Intercostal neuralgia: signs, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Intercostal neuralgia: signs, symptoms, treatment, prevention

What is the intercostal neuralgia from how to identify and treat it - find out in the article.

When painful in the chest area appears, several common diagnoses can be suspected. Most often, discomfort is manifested in the presence of a number of heart diseases and blood vessels. Without consulting a doctor, one cannot be fully confident in the diagnosis made at home.

Pain impulses in the ribs can indicate intercostal neuralgia. In this disease, the cause of discomfort is the pathological influence of various factors on the nerve endings placed in the chest area.

Intercostal neuralgia: signs, symptoms

This disease occurs as a result of various pathologies and deviations in the body. The prolonged flow of the ailments leads to the vulnerability of the processes of neurons located in the region of the ribs. With the beginning of the inflammatory process, the patient feels unbearable acute pains.

The root causes of the occurrence of intercostal neuralgia:

  • new formations in the spinal cord;
  • prolonged inhalation of toxic substances;
  • the course of the inflammatory process;
  • damage to the protective layer of nerve fibers;
  • insufficient number of vitamins of group B;
  • deviations in the structure of the axial skeleton;
  • excessive glucose content in the blood;
  • infection;
  • ailments of the ribs;
  • chest injury;
  • deformation of the chest aorta;
  • hypothermia and inflammation of the pleura;
  • the course of immunopathological processes;
  • diseases of the nervous system and stressful situations;
  • age -related restructuring of the body;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • exceeding the norms of permissible physical activity.

In medical practice, the patient very often diagnosed intercostal neuralgia, and then a pathological process is revealed that caused this disease. For an effective result, a comprehensive effect on both ailments is necessary.

Characteristic symptoms in intercostal neuralgia may indicate various deviations. A qualified specialist will be able to establish the features of the course of the disease and analyze their nature. First you need to exclude diseases such as pneumonia, pleurisy, cardiovascular ailments, peptic ulcer, etc.

Caused by deviations
Caused by deviations

The course of neuralgia is accompanied by constant unnecessary pain. A person feels intense tingling. With excessive muscle arousal and spasm, the motor activity of the upper body enhances the nature of the pain. The neuralgia of the left side is often confused with tingling in the heart. Compared to heart pains, intercostal pain cramps are much more intense and longer.

In order to quickly distinguish intercostal neuralgia from heart disease, it is necessary to check the accompanying vital indicators. Measure pressure and pulse, track the reaction to motor activity, exclude the possibility of an attack. For timely diagnosis when taking heart drugs, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body. If health indicators have not improved, then to clarify the diagnosis, you should contact a specialist.

Characteristic symptoms for intercostal neuralgia:

  • left -sided breast pain of a permanent nature;
  • discomfort manifests itself in the form of tingling and burning;
  • excess of the pain threshold for corps turns;
  • yawning or cough is accompanied by sharp pain impulses;
  • the muscles are in tension and spasm.

The skin on the left side begins to respond worse to external exposure, changes its color. A person cannot take deep breaths. As a result of insufficient oxygen intake, fainting is possible. When the body mobility is limited, the sensation of pain is dull. Difficulties with motor activity are accompanied by increased sweating and unstable pressure. Constant voltage enhances the load on the lumbar and provokes its malaise.

Constant pain
Constant pain

The fibers of the nerve endings are concentrated in the form of bundles that are responsible for various functions. Injection of sensitive beams leads to painful sensations of a protracted nature. With a disease of motor bundles, the full functioning of the diaphragm and muscles is disturbed, breathing is disturbed. Damage to vegetative beams disrupts the operation of the skin glands of external secretion. With vast neuralgia, discomfort causes a set of signs.

In addition to the manifestations of intercostal neuralgia, the patient is concerned about the malaise of concomitant ailments, which must also be taken into account.

