relaxation of muscles.
  • If classes occur systematically, then the heart rhythm is normalized, and the levels of sugar and cholesterol are also reduced. But the main task of constant autogenic training is prevention of mental disorders, such as depression or anxiety, sleep disorder, chronic fatigue.
  • In addition, there was a decrease in the level of pain in some diseases, a decrease in pressure caused by stresses, and an improvement in irritable intestine syndrome.

What is aerosol therapy?

  • For the treatment and prevention of respiratory organs, they use the method of inhalation of aerosol forms some beneficial substances. This method is called aerosolotherapy, which can be compared with inhalations. It can be natural and artificial.

In the first case, these are sea air, coniferous aromas with which the forests are filled with, in a word, natural therapeutic components. In the second - the use of medicinal herbs or nutrients, which are specially heated so that their therapeutic components begin to stand out into the air. Aerosol can also be applied directly to the skin if it is damaged.

  • As for inhalations, they can be carried out both with and without inhalers. Medicine, this alternative treatment method is approved as auxiliary And it is considered quite effective, it is recommended for this from the youngest age.

What is aeroionotherapy?

  • A similar alternative method of treatment is used in the form of use ionized airuseful for inflammation of the respiratory tract. Such ionization can be natural or artificial. The result depends on what the balance of particles having a positive and negative charges. The more positive, the more useful the effect of inhaled air.
  • Naturally iones are ionized by air particles in thick forests, near rivers with a stormy flow or waterfalls. The plus of this method can be considered naturalness and easily accessibility, and minus - a limited place of therapeutic action, inaccessible when leaving a certain range.
  • Artificial ionization occurs when using special equipment called aeroionizers. This method is available anywhere where the person is, the problem is in the financial costs of acquiring an aeroionizer.
  • Respiratory tract diseases in which aeroonotherapy are recommended, rhinitis and laryngitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis, viral and respiratory infections, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, tracheitis, mild forms of pneumonia and tuberculosis are recommended. A similar method is also used for some disorders of the work of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive systems, with skin diseases and damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  • The method is effective for accelerating tissue restoration, reducing general fatigue, increasing orgasm resistance, accelerating metabolism, normalizing sugar and cholesterol in the body, and blood circulation.

What is balneology?

  • Another alternative method of treatment, not related to traditional, is balneologywhich implies the use of mineral waters. It can be both internal and external - mainly in the form of various baths, saturated hydrogen sulfide, salt, carbon dioxide, radon, nitrogen. The main effect is carried out on receptors and nerve endings, as a result of which cells and tissues are saturated with gases and minerals, which leads to the normalization of almost all systems and organs of the body.
Therapeutic water
Therapeutic water

Most often, the balneological method of treatment acts as an addition to non -systemic disorders in the work of all body systems, rheumatism, hypertension (without pathology or crises).

  • The alternative method for treating cancer, systemic circulatory disorders (including brain), in acute diseases, including Infectious, with atherosclerosis and angina pectoris, cirrhosis, in the case of an open form of tuberculosis, with exhaustion.

What is barotherapy?

  • Barotherapy involves treatment with increasing or lowering air pressure. This procedure is carried out in an oxygen chamber. It is used for the prevention of hypoxia, or oxygen starvation, which leads to a decrease in general immunity to cell aging. During the barotherapy session, oxygen in tissue, enhances metabolism, accelerates the course of redox processes.
  • Such an alternative method of treatment for diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems is shown, with skin problems, in case of impaired operation of the musculoskeletal system, the genitourinary system. Effective for disorders of the musculoskeletal system and for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs.
  • Recently, barotherapy has been used for cosmetological procedures And after the same operations, accelerating the healing of tissues, reducing swelling, contributing to the effectiveness of peeling procedures, laser grinding, when getting rid of skin defects.

What is bioenergotherapy?

  • An alternative method of treatment is widespread in eastern medicine, during which biological energy is used. We also call this the restoration of the biofield. It is aimed at restoring and maintaining the body's ability to maintain balance during a reaction to negative influences.
  • It is believed that the technique helps to restore energy potential not only in the affected area, but throughout the body, and at the cell level. It acts faster in the case of an acute state, longer - in chronic forms of the disease. The overall effect is noted in raising the tone of the body, increasing performance and in greater resistance to stress.

What is vibration therapy?

  • The impact on the body of mechanical vibrations (or vibration) created by devices is called the method of vibration therapy (vibration massage). The effectiveness of exposure is determined by the frequency of vibration.
  • Low (up to 50 Hz) are aimed at stimulating blood circulation, expanding blood vessels, a decrease in muscle tone and the sensitivity of the surface nerve endings of the skin. High ones - increase vascular tone and reduce the pain sensitivity of internal nerve endings.

