Vitamin A: A list of products that contain vitamin A and more than in carrots

Vitamin A: A list of products that contain vitamin A and more than in carrots

We include in the menu products with a high content of vitamin A (retinol): a list of products.

A list of products that contain vitamin A

What to eat to get vitamin A? The first thing that comes to mind is carrots. But if you don’t really want to crunch raw carrots every day, then it means that the time to see our selection of products that have made decent competition of carrots with vitamin A.

A list of products that contain vitamin A:


Baked pumpkin
Baked pumpkin

In search of products with vitamin A, pay attention to the pumpkin that costs a penny, and if you have a garden, then it always grows, everywhere and in large quantities. So, in pumpkin the content of vitamin A (retinol) and beta-carotene is more than carrots by only a few percent. But if you consider how many dishes can be cooked from pumpkin, it becomes clear that it has the opportunity to become even a big favorite than carrots.

By the way, for those who want to eat budget and at the same time correctly - an ideal pumpkin. And one more indisputable plus - you can eat pumpkin in all kinds of water: raw, in the form of fripes, baked, stewed, in mashed potatoes, casserole, and like a filling for pies and pies. In general, there is a place for the flight of culinary muses - buy a pumpkin and saturate the body with retinol.


Remember the dad sailor? Strong, brave, and adored spinach. And you know what was the surprise of the Americans, when it turned out that Segar and Elsi Chryslers created a fervent hero specially to popularize spinach among children! In the difficult years of depression and universal deficiency, many children ate exclusively by budget products and, of course, it was difficult to feed them with a specific spinach. Papai resolved the issue, and for many years closed the issue of vitamin A deficiency in the USA.

Indeed, spinach refers to products with vitamin A, which, by the way, is more than in carrots. And if you take into account that you can just grow spinach on your windowsill - this is a great option for the fresh intake of vitamin all year round.

Spinach salad
Spinach salad

Cabbage Cale

In the post -Soviet space, the curly cabbage Cale is only gaining popularity. It is treated wary and bought mainly for the decoration of holiday dishes. If you are looking for products with vitamin A - pay attention to the cabbage of the Cale variety. An exotic curly for us is a real explosion of vitamins and excellent easily digestible fiber, unlike white cabbage, which many are poorly digested.

So, in a bowl of salad for a portion of 2 people of vitamin A you will find more than in one large carrots. Do you think a decent addition to the everyday menu?

Sweet potatoes of the variety battery

Batate, like curly cabbage, is perceived so far in Russia as an exotic. But given the fact that culture has already been introduced in a farm in the south of the country - a little more time will pass and sweet potatoes will be sold on the same shelves as carrots. At the same time, in one root crop of the battal (if you bake it entirely with the peel), on average, it contains 1200-1400 μg of vitamin A.

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that retinol is not absorbed by a person without fats and, therefore, to eat baked sweet potatoes with butter. To do this, as soon as you take out the battery from the oven, cut it with the letter X and put a piece of butter inside.

Fat of the liver of the quantity

Fat of the liver of the quantity
Fat of the liver of the quantity

If you already want to get the maximum, having eaten a minimum - to your attention, fat fat fat. This product with vitamin A contains 4000 μg of retinol in one tablespoon! The taste, of course, is for an amateur.

Not everyone will be able to fill them with a salad, but the output is very simple - a teaspoon in the morning (as in the good old days) and a portion of vitamin A already have. Well, or you can buy capsules in a pharmacy and use as a food supplement. In the general option, a lot, choose optimal for yourself.

Beef liver

Beef liver is a product with vitamin A and beta-carotene together, while retinol contains as many as 9000 mcg per 0.1 kg of finished product. The liver can be cooked with blood, or you can stew or fry well so that the product is fully cooked. Vitamin A is preserved in the liver.

Beef liver
Beef liver

Pork liver

For those who do not like beef liver, scientists suggest considering a pork liver. This is a product with vitamin A in the amount of 8300 mcg per 0.1 kg of the finished product. That is, the pork liver is inferior in characteristics slightly, but her taste is definitely better.

By the way, for those who do not want to mess with the preparation of the liver, pay attention to the hepatic sausage. The content of vitamin A in it is inferior to no more than 5-7%.

The liver of the lamb

And again in the list of the liver. And not in vain. It is in the liver that contains the optimal formula for vitamin A and beta-carotene. The lamb liver is definitely inferior in content of vitamin A pork and beef liver, but still it is a product with vitamin A, and retinol in the liver of the lamb is contained in huge quantities. Namely, 7000 mcg per 0.1 kg of finished product.

There are few lambs on our shelves of the liver, but if you are a gourmet and love diversity, turn on the lamb liver in your menu for a month.

Goose liver

Goose liver
Goose liver

Pastees are an ideal product for breakfast, dinner and snacks. It is enough to take a slice of bread and make several strokes, and you get a hearty and useful portion of food. The goose liver is a product with vitamin A and beta-carotene. That is, in order for vitamin A to completely digest, the paste does not require additional products, it itself contains an ideal formula.

The disadvantage of this product is only that it is inferior to liver liver liver - 0.1 kg of product of only 1000 μg of retinol.

Dried apricots

Correctly dried dried apricots retains all useful trace elements and gives a charge of vitamins all year round. This is a product with vitamin A, which can compete not only with carrots, but also with the liver. It is enough to eat 10 pieces of dried apricots to make up for the daily norm of vitamin A. And with this handful of dried apricots, large carrots can be compared - the content of vitamin A will be approximately the same.

Dried apricots
Dried apricots

Dandelion leaves

Yes, the leaves of dandelions are a very specific product, but not at all because of taste. We are used to seeing dandelions on the sidelines of roads, in the meadow and we treat them like weeds. But Europeans do not disdain a product with vitamin and natural origin and are actively added to salads of even high kitchen. Dandelions contain more vitamin A than in the usual carrots.

And in order for dandelions to really open, they must be served correctly. To do this, weld several quail eggs, clean and cut in half. Put the eggs on a pillow from dandelions, arugula and mint. Sprinkle sesame seeds with seed and pour a tablespoon of oil to your taste. You can also add up.

And we summarize: vitamin A is not produced by a person and is synthesized exclusively through food. Without vitamin A, a person simply cannot live, and with its deficiency the body weakens and cannot fully function. Therefore, every person needs to include products with vitamin A.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video with a selection of products containing vitamin A.

Video: Where to find vitamin A?

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Comments K. article

  1. And also, if the acute lack of vitamin A is worried in the body, I recommend drinking retinol palmitate. In this form of retinol, palmitate is absorbed by the human body most as much as possible. And accordingly, positive changes occur faster.

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