Treatment of prostatitis is the most effective drugs: how to determine that there are problems with the prostate gland, what are the types of drugs? The most popular medicines for prostatitis: antibiotics, immunomodulators, anti -inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of prostatitis is the most effective drugs: how to determine that there are problems with the prostate gland, what are the types of drugs? The most popular medicines for prostatitis: antibiotics, immunomodulators, anti -inflammatory drugs.

Many men after forty years have problems with the prostate gland. In pharmacies you can buy any medicine for this ailment, the only thing that needs to be chosen, which is better for your body.

Unfortunately, prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland can lead to many unpleasant feelings for men that suffer from this pathology. Moreover, the ailment is dangerous to the development of impotence, the appearance of tumors, the loss of the function of childbearing. The manifestation of the disease can be different, depending on the general picture of the patient’s illness, the doctor prescribes therapy. Next, we consider which methods of treatment are popular, and which pharmacy drugs are effective to eliminate the disease.

Treatment of prostatitis - effective drugs: how to determine that there is a pathology of the prostate gland?

There are two phases of the disease - chronic and less dangerous - acute. The chronic stage occurs due to ignoring the problems of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. The acute phase is manifested after the lesion of pathogenic microorganisms.

Symptoms of prostatitis
How is symptoms manifested?

The acute phase can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Pain manifestations in the groin zone, sharp, shooting pain in the lumbar region.
  • Frequent urge to urinate with pain manifestations, purulent discharge.
  • Elevated temperature, chills, intoxication.

With such signs, the patient should urgently visit the doctor. The specialist, in turn, will prescribe antibiotics, other drugs that will stop the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis:

  • Pulling pain in the zone of the groin, abdominal cavity, organs of the pelvis.
  • Very frequent urge to the toilet on a small one and at the same time there is a burning sensation.
  • Irritation, insomnia, bad mood.

For therapy of this form of the disease, you will have to spend a considerable time. Because the disease is already in an advanced stage. And you will have to choose a therapy scheme in accordance with the availability of complications and other problems. The treatment complex includes immunomodulating, antibiotics, massage, analgesics, suppositories, physiotherapy.

Treatment of prostatitis - effective drugs: What are the types of drugs?

When the patient passes a number of examinations, tests, the specialist will make the appointment in the form of complex therapy. Preparations are selected based on research. If the patient notice the first improvements in the general condition, it is important not to stop using dosage forms. Otherwise, the disease may return.

Plot from prostatitis
Pilyuli from prostatitis

What are the varieties of drugs for the disease:

  • Panicai in the form capsules, tablets - They use it inside. They are varying by the view and the fact that the capsules are therapeutic powder, and the pills are solid.
  • For injections Use aqueous solutions that have the fastest effect on the patient's body. Injections are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
  • Forms in the form candles They have analgesic, antibacterial, anti -inflammatory effects. According to the rules, they are inserted into the anus, while the sick should be in a lying position on his side. The duration of the procedure is thirty minutes. The duration of therapy is from seven to ten days. Their advantages are that they are simultaneously characterized by antibacterial, anti -inflammatory, analgesic effects.
  • Drugs in the form installations It is necessary to use only under the control of a medical specialist. The dosage form is administered through the urethra using a special tool - a catheter, directly into the focus of inflammation.
  • Microclisms only inflammation is treated. They are based only on plant components. Only microclisms with the disease cannot cope, but they can be used complete with other means.
Injections from prostatitis
Injections for the treatment of prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis - the most effective drugs: List

There are many effective panic in the fight against this ailment. Thanks to different dosage forms, you can improve the condition of the prostate itself, overall well -being.

Very often for complex therapy is prescribed Prostalen. It manifests itself perfectly in the fight against the disease. In pharmacy networks it is sold in the form of candles, ampoules. The tool strengthens the vascular membranes, improve blood flow.

Prostillen injections
Prostillen injections

Injections are produced to patients:

  • if there are urination, but it is problematic to go to the toilet
  • with inflammation of the prostate (gland), adenoma
  • in acute, chronic stages of prostatitis
  • with stagnation in the prostate.