An alternative treatment method for mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system is used, for neuralgia and neuritis, for the treatment of radiculitis, as well as with vegetative and neurocirculatory dystonia.

  • It is contraindicated in acute periods of injuries, during vibrational disease, Reino disease, endarteritis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities, as well as with skin injuries and trophic ulcers and spans that fall into the zone of exposure to vibration.

What is hydrotherapy?

  • Another name is hydrotherapy, this method is used quite widely: local and common baths, wiping, dousing, shower, bath, wrapping. Audition can also be attributed to balneotherapy, where mineral water is used.
  • Aquarius helps to increase the protective and restoration forces of the body, adaptation to the external environment, is used as the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, nervous systems, if it is necessary to correct the figure.

The effect of an alternative treatment method consists in breeding toxins, improving the skin, stabilizing the work of the nervous system, strengthening immunity.

What is heliotherapy?

  • It turns out that our usual tan, which covers the body during summer vacation, is one of the types of heliotherapy! Direct sunlight are used as a therapeutic and preventive procedure, and the effect is achieved due to electromagnetic radiation going to us.
Solar treatment
Solar treatment
  • Under the direct rays of solar radiation, our body receives three ranges at once: Ultraviolet, visible and infrared. It contributes to the flow of blood to the skin and improves its circulation. With visible radiation through the effect on the retina, the effect on the nervous system occurs, and the effect is in increasing the activity of the cerebral cortex, improving the emotional state, more production of serotonin.
  • The most powerful effect is ultraviolet, under the influence of which there is an activation of redox processes, an increase in immunity, the formation of vitamins, and strengthening the whole organism.

Indications for heliotherapy: emergency states of skin diseases, including With psoriasis, with a lack of vitamin D, light fasting, for injuries.

  • Among the contraindications to such an alternative treatment method - circulatory failure, which can lead to swelling and shortness of breath, hypertension, coronary heart disease, disorders in the work of the thyroid gland. Carefully apply the method in the presence mental illness, neurosis. Another contraindication is increased bleeding, including period of menstruation in women. And, of course, the effects of direct sunlight in cancer are not allowed.

What is hirudotherapy?

  • One of the oldest methods of alternative treatment is the application of leeches, or hirudotherapy. The effect is based on the chemical composition of the slope of the leeches, in which there are many enzymes, hormones, vitamins, amino acids and a unique substance - girudin.
  • As additional treatment, therapy is indicated with high blood pressure, varicose and thrombosis, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, with brain diseases, hemorrhoids. It is used for dermatitis and eczema, as well as for ENT-digitas, diseases of the pancreas and liver, for disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The effect consists in improving blood flow and blood quality, getting rid of swelling and venous stagnation, cleansing the body of toxins. There is an improvement in metabolism, a slowdown in the progression of atherosclerosis, as well as the general rejuvenation of the body and the strengthening of immunity.

What is therapeutic starvation?

  • This alternative method is complemented by treatment associated with obesity And similar problems, and it consists in a limited or complete cessation of eating for some period.
  • Doctors disagree on the possibility of without harm to health to lose weight in this way, fully or partially limiting themselves to food. Doctors believe that starvation affects the energy deficit, while the muscle mass increases slower. Therefore, starvation can be medical only if it occurs under the control of a doctor who is convinced of the absence of contraindications.

What is homeopathy?

  • A very popular alternative method of treatment, consisting in the adoption of tiny doses of substances that cause signs of the disease in the case of the adoption of large doses. In other words, the basis of homeopathy is analogue treatment method.
  • Raw materials for homeopathic preparations can be plant and animal compositionsas well as minerals. The action is determined by the way they were carried out: breeding or shaking.
  • The main difference homeopathy from traditional medicine The fact that it fights not so much with the disease as with the state of the person himself, where the factors are determining that differ from the manifestation of a similar disease in many other people, his personal reaction to the disease.

Most often, homeopathy is used to treat colds, flu.

What is dirt?

  • In this alternative treatment method, they use baths, tampons, lotions, compresses or applications from mudhaving a mineral-organic origin. The most effective in combination with other physiotherapeutic procedures. The effect consists in reducing pain, increasing joint mobility, skin regeneration, etc.
  • Therapeutic mud procedures, warming the joints, not only increase their mobility, but also reduce inflammation. In addition to the treatment of nervous diseases and pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system, mud baths are used for skin diseases, including psoriasis. They also contribute to the strengthening of immunity, are an auxiliary tool for diseases associated with the genitourinary system. They act mechanical, chemical and temperature.
  • Mudley is contraindicated in epilepsy, cirrhosis of the liver, pregnancy, atherosclerosis, internal bleeding, tuberculosis, oncology, exacerbations of chronic diseases and exhaustion.

