Does people harm people with genetically modified organisms in food: what's the benefits of GMOs, danger, examples

Does people harm people with genetically modified organisms in food: what's the benefits of GMOs, danger, examples

If you need to write a project or abstract on the topic “genetically modified organisms”, then read the article. It has a lot of useful and interesting information.

Genetically modified crops, for example, soy, corn, rapeseed and potatoes, are grown in many countries of the world. Among them are Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Mexico and the USA. This is proved by annual news in the media, which states that 25 percent of corn, 38 percent of soybeans and 45 percent of cotton that grew in the United States last year were genetically changed. This is necessary so that the stability of plants to herbicides, or that you can produce your own pesticides. According to approximate estimates, at the end of last year, 40 million hectares of commercial lands were allocated all over the world for GM culture, although not all cultures grown on them were food.

Read on our website an article about global environmental problems, and how they are solved in our country and the world as a whole.

However, the question arises: does genetically changed food not fraught with any health hazard? And are the scientific technology of the conclusion of GM cultures harmful to the environment? In Europe, disputes do not stop on this occasion and fierce debate is underway. For example, the words of one deputy from England: "I oppose genetically modified products only because they are dangerous and humanity is not needed." Let's look at the question of the dangers of GM-first in this article. Read further.

How is a genetic change in products: the creation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), methods of obtaining

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in apples
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in apples

It is likely that you today for breakfast, lunch or dinner, eaten a plate of genetically modified (GM) food. This could be potato puree from tubers with built -in repellent against insects, or for example, a salad of the same tomatoes. You probably noticed that some kind of potato is cooked for a long time or ticking tomatoes and very hard. However, it often happens that a special mark is not placed on GM products, and they are unlikely to differ in taste from natural ones.

The science responsible for the appearance of GM-first is food biotechnology. This is a science that studies the use of modern genetics to improve the food properties of plants, animals and microorganisms. How is a genetic change in products with modified products? How is GMO creation?

It is worth noting that attempts to experiment with living organisms for the same amount as agriculture itself:

  • The farmer, who wanted to improve the quality of the breed of his herd, did not expect a suitable case, and he himself brought the best bull with a good cow, became the first biotechnologist in the simplest sense of the word.
  • And the first baker, which added yeast to the dough so that it grew, also used a living organism to improve its product.
  • A common feature of these ancient methods was the use of natural processes to change the final products.

Modern biotechnology also provides for the use of living organisms to create or modify products. However, unlike traditional methods, genetic material can be modified with high accuracy. Modern biotechnology helps to exchange genes between foreign organisms, creating combinations that could hardly be made in the usual natural way. Now breeders can introduce properties taken from other organisms into the plant. For example, here is a well -known method of obtaining:

  • Scientists endow the culture with frost resistance of fish, viruses resistance and insecticidal qualities of soil bacteria.

Suppose a farmer wants potatoes or apples not to rot in the place of cuts and blows. Here researchers come to the rescue:

  • They eliminate the gene that is responsible for decay.
  • A changed version is introduced to its place, which delays this process.

Imagine that one who grows beets would like to sow it before to harvest. He cannot do this in normal conditions, because in the cold culture freezes. However, with the help of biotechnology, beets can now be introduced by fish genes that easily tolerates low water temperature. As a result, a genetically modified beet arises, which can withstand the drop in temperature up to minus 6.5 ° C. This is half the typically critical temperature of the freezing of this plant.

However, the properties of transplanted genes are limited. Changing the complex characteristics of the plant, for example, growth rate or drought tolerance, is a completely different matter. Modern science is not yet able to manipulate entire groups of genes. And besides this, many such genes are not even open.

The first genetically modified organism

Genetically modified organism in the tomato
Genetically modified organism in the tomato

Back in 1972, the scientist from America connected two gene into one, which in nature could not form in any way. This was the start to start the development of genetic engineering. The first genetically modified organism appeared. Scientists began to continue to conduct experiments with various living organisms, which were given names such as known to everyone "GMO", "recombinant", "genetically engineering", "living altered"and even "Himmer."

But scientists began to think about the consequences, and as it turned out, not in vain. Scientists even prepared documents with a request to suspend such developments. But in 1976 the experiments continued. In 1994, the first GM domidor appeared, which was launched into the masses. A year later, modified soy, potatoes, rapeseed, tobacco, cotton and others appeared. GM products began to appear with geometric progression.

A new green revolution to create genetically modified organisms

Even the limited possibilities of genetic modifications inspire great optimism in adherents of biotechnology. According to them, GM cultures portend a new green revolution. One of the leaders of the biotechnological industry states that genetic engineering is a “promising tool in an attempt to provide” the population of the world, the daily increase of which is about 230 million people, “a large amount of food, even if genetically modified”.

  • GM cultures have already contributed to a decrease in the cost of food production.
  • For example, the structure of some plants was strengthened by the genome that produces a natural pesticide. Thanks to this, there was no need to spray large sown areas with toxic chemicals.
  • The development of new modified crops is also underway, including legumes and grain with extremely high protein content.
  • It should be noted that this is tangible support for the poor countries of the world. Such cultures are able to transmit to the following generations of plants new useful genes and properties, which allows you to increase the yield of low -income land in poor and overpopulated countries.

“It is necessary to improve the fate of farmers- said the president of one leading biotechnological company, - and we will do this: with the help of biotechnology at the level of molecules and individual genes, we will do what the breeders have done over the centuries with “entire plants”. We will create the best products that meet specific needs, and do it much faster than before. ”

However, according to agribiologists, hasty attempts to present genetic engineering with the only solution to the universal problem of lack of food, undermine the course of their current studies. And although these studies are less exotic, they are more effective and can also go for the benefit of poor countries in the world. Here is what the phytopathologist Hans Herren says: “We do not need to be guided by this unverified technology, if there are many other effective methods to solve food problems.”

