Vegetarian milk: species, benefits. Which is better - cow or vegetable milk? How to make vegetable milk at home: recipes

Vegetarian milk: species, benefits. Which is better - cow or vegetable milk? How to make vegetable milk at home: recipes

The benefits and harm of vegetable milk.


Initially, vegetable milk was created for people with allergies to lactose and cow protein - casein. Indeed, in some regions of the world where animal husbandry is not developed, 98% of the population has an allergy to lactose and casein. Their body is not used to the consumption of dairy products due to the lack of cows that give milk. In some regions of Thailand and Nepal, cows of meat breeds are grown that do not give milk. Accordingly, their body and microflora are not designed to break down the cow protein. It was for them that vegetable milk was created. However, thanks to vegetarians, the popularity of this product has increased. In this article we will talk about the benefits and dangers of vegetable milk.

Description of the benefits of animal and vegetable milk

According to research, cow and vegetable milk differ significantly in their composition and benefits.

Description of the benefits of animal and vegetable milk:

  • It is worth noting that the composition of cow's milk contains a large amount of B vitamins, which are only in animal products. Without vitamin B12, the coordinated work of the nervous system is impossible. Vegetarians have a significant number of immunity problems, precisely because of the absence of vitamin B12 in the diet. There is no vitamin in plant milk.
  • Depending on the product from which vegetable milk is produced, the number of trace elements and minerals varies. The fat content of cow's milk ranges from 1-7%. In vegetable milk, except for coconut and almond, there are practically no fats. However, the calorie content of cow and vegetable milk is almost the same. Soy milk has a calorie content of 52 calories, and cow 54.

The chemical composition of plant and cow's milk

If you study in detail the chemical composition of these liquids, you can see that they are radically different. If the composition of cow's milk contains a huge amount of protein, casein and dairy sugar, then there is practically no protein as part of oatmeal or rice milk, and high calorie content is due to the presence of carbohydrates. Such milk will be harmful to people who suffer from diabetes. 

The chemical composition of vegetable milk:

  • The composition of vegetable milk from cereals is based on carbohydrates, but not proteins and fats, as in the case of cow's milk. If you are used to drinking coconut milk with coffee, then you should forget about the delicious ones during the day. This is due to the high calorie content of the product. 100 g of coconut milk contains 120-140 kcal. Therefore, two cups of Latte with such milk will make the girl abandon sweets. 
  • It is also worth noting that casein, cow protein, as well as milk sugar are products with high allergenic activity. In the digestive tract of an adult, a very small amount of bacteria that can split lactose. That is why, after using whole cow's milk, bloating, pain and gases are observed in the adult population. This is due to a feature of the composition of microbiota in the intestine. 
  • Therefore, from soy milk it is worth refraining people prone to allergies. A significant part of the soy, which is now grown, is the product of GMOs. It contains a significant amount of phytoestrogens that can increase the concentration of estrogen in the blood. Therefore, women who suffer from a lack of progesterone, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, as well as uterine tissue polyposis, should abandon the consumption of soy and soy milk. This product should be abandoned by people who suffer from hormone -dependent tumors. 
Coconut milk
Coconut milk

Which milk is more useful: cow or vegetable?

There is no definite answer, which of the products is more useful. It all depends on the state of human health, its food preferences, the presence of chronic diseases.

What milk is more useful, cow or vegetable:

  • People who love cow's milk from childhood drink it in large quantities, do not give up this product. If the body is quite normally coping with the breakdown of milk protein, then cow's milk is a very useful product.
  • This is a source of beneficial fats, vitamin D, as well as B vitamins, which are found exclusively in animal products. Children are also recommended to give this product, and in no case should be replaced by vegetable milk. The child’s body grows, the size of muscle and bone tissue increases. For their formation, carbohydrates are not enough.
  • It is necessary that the diet has a large amount of fats, collagen and protein. In vegetable milk, with the exception of soy and almond, there are practically no proteins, but a large amount of carbohydrates are contained. In addition, the taste of plant and cow's milk differs significantly. If cow's milk has a pleasant creamy, sweet taste, then a plant product to its taste resembles sweetened water or something similar to a rice decoction. 
Vegetarian milk
Vegetarian milk

Vegetable milk: benefits and harms

Plant and cow's milk - products with different composition and benefit, it is impossible to replace them with each other. People who suffer from obesity, diabetes should abandon the use of vegetable milk. But people who suffer from allergies to lactose can add vegetable milk to tea and coffee. It is worthwhile to talk separately about the compatibility and mixing of products. The fact is that vegetable milk is absolutely neutral. It does not react with other products, allowing them to be completely absorbed. Therefore, vegetable milk can be combined with almost any products. What cannot be said about the cow's milk. 