What is diatermia?

  • Alternative treatment method, consisting of deep heating of tissuesWhy are high -frequency currents are used.
  • Most often, it is used, if necessary, destroy malignant cells in the larynx tumors and concentrating in the pelvis and abdominal cavity.

What is non -traditional treatment with kerosene?

  • A very dubious alternative treatment method, since kerosene, even in combination with water, does not dissolve in it, which means that the body is subject to toxic damage. This applies not only to internal, but also to external use, when it enters the bloodstream and dissolution in it. Cases of renal failure are noted with such a “treatment”.
  • The vapors of kerosene are also dangerous, causing headache, heart rate, dizziness. In the gastrointestinal tract, the hit of kerosene causes vomiting, diarrhea, and edema of the stomach. Therefore, doctors categorically reject kerosene treatment as a method of non -traditional medicine.

What is hydrogen peroxide treatment?

  • The most frequent use of hydrogen peroxide has acquired as antiseptic. However, recently, advice has been increasingly appearing to take peroxide diluted to 3% from all kinds of diseases, including oncological, and impressing it for one of the types of oxygen therapy.
  • The intake of peroxide is fraught vomiting and nausea, if its concentration is weak. If the concentration exceeds 10%, then the internal organs can be seriously damaged, and sometimes a fatal outcome is also possible. This is due to the enhanced extraction of oxygen, which often leads to heart attacks or strokes, the development of pulmonary thromboembolism.
  • Therefore, the alternative method of treating hydrogen peroxide is rejected by doctors, and in America, for example, advertising such an unconventional method is completely prohibited.

What is treatment with blue iodine?

  • The blue color of iodine gives the addition of starch, he neutralizes alcohol and toxic substancesthat are part of ordinary medical iodine. At the molecular level, such a composition remains antiseptic, but its effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is softer.
  • It is used in the treatment of dysentery, stomach disorders, for poisoning and stomatitis, tonsillitis and conjunctivitis, as well as healing of burns and wounds.
  • In addition, blue iodine successfully involves in the treatment of some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach ulcers, colitis and enterocolitis. Among other effects of such an alternative method of treatment - normalization of pressure, reduction of cholesterol, a calming effect.
  • Contraindications include a combination with drugs, period of menstruation, and thyroid removal. The prolonged use of blue iodine is not recommended.
Creation of a therapeutic agent
Creation of a therapeutic agent

What is breathing treatment?

  • This alternative treatment method is based on regulation of breathing. It is carried out with both a nose and mouth, adjusting the duration of inspiration and exhalation. When inhalation, the tone of the cerebral cortex rises, and when exhaled, it decreases.
  • With holding respiration, the absorption of oxygen in the lungs occurs, and carbon dioxide is removed. If the delay occurs on the exhale - The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood rises, like the temperature, but the heartbeat rhythm decreases, mental activity, the work of the nervous system improves.

If long -term fast breathing is carried out with the mouth, then the level of stress and depressive state is reduced.

What is lithotherapy?

  • Treatment with stones called lithotherapy. The impact occurs at the energy level, due to the coincidence of vibrations, psychological, based on the effects of the color wave, and, finally, on the chemical, depending on the mineral composition of the stone.
  • Lithotherapy is an addition to the treatment of respiratory system, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and nervous systems. There are no categorical contraindications, doctors say only about the futility of such an alternative method of treating oncology and instead of surgical intervention.

What is magnetotherapy?

  • The method of magnetotherapy is the use of constant and impulse magnetic fields. The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication is an increase in immunity, a decrease in pain, normalization of blood circulation, stabilization of psychological mood.
  • At the cellular level exposure to magnetic fields improves redox processes in the body, increases the activity of enzymes and local blood supply. Vascular expansion, improvement of lymphatic drainage, decreases, the pressure is reduced, a catabolic, trophostimulating and hypocoagulating effect is reduced. It is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, with osteochondrosis, ulcers, allergies.
  • The method is contraindicated in bleeding and open wounds, heart failure, thrombophlebitis, mental disorders, with open forms of tuberculosis, in the presence of a pacemaker.

What is manual therapy?

  • An alternative treatment method consists in the influence of the hands with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is carried out with the help of massage and orthopedic styling, pulmonies and swings, shocks and jerks. Aimed at eliminate motion blocks in the joints.
  • It is used for scoliosis, consequences of childish rickets, osteochondrosis. Contraindications include tumors, infections and acute inflammations in the joints, fresh injuries, postoperative conditions, myelopathy.

What is metal therapy?

