Vodka with salt: from what helps, how to use from diarrhea, with poisoning, intestinal infection, cold, reviews

Vodka with salt: from what helps, how to use from diarrhea, with poisoning, intestinal infection, cold, reviews

Salt vodka is an excellent folk method from colds and with poisoning.

Vodka is an alcoholic beverage obtained by diluting alcohol-records with water. In everyday life, vodka is used to use orally, but in former times it often served as a component of tinctures, rubbing and solutions in folk medicine. The healing properties of this strong drink have been found for a long time and are actively used to this day.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "When and where did the name vodka come from?". Vodka name for sale in Russia. You will find out what good vodka is in Russia - name, price, reviews.

From this article you will learn how to use vodka for medicinal purposes. Read further.

Vodka with salt from what helps, how does it act on the body?

Vodka with salt
Vodka with salt

When using any drugs, there is a list of indications. With proper preparation and use, even vodka with salt helps to get rid of a different spectrum of ailments:

  • Vomiting (including caused by poisoning)
  • Cold
  • Dental pain
  • Gastric pain
  • Diarrhea

The list is rather large, so we will analyze separately each item, the method of preparing the solution and its use, contraindications and features. So how does it work? Read further.

Salt vodka: recipe, proportions

For each type of ailment, the use of vodka with salt has its own nuances. Below you will find effective recipes and proportions for the manufacture of a drug.


  • The help of vodka with salt in this case is due to the disinfectant properties of the drink, thanks to which harmful bacteria are killed, the oral cavity is cleansed and the processes of decay.
  • This method is effective and is suitable only when there is no neglected process or acute prolonged pain.

Mode of application:

  • Dissolve a small amount of salt in vodka, lower the toothbrush into the solution for a while - this will kill bacteria on the toothbrush itself.
  • Then gently rub the tooth or oral cavity with this brush, where inflammation is concentrated.
  • Analgesic and disinfecting properties will ensure a decrease or elimination of pain and inhibition of the inflammatory process.

IMPORTANT: This tool only relieves symptoms, so you should not postpone the visit to the dentist.

With a cold:

  • Salt with pepper is bred in vodka. To do this, take 0.5 tsp. Salt and a pinch of pepper (red or black - their actions are different, but both have antiseptic properties).
  • Pour 100 g of vodka, stir thoroughly, drink the solution in one gulp, wrap yourself with a blanket and lie in the bed.
  • You can’t drink anything. This tool helps at the initial stage and in the absence of temperature.

From nausea and vomiting:

  • Vodka perfectly destroys toxins and infection that can provoke poisoning.
  • The necessary solution is easily prepared - mix 60 g of vodka with 1/3 tsp. Salt.
  • Stir until completely dissolved and drink in one gulp.
  • Then, after 15-30 minutes, eat a citrus fruit or drink freshly squeezed juice, for example, from an orange.

DIARRHEA (diarrhea):

  • To eliminate this delicate disease, it is required to take 80 g of vodka and 1/3 tsp. Salt.
  • Stir and drink at a time.
  • After taking, do not eat for an hour.
  • If necessary, repeat the procedure after 2 hours, but no more than 3 times a day.

In the treatment of these methods, there is a group of people who are prohibited from using the listed methods to improve well -being. These include:

  • Children
  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • People with allergic reactions to components,
  • Patients who take some drugs
  • People with chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Below even more detailed information. Read further.

Vodka with salt during poisoning, intestinal infection: how to use?

Vodka with salt and pepper
Vodka with salt and pepper

The proportions of the use of vodka with salt with nausea and diarrhea were described above. Here are useful information about this medicine for poisoning, intestinal infection - how to apply:

  • The causative agents of any infection are various microorganisms and bacteria.
  • Vodka is an excellent disinfectant.
  • The main advantages of taking this medicine in poisoning are: stopping vomiting, nausea, and the destruction of bacteria. All this contributes to the intoxication of the body.
  • It is important not to forget that the dosage cannot be violated, otherwise you can aggravate the negative effects of the products of the action of bacteria and worsen well -being.

It is very important to use high -quality alcohol, without additives and dyes. The use of alcohol or products of their own production is excluded. The process of their manufacture is significantly different from vodka, which means that the necessary effect will not be, but a negative effect is possible.

Vodka with salt from colds: Application

The method of eating vodka with salt at the initial stage of colds has long been known and is still used. But not everyone complies with the laid dosage and does not have a clear understanding in which situations this tool will be as useful as possible.

First of all, vodka with salt and pepper with colds should not be used at temperatures and combined with drugs. This not only will not help, but can also lead to irreversible consequences for the course of the disease and the body as a whole.

The main rules:

  • Take the medicine in the initial stages, when only the first symptoms appeared.
  • Follow the proportion that was described above - per 100 g of vodka 0.5 tsp. salt and a pinch of pepper.
  • Bed rest and sleep

These recommendations will help a person with suspected colds, put on his feet without additional manipulations and the use of drugs.

IMPORTANT: But, if you feel a deterioration in the condition, the temperature, general weakness rises, then seek help from the doctor.

Vodka with salt from diarrhea, colds: reviews

Vodka with salt from diarrhea, colds
Vodka with salt from diarrhea, colds

Diarrhea or diarrhea, as well as a cold, sometimes appear at the most inopportune moment. The causes of diarrhea can be very different: from the incompatibility of products or their excessive use to inflammatory processes and the development of bacteria in the intestines. Here are the reviews of other people who were treated with salt with salt.

Irina, 36 years old

The intake of a solution of vodka with salt improves intestinal gland perilstatics, accelerates metabolism, relieves intestinal walls and disinfects, helping in eliminating bacteria. I always do vodka with salt during poisoning, I drink, and literally for a couple of hours it becomes easier.

Oleg, 33 years old

I know that vodka with salt is used by people to eliminate diarrhea. Many of my friends use this method. In general, without contraindications in the form of intolerance, gastrointestinal diseases, liver and kidney diseases in the aggravation stage, this method of taking vodka has a good effect. I always use traditional medicine methods, and it almost always helps.

Alena, 45 years old

After drinking vodka with salt, I always note the rapid elimination of pain, bloating, tumor in the stomach. After some time, the urge to go to the toilet go, then general well -being normalizes. In some cases, re -adoption is required. Recently I tried this method from a cold, I liked it. The very next day I felt great. But we must have time to take such a medicine when the first symptoms appear - a general malaise, a small runny nose, and sore throat. If there is already temperature, cough, then vodka with salt will not help, but only worsen the condition.

Although traditional medicine in the young generation raises great doubts, and the result is shrouded in doubts, there are still adherents of non -drug methods of combating some ailments. Vodka is such a tool. Someone uses it only as a drink, someone is only a disinfectant, but it is not worth denying a kind of therapeutic properties, since they have been tested for years and many people.

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