Ethical issues of the use of genetically modified organisms: What is the danger of such products?

Genetically modified organism
Genetically modified organism

Many people believe that in addition to a possible threat to public health and the environment, the genetic modification of living organisms is fraught with moral and ethical danger. This opinion on the use of genetically modified organisms in food is considered at the world level for a long time.

According to the statements of the American public figure Douglas ferry:

  • "General engineering crosses the main threshold on the way to human control over the planet and changes the nature of life itself".

And here is what Rifkin says about this, author of the book Biotechnical Century:

  • “When you have the opportunity to cross all the biological limits, you begin to consider the views of the usual knot of genetic information that can be changed. This leads us not only to a completely new concept of relations with nature, but also to a new approach in its use. ”

Given this, Rifkin asks:

  • “Life has value right now, and serves only to achieve selfish goals? What is our debt to future generations? What is our sense of responsibility to people for what we are creating and what do we coexist with? ”

English Prince Charles claims that artificial exchange of genes between completely alien species "Takes us into the sphere that belongs to God - and only to him". Bible researchers are firmly convinced that God is a “source of life” (psalm 36:10). However, there is no real evidence that it condemns the selection excretion of animals and plants that helps our planet feed billions of its inhabitants. Only time will tell, modern biotechnology will damage people and the environment. And if it really intervenes in "The sphere that belongs to God", then out of love for humanity and care, he can direct the course of such processes to create a genetically modified food in the opposite direction.

Video: Are GMOs dangerous? - Scientific

Genetically modified organisms and biosaurism: benefits and harm GMOs

Genetically modified organisms and biosa
Genetically modified organisms and biosa

Biotechnology goes forward with such dizzying speed that neither laws nor regulatory institutions do not have time behind it. The study is almost unable to prevent unpredictable consequences. More and more adherents of environmentally friendly and healthy food are warned about the possibility of unwanted consequences for all of humanity due to a serious economic mess among farmers. After all, in the literal sense of the word they will begin to destroy the environment, growing GM products, pose a threat to human health. Researchers warn that there are no long -term, large -scale types of tests that would prove the biosorous safety of genetically modified organisms and products. These experts indicate a number of potential dangers - the harm of GMOs:

Allergic reaction:

  • If the gene, which is a source of allergen protein,, for example, in corn, then sick people with food allergies could be in serious danger.
  • And although products control organizations require that manufacturing companies report on the availability of similar proteins in altered products, some researchers fear that allergens can also slip through the check system.

Increased toxicity:

  • According to some experts, genetic modification can unexpectedly increase the level of natural toxins in the plant.
  • When the gene built into it begins to act, except for the desired effect, this process can cause the release of natural toxins.

Antibiotic resistance:

  • To determine whether the introduced gene successfully took root in a modified plant or not, scientists use the so -called label substances.
  • Since most of these genes cause resistance to antibiotics, doctors fear that the problem of the stability of plants and people to antibiotics can only delve into.
  • In contrast to this thought, other scientists argue that before use, marked genes have genetic disorganization and therefore no longer pose this danger.

Distribution of GM cultures:

  • But the biggest fear suggests that through seeds and pollen, genes of modified crops will go to their wild relatives and a race of such crops is formed that will have resistance to herbicides.

Harm to other organisms:

  • Last May, researchers from the University of Cornell reported that the caterpillar of the Danaida butterfly, who ate leaves sprinkled with pollen of the GM-Kukuruza, was massively ill and died.
  • Despite the fact that they investigated that they were just assumptions, while other scientists are afraid that GM cultures can damage organisms that have nothing to do with them-animals, birds, insects, etc.

The end of the era of safe pesticides:

  • Some successful varieties of GM cultures contain a gene, which is a source of protein, poisonous for insect pests.
  • However, biologists warn that constant contact with this toxin will help pests develop stability, which means that it will negate the use of modern safe pesticides.

GMOs are also beneficial, although people do not like to talk about gay. Only scientists and farmers indicate this fact. This is the benefit of GM organisms and products:

  • Plant protection from pests and diseases
  • Acceleration of their growth and maturation
  • The possibility of growing abundant crops without the use of chemicals to protect plants

The benefits of GMO are also that you can feed the poor countries of the Third World, where people are still starving.

Genetically modified organism (GMO): Examples

Currently, all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be divided into three main groups:

  • GMR - genetically modified plants
  • GMG - genetically modified animals
  • GMM - genetically modified microorganisms

Here are examples of genetically modified organisms:

  • GMR: Plants that grow in frozen ground, salt marshes, steppes, and even in the desert. These are cultures that can be stored for a long time in warehouses and during prolonged transportation. Medicinal plants, which after modification become raw materials for many pharmaceuticals.
  • GMZH: Mice that were created for various experiments, cows capable of giving human milk, salmon, which grows faster and larger than relatives in nature, as well as pigs, flies, mosquitoes, etc.
  • GMM: a small group that is created for medicine. Almost nothing is known about them, since factory manufacturers will not tell their secrets that they use when creating drugs.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that still genetically modified food is harmful. But there are spheres where GMOs can not do without. This is both medicine, and even a farm. Therefore, although adherents of environmentally friendly food and against genetically modified organisms, this “conveyor” launched in the last century can no longer be stopped.

Video: the most famous GMO products that we eat every day

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