B vitamins - which is better to buy? Characteristics of group B vitamins

B vitamins - which is better to buy? Characteristics of group B vitamins

So that a person does not have health problems, you should lead a healthy lifestyle and consume energy from the right products that contain the most necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. In particular, B vitamins B. It is about them that will be discussed further, we will find out which vitamins B are better to buy if you have their deficiency.

If you balance the diet, you should use not only proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber in the right amount, but also take into account the content of vitamins and minerals in food. Indeed, without these elements, energy metabolism is disturbed, biochemical reactions are slowed down. Their receipt occurs not only during the consumption of products, but also during the synthesis in the esophagus.

One of the most common vitamins that participate in different processes in the body are vitamins B. They can be in different products, but most of them are simply lost in thermal treatment of food. So there is a question of how to nourish the body with these components. Which vitamins B are better to buy. Such elements usually do not have accumulative properties in the body, even with a number of neurological diseases they are injected to patients in the form of injections.

B vitamins - which is better to buy?

Vitamins B play a large role in the functioning of many human body systems, below the image lists the functions of group B vitamins. When they are not enough, health problems immediately arise, therefore, periodically does not prevent courses from consuming them in the form of dietary supplements or in the form of pharmacy drugs.

B vitamins b
B vitamins b

IMPORTANT: If you feel constant weakness, insomnia tortured you, you are sluggish, irritable and apathetic, then these are the first messengers of a lack of group B vitamins in the body. Problems with skin cover in the form of itching, dryness and burning can also be manifested. Pain in muscle tissues, numbness of limbs, rapid rhythms of the heart, lack of air, hair loss, poor appetite, unpleasant sensations in the stomach, nausea, migraine - this is also a lack of vitamins of group B.

The best complexes of group b vitamins

V-comprehensive Evalar

Some of the most important substances that benefit our body are vitamins B. The normal functionality of the human body is impossible without vitamins B. The special significance of group B vitamins is noticeable in the work of the nervous system. When they are not enough, they are persecuted by diseases that are treated with replenishment of these vitamins, as a result of their further influence, the fibers are restored, nerve cells are amenable to neurogenesis.

The best form of vitamins B in coherent (active) forms that are best absorbed in the body, unlike synthetic forms, developed by Evalar. By the way, Evalar has an international GMP sign confirming certification at the international level. View this complex vitamin B is possible by this link.

Vitamins B-comprehensive Evalar
Vitamins B-comprehensive Evalar

Next, one of the best complexes will be presented to replenish the body with vitamins of group B, ordinary inactive shapes.

  • The drug is Blagomax

The budget series of group B vitamins produced in capsules is convenient to use in packaging 90 pcs. capsules. This amount is enough for three months, because the norm of taking tablets is one thing per day. Their composition is described in the image below:

Blagomax, composition
Blagomax, composition

Patients who used the vitamin complex have positively spoke about this composition. Thanks to the pills, the general positive dynamics in the physical health of patients were noticed, the mood improved, irritability, moodiness decreased, metabolic acceleration occurred, insomnia passed, sleep improved.

IMPORTANT: A complex of vitamins B Blagomax can not be consumed with lactating breasts and pregnant women.

  • "Multi V-complex"-Vitamir

It includes eleven vitamins of group B. It is natural that their complex effect is much more effective than individual elements. Thanks to this drug, you can feel a significant improvement in the human nervous system. Positive dynamics in the renewal of skin cells will also be noticeable, the condition of the skin, nails, hair will improve.

People who had problems with sleep have received positive dynamics after the course of taking these vitamins. We felt an improvement in the state of the nervous system, a charge of positive energy.

  • Rigla vitamins - be healthy

There are vitamins such as: B1, B2, B6, B5, B9, PP, B12 as part of one dragee of vitamins of this manufacturer. In fact, all of the vitamin of the row B, except B7, B3. They can be bought in pharmacies in any city.

