Ready -made examples of the resume for the work of an accountant, lawyer, an economist, a personnel officer, a seller of a consultant, a driver, a storekeeper, a bank, administrator, geodesist, a commodity man, an engineer, a woman, a school director, an electrician.

Ready -made examples of the resume for the work of an accountant, lawyer, an economist, a personnel officer, a seller of a consultant, a driver, a storekeeper, a bank, administrator, geodesist, a commodity man, an engineer, a woman, a school director, an electrician.

An article with the best collections of a resume of different professions.

Summary is the second that a potential employer pays attention to. The first is the appearance and ability to behave. When applying for work, not only your clothes, but also a resume should be in order. A competently compiled resume promises you 50% of success, and the rest only depends on you. If you get to work for the first time and do not know how to write the same resume correctly, then our article will help you very much.

Resume for the work of an accountant, accountant-cashier, chief accountant: ready-made

The position of the accountant obliges the accuracy, attentiveness and the ability to perform a large amount of work in a short time. The resume below will serve as an example for you what a good summary of the accountant should look to interest the employer.

The key skills for the accountant are:

  • stress tolerance
  • punctuality
  • diligence
  • attentiveness

Without these skills, you are unlikely to be able to get the position of an assistant accountant.

Summary of the accountant.

A good example of an accountant's resume in a company
A good example of an accountant's resume in a company



Remember that the accountant must have multitasking
remember that the accountant must have multitasking

An accountant cashier, this is a person who is engaged in the issuance of wages to employees. Such a person should be extremely attentive and stress -resistant. When dealing with other people's money, there is always a risk of reading, which can be extremely dysfunctional of the company's financial well -being.

Summary of an accountant-cashier

The resume of an accountant cashier may look like this
The resume of an accountant cashier may look like this


The accountant cashier is engaged in the issuance of wages, as well as taking into account finance
The accountant cashier is engaged in the issuance of wages, as well as taking into account finance

The chief accountant is responsible for the financial part of the entire company. This is one of the most important posts on which a responsible and purposeful person must certainly be.

Summary of the chief accountant

Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2
Very responsible position - chief accountant of the company
A very responsible position - the chief accountant of the company

Lawyer resume to work: ready -made examples

A lawyer is a person who is perfectly aware of all laws and knows how to apply them correctly. Saying the word "correctly", we mean "for the good of the company." There can be no more or less large company without his own lawyer. There are always some disputes with customers, suppliers, and the lawyer must be able to settle everything in the best way for the company.

The lawyer should be:

  • sociable
  • stress -resistant
  • far -sighted
  • cunning (in some moments)
  • responsible
  • independent from other people's opinions
  • devoted business

The resume of the lawyer

Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2
Here's another example of how a lawyer can arrange a resume
Here's another example of how a lawyer can arrange a resume

Summary resume: ready -made examples

The estimator, or the mixer engineer works with documents, Fininas and under construction at the same time. The task of the estimate is calculated all volumes, areas, amount of material and send all this to higher authorities. Also, the estimates work with equity holders and contractors. The work is very nervous, hard, both physically and morally. The mixer engineer must be stress-resistant, patient and attentive.

An example of a summary of an engineer-mixer

Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2

Here is another example of how to make a good resume as a mixer engineer.

Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2

Summary for the work of an economist: ready -made examples

A person who is solving all arising economic issues in the company, monitoring shares is an economist. Such a person can be attentive, purposeful and responsible. If you do not have these qualities, then it is better not to indicate in the resume.

An example of a resume of an economist

Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2

Summary of the personnel officer to work: Examples ready -made

A specialist in working with personnel, or easier "personnel" is a responsible person for a set of staff. Such an employee should be able to interview, communicate live with candidates for other positions, be able to recognize the language of gestures, facial expressions of the interlocutor. Important qualities are restraint, politeness, the ability to submit oneself.

Summary of the personnel officer

Resume to the work of the seller of the consultant: Examples ready -made

The sales consultant is a fairly common profession these days. In almost all stores there are consultants. Their task is to help the buyer choose the product. Also, the consultant seller must be able to correctly answer all questions arising from the client, be polite, patient, courteous.

Option of resume 1
Option of resume 1
Option of resume 2 (part 1)
Option of resume 2 (part 1)
Option of resume 2 (part 2)
Option of resume 2 (part 2)
Option of resume 3 (part 1)
Option of resume 3 (part 1)
Option of resume 3 (part 2)
Option of resume 3 (part 2)
Often the salary of the sales consultant directly depends on the number of sales
Often the salary of the sales consultant directly depends on the number of sales

The position of a sales consultant is now very relevant, because every day the number of stores that need qualified employees is growing every day.