Capsules Prostamol Uno - are effective during the treatment of hyperplasia (tumors of the first, second stage of non -malignant nature). With the help of the drug, the functionality of the genital organs of a man is established.

Oksacillin.Penicillin antibiotic is produced in the form of powder or tablets. Effective for the treatment of infectious manifestations in the form of gram -positive microorganisms. It is enough to consume from two to four grams of funds per day. Accept them after 4 or 6 hours, one two in one reception.

Contraindications of the product:

  • allergenic reactions, asthmatic manifestations against the background of their
  • kidney disease
  • gastrointestinal disorders, enterocolitis.

When using tablets, powder (with an overdose), there are sometimes complications such as diseases of the genitourinary organs, allergies, gastrointestinal tract disorders.

Plot Pristan - In the form of pills, it positively affects the work of the prostate, eliminates benign formations.

Vitaprost candles -use rectally during the chronic form of the disease. The course of therapy is established by the urologist.

How to treat prostatitis?
Treatment of the disease at the doctor. Prostatitis

Afala tablets.Assigned for the anti -inflammatory effect. Still, pills have an analgesic effect, relieve prostate swelling, establish its work. The product refers to homeopathic medicines.

What are the contraindications of the tablets:

  • allergenic reactions to any component of tablets
  • necrosis of the tissue component of the gland
  • oncology.

Therapy usually takes about four calendar months, the treatment is long. The reception is conducted in the morning and evening time two pills at a time. The doctor, based on the general picture of the patient’s health, can independently adjust the dosage and duration of the use of the medicine.

Treatment of prostatitis - immunomodulators: List

If the body has any infection, which is also characteristic of prostatitis, then an increase in the resistance of the immune system is required. For such purposes, a number of pharmacy drugs are used. Thanks to them, treatment will go faster, and the body will restore its vital tone.

Candles Galavit

Urologists know about the effectiveness of the suppository, therefore they are prescribed for the complex therapy of the disease of the prostate gland. This dosage form produces a bright anti -inflammatory effect. In addition, suppositories increase the resistance of the body systems to many infectious diseases, they can easily be consumed with antibacterial agents.

The method of use does not differ from other analogues of this drug. Enough to eliminate pathology apply in the morning, in the evening one candle per day. The period of therapy will be established by a urologist, most often seven days are enough to improve the condition. Candles are contraindicated in patients with allergenic reactions to components. Sometimes patients may develop intolerance against the background of long -term use of galavite.

Candles galavit from prostatitis
Candles galavit from prostatitis

IMPORTANT: Now, in the treatment of prostatitis, medicine has stepped forward. Therefore, for successful therapy, an examination with a urologist should be undergoing, and start a comprehensive treatment, including not only drugs, but also physical activity, diet. And then the disease will retreat, do not launch the pathology.

Treatment of prostatitis - dietary supplements: List

For the effective treatment of prostatitis in pharmacies, funds are sold based on medicinal herbs. They gently affect the body with minimal side effects, but have a persistent effect on the cause of the disease.


The medicine copes well with inflammation, enhances circulation in the prostate, eliminates stagnant manifestations in iron.

The composition contains:

  • Argirea, Asterent, velvet beans
  • Anchor, sustainwang, brass braid
  • Melting, masculine pool, aarmelia.
Speman from prostatitis
Speman from prostatitis

Pills are consumed two to three times a day, a urologist chooses the dosage. The only contraindication in pills is an allergenic reaction to the components that are part of them.

Film tablets

Pills have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of genitourinary organs. They release them in India. During therapy, you should use them before eating in the morning, in the evening, 2 pieces for a one -time reception. Still, during their consumption, the patient is undesirable to eat fatty, fried products and abandon sweets, strong drinks.

The product contains AIR, sandalwood, ginseng, sage, chamomile, ginger and other herbs. This medicine can be consumed with other pharmacy products. Inverse reactions in the drug at least - allergic reactions to its constituent.