Vegetable milk, benefits and harm:

  • If you take cow's milk along with tea or coffee, then amino acids located in a dairy product enter into a chemical reaction with substances contained in coffee or tea. The benefits of these products are reduced to zero. Coffee removes calcium from the body, but milk helps to make it safely. It, in turn, is associated with useful components of tea, reduces their benefit to zero. 
  • If the cow's milk is allergic or intolerance, then it is better to give preference to certain types of plant product. The most useful is vegetable milk based on nuts and seeds. For example, almond, coconut, sesame seeds. Milk is even made of sunflower seeds. It is proven that this milk contains a large amount of fats that improve the structure of the skin, help better absorbed by products.
  • Regarding vegetable milk based on cereal and legumes, they contain a large amount of fiber. The main danger is that milk obtained from cereal crops contains a large amount of gluten. Therefore, such a product will be dangerous for people who suffer from celiac disease or partial gluten intolerance. When choosing vegetable milk, it is necessary to focus on the state of your health, the presence of chronic ailments. Oat milk contains a significant amount of sugar, which is able to increase glucose levels.
  • Almost all vegetable milk obtained from cereal crops is prohibited for taking diabetics. They should give preference to vegetable milk obtained from nuts, that is, almond or sesame. It is allowed to drink coconut milk. The main danger is not only in the composition of the products themselves from which milk is prepared, but also in manufacturing technology.

Absolutely healthy people who do not have allergies to cow protein or lactose should not abandon this product. Do not forget about sour -milk products, as they are a source of healthy microorganisms that populate the intestines. Probiotics contained in the composition of fermented milk products allow you to establish the digestive process. If the patient suffers from allergies, intolerance to casein, it is worth abandoning cow's milk, replacing it with a less allergenic product. It can be a goat or vegetable milk. 

Almond milk
Almond milk

What can plant milk be made of?

Plant milk is an extract of plants or cereals, which does not contain allergenic proteins, with the exception of one product. Soy milk in its composition is significantly different from oatmeal and cow. It contains a lot of protein. But it is this protein that is one in the twenty of the most allergenic products. This product can cause severe allergies in children.

What can vegetable milk be made of:

  • As the main raw material, you can choose pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and chia seeds.
  • Also, walnuts, cashew or peanuts are suitable for the preparation of vegetable milk.
  • If you cook a drink from cereals, it is allowed to use oatmeal, rice, buckwheat and soybean.

How to make vegetable milk at home?

The recipe for the preparation of vegetable milk from cereal crops, seeds and nuts practically does not differ.

How to make vegetable milk at home:

  • It is necessary to pour a handful of cereals or seeds with a large amount of water and let stand over the night. It is best to do it at night.
  • Early in the morning, drain the white liquid, which was formed on top of the seeds and pour in clean water. Transfer the mixture to the blender and beat until a homogeneous substance is obtained.
  • After that, it is necessary to strain the resulting mixture through several layers of gauze. White fluid obtained as a result of manipulation is vegetable milk.
  • He does not have the same taste as standard cow's milk. Therefore, to improve taste and organoleptic qualities, vanilla, cinnamon, honey and sweeteners are added. 
Nut milk
Nut milk

Best vegetable milk in composition

At the moment, you can find coconut, almond, oatmeal, soy and rice milk on sale. One of the most useful species is coconut milk. Many of the food bloggers call this product superfood.

Best vegetable milk in composition:

  • The fact is that in this product there are a lot of vegetable fats that help to remove excess cholesterol from the body. Such a product strengthens the immunity, and also helps to normalize the thyroid gland.
  • There is a lot of soy milk on sale. However, disputes about the benefits of this product are still not allowed. This product has its opponents and fans. The product includes a lot of amino acids, which in their composition resemble animals. However, it should be understood that this is a strong allergen. The product that is grown in the world is in most cases the result of genetic engineering. Therefore, soy milk should be drunk with particular caution. 
  • Almond milk is considered one of the most useful. It contains a significant amount of vitamin E. It also contains a lot of omega-6 acids, the level of which must be controlled. Unlike Omega-3, Omega-6 can provoke inflammation in the body. Therefore, such a product is not recommended to use people with a sore stomach. It is best to introduce this product in the preparation of baking and cocktails. 
Soy milk
Soy milk

Read on the topic:

To improve taste, salt, sugar, preservatives are additionally introduced into vegetable milk. It is worth refusing to purchase such products. They increase blood sugar, which can cause diabetes. This is especially true for people who are used to controlling their own weight and food. You can cook vegetable milk yourself. The easiest way to do this is from cereal crops. However, it is worth remembering that it is this product that contains maximum carbohydrates and there are practically no fats and proteins. 

Video: The benefits and harm of vegetable milk

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