Types of dancing: Names, List

Types of dancing: Names, List

If you want to spend time cheerfully and with benefit, then dancing is an ideal option, they not only help to mentally distract from life problems, but also contribute to improving the physical form. You can also get acquainted with people who share your interests.

There are many different types of dances. In this article, all of them will be discussed in detail.

Types of dancing: Names

Strip plastic and pylon

  • This type of dance helps women keep yourself in shape and seduce men. During the implementation of movements, femininity, sexuality and sensuality are revealed. These qualities are very important, because in recent decades a woman has not inferior to men not only in terms of character, but also in terms of work. It is so important to feel feminine.
  • If you decide to do strip plastic, you can overcome the stiffness, and learn to show your feelings. Dancing on a pylon is a great option for those who want to lose weight and tighten their figure.
  • Lack of strip plastic and pylon classes is that it is required skills of rhythmic gymnastics. In the dance process, you need to perform movements with stretching.
Develop femininity
Develop femininity

Street dance

  • People who are engaged in this type of dance are considered real magicians. They combine not only sharp movements, but also the art of pantomime. Very often, such dancers can be found on the street where competitions are arranged. But, street dances have become so popular that international official competitions are held annually, where the winner receives not only recognition, but also a large amount of money.
  • Lower Break They call a dance that goes beyond the abilities of a person. Its essence is that you need to rotate continuously, even if the position of the body changes. Often, dancers rotate on their heads. It is difficult for an ordinary person who has never been engaged in this is difficult to master the technique. But, if you spend a lot of time and be patient, you will definitely succeed. This type of dance is suitable for short people.
  • Breakers - This is the name of the dancers who perform street dancing elements. They know how to control their body well, to perform complex elements, looking at which an ordinary person is amazed. If you want to learn how to dance a brack dance, you will need to work on yourself for a long time and diligently. Remember that this type of dances will not do without injuries. If you are ready for this, then try your capabilities.
A full type of dance
A full type of dance

There are several varieties of street dances:

  • upper Break Dance
  • Popping
  • Electric Boogie

Go-Go, Waacking, Vogue

  • This type of dance is ideal for women who want to attract attention. We intertwined here Beautiful body movements with acting. Movements are aimed at emphasizing the bends of the female body. The performance is carried out almost in underwear.
  • In the Vogue style, you can notice elements identical to a model gait. Waacking style involves the implementation of sharp swings with your hands. If you decide to do Dancing in the Go-Go style, then this is the best option. Every year, its popularity among dancers who perform in nightclubs increases.
  • This style combines all of the above dancing, and there are also elements of strip plastics. The difficulty of this dance style is that it will be required great physical strength And the readiness for what will have to be performed in underwear. If this does not scare you, feel free to sign up for classes.
Modern type of dance
Modern type of dance

Jazz Modern, Contemporary Dance

  • Movements in these types of dance resemble ballet, but in a more modern interpretation. That is, the aesthetics persist, but appear Freedom and flexibility in movements.
  • In the modern world, Contemporary style is more in demand. The dance should be carried out to classical music, not modern. The difficulty of these types of dance is that in adulthood it is quite difficult for them to study. You need to study since childhood.
Reminds the ballet
Reminds the ballet

Classical choreography

  • If you are engaged in classical choreography, then it is unlikely to be useful to you in ordinary life. This is just a stage dance that needs to be dancing in front of the audience. The difficulty of dance is that the technique of execution should be perfect.
  • Given that some movements are an ordinary person who never engage in dance art will not be fulfilled. Often, attempts lead to rupture of ligaments, tendons and joints. It is best to start studying the ballet from a small age, when the human body is still suppressed.

The main types of ballet:

  • classical;
  • romantic;
  • modern.

Latin dances

  • Very popular and in demand among people are Latin dances. They reveal sexuality and passion. Such dance styles involve active hips.
  • The main difficulty in such dances is to find the right partner. After all, the movements are quite simple, and they can be studied at any age.

The main directions of Latin dance:

  • samba
  • pasodol
  • rumba
  • bachata
  • macarena
  • lambada
  • cha-cha-cha
  • salsa
  • tango
  • flamenco
  • capuero

Eastern dance, Tribal

  • One of the most ancient directions is the eastern dance. Belly dance suit - This is a real art. He is bright, with ringing scales. During movements, they are synchronized with music.
  • Women who dance the dance of the abdomen are amazing with the beauty of their magnificent shapes, bends of the body and clear smooth movements. Experienced dancers have dancing with additional accessories (candlesticks, cold weapons, etc.). This reveals femininity and sexuality even more.
Ancient dance
Ancient dance

Improvisation for the dance floor

  • Basic movements for dance floor - This is an ideal option for those who like to visit nightclubs. Elements of such a dance are suitable for all musical genres.
  • The peculiarity of improvisation is that you do not need to study complex staged elements. First you need to go through 2-3 month training to study the main elements of the dance. After you can improvise any music, and impress others. You only need to feel the rhythm of music and coordinate your movements so as not to fall.