If we accept, as indicated in the instructions, this complex, then after two weeks an improvement in the general condition will already occur. The functionality of the nervous system is established, sleep, mood improves, energy arrives, the skin is cleansed, hair, nails become better. It is allowed to drink vitamins for about three months, then be sure to take a break.

  • Life Extension Bioactive "Complete B-Complex"

This additive is popular due to an inexpensive price. Thanks to these vitamins, the functioning of the brain, the gastrointestinal tract improves. The composition includes both natural elements and synthetic substances. A convenient shape of the tablets, small size - therefore it is convenient to swallow them. In the package of 60 pieces of tablets, enough for two months.

Vitamins b

If you take the drug daily, then you will feel a surge of energy, the condition of the epidermis, nail plates, hair will improve. In the morning you will feel a cheerful mood. The only drawback during the period of taking these vitamins will change the color of urine, due to the dye present in the composition.

  • Sundown Naturals "B Complex"

Vitamins of this manufacturer are considered one of the best in the composition and number of trace elements and vitamins. If you have a lack of vitamins of this row, then with the help of dietary supplements you will replenish your reserve and get rid of stress, fatigue, and bad mood. If you drink tablets daily according to the instructions, then you will not have a stroke, heart attack.

In total, there are one hundred tablets in the jar, it is recommended to drink one pill per day. Such vitamins are recommended to drink people who play sports. After all, they experience a large loss of B vitamins B. You can not drink vitamins for pregnant women and women with infants. And in other situations, the complex has a positive effect on people, restores normal weight, and helps to normalize hormones and water metabolism.

  • Doppelgerz Act Magnesium, Vitamins B "

This complex is considered one of the best, thanks to it, it is possible to return immunity after prolonged diseases, increase performance, restore strength after stressful situations, and put the nervous system in order. It is for this that these vitamins are used, now they are popular because of vital instability and stressful conditions.

Magnesium + vitamin B
Magnesium + vitamin B

Magnesium goes well with group B vitamins, folic acid too. After taking the drug, many feel its effect, and therefore give it preference. It is effective and it has an affordable price.

  • Vitamins "Natrol B-100"

Especially a deficiency of vitamins is observed in the spring-autumn period, because the stocks must be replenished. Thus, you can get rid of unnecessary irritations, lethargy, support metabolic processes in the body, improve muscle tone, maintain the skin in normal condition, strengthen the immune system.

There are about 100 pills in the jar, their reception will stretch for three to four months. This complex of vitamins is of special popularity among athletes. It is useful to people who lead an active life. It is thanks to this composition that you can feel energy and not experience negative consequences after taking the pills. Dosage - one tablet per day. Before taking, be sure to go to the doctor, it will help you adjust the dosage and will tell you the means effective in your case or not. You can not drink pills for pregnant women, breastfeeding.

  • Solgar B + Vitamin C - Stress Formula

You can buy this composition in almost all pharmacy networks. The dietary supplement has its own history, and it produces it for a long time (1947) that only natural complexes consisting of the product. And in this complex there are no preservatives, harmful additives, soy, sugar, sodium, wheat. The company is responsible for the quality of the products.

Clients offer different volume of vitamins according to a hundred or two hundred and fifty capsules. If you use them one at a time as indicated in the instructions, then they are enough for a long time. Thanks to these pills, you can even get rid of aggression if you are often in stressful situations. That is why on the sites where reviews about this drug write many positive characteristics of it.

  • Doctor’s Best-"Fully Active B-Complex"

This drug differs in that there is still biotin. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair. The drug is useful for pregnant women, and when planning pregnancy. It has no dyes, harmful additives. Therefore, you can take vitamins without fear after consulting a specialist doctor.

This complex of vitamins can be classified as one of the best. It relieves nervous stresses, eliminates migraines, increases the energy balance, has a beneficial effect on the food tract, and increases metabolism.

