On which day of the week you can’t marry, get married: signs. On which day of the week it is better to register a marriage, make a wedding: a list of favorable days. In what half of the day to sign?

On which day of the week you can’t marry, get married: signs. On which day of the week it is better to register a marriage, make a wedding: a list of favorable days. In what half of the day to sign?

How to choose the day of the week for a wedding celebration? In the last century there were no problems with the selection of the wedding day. The registry office offered 2 options for a choice - for solemn registration on Saturday or for a more modest option on Wednesday. Today, the newlyweds were much more lucky - they have the opportunity to choose any day of the week.  But does it matter when there will be a wedding?

Read on our resource another article on the topic: "Where to go on a wedding trip inexpensively?". You will find a description of places for a wedding trip in Russia, at sea in Crimea, Sochi, St. Petersburg.

For some people, the day of the week is only one day, and in fact it has no significance when the newlyweds are painted. For someone, it is appropriate to focus on the work schedule, and they choose a date that is free. But for some, the day of the week has a mystical designation. And it really can affect the life of the young. But how to choose the day of the week for a wedding celebration so as not to make a mistake? What does the belief say about this? Are there “good” and “bad” days? And how to choose according to a church or lunar calendar? Read further.

On what day of the week do they get married more often?

The day of the wedding celebration is important and the newly brought up want to appoint such a time that all relatives and friends have the opportunity to come to the wedding holiday. Saturday and Friday  - Frequent choice among future young, so in the registry office, these days of the week are scheduled for several months in advance.

On which day of the week it is better to register a marriage, make a wedding: a list of favorable days

It is better to register a marriage on Friday
It is better to register a marriage on Friday

Saturday - one of the most popular wedding days, but it is categorically not suitable For those who want happiness throughout their lives.  Saturday is patronized by the planets with a negative vibration for this sphere. Thus, 99% of marriages concluded on this day are doomed to divorce.  This is claimed by astrologers and numerologists.

Read on our resource another article on the topic: "Signs about the wedding by month, days of the week: how to choose a date?".

When is it better to register a marriage? Below you will find a list of good days and not very suitable for the celebration. Read further.

Is it possible to marry on Monday following signs?

On the 1st day- monday, a mysterious moon reigns in the starry sky.  Although it does not appear in the daytime, it is a symbol of the feminine and fills the day with soft energy. The moon protects Monday and everything that has a connection with it. On this day you can get married. The newlyweds are waiting:

  • Happiness in the life of a husband and wife
  • Mutual understanding between spouses
  • Healthy children
  • Protection of young people from bad and envious people

Remember that the moon has its drawbacks.  This planet may change, like a woman in her mood. Therefore, a woman will have to put up with victories and defeats, tides and castings in terms of mood, as well as emotionality in marital life.

Is it possible to marry on Tuesday, following the signs?

In astrological terms  tuesday —  not a very suitable day for marriage, Since this is the time period of the militant dominance of Mars. There is no need to wait for special warmth in relationships. The life of a husband and wife becomes like a place of war, where each of the newlyweds tries to take a leading position.

But for persons persistent, with power in character, which can easily be inferior in everything, perhaps this will not be a difficulty. The marriage of such a couple will differ in dynamism and passion, and boredom and gray mediocrity will not settle in this house.

Is it possible to get married on Wednesday following signs?

Wednesday, 3rd day-a variable Mercury prevails. The planet is not problematic, it helps to fill being with entertainment, sociability and diversity in all life areas.  For happiness, future newlyweds need have similar interestswhich are based on active work with the outside world.

The disadvantage is that over time, one of the young can get tired of such a way of life and want peace and stable existence. In this case, the crisis in the relationship is inevitable.  You need to be able to overcome difficulties together.

Is it possible to marry on Thursday from marrying signs?

This is the protection of Jupiter - planets with fair energy. Thursday is one of the best days for a strong and prosperous marriage, but the decision on the wedding celebration should be perfectly thought out by both partners.  Jupiter is responsible for such aspects of family life:

  • Justice - You can conduct an impartial analysis of all conflict situations that you will have. It’s easier to achieve peace in family life, its dimensionality.
  • Material well -being of the family “You don’t have to worry about where to get and how to make money.” They themselves will flow to you as a river.
  • Streamlining all problems and difficult situations. All difficulties will not fall on you at once. But this does not mean that they will not be at all.

A marriage concluded on Thursday brings happy moments to people with a good heart, who clearly see the goal and stand firmly on this earth.  But it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that disagreements between partners are based on the lack of logical thinking and can simply and quickly develop into a deep conflict.

Is it possible to get married on Friday according to signs?

And here is the most suitable and comfortable for most young Friday, which is always the day before. According to statistics, most wedding celebrations take place on this day, as well as weddings by representatives of various religions, including the Orthodox.

  • By chance or not, but in astrology this day patronizes the goddess of love is Venus. 
  • Everything is clear here, and you only need to maintain romance and ease in family relationships so as not to might in grayness and everyday life.

