How to create a logo online: a selection of the best sites. We create your own logo: what to look for?

How to create a logo online: a selection of the best sites. We create your own logo: what to look for?

We create a logo on our own: step -by -step instructions.

As soon as you have your own business, you immediately need to take care and make a logo. And here, it doesn’t matter whether you open a large business, or start your site, or just create your own personal brand. Of course, if we are talking about large business, it is best to entrust the development of the logo to specialists of their business, but if we are talking about a small project and each penny in the account, this article will come in handy. We will tell you how to come up with and make a logo for a minimum amount of time.

How to make a logo: tips

Firstly, it is worthwhile to understand that the logo is not just a blurry intricate icon, it is a drawing that will display you and your name, but subsequently, when you promote your brand, the logo will attract your adherents and allocate your product or service among hundreds of competitors.

It is worth noting that the logo is an emblem that allocates you among all other manufacturers. Subsequently, the change of the logo is a big step back and again for many years of winning the love of customers, so you can slightly modify the logo, but not to change it completely.

Logotypical options from world famous brands
Logotypical options from world famous brands

A newcomer in the field of sales will say - but I, as a client, do not choose from the emblem, I choose by the quality of the product, its price, etc. Let us give an example. In your city, you like to visit the Marmalade restaurant network, they delight you with both pricing policy and delicious food. Arriving on a business trip to another city and seeing the Restaurant “Marmalade”, what are the chances that you will go to it, and not to its competitors? That's right, minimal.

Now we add such a nuance that “marmalade” is actively advertised and is a fashionable place. Most people will go to this restaurant, without comparing it with the pricing policy of competitors, only because this name is in hearing, friends and acquaintances go to it (and fashionable selfies in restaurants are just free advertising, a kind of sundress radio), etc. .

Video: 15 hidden secrets on the logos of famous companies

And this factor works not only with nutrition. In the city of Fantasy, the craftswoman knit chic caps and complements with a tag with her logo. The first thing she noticed was her hats began to stand out among those without a logo. And after grateful customers began to publish reviews about chic caps on social networks, their friends and acquaintances began to look for such a headdress for themselves. There is no such model of a hat, but a master whose logo flaunts on hats. After all, if their friends like this, then the master will do an exclusive and high -quality hat for them!

So, the logo will allocate you from the crowd, and therefore right now we will tell you how to make a logo:

  • Decide on the name of the brand/company/site;
  • Decide whether you want a logo with a slogan, or in a minimalist style;
  • Consider the types of logos and decide which is precisely to you;
  • Determine the shape of the logo;
  • Think about whether there will be a brand/company/site, etc. expand or will occupy a narrow niche;
  • If you decide to make a logo yourself, spend at least 3-4 hours and study world-famous logos. You should not copy, but ideas may arise;
  • Make a sketch or drawing of the logo on paper;
  • Go to online sites and try to choose one of the proposed options for logos;
  • If you do not suit two options for solving the issue - draw a logo in one of the illustrators or hire a freelancera, which will draw a logo according to a preliminary sketch. It will be many times cheaper than hiring a logo developer.

In order to make a logo, programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Inkscape and other programs, less famous.

How to create a logo online: a selection of the best sites

How to make a logo just? With the help of one of the online services that help to realize your ideas into reality in a few minutes. We will consider each of the services, their advantages and disadvantages.

The most famous platform for creating logos from scratch - 99designs. On this service you will need to register and apply. Choose the most interesting from the sentences to you and give the creation of the logo into the hands of the designer. Upon manufacture, he transfer all rights to the logo through the service, and you are a reward to him. Everyone is happy and happy!

Video: 99Designs

Advantages: designers from different parts of the world into one touch. Disadvantages: pricing policy to many newcomers and starters is high.

Logaster - The designer of the logos. To get started, it is enough to enter the name, and choose the type of activity (the second, if desired, helps to sort thematic icons). Further, from the proposed options (and more than 1000 of them), select a logo that will like it more. In a small extension, you can download the logo for free, and for a full size you need to pay a symbolic amount.

Another site designer - Turbologo. Here is the first thing you need to enter is the name of the company or name, then - the slogan at will. The next step is to select the color palette of the logo, and then select one or more icons and go to the last step. Having finally determined, you can download the logo in a small extension for free, or in a large expansion for a small fee.

We create your own logo: what to look for?

As you know, success can depend on the smallest nuances. So we, starting with a simple one, go to the complex. To the same details that can tighten the process for many months. And therefore, when you consider the eminent logos for a long, long time to choose elements for hours, remember that you have the beginning of the path, and building the logo is one of the many tasks and a reasonable amount of time should be spent on its creation.

How to create a logo: types of logos

The leader of the logos is a symbolic emblem. This is a drawing that carries information about the brand, as well as what the company is doing. The advantage of the symbol is an association that will accompany and push to the transaction not only when it sees a product or logo, but also when it will see objects similar to the pattern. So, for example, Apple, having selected a bitten apple into the logo, makes the hearts of adherents be beaten more often, every time they see not only the Apple logo itself, but also apples! Such art is not at all the fruit of professionals, everyone can listen to themselves and get a brilliant idea!

