Who are Masons, what do they do in our time?

Who are Masons, what do they do in our time?

The concept of Masons, their influence in the world and Russia.

At the moment, there are a large number of organizations, as well as communities and parties. Masons alone are the most classified. In this article we will try to figure out who these are and what they do. 

Who are Masons: the history of the organization

There are several theories of the origin of Freemasonry. The most popular is the theory of the origin of the current from ordinary masons.

The history of the origin of Freemasonry:

  1. It appeared around the 17-18th century, when it was very popular to make buildings and temples in the Gothic style. Thus, visiting masons engaged in construction organized separate settlements, during which their own rules, codes, orders, and initiation formed. It is believed that it was thanks to construction that they earned their wealth.
  2. According to another theory, Masons are followers of the Templars who carried religion, and glorified some religious movements. It was thanks to the construction of temples and the introduction of religion that the Masons were able to enrich themselves. However, much later, from the poor people who preached religion, they became quite wealthy people, for which they were notlove The government of France. It was then that Masons began to punish, to take away all the wealth from them, accusing them of dishonest activity. Most of the Masons were taken to other countries.

The wealth of Masons

According to some reports, part of the wealth in silver on ships was transported to Russia.

The wealth of Masons:

  • Although in fact the movement has not gained great popularity in Russia, there are still some temples, as well as the organization of Masons in Russia, Ukraine and some countries of the former USSR.
  • It is believed that all wealth stored names in the countries of the post -Soviet space, but management is carried out from the territory of France and England.
  • Now many historians believe that two large families are considered the main leaders of Masons: Rotweilers, as well as the Rothschilds. One of the families comes from the United States, and the second from England. 

Thanks to unthinkable wealth, these two dynasties control almost the whole world. According to some closed data, thanks to a huge number of funds, they have their followers in the managerial structures of the most influential states in the world. It is believed that it is these people who dispose of the fate of many inhabitants of the third world, as well as France, the USA and England. Now there is very little data regarding the activities of Freemasonry, since the main commandment is to keep their participation in the movement, and not to disclose information about it. 

Symbolism of Masons
Symbolism of Masons

Symbolism, Masonic sign

The most interesting thing is that in Freemasonry the main tools used by masons during construction were also preserved. At the moment, they have become more likely not a means for work and design, but by some emblems and signs.

Symbolism, Masonic sign:

  • On many money banknotes of some countries, you can find instruments such as a hammer, a triangle, a Naigonik, level, plumb line and circa. It is believed that it is these instruments that have a certain sacred meaning, which is distinguished by a deeply philosophical subtext.
  • The main activity that Masons is currently engaged in is charity. The main call- this is Help each other, and try with patience and understanding of people.
  • Circular symbolizes a certain norm, as well as the inability to cross the boundaries. That is, help should be from the side of the Masons in any case, but at the same time in a certain amount, without bending the stick. 
  • Masons have a large number of symbols and paraphernalia. It is mainly inherited from masons, but now it is symbolic in nature of the philosophical direction. That is, most Masons have not been holding a hammer, compass, as well as other tools of designers and builders in their hands. One of the most common characters is a triangle with an eye inside. This is a kind of symbol of an all -seeing eye.
Symbolism of Masons
Symbolism of Masons

Who are Masons in the modern world?

Now almost all Masons's meetings are held in Masonic lodges. They are located in various cities, often the location is classified. In each of the countries there is a main box that leads the rest, smaller units.

Who are Masons in the modern world:

  • Masons have certain rituals that are very similar to esotericism and occultism.However, they still believe in God, but at the same time clarify that for everyone he is his own. All the rituals that are carried out among Masons can be different from each other are relatively similar.
  • That is, each organization chooses certain types of services, as well as rites. But at the same time, in most cases, they echoes each other and have much in common. 
  • The most interesting thing is that not every person, at his own request, can get into the community. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to undergo a special interview, which is associated with the so -called interrogation. 
  • During this interrogation, a person is blindfolded, and certain questions are asked. It is necessary to respond to them without a twinge and truthfully. In the 17th century, only people who were financially independent and could provide themselves to Masons.
  • Until now, in the 17th century, women do not accept women. In the 17th century, it was believed that the woman did not work and could not provide herself, someone belonged to someone. Her full owner was her husband. This rule has still been preserved.
Collection of Masons
Collection of Masons

Masons in Russia

As indicated above, all the work of the Masons is classified, that is, it is forbidden for members to disclose what is happening at meetings. At the same time, one of the participants in the Russian Masonic box admitted that in order to join Masons, it is necessary to pay a certain contribution, also you need to pay annual sums of money. Donations are collected for charity. Indeed, most of the Masons are engaged in charity work. 

Masons in Russia:

  • There are also Masonic lodges in Russia, and not one, there are about 12 of them. Many people say that in this organization there are almost half of the government and the State Duma.
  • Among them are a lot of business, entrepreneurs, and employees of law enforcement agencies. In addition, there are people of art, as well as creative personalities. Masons do not call anyone to their community, usually people independently express their desires to join society.
  • Very often, Masons organize special congresses, Russia is no exception. The fact is that in Russia there are practically no specific places that belong to this movement. In most cases, during congresses and seminars, the organization removes conference halls in high-level hotels.
  • At the moment in Russia, about 1,200 Masons, most of which are classified. According to the main rule of Masons, they have no right to disclose the names of those who are present in the organization. Therefore, if a person does not want him to be associated with this organization, he may not tell anyone about it.
Masons in Russia
Masons in Russia

Masons rule the world?

Many believe that Masons are a collection of old people. However, in fact, this is not at all the case. Confirmation is the course in Russia, where the average age of Masons is 35 years.

Masons rule the world:

  • There is an opinion according to which this organization leads the whole world, using the secret levers of its influence and wealth. However, the Masons themselves deny this, and call people who support this theory, mentally ill.
  • It is believed that Masons is an organization that is a kind of symbol of faith in God, but they have his own. According to the theory of Masons, God is the Creator, as well as a kind of builder, the great architect of the universe.
  • Many consider this organization to be devilish, there are even books by authors in which they describe that at every meeting of the organization there is a devil in the image of a goat. Masons deny their belonging to occultism, and the support of organizations that are associated with the devil.
  • They argue that their thoughts are pure, and the main goal is virtue, bringing into the world of purity, kindness, and development.
Masons rule the world
Masons rule the world

Now Masons will not be accepted if a person has a criminal record. At the same time, the meeting itself does not discuss politics, religion, as well as women. This is due to the fact that most often such topics lead to quarrels and disagreements. Masons position themselves as an organization for self -improvement and spiritual development. 

Video: Masons in Russia

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