Summary for the driver’s work: Examples ready -made

The driver’s work is physically hard. Long business trips with stress, fatigue, excessive tension do not pass without a trace. The driver does not have to have a higher education, enough school. A driver’s license and the presence of the category of rights necessary for certain transportation are played by a decisive role. An even greater role is played by experience. The employer is more likely to hire an experienced driver than a beginner even with the best characteristics.

Quality necessary for the driver:

  • attentiveness
  • stress tolerance
  • a responsibility
  • diligence

Summary of the driver

Summary to work: examples are ready for the storekeeper

The storekeeper is dealing with thousands of items daily. The work is responsible, complex, requiring maximum attentiveness, concentration and good memory.

Example of the resume of the storekeeper No. 2, part 1
Example of the resume of the storekeeper No. 2, part 1
Example of the resume of the storekeeper No. 2, part 2
Example of the resume of the storekeeper No. 2, part 2
The work of the storekeeper is usually well paid
The work of the storekeeper is usually well paid

Summary to work: Examples ready for a commodity department

The merchant is engaged in the selection of the assortment of goods for each outlet separately. He must understand the names of the goods, the specifics of the location of stores, and also be able to navigate in stressful situations, which are enough in the work of the merchant.

Summary for work in the bank: Examples ready -made

A bank employee is engaged in issuing loans, communicating with customers, consultations, drawing up and checking contracts, attracting new customers. Since the field of activity is quite extensive, the resume should be made correctly in order to reflect all your positive and important quality.

An example of a resume for a bank employee.

The appearance is very important for a bank employee
The appearance is very important for a bank employee

Summary to work: Examples ready for the administrator

The position of administrator is usually present in restaurants, cafes, shops, beauty salons, hotels. In other words, in all establishments related to the service of people. The administrator communicates with a large number of subordinates and customers every day. Competent speech, courtesy, politeness and the ability to hear the interlocutor are the most important qualities for the administrator.

Resume of the restaurant administrator.

The resume of the administrator of the beauty salon.

Restaurant administrator - a person who knows answers to all organizational questions
Restaurant administrator - a person who knows answers to all organizational questions

Summary to work: examples are ready for surveyor

Geodesist is not the most common profession. Many people do not even know about its existence. Nevertheless, for sure all residents of more or less large cities with people have encountered this profession. Have you seen people in vests with reflective elements standing near the roads and settlements with a strange apparatus resembling a camera with a tripod? This is surveyors. They make up a map of the area.

Summary of the surveyor.

This is how surveyors work
This is how surveyors work

Engineer resume to work: ready -made examples

The importance of the profession of an engineer is difficult to exaggerate. In addition, it is currently one of the most popular and highly paid specialties. To get a place for an engineer in a good company, you need to work hard in compiling a resume.

An example of an engineer resume.

Resume to the police for a woman: examples are ready

To get a job in the police, you need to have a “clean” business, as well as write a resume and autobiography. Not all police positions are suitable for women, remember this. We will give examples of finished resumes below.

A resume to a woman to the police.

Resume number 1
Resume number 1
Resume number 2
Resume number 2
Women working in the police are a fairly frequent phenomenon
Women working in the police are a fairly frequent phenomenon

School of the school principal: Examples ready -made

It is very difficult to be a good school principal. You manage not only the teaching staff, but also are responsible for the children who are only in the stage of the formation of personality. The future of your small wards depends on what the atmosphere at school will be at school.

Important qualities for the school principal:

  • courtesy
  • determination
  • responsiveness
  • stress tolerance
  • society
  • politeness
  • initiative
  • love for children
  • desire to grow and develop

Without these qualities, the director’s work is unlikely to suit you.

Summary of the school principal.

Summary to work: Examples ready for an electrician

Finding a good electrician (electrical installer) is not so simple. If you consider yourself one, then you need a correctly drawn up resume so that the employer is convinced of your profile.

Summary of the electrician

Electrician - important and dangerous work
Electrician - important and dangerous work

Summary for a work for a paramedic: Examples of ready -made

Ambulance paramedic is an incredibly complex and responsible profession. In a few minutes you need to be able to make an accurate diagnosis and provide first aid. This is where stress resistance, attentiveness and high performance is needed.

Feldsher resume.

Subcusher's work resume: Examples of ready -made

No less responsible work is the position of midwife. If a paramedic usually helps adults in critical situations, then the care of the midwife is infants.

Summer resume.

Example No. 1

Example No. 2

Video: How to make a resume? The expert says

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