In tracking Aliexpress, the status of "Acceptance" appeared - how to understand?

In tracking Aliexpress, the status of

There are always many statuses in tracking Aliexpress. We will talk, which means the status of the package "Acceptance" on Aliexpress.

For each order on Aliexpressstatuses are assigned depending on the stage. But there are also tracking statuses. These are two completely different concepts, since in the first case the statuses are assigned by the site, and in the second - the postal service. We decided to talk about one of the statuses of tracking, which is called "Acceptance".

Every newcomer on Aliexpress it is usually lost in functionality and does not understand how to correctly place the first order. If you are also one of the beginners, then we recommend that you study article on the link here.

“AcCeptance” - what kind of status on Aliexpress, how is it translated?

When tracking parcels with AliexpressSurely, you have already noticed that statuses are written for the most part in English. If you do not know this language, then you should not be upset. Just copy the status name and open any translator. For example, use Yandex translator.

In both columns, select the language of translation and write the status. Immediately automatically you will receive a translation. As you can see, the status necessary for us translates as "Adoption".

The statuses of premises, like orders, change depending on a particular stage. When the status appears "Acceptance", then this can talk about several of the stages:

  • If you see that you have written in tracking "Acceptance", Then this suggests that the seller with Aliexpressi handed over the parcel to the postal carrier. In this case, this does not mean that the package is already on the way, so that for several days, tracking will be useless. Despite the fact that the package is already in the mail, it has not yet begun its movement. So, the next status usually appears within ten days.
  • Status can still be displayed «Accepted by Carrier ". This means that your package was adopted by the carrier. Usually this status is displayed when the parcel is not sent by ordinary Chinese mail, but by courier service, for example, through Finland or other countries.

Video: Tracking the parcel from China. Statuses

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