From arrears to the stars: celebrities who studied poorly or abandoned high school

From arrears to the stars: celebrities who studied poorly or abandoned high school

Psychology experts have already been noted the following fact: it is not necessary to be an exemplary boy or girl, to study “excellent” and obey adult advice in everything, so that, later, to achieve grandiose successes. You will learn about how celebrities learn from our article.

Many admire the stars of cinema and pops, consider them ideal in everything - from external appearance, photogenicity and the ability to serve themselves on the screen and ending with brilliant, according to fans, phrases that fans hear in films. And which are attributed to the objects of adoration as if these are their own thoughts, expressed by VSLH and always to the place.

Meanwhile, not all admiring fans know that their favorite star “heroes” became famous, not even having a certificate of completed secondary education. There were many reasons for this, and the article below will open the veil of secrets to us, why they could not (or did not want) the current celebrities even graduate from school, not to mention admission to the university.

From arrears to the stars: celebrities who studied poorly or abandoned high school

  • Opens a rating Marlon Brando, a native of a poor family, who was not loved by classmates, and he, in turn, tried to attract attention with all his might, far from a positive way. The guy was hooligan, rude, behaved defiantly and, in the end, was excluded from the educational institution for a trip on a motorcycle along school corridors. On this, his attempts to receive secondary education ended, which absolutely did not affect his future, more than a successful, acting career.
  • The next in our list is a French actor, Gerard Depardieu, whose childhood passed even more saturated. From the age of 12, the guy decides that he is not to study, it is much more interesting to engage in theft of cars, to sell them, along with the goods prohibited at that time, and spend the earned money on warriors in Europe.
  • Future film actor, Kevin Spacey The school was an avid drachun. The administration of a military educational institution decided to exclude it for the fact that Kevin beat a classmate.
  • Al Pacino, the best baseball player at school, was always not averse to starting another brawl, so visiting school classes or “pounding” over the lessons, as a rule, was not included in his daily plans. At seventeen, he left an educational institution, starting to earn money on his own, delivering parcels and washing dishes in a cafe. This did not prevent him from becoming a famous film actor in the future and winning the recognition of millions of fans.
He abandoned his studies
He abandoned his studies
  • The future star of French cinema, Jean-Paul Belmondo, also did not differ in perseverance in the school years. When he turned 16, the lessons were abandoned for two -year boxing, which, as you know, they did not become his vocation.
  • Of course, not all star negligent students received bad marks for unsatisfactory behavior. Some of them were simply lazy once again open a book or notebook. Perhaps teachers did not even seek to interest children with study. The now famous actor and film director, Quentin Tarantino, He was not enthusiastic about school teaching, preferring him walks in the vicinity of his hometown. Homework, respectively, was also ignored, so the mother of the future conqueror of the film industry allowed the guy at the age of 15 to leave their studies in order to help the family financially.
He worked with 15
He worked with 15
  • Charlie Shin He did not admit his studies so that not a single subject for all school years aroused the slightest interest in him. As a result, the now popular actor did not even finish the graduation class.
  • Unlike previous lazy people, Jim Carrie Bad marks did not get because he hated his studies, on the contrary, in the class he was often set as an example, but all this for the time being. In Carrie's family, a financial crisis came, so tangible that the teenager Jim had to go to work in order to help parents. Now, instead of lessons, the guy spent most of his time at the factory as a cleaner. It was quite difficult to combine an 8-hour working day and study and, in the end, Jim rolled up to the doubles-from fatigue, not a single subject lingered in his head. Thus, the guy had to get stuck in the 10th grade for three years and endure the guys' ridicule, after which he decided to leave his studies.
I had to work as a teenager
I had to work as a teenager
  • To leave high school at the age of 15, in order to do earnings, I had to have the most famous Hollywood film actor today, Michael Kane.
  • Unlucky to graduate from school and Demmy Moor - Mother divorced the girl’s father, abused alcohol and, by and large, she did not care whether her daughter was studying or not. At the age of sixteen, Demi had to take care of himself. Its first work was collector activities - the collection of debts from the population.
  • To be left without secondary education was forced and Nicole Kidman. After the mother of the future star found oncology, the girl decided that she would go to work in order to take care of her own person. It seemed that the study could be completed later, but this was not destined to happen.
Worked for mother's health
Worked for mother's health
  • As for the sexual beauty Marilyn Monroe, instead of studying, the girl became a young wife, having concluded a legal marriage with James Dogerti at the age of 16, considering that he will thus gain freedom and independence. In a sense, the certificate of secondary education did not receive free Marilyn, in a sense.
  • Some people now have already disgustingly relate to some people who have already been disgusted at school-because of unusual views on the upbringing in the family, origin or material problems. The following stars have experienced children's cruelty: Winona Ryder, Kate Winslet, Pierce Brosnan. For example, the young rider often beat at school for the appearance (she looked like a boy), as well as for the birth of a hippie family. In the 7th grade, the hatred of children reached the climax-the girl was very broken by her head, and she could hardly get home. Since then, Winonon has not been allowed into the school.
  • Suffered mocking ridicule and Kate Winslet. Due to excess weight, the thick Kate is not only popular-they did not even consider it necessary to turn by name. Instead of normal treatment, the girl heard only the caustic nickname "Bubble".
It was thick
It was thick
