In what year and in which state did Darius are the first?

In what year and in which state did Darius are the first?

The years of government and policy Darius the First.

Darius 1 is a famous person who ruled in Persia, and has become one of the famous rulers. Sometimes he is called the king of all kings. Oddly enough, but he did not fall on the throne at all thanks to family ties, but with his cunning. He belonged to the reigning dynasty of the Achaemenids, but did not claim the throne, since there were many followers in front of him.

The beginning of the reign of Darius of the First

Thanks to the cunning and killing of Gaumata, he was able to become a ruler. The predecessor of Daria 1 Gaumat was a favorite of the people, but occupied the throne with the help of cunning and deception. However, the rest of the Persian rulers, which belonged to the royal family, were distinguished by ranks, decided to get rid of the deceiver, restoring their reign.

The beginning of the reign of Darius of the First:

  • At night, Darius 1 and his accomplices made their way to the Gaumata bedroom and killed him. However, before that, the attackers had an agreement that the ruler of Persia will be the one whose horse would make the sound the very first after the exit of the hosts.
  • Darius 1 did not want the case to solve his fate, so he brought a mare with a foal outside the gate. Accordingly, after the rulers left Gaumata’s bedchamber, it was the horse of Darius due to the fact that the horse and his foal stood outside the gate.
  • It was thanks to his cunning and prudence that he became a famous commander and conqueror.

The years of the reign of Daria the First

This ruler was in power in Persia from 522 to 486 BC. It is known thanks to the implementation of tax and administrative reforms, construction in Persia, and in the near those lying territories.

After a few decades of reign, he won almost all of Asia, so he decided to conquer Europe. However, he was not able to do this because of the Scythians who did not want to wage an open war. They carried out partisan raids, fought war in non -standard ways. They burned the fields, drowned and poisoned the wells, which contributed to the death of the Persians. 

Ruler of Persia
Ruler of Persia

The state in which Darius was the first

He was distinguished by magnificent organizational abilities. He was one of the first to realize that the large area of \u200b\u200bthe country does not allow managing everything completely, to control the kingdom. Therefore, he divided the area of \u200b\u200bhis state into small satrapy, at the head of each of these sections of the land was a career appointed by Daria.

The state in which Darius was the first:

  • He was a kind of administrator, ruler who controlled financial flows, as well as a military situation over the lands. Darius was the first to be smart enough and understood, the more power has, the more temptation. Therefore, their deputies worked with the satraps, who monitored and controlled their work, reporting to the king. 
  • On each section of Persia there were small military corns, which could quickly suppress them in the event of military conflicts. Darius the First is a person who took care of the quick delivery of messages.
  • At that time, due to the lack of mail, messages came in a few weeks, or even months. Since tsarist orders came late, it was this ruler that came up with a kind of courier service. Small intermediate stations were located along the main roads, at which horses and riders were constantly located.
  • Accordingly, not one person delivered the message, but a whole team, according to the principle of relay. Accordingly, each of the people took a much lower distance, which allowed to reduce the path, quickly delivered a message. This is a ruler who built a direct sea path that connected Egypt with Medina and Iran.  

Why is Darius the first “king of kings”?

It was under Daria the first that Persia became very powerful, included a huge number of states, significantly expanded its borders.

Why Darius is the first “king of kings”:

  • It was a powerful state that united not only many countries, but also peoples.
  • Therefore, Persia was called the country of countries, and the ruler of the "king of all kings."
  • He received recognition and respect from all subjects, regardless of whether these were noble Persians or ordinary workers. 

Eyes and ears of Daria the first

The tsar's eyes and ears are caretakers who informed the ruler about possible troubles, conversations that defeated his reputation.

The eyes and ears of Daria are the first:

  • Their main goal is to look for enemies, conspirators, also attackers who organized uprisings and war against the king.
  • The main task of these informants is to protect the ruler from conspiracies and uprisings.
  • With their help, one could find out which of the rulers in the field abuses their own power, where there is a embezzlement, requisitions, bribery and bribes.
The king of all kings
The king of all kings

Daria campaign on the Scythians

Darius is the first known for his conquering policy. He, in 513 BC, decided to seize the lands that were located around the Black Sea, where the Scythians lived.