Symbolic logos
Symbolic logos

Text logos occupy the second The place in this niche consists of one or more words. In this type of logo, in addition to color, the role, texture and tilt of letters play the role.

Text logos
Text logos

Combined logos They connect two leading species, but professionals advise you to carefully treat this type of logo, since they are often overloaded with unnecessary information and, therefore, negatively affect recognition.

Combined logos
Combined logos

Logo-emblem The leader of sports clubs and weapons business. By the way, a network of world -famous Starbucks coffee houses joined them. As you know, today the Starbucks logo is printed not only by them, but also enterprising Chinese merchants of thermal and coffeeware, since no longer the brand works on the logo, but the logo for the brand.


The alphanumeric type of logo. In past centuries, when opening a business, instead of inventing a sonorous name, the business began to bear the name of the owner. If there were several owners, so as not to weight the name in the matter were initials with fastened symbol &. Also, numbers, symbols, year, etc. were laid in the name.

The alphanumeric type of logo
The alphanumeric type of logo

How to create a logo: logos forms

We will not dwell on this part for a long time, since there is an excellent illustration that opens the curtain of the forms of logos with examples and clarifications.

Forms of logos
Forms of logos

How to create a logo: logos fonts

Depending on the direction of activity, font, direction of lines, color, volume or plane, the same font will look completely different. In this section, we will not call the most universal or better font for the logo - since everyone strives to make the logo unique, and does not look like others.

So, the first direction of the fonts is with cuttings. These are dashes at the top and along the bottom of the letters, which help the reader "keep" the line. Absolutely everyone reads them well, and they are visible from the distance (shopmails, banners, etc.).

Font with cuttings
Font with cuttings

There are also fonts without cuttings, they stand out favorably with the fact that they are less likely to use and create a raid by novelty, freshness and insolence.

Font without cuttings
Font without cuttings

Manuscript fonts - These are calligraphic virtuoso fonts that are not always well read, but they always look interesting, creative, chic and expensive.


Trino painting has long left the household, but the fonts occupied their worthy niche. They converge perfectly with other fonts, but also look spectacular on their own. Despite the fact that typewriter is in the past, they do not at all look like a “retro”, on the contrary, these fonts are often used for posters, pop art, etc.


Decorative fonts in the logo - This is a work of art in a single copy. There are playful curls, and intriguing bends, and decorative elements and much more. The best example of this font is the Disney logo.

Decorative font of Disney
Decorative font of Disney

How to create a logo: logos colors

Color is affection, emotions, individuality and even a subtle manipulation over the client. So the famous McDonald's in the logo and the general design of restaurants used red (increasing appetite) and yellow for a long time (helping easily part with money, extravaganza of the holiday, etc.). And only when 80% of the world with one mention of the word McDonald's represented hearty and tasty food, only then restaurants began to allow themselves to be comfortable green in the interior so that the new generation customers wanted to stay, as well as to create a visual eco space.

Infographics of the best flowers for logos
Infographics of the best flowers for logos

Given the color scheme for your logo, pay attention not only to the worldwide recognized map of the associations of colors, but also our Slavic traditions. White was always associated with cleanliness, airiness and minimalism, but the black Slavs are perceived as a heavy, overloading color, which must be carefully introduced into the logo. The final picture is also important. Choose a few color solutions, test each of them on your logo. Look at each of the color schemes and stop at the one that presents you as advantageous as possible.

How to make a logo ideal for attracting a client?

You decided that making the logo yourself a feasible task, but you probably understood that you were not doing it for yourself, but for your potential customers. To attract and consolidate a certain trademark, which in the future will be a symbol of quality, comfort, etc. Therefore, after you create the drafts of the logos (they make up to 10-15 options to choose from), show them to friends, colleagues, and your clients if you maintain contact in social networks. This is a great way to get free feedback and choose the “same” logo.

Font with cuttings and bright colors are the main horse of the world famous Google
Font with cuttings and bright colors are the main horse of the world famous Google

Remember testing this is the key to success!

But after the process is completed and the logo is sent to its final place, do not rush to remove all the drafts. They may be needed in redesign. A year or two will pass, and this logo will become hackneyed and boring, and you, without departing from a familiar logo, slightly modify it (and here it is possible, you will not need to invent a bicycle, but just get a draft!).

Google redesign for many years
Google redesign for many years

And in conclusion, add a checklist on the logo. Work until you have everything “yes” until you have.

  • More than 10 people said that he was really attractive;
  • The logo transferred to the black and white spectrum remains attractive to the group of people 10+ people;
  • If the logo is turned over, will it remain recognizable?
  • Increase, reduce the size - is it still recognizable?
  • Is everything harmonious? Is the stylistics of the icon and font sustained harmoniously?
  • LABY? Voids? Everything is ideal or is there about what to work?
  • Does the logo stand out among other logos?

And in conclusion, we add, creating a logo, professionals are advised to immediately create in several formats: AI, EPS, SVG, PDF. But if you are just starting your business, feel free to create a logo in a format convenient for you, and later, when you have a budget, order from the designer the formats that will be required.

We hope you liked our article, and now you can make the logo yourself.

Video: how to make a logo in Photoshop CC


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