Who are the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks: explanation, position, program, participants

Who are the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks: explanation, position, program, participants

In the political life of the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian Social-Democratic Workers Party (RSDLP) occupied a leading position. The number of its participants was more than 100 thousand people.

In 1903, the II Congress of Social Democrats took place abroad. Due to the fundamental disagreements in the political program of the party, there was a split into two factions- bolsheviks and Mensheviks. In this mode, the activities of the Marxist revolutionaries took place until 1917, after which two separate political parties were formed.

Who are the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks in simple words?

  • Separation of Social Democrats into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks It arose as a result of opposite points of view on the algorithm of membership in the RSDLP. Two ideological leaders Lenin and Martynov Various conditions for participation in revolutionary activities were put forward.
  • Martynov proposed to cooperate with various political forces. In his opinion, it was enough for membership in the party to provide material participation, maintain a political strategy and provide assistance in organizational matters.
  • According to Lenin, Party members they must provide financial support, follow the political program and be active revolutionaries in the sole struggle.
Bolsheviks and Mensheviks: Table
Bolsheviks and Mensheviks: Table
  • Martynov’s position was supported by a large number of social democrats. In relation to the total number of single -party people, the number of Martynov’s supporters was in the minority, which formed the name of the faction mensheviks.
  • Most of the revolutionaries remained under the control of Lenin, gained an advantage in the vote of the II Congress of the RSDLP and was fixed under the name bolsheviks. In further, professional revolutionaries joined the Bolsheviks, and among the Mensheviks, most of the participants advocated the legitimate reform of the autocracy.

Who headed the Party of the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks?

  • The founder of Menshevism Spended Yu. O. Martov. The main ideological leaders of the Mensheviks belonged A.S. Martynov, G. V. Plekhanov, P. B. Axelrod, P.P. Maslov, N. N. Zhordania and others. There was no obvious leader inside the party. The faction was divided into several groups with various views.
  • The position of some leaders was reviewed over time. Part passed to the side of Lenin. Ideological leaders freely left the party and joined separate organizations. The main percentage of one party members was the working intelligentsia.
  • In 1907 the number of Mensheviks It was in the range of 40-50 thousand people. By 1917, political force has grown to several hundred thousand people. Their general political activity was aimed at eating the proletariat with the bourgeoisie. Party representatives did not consider the peasantry as revolutionary power.
  • With the outbreak of World War I, the Mensheviks took the side of the government and actively promoted the civil world. During the Civil War, they in every way prevented the aggressive Bolshevik movements, and resisted the formation of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
  • The centralized party of the Bolsheviks was headed by V. I. Lenin. Among active leaders, it is worth noting the activities A. G. Shlyapnikova, L. B. Kamenev, I.V. Stalin, G. E. Zinoviev. Lenin managed to convince most of the one -party people of the expediency of the revolutionary course and maintain a predominant influence.
  • The active work of representatives of Bolshevism rapidly formed a cohesive revolutionary force. During the revolution, they organized many armed uprisings. One of the key strategies was the impact on the masses using radical slogans, printed brochures and leaflets.
  • Inter -party struggle of the Bolsheviks It was aimed not only at the elimination of the autocracy, but also to the struggle with major political forces acting as an obstacle to the sole seizure of revolutionary power.

In 1917, the Bolsheviks managed to take a winning position in the October Revolution and put in power the council of people's commissars, led by Lenin, the Bolshevik power was preserved until 1991. The concept of Bolshevism was replaced by communism.

Bolsheviks and Mensheviks - what is the difference between them, what kind of movement they represented: a brief message

Diverse aspirations of the leaders of the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks They led the Social Democratic Labor Party to the final division. Their political confrontation formed opposite ideological aspirations. The difference between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks was in different means of achieving one common goal.

Political program of the Mensheviks:

  • mutation of revolutionary activity;
  • legal struggle to improve the quality of life of ordinary workers;
  • development of economic activity by striving for self -employment;
  • preservation of the royal form of government with subsequent reforms;
  • cooperation with the liberal bourgeoisie;
  • preservation of land ownership of the state.

The political activity of the Mensheviks played an important role in historical events between the February Revolution and the Civil War. But they never managed to bring their program into life and become part of the new state power.


During the coup 1917, most ideological leaders of the Mensheviks joined the Bolsheviks. After stabilizing the new government, the remaining Mensheviks had no choice but to join the new government. Otherwise, they were expected.

The difference is in the views
The difference is in the views

The political program of the Bolsheviks:

  • the desire for revolution;
  • the growth of the armed conflict;
  • overthrow of the royal form of government;
  • superiority of the working class;
  • eradication of the bourgeoisie and the dictatorship of the proletariat;
  • confiscation of landowner lands.

Before the beginning of the February Revolution, the Bolsheviks conducted both underground propaganda and official political activity. In their power was a legal edition of the political newspaper Pravda.

  • Representatives of the Bolsheviks were allowed to participate in the Russian State Duma.
  • The events of the First World War significantly Weakened the positions of the Bolsheviks. Many existing organizations were disbanded.
  • The activity of Bolshevism has grown during the civil war. They managed to overthrow political power and take control. Thanks to the Bolsheviks, the communist system of state power was formed.

Lenin - Bolshevik or Menshevik?

  • The founder of Bolshevism Lenin He identified “Bolshevism” as “senseless”. The intra -party relations of the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks were kept in close contact and interweaving of common interests. The relationship between Martov and Lenin was more like friendship, not enmity.

Lenin strove for a strict and strict policy, in his understanding, the life of the Bolshevik should be completely devoted to activities in the party organization. Only a person who was carried away by his own business could bring a coup on a coup.

  • Lenin knew how to convince and impose your own program of action. His associates were infected by the “Leninist” spirit and were ready to unquestioningly comply with orders, going against their own conscience. To make up for the material embezzlement of the party, the Bolsheviks could calmly rob the bank, taking this out of the norm. The behavior of the Bolshevik leader was very tough and powerful. But instead of fear, people experienced admiration and sympathy for him.
  • Lenin in every way he strove for a socialist revolution. Lenin's happiness was the creation of a socialist state. Propaging among ordinary citizens the best life in the future, he received support in the person of several hundred thousand people.

Modern people with the Bolsheviks associate proletarian symbolism of a sickle and hammer. They can be considered both heroes and scammers of that time. Thousands of ideological people were ready to go to death for the onset of communism. The new state apparatus earned thanks to the high organizational abilities of the Bolshevik leader Lenin.

Video: The difference between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks

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  1. The last paragraphs are such "objective". In the spirit of decommunization.
    If it were not for the industrialization of the country by the Bolsheviks, we would be slaves of the famous Fuhrer, if we were generally born. And in the text, distorting in the spirit of "Bolsheviks criminals, imposed their opinion, forced to believe in a bright future."

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