  • Vitagen "B Complex"

The complex with prebiotics is effective for improving microflora, has a positive dynamics in the fight against apathy, stress, inhibited state, improves brain activity, eliminates cramps in muscle tissues. Helps the immune system in the fight against various diseases. It is interesting that having drunk the complex from this manufacturer, many users in reviews mention that they have lost excess weight. This dietary supplement is effective to drink with high cholesterol, the high probability of blood clots, the risk of atherosclerosis. It is enough to drink one tablet per day and undergo a course of treatment from 1 to 3 months. The terms are individual for patients. They should be controlled by the attending physician.

Ratiopharm - "Vitamin B Complex"

This company has long been in the pharmacy market, because many patients are given these funds with confidence. The complex is successful both in its qualitative and quantitative composition. Like other means of group B, these tablets are effective for improving the state of immunity, central nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract.

There are many positive responses about the drug on the recipient sites. Thanks to him, you can get rid of anemia, stressful conditions, stop nervous, improve brain activity, restore skin, hair. The only thing if vitamins are taken on an empty stomach - there will be heartburn. You can not use the drug to pregnant and nursing mothers.

Characteristics of group B vitamins

What vitamins b to buy - choose you, above described their characteristics. It should also be turned to the composition, it is important that there are all eight representatives of this series. Moreover, all of them are responsible for different processes in the human body. It is good if you have a good nutrition and you get them with foods, and if not, it is better to buy the above complexes and support your health with the help of them.

List of varieties of B vitamins B:

  1. Vitamin B1 or thiamine. It directly affects the withdrawal of fats and carbohydrates, more precisely processes them into energy and regulates the balance of water. Per day, the consumption rate is about 1.39 mg. A lot of this vitamin in buckwheat, oatmeal, rice croup, as well as in pork meat.
  2. Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin. It is necessary to power the skin, balance of fats, normal vision, regulates the balance of hemoglobin. The daily norm is about 1.4 mg. B2 is part of nuts, cabbage, milk, eggs, mushrooms.
  3. Vitamin B3 or Niacin or PP. It is capable of keeping sugar, proteins, fats, hormones. It is enough to use 16 mg of vitamin per day. It is part of legumes, herbs, liver, mushrooms, nuts.
  4. Vitamin B5 or pantotenic acid. It affects the amount of cholesterol, improves the functionality of the immune system, promotes rapid relief after inflammatory processes in body systems, and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. It is enough to take about 6 mg of vitamin per day. A lot of this substance is in chicken meat, fish caviar, oatmeal, peas.
  5. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. It contributes to the hematopoietic, the work of the central nervous system, the exchange of carbohydrate compounds in the body, retains the immune system, and improves the state of the epidermis. The norm of vitamin per day is 1.9 mg. A lot of vitamin in potatoes, tomatoes, tuna, garlic, beans, spinach, meat and liver.
  6. Vitamin B7 or BIOTIN or - N. The substance plays a large role for a good state of hair, epidermis, positively affects the structure of the bone tissue of the brain, central nervous system, thyroid gland, adrenal glands. About 30 μg B7 should be consumed per day. The substance is contained in the composition of mushrooms, soy, chicken meat, different vegetables, chicken yolks.
  7. Vitamin B9 or folic acid. It contributes to normal hematopoiesis, the formation of DNA cells, the division of these cells. It affects the organs of the digestive tract, central nervous system, skin, heart muscle, vascular system. It is normal to take - 390 mcg per day. Contained in greens, citrus fruits, avocados, legumes, nuts, liver.
  8. Vitamin B12 or cobalamin.Again, it has a direct effect on the central nervous system, the immune system, the digestive tract and the blood flow system. Rejuvenates the skin, regulates the exchange of epidermis cells. Normally use 2.3 μg B12 per day. A lot of vitamin is contained in fish, meat, poultry.

Also, such a row can be ranked by such vitamin components as B4, B15, B8, B10 - scientists considered that these substances are not as important for the human body as the above. They themselves can form in the body in the right quantities.

Video: Vitamin B, which is better to buy an adult?

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  1. I am now drinking hissing pills Eazy-Fizzzy Energy cartoon, they help for vigor, give strength, and group B vitamins contain-vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B8. 1 tablet per day

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