Daria's campaign on the Scythians:

  • However, this people did not seek to fight with the well -armed army of the Persians, so the inhabitants of the villages threw their homes, burned all the land, flooded or poisoned the wells. The nomads themselves went far into the steppe.
  • Soon, discontent began to grow among the military Persians who lived on these lands. They began to suffer from hunger and thirst. Therefore, Darius 1 was forced to pick up his troops from there and leave with nothing, because the land on which there are no residents is not able to bring taxes and no one needs.
  • It is believed that it was the defeat in the struggle with the Scythians that became the beginning of the sunset of the political and military career of Darius 1. But not only this caused collapse.
  • There are a lot of legends associated with the king of all kings. There is a giving, according to which the Persian troops pursued the Scythians, but could not achieve what they wanted, because the nomadic people burned everything in their path. However, the Persians continued the persecution of the enemy until they reached the desert. It was the exhaustion of the army of Darius 1, that contributed to the collapse. Only a tenth of the army returned home.
  • The King of the Persians was not ready for such a war, used to fight quickly. The tactics of the Scythians turned out to be deadly for the Persians. The main difficulty was that the Scythians did not enter into an open battle with the Persians, as they understood their weakness and unpreparedness for war. They wandered from place to place, burning territories, completely depriving the enemy of food and drinking water. The main advantage of the Scythians is knowledge of the area, the ability to move from place to place, creating small villages for a short period of time. 

Features of the reign of Darius of the First

However, Darius did not stop there, decided to make a campaign, but not to the Scythians, but to the Greeks. It was in those days that the Ionian uprising broke out, which choked on the Persians.

Features of the reign of Daria the First:

  • However, it was this attack that became the beginning of the Greek-Persian wars. Until a certain point, the Greeks suffered defeat and lost the empire of Darius the First, before the battle in the marathon. 
  • When the ships of the Persians in 490 BC. e. We stopped near a small village of marathon, they could not imagine that this battle would end for them defeat. Despite the fact that the army of the Greeks was very few, it was distinguished by a good organization, uniforms and weapons. Despite a small amount, the Greeks defeated the Persian army. This victory was of great importance and laid the foundation for multiple wars between the Persians and Greece. 
  • Despite the defeat of his troops near the marathon, Darius 1 was not upset, because he understood the scale of Persia, its enormous size and strength. He began to collect troops to further conquer Greece. However, troubles arose where they were not expected. In 486 BC. e. The uprising began in Egypt. 
  • In those days, due to Greek-Persian wars, relations between states were regularly aggravated. Greece did not want to concede Persia, so there was a clash of economic and political interests. The main task of these two directions is the need to control the Aegean Sea. It was the cruel policy of Tsar Darius in relation to the Greeks that often led to uprisings. Huge taxes, rude appeal, constant military conflicts caused a large number of uprisings that arose one after another, gradually exhausting the Persian troops. 
  • The last failures, as well as the defeat in the marathon, significantly undermined the health of the 64-year-old Darius. He died of an unknown illness, and the throne of Persia was occupied by his son Xerxes. 

Achievements of Darius of the first 

He created a monetary system, it was a coin weighing and 8.4 g, made of gold. Then it was the first coin system, they learned about it thanks to the Persian king. It was the main currency in the trading world of that time.

Achievements of Darius of the first:

  • Smaller coins made Persian satraps, as well as independent cities, and other kings, who were under the auspices of Daria 1. Thanks to him, trade became widespread. He built a huge number of wide roads paved with stone. This made it possible to use a large number of carts for delivery with horses.
  • Improving roads and paving their stone was made to speed up the movement of crews, as well as promote the quick delivery of letters from one city to another. He created a channel from the Nile to Suet, the length of which was 84 km. On this path, he sent flotillas from several dozen ships, which, through the Red Sea, were supposed to fall into Persia.
  • Thanks to the reforms of Daria 1, the excellent maintenance of trade routes and the construction of new ones, international trade has developed. Prior to this, some states lived separately, without particularly reselling their goods to each other. Darius the First was interested in the development of international trade. Thanks to this, the construction of temples in the cities of Persia accelerated. In addition, he created the capital of Parses, which was one of the four residences of Darius.
Historical drawing
Historical drawing

Many interesting articles and useful information can be found on our website:

The reign of Darius 1 is considered a period of the powerful heyday of the Achaemenids. It was this ruler that restored order in his country, and also expanded the borders of the state. 

Video: The Secrets of the Board of Daria the First

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