  • Handsome Pierce Brosnan He also threw school because of the ridicule of classmates. The guy was of Irish descent, which he regularly resembled his peers in a mocking form. The pride of the young man could not stand it, and he left the school without the slightest regret, left without a certificate.
  • The problems of some famous people with the school curriculum were also associated with dyslexia - the inability to recognize letter signs and, accordingly, experience difficulties with reading and memorization. Previously, such a diagnosis was not seriously considered and such children were simply considered nearby. With all this, the coefficient of intelligence of students with dyslexia sometimes went through an overwhelm.
  • So, director Guy RitchieHaving high testing results at the IQ level, was not able to master school items. Classmates constantly mocked the boy, which prompted him to abandon his studies and leave the school, although not realizing what was wrong with him. The reason became clear when the actor was already an adult.
  • Tom Cruise From an early age, he was aware of his diagnosis, dyslexia and tried to overcome the ailment with all his might. To do this, the boy had to undergo training in 15 schools, but this did not help and the young volume decided to devote himself to God. Because of his disease, he also had to abandon his intentions, but his career in the cinema was not affected by this. The actor from him turned out to be better than the reader.
  • Keanu Reeves He was also forced to quit school due to dyslexia, but from this he did not become a less popular star of cinema.
  • The popular actor, Orlando Bloom, there is also no document on higher education, despite the desperate attempts of relatives to help him in study. The star’s mother promised to give him the legendary Harley for reading several dozen books, but Bloom suffered a fiasco, despite such a stimulating message - a couple of dozen would not be set on his memory.
It does not have a diploma
It does not have a diploma
  • It was not possible to graduate from high school and the owner of the Oscar, Anthony Hopkins - During his childhood, they did not even know about the problem of dyslexia. Thus, the guy was simply hung on the label of the incapable and stupid, although even then he showed the gift of the game on the piano.
  • Popular film actress and singer Shar, which managed to get an Oscar, Grammy, Emmy and three Golden Globe statuettes during his long career, also did not graduate from the school. The girl had difficulties with reading (dyslexia), so she had to quit her studies and at the age of 15 to engage in other genera of activity. They turned out to be music classes and acting courses, which became a step to her star future.
  • Of course, the “lion's” part of the rich and famous stopped studying, not because there was no money in the family, or there were no abilities themselves-they simply realized that they could have much more than to live at the desk for years. Among them were: Julia Roberts, Uma Thurman, Hulle Barry, Britney Spears, Kristina Aguilera et al. And, I must say that, having started an independent search for their calling, future stars did not lose.
  • Also, this list falls Kristen Stewart, who quit studying at school and received a certificate of secondary education only by 19 years, barely handing over school tests.
I studied badly
I studied badly
  • Cameron DiazAlthough I did not receive a document on education, it is one of the most popular actresses in the world with the highest fees. Over the past year, the actress earned $ 34 million with her own work.
  • Johnny Depp, deciding at the age of 15, that he was quite studying from him, became a rock musician, and, subsequently, a successful actor. He has a sea of \u200b\u200bfans and decent fees (the last of them \u003d $ 50 million)
  • John Travolta Also, he does not have a document on secondary education, which did not prevent him from building a successful and bright career in the cinema. Being at the age of 16, John, with the permission of his parents, a year rested from school classes, engaged in stage art. He did not return to school, but the actor's work brought him a tangible income. Which continues to this day.
  • Many film actors who started a star career at an early age: Drew Barrimor, Jude Law, Russell Crowe and others, having tasted the sweet moments of glory, they did not want to become ordinary schoolchildren again. Perhaps someday they will regret that, thus, they lost their childhood, but their successful life today speaks the opposite.
  • By the way, some stars nevertheless understood their mistake to refuse the certificate and, being already adults successful people, “took up the mind” and passed tests to receive a certificate of secondary education. So, singer Beyons Noules Successfully passed exams after independent pounding on books, actor Mark Walberg, decided to choose online training.
Finished after she became famous
Finished after she became famous
  • Oscar -winning beauty, Charlize Teron, left school classes at sixteen to become a professional fashion model; She was even a participant in several beauty contests. Having taken more than one prize, Charlize attracted the attention of representatives of the modeling agency from Milan.
  • And the last, but not worst in our ranking of famous arrears, mentioned Wupi Goldberg (nee Karin Johnson). The child’s childhood from the black family was heavy. Karin was raised by a strict mother (his father left his family when Wupy was small), who, despite hard control, could not be so influenced by her daughter so that she escaped the bad companies and temptations of New York.
  • As a teenager, Karin stopped attending school, began to use cocaine. To get money for drugs, the girl worked in the sex service by phone. The only thing that helped her get out of this pit and start the path to the star dream is the courses of theatrical and acting. In 1984, at the age of 29, when Wupy performed with a solo Broadway performance, she was noticed by Stephen Spielberg. The first role in the drama "Flowers of the Lilac fields" (1985) brought the actress a nomination for Oscar and paved the way for her in the bright future of the film industry.

Video: Celebrities who abandoned school

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    Hi all! In my opinion, everything is extremely logical in this life. A creative person simply does not fit into the framework (temporary, intellectual, etc.), which undoubtedly should be “subjected to students at school. You can add a soloist of the Muse group to the list. I remember in St. Petersburg at his concert. Talent! A ticket if anyone ordered anyone here -

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