Youth styles of dance

  • Such dance styles are suitable for young and modern people. During the dance process, you need to perform a lot of swings and jumps. These types of dance require a lot of energy and greatly attract the attention of others. Therefore, try to choose a spacious place so as not to hook or injure anyone.
  • The peculiarity of such techniques is that they attract others. But, it is difficult for dancers to dance for a long time. Literally after 30-40 minutes, the energy ends.
Active dance
Active dance

The most famous directions:

  • Shuffle
  • House
  • Electrodance
  • Tecktonik
  • C-Walk

R’N’B and hip-hop

  • When R’N’B style appeared, he combined in himself fink, Jazz and Soul. Thanks to him, a new direction appeared-rock and roll. Now R’N’B and hip-hop styles are mixed, because they have many similar elements. For such dances, fashionable clothing and free clothing that does not constrain movements is suitable.
  • If you like to be in the spotlight “That R’N’B style is ideal for you.” Young people who want to get rid of uncertainty and notorious are preferred. In the style of hip-hop, you can see the elements of the Break Dance.
For young people
For young people

Ball dancing

  • Such dances are necessarily performed in pairs. If a man and a woman dance together for a long time, then they can no longer work with another partner. Therefore, you need to immediately find a responsible person with whom you will perform all elements.
  • They go through every year international ballroom dancing competitions. If one of the partners leaves or gets a severe injury, then a career collapse awaits the second dancer. In the dance, it is important to learn how to interact with your partner.
Four dance
Four dance

The most famous directions:

  • waltz
  • rumba
  • foxtrot
  • jive
  • quickstepstand

Top Break Dance

In this type of dance, several directions are combined:

  • plastic
  • slides
  • robot
  • king-Tat
Combines several sophistications
Combines several sophistications

The dance is quite bright and memorable. Initially, street dancers danced him, and in the modern world he is an integral part of international competitions.

Go-Go style

  • This type of dance allows take the audience. When looking at movements, it is impossible to resist. Legs and so ask to dance.
  • In the dance, acting and smooth movements are intertwined, which are performed according to a certain amplitude. When performing movements, sexuality develops, because they are performed with a minimum amount of clothing.
An entertaining dance

Slide Man (Moon Walk)

  • This type of dance teaches all kinds of lunar gait techniques. Plastic and artistry are important here. If you sign up for this type of dance, you can make movements that resemble sliding on the floor.
  • The lunar gait is Michael Jackson’s business card, who made her so popular. Movements are mainly performed by legs. It may seem to the audience that you are moving in one direction, but you will go in a completely different way. Such an illusion is created due to pantomime.
Hit from Michael Jackson
Hit from Michael Jackson


  • The main feature of trance stylistics is soft movements for which enhanced preparation is not required. Dancers in movements express their feelings. Unfortunately, they can not always be understood.
  • Trans style is ideal for people who want to quickly learn how to dance.


  • In this type of dance, a person performs elements that resemble the movement of the robot. You need to learn how to correctly fix your body so that everything looks harmonious. This style also uses elements taken from pantomime.
  • All elements that are performed resemble mechanical movements. But, it is important to perform them at the pace of music, otherwise, the performance will be a failure. All movements begin with a push, which is performed by the joints and muscles of the person himself.
Like a robot
Like a robot

King TUT (Egyptian)

  • This type of dance is somewhat reminiscent of a brack dance. But, geometric movements are performed clearly at right angles.
  • Outwardly, it may seem that the dancer creates a geometric mosaic. The dance reveals scenes that are drawn on the architectural attractions of Egypt. It is customary to combine this type of dance with the technique of The Tick, which consists in the execution of circular movements in the body.
As much as possible at an angle
As much as possible at an angle

Plastic wave

  • Your body will perform soft movements resembling a wave. If you continue to engage in dancing, as well as study more complex elements, you can perform more complex movements.
  • The wave effect is also useful for other types of dance, which are now common. It is found not only in street dances, but also in classic ones.

House Dance

This direction first appeared in 1988. The famous dancer Ejoe Willson is sure that the house is something new, although it resembles hip-hop elements. If a person dances hip-hop, then he subordinates his body to musical bats. While the house allows you to subordinate your body to a beautiful and smooth melody.

Now the House style is common in modern dance clubs. The main features of the dance:

  • high speed of movements
  • sharp elements performed by hands

So, now you know the most famous types of dance. Now it is much easier for you to choose the direction that corresponds to your capabilities and desires. If you have long wanted to learn how to beautifully and modernly dance, do not put off your dream for later. Already, sign up for dancing, and fulfill your cherished desire.

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Video: Types of dancing from A to Z

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