All the signs of the zodiac by numbers and months: how to find out your zodiac sign?

All the signs of the zodiac by numbers and months: how to find out your zodiac sign?

In this topic, we will consider the exact readings of all the signs of the zodiac by numbers and months.

Confusion with zodiac signs often occurs if a person is born at the junction of two components of a horoscope. In addition to the fact that there is ignorance and unclearness where to relate the object, so there is also mixing character traits according to the classification of constellations. Yes, it is they who set the separation of the zodiac signs into 12 spheres and the general description of each sign. Therefore, in this topic we will delve into the exact period of each symbol, having studied astrology.

All zodiac signs by months and numbers

Stars and space have always attracted earthly inhabitants, beckoning their unknown and some mysticism. Therefore, the first steps to study the constellations take their roots since ancient times of Babylon and even Egypt. The first concept of the signs of the zodiac was formed in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. And here is the first question of interest to why the system began with Aries and has such an order, we will analyze a little more.

  • The zodiac circle is twelve sectors of 360 corner shares, which are mean by geometry by degrees. Each of these sectors is characterized by appropriate metaphysical properties, the analysis of which is the basis for the compilation of horoscopes. It is believed that the character and life path of a person directly depends on the position of the sun, moon and planets during his birth and is enclosed in his natal chart.
  • They tied the horoscope itself to the solstices. And in those days when the point of the spring equinox was in the constellation Aries, the first symbol of the zodiac circle started. Further, the zodiac circle continues in the course of the annual movement of the Sun and consists of the names of the twelve zodiac constellations through which it passes alternately.

Important: however, constellations and zodiac signs are two different coordinate systems. The first position is real areas into which the sky is divided. And the second touch is a model of symbolic sectors into which the ecliptic is divided. Recall that this is a large circle of heavenly sphere, which is the annual cycle of the sun.

The countdown began with the first solstice
The countdown began with the first solstice and is based strictly on the movement of the sun

A few words about the existing classification of zodiac signs

Such constellations are divided into male and female (odd and even), to the northern and southern (relative to the point of equinox) symbols. They are divided according to the relevant seasons, can rely on fertility, infertility or neutrality. But we will pay attention to the general division, which is most popular.

  • They are grouped in four elements:
    • fiery;
    • earthly;
    • air;
    • water.
  • And stand out in terms of the quality of the temporary or local location:
    • radical or mobile signs from which every season starts and the weather changes;
    • fixed or unshakable characters, when the weather is clearly expressed and without change;
    • changeable, general or mutable signs that combine two breeds of two different seasons.

Separation of the signs of the zodiac in the generally accepted system and on the movement of the sun in the celestial sphere

Important: there is another system of separation of constellations, but we will provide you with a second Western scheme that is more popular and adopted in Russia when compiling horoscopes. By the way, just the first installation has a shift one day earlier, both the beginning and the end of the period. Therefore, sometimes there is a certain contradiction in determining the horoscope.

It was the discrepancies in the testimony of different systems that created confusion
It was the discrepancies in the testimony of different systems that created confusion
  • A cardinal and ambitious sign related to the elements of fire - Aries. The sun is in the sign from April 18 to May 14, but the system adopted the division From March 21 to April 20.
  • A constant and fixed sign related to the elements of the Earth - Taurus. The fire ball passes through the constellation from May 14 to June 21, but the considered period for the horoscope - From April 21 to May 21.
  • A changeable and sociable sign related to the elements of air - Twins. Finding the sun in their sign - from June 21 to July 20, the system adopted the date - From May 22 to June 21.
  • Cardinal sign, but expressing caution and depth that belongs to the elements of water - Crayfish. The stay of the solar ball from July 20 to August 11, and the zodiac map has the following indications - From June 22 to July 22.
  • A constant and unshakable sign related to the elements of fire - A lion. Finding the Sun in the constellation from August 11 to September 17, but the period according to the horoscope - From July 23 to August 21.
  • A mutable sign that is incredibly flexible related to the elements of the Earth - Virgo. Their sun passes from September 17 to October 31, but the symbol of the horoscope covers From August 22 to September 23.
  • A cardinal, but harmonious sign related to the elements of air - Scales. Finding the sun in the sign - from October 31 to November 22, but the horoscope dates From September 24 to October 23.
  • A constant sign with incredible resistance related to the elements of water - Scorpion. Its turn is the sun passes only on November 22-30, but the separation is equivalent to the rest- From October 24 to November 22.

Important: presumably, there is another, thirteenth zodiac sign - Snovers. His permitted period From November 30 to December 18. But most astrologers consider his assumption to be incorrect, contrary to the twelve spectra of ecliptic.

What would a new scheme of horoscopes look if the serpentine was officially recognized
What would a new scheme of horoscopes look if the serpentine was officially recognized
  1. A mutable and optimistic sign related to the elements of fire - Sagittarius. Its turn falls from November 23 to December 22,although the sun takes place from December 18 to January 19.
  2. A cardinal sign related to the elements of the Earth and expressing perseverance - Capricorn. Finding the sun in the sign - from January 19 to February 16, but the horoscope is considered From December 23 to January 20.
  3. A constant sign, which is paradoxically open, belongs to the elements of air - Aquarius. The sun passes its borders from February 16 to March 12, but the symbolic period falls out From January 21 to February 19.
  4. A mutable and sensual sign related to the elements of water - Fish. Finding the Sun - from March 12 to April 18, but the horoscopes say - From February 20 to March 20.

As you can see, the solar passage through the constellations diverges a little from the accepted horoscopes. After all, as we have already clearly noticed - the largest star of our universe every spectrum passes in a different period. But in order to balance each zodiac sign, astrologers identified about the same period for each symbol. As a result, the serpentine became in question, since it does not fit into the generally accepted framework, although the passage and it concerns a little.

Video: How to find out the signs of the zodiac by dates?

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