Neuralgia - signs of related diseases:

  • breast osteochondrosis syndromes;
  • tingling and numbness with vertebral displacement;
  • pain in the upper back with a hernia of the spine;
  • discomfort for muscle injuries and bones;
  • malaise with colds and infections;
  • limited movements for tumors on the spine;
  • aching pain in inflamed vertebral joints.
It’s even difficult to breathe
It’s even difficult to breathe

With difficulty breathing in the patient, it is necessary to exclude the possible inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy, chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract. With prolonged aching pain in the lower back, the condition and work of the kidneys are checked. With pronounced pain in the abdomen, it is necessary to exclude the presence of an ulcer, check the functioning of the gallbladder, check the pancreas.

The nature of symptoms in women and men

The breast radicolite proceeds differently in female and male. Men most suffer from acute left -handed pains. The period of pronounced discomfort is not long. In women, the disease manifests itself in the form of acute cramps in the thoracic area of \u200b\u200bthe body and gives to the lumbar region, which creates a false suspicion of gynecological ailments.

How to treat intercostal neuralgia?

The nature of the disease requires careful observance of the prescribed treatment. The acute form of neuralgia can be facilitated only in the position of lying down and minimal mobility for a long time. The initial stage of malaise with improper treatment quickly goes into a complicated state.

Therapeutic procedures are primarily aimed at the relief and elimination of pain symptoms. To facilitate the condition of the patient, it is necessary to provide a bed with a solid surface. Help take a convenient position and provide him with immobility.

Drug drugs are selected with an analgesic effect. The rapid effect on the focus of the disease greatly facilitates the course of the disease. The patient has muscle voltage.

Medicines should take into account the age criterion, features and complexity of the course of the disease, features of the work of various organs of the patient.

Treatment is mandatory
Treatment is mandatory

Application for the treatment of intercostal neuralgia received drugs:

  • Non -hormonal preparations that suppress the development of the inflammatory process - intrament, butadion, rofecoxib;
  • Drugs that eliminate spasms - Midokalm, Midostad, Baklosan;
  • Preparations that relieve irritation - motherwort, seden, person;
  • Vitamin group B - Milgamma, neurobion.

To relieve symptoms, local effects are used:

  • Medicines that inhibit inflammation-Fastum-gel, diplomatic release;
  • Local anesthetics of prolonged exposure - Voltaren, finalgon.

Massage and physiotherapeutic measures help to accelerate the recovery of the patient:

  • reflexology;
  • soundword on the patient;
  • the course of treatment at the manual therapist;
  • administration of drugs using electrophoresis;
  • impact on the discomfort section with magnetic fields;
  • special physical exercises;
  • massage procedures.

Folk methodology

You can influence malaise using folk recipes. Such treatment facilitates pain and relieve inflammation.

Improve the patient with intercostal neuralgia can be improved by the following methods:

  • Compresses with steamed linen seeds using the left side.
  • Lubrication of patients with squeezed horseradish juice.
  • Application of applications with a mixture of steamed wormwood leaves and sea buckthorn oil.
  • In half a glass of milk, 30 g of honey and a few drops of liquid eucalyptus are diluted. The resulting mixture is poured into hot water and a bath is taken for 10-15 minutes. The solution does not need to be washed off the body, it is enough to remove excess moisture. Repeat for a week every other day.

Prevention of intercostal neuralgia

To prevent such diseases, a person needs to adhere to proper nutrition. Add products rich in vitamin V. to your menu

  • Engage in physical education, visit the masseur.
  • The optimal load on the body is provided by therapeutic exercises.
  • It is worth avoiding hypothermia in the cold season.
  • No need to be in drafts for a long time.

Treatment under the supervision of a qualified specialist in combination with properly distributed physical activity will lead to a speedy recovery. Prevention measures will avoid exacerbations and repeated diseases.

Video: How to identify intercostal neuralgia?

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  1. As anesthesia, Platsy Nanoplast helps me very well. It is attached to a disturbing place and you can walk with it up to 12 hours. It helps due to constant magnetic radiation and soft heat (as there are such devices in the physiocabine, so it is also felt from the patch). Relieves pain

  2. When I have intercostal neuralgia worsening, I use a very good ointment of Evamenol Act. It is made on natural components, as part of: eucalyptus, camphor, peppermint levomontol. It acts very softly, cold and relieves pain well, you can use it for a long time - up to fourteen days and mainly does not contain any chemistry, NSAIDs, etc. I really like how it works and is very inexpensive.

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