  • An alternative treatment method based on applying metal objects to the body. This is one of the types of reflexology, and the most popular metals for such treatment are copper and steel.
  • Elements of metal -bearing are also found in traditional medicine, when the doctor prescribes collargol preparations, silver nitrate, which are used in the treatment of diseases associated with genitourinary or respiratory systems, or lead patch against purulent diseases, mercury ointment in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

What is naturotherapy?

  • An alternative treatment method is based on the principle using natural remedies of plant or animal origin, and aimed at the energy state of a person, at general recovery.
  • These are affordable and understandable actions: proper nutrition, getting rid of bad habits, cleansing the body of toxins, minimizing drugs to take drugs, if possible natural drugs, sports, walking, walking in the fresh air.

What is naphthalane?

  • The use of Naphthalan oil (including drugs from it) for prevention and rehabilitation. The procedure is a technique of naphthalan baths with a temperature of up to 40 ° C. Another way is to apply naphthalan directly to the skin. Naphthalan applications, vaginal swabs are also used.
  • The effectiveness of Naftalan is proved as an immunomodulating, analgesic and anti -inflammatory agent. It has an antihypoxic and anti -stress effect, contributes to the better absorption of certain drugs.
  • An alternative treatment method is indicated for skin diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous and gynecological diseases, allergies, thrombophlebitis and phlebitis.

Contraindications - acute forms of the disease, tumors, tuberculosis.

What is ozone therapy?

  • Ozonotherapy - an alternative method of treatment based on ozone reactions with fatty acids, which contributes to the better absorption of oxygen, improving blood flow. Immunomodulating, anti -inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, analgesic effects were noted.
  • It is indicated in the treatment of atherosclerosis, pressure disorders, infectious diseases of the respiratory system, with allergies and chronic fatigue syndrome, with obesity and diabetes. It is widely used in the cosmetology industry.
  • Contraindications for use are various bleeding, heart attack, pancreatitis, impaired cerebral circulation, if a decrease in sugar levels is noted, with acute alcohol psychosis and convulsive syndrome.

What is osteopathy?

  • One of the options for manual therapy, based on the relationship of all organs, and not just problems with the spine. The main area of \u200b\u200bosteopath is nervous system, brain and spinal cord.
  • An alternative method of treatment can be used in the treatment of children for diseases such as convulsions and epileptic syndrome, headaches and neuralgia, hydrocephalus. It is used to correct strabismus, with delays in psychomotorics, speech problems and other conditions associated with disorders of the nervous system. Adult patients are as follows: headaches and migraines, dystonia, exhaustion, problems associated with the musculoskeletal system, post-traumatic and postoperative syndrome.
  • Contraindications are tumors, thrombosis, severe infectious diseases.

What is paraffinopia?

  • During paraffinage, applying a molten paraffin to the body. When wrapping it occurs heat transfer and penetration into the skin of active components. It is widely used in cosmetology to reduce weight, improve the condition of the skin.
  • The alternative method of treatment is indicated when getting rid of cellulite, fat deposits, small wrinkles, edema. Helps to get rid of dry skin peeling, helps to heal microcracks, scars.
  • It is contraindicated in the presence of hypertensive problems, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, for oncology, infections, allergies. There is no paraffinage in the case of varicose veins, diabetes, if there are open wounds on the body.
Using paraffin
Using paraffin

What are turpentine baths?

  • Dripidic baths are a bath of bath, in which talnch oil (or turpentine) is dissolved, which is part of the resin of coniferous trees, as well as castor oil and oleic acid. The effect lies in expansion of capillaries and coronary vessels, in stimulating the metabolic processes of tissues, and excessive sweating affects the removal of toxins and toxins, reducing swelling.
  • Such an alternative treatment method is indicated for angina pectoris, varicose veins, hypertension, arthritis, vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, urogenital system problems, with a decrease in vision, cataracts, glaucoma, and obesity.
  • Dripidar baths are not recommended for cirrhosis, open form of tuberculosis, severe deviations from the norm of blood pressure indicators.

Other alternative treatment methods

Methods of non -traditional treatment also include:

  • Stone-therapy - massage in which hot stones are used. Aimed at improving muscle functioning;
  • Thalassotherapy - treatment with the use of sea water, algae, salts, mud. The technique is aimed at removing muscle spasm, improving blood circulation, normalizing the work of the joints;
  • Peat - one of the types of mud in inflammatory processes for the treatment of wounds and ulcers;
  • Urinotherapy - Eating urine inward or externally. Not recommended by traditional medicine;
  • Ultrasound wave therapy - the use of sound waves of a certain frequency on an affected organ that reduces pain, improving blood circulation and metabolism;
  • Phytotherapy - the use of plants containing biologically active substances as drugs;
  • Fungotherapy - The treatment method with drug mushrooms that contain substances that have antibiotic activity.

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