Bangshil tablets

This is a dietary diet. Thanks to it, there is an increase in immunity, normalization of the work of the genitourinary organs. It includes many components, there are about 45 herbs.

Bangshil from prostatitis
Bangshil from prostatitis

If the doctor has not prescribed another scheme, then they are used for one month in the morning, in the evening before eating two pills For a one -time reception.

Capsules pro-Essence

High -quality antiseptic with antipyretic, anti -inflammatory effects. Also, this tool has a powerful immunomodulating effect and analgesic effect.

It contains: 

  • Castle, rhizome burdock, juniper
  • The bark of Slet and ash.

Enough take one or two capsules in the morning and evening And the patient's condition will improve. The course of therapy will be determined by a specialist urologist.


  • You can not use with diabetes, renal failure.
  • Refuse to take capsules with allergenic reactions to the components of the medicine.

Capsules Likoprofit

This is also a dietary diet. Thanks to the drug, there is a general improvement in the condition, including genitourinary organs, because the swelling of the prostate decreases.

Likovlit - from prostatitis
Likovlit - from prostatitis

The composition of Likoprofit includes:

  • Nettle root, African plum bark, ginseng,
  • Ginkgo two -blade, fruits of dwarf palm trees.

You need to take capsules for a month, moreover, enough one capsule per day before eating. You can not drink this complex if the patient has tachycardia, hyperthyroidism, hypertension, insomnia.

Poponenen capsules

The manufacturer of Bad is Israel. Its composition contains pumpkin oil. Capsules enhance the immune system, have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary organs, are a natural analgesic. You need to take pills three times a day one or two per single reception.

There are practically no adverse reactions, only in rare cases there is diarrhea.

At the reception of the urologist
At the reception of the urologist

Those who are trying to fight the prostatitis of the house are a little advice: do not try to cope with the pathology yourself. Do not regret the therapy of funds, visit the urologist, let him examine you, will establish what pathogenic microorganisms your body is affected.

And only after the diagnosis will prescribe a treatment regimen. Perhaps the treatment will be long, you will need many drugs to overcome hated bacteria. But do not retreat, because in most cases, when ignoring the disease, more serious complications come and there is a risk of developing a malignant tumor. Treated in a timely manner. Be healthy!

Video: Drugs for prostatitis

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Comments K. article

  1. I also drank antibiotics, but at the very beginning. Maybe they were prescribed to remove the inflammation. Now I drink Eropostan. I drink the course, then a break of the month, then again the course. The doctor says this to maintain the body, because prostatitis is chronic. It is necessary that he does not exacerbate.

  2. What nonsense. Give better to the doctor. I was prescribed urotrin. I drink it and no longer experience any pain and problems on the love front.
    And any “proper nutrition” can only help with prevention. And no folk remedies will save your prostate)

  3. And at the same time I was prescribed antibiotic and licoprofit, when there was an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. Have you heard about this complex? If not, then read the reviews, it is made of natural components that effectively affect the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, plus help improve urination, which you must agree in this situation is important.

  4. In fact, now both dietary supplements and medicines from this disease are more than enough. And there are many different devices like smart work. The only problem is to choose what exactly suits you ...

  5. Prostatitis became the reason that my wife and I could not conceive a child for a long time. The difficult period was, almost divorced ... Fortunately, they went to the doctor, took the tests and it turned out that many indicators were underestimated. He began on the recommendation of the doctor to take Bestvertil, playing, with fast food was tied and soon his wife became pregnant !! How much joy was !!

  6. I managed to cope without antibiotics, because treatment began in time, the inflammation was not strong and the urologist came across normal, I advised a good drug that helped. I was advised by the candles Prostalen. He set the course, but it became easier much earlier, so he was convinced of the effectiveness of this drug, plus these candles are an order of magnitude cheaper.

  7. My spouse is now taking Permixon capsules at the DGPZ, they contain a creeping palm fruit extract, which helps to reduce symptoms: in particular, the number of urge to urination has decreased. Previously, I got up several times a night, and I woke me up, now a maximum of 1-2 times, and even not a single one.

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