But there is Friday 13th-this day is shrouded in many superstitions.  In this case, many newlyweds are trying to avoid Friday. However, astrology does not support this and considers it a misconception, arguing that the main thing important in life is the influence of the planet-patron.

Is it possible to marry on Saturday following signs?

Despite the fact that Saturday is a convenient day for a wedding celebration, neither astrologers nor many representatives of different religions value it. And even superstitions do not support him. Gloomy Saturn imposed his seal on Saturday and predicts the newlyweds boring life, without vivid impressions.

But for some people, such measurement can be a long -awaited pier in the seething sea of \u200b\u200blife. In the end, the planet is also responsible for reliability, confidence in future and stability in relationships without emotional vibrations. In addition, if the desire to marry still arises on this day, then this is the perfect period for signing a marriage contract.

Is it possible to marry on Sunday according to signs?

The marriage union, which consists on Sunday, is protected by the main luminary of our planet - the sun. The life of partners is filled with warmth and joy, there is no place for disagreement and misunderstanding.  This is especially a good day for couples who passionately dream of having children.

But it is worth remembering that when the personal qualities of one of the newlyweds come to the fore, the desire of the sun for victories can overshadow happiness in relationships. In this case, it is worth immediately agreeing who will move forward among two close people, and who will become a “reliable rear”.

Is it possible to get married on a church holiday: signs

It is worth noting right away that Orthodoxy does not prohibit conducting secular celebrations when people themselves want. The restrictions apply only to the wedding ceremony. In the church they are not married to such posts:

  • Christmas
  • Great
  • Petrovsky
  • Assumption

Accordingly, during the days of posts it is better not to register a marriage in the registry office. Wedders are not held during large Orthodox holidays and on the memorial days.  The wedding time should be consistent with the priest, you only need to determine the year and a month.  The priest in the temple will surely advise which day to choose for a wedding or marriage so that he is truly bright in the fate of the young.

Is it possible to play a wedding in the week?

Bright week - a week after Easter. Can you play a wedding at this time? In the bright week, which is considered a symbol of the revival of life, our ancestors began celebrations when guys and girls looked closely at each other. At this time, it was customary to conduct brides and meet with the parents of the bride. In the Easter week, the girls wondered and performed all kinds of magical actions.

  • The wedding in the bright week is undesirableBut you can sign, and the church rite, that is, the wedding, is better to spend at the end of the week.
  • According to folk customs, weddings were made precisely on the first Sunday after Easter, also called as a red hill.

It was believed that whoever marries Red Hill, will not divorce forever.

On which day of the week to buy a wedding dress: signs

To purchase an outfit for the bride, many adhere to such signs:

  • On Friday, it is recommended to buy shoes, on Tuesday - a veil, on Wednesday - a dress.
  • Wedding shoes should be bought with closed socks. Open sandals, as signs say, lead to poverty and misfortunes.
  • Any money remaining as a delivery after buying a dress does not need to be spent within 3 months from the date of purchase. During this time, they should be stored and not used.

You can’t take pictures of the dress before the wedding, it is believed that this scares away luck and family happiness. Before celebration, the dress should hang in the parental house, this contributes to a long and happy marriage. Glaging and other preparation of the bride’s dress should be entrusted to a stranger, for example, a master in one of the salons, neither the bride herself, nor her mother or sister should engage in this process.

Which moon is better to get married: signs

Better sign in the registry office on the growing moonso plan the date in advance. But how to find out - the rally -growing moon or waning now?

If you play a full moon wedding, it is believed that your house will be a full bowl. On the waning moon or new moon, you should not plan the date of the wedding.

You can conduct a celebration in the new moon, but if the date is suitable for your zodiac sign. Read more about the choice of the date according to the signs of the zodiac of the newlyweds and other nuances you will read in another article on our website under this link: "" Favorable numbers for marriage».

Why you can’t get married in name day: signs

Many people want to bring some kind of celebration to their other special date. For example, play a wedding on the day of the name day, that is, the day of the angel. Often, people want to celebrate registration on their birthday. But superstition says that this is not worth doing.  Why can't you get married on a name day or birthday?

  • It is believed that if the wedding is played on the day of the name day or birthday, then the newlyweds will soon divorce.

Read more here: "Wedding on the birthday of the bride or groom: signs, is it possible?".

Before the wedding, you should go to church and ask the priest whether you can get married on a specific day, even if you do not plan to hold this ceremony. If you can get married, it means that you can register in the registry office.

In what half of the day to sign?

It is better to register a marriage after lunch. So the newlyweds will have time to gather at the celebration and guests are more convenient. If you take into account the certificates, then there is no restriction. Register at any time of the day when you are comfortable. The main thing is to choose a month and day.

Video: on what days you can, and in which marriage cannot be made. Priest Igor Silchenkov

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