Superstitions and signs associated with glasses - sunglasses, for vision: why find, lose, break, give, wear strangers?

Superstitions and signs associated with glasses - sunglasses, for vision: why find, lose, break, give, wear strangers?

For a long time, glasses were available only to rich people and made to order. Since the mid -fifteenth century, even stray merchants began to engage in their implementation. In 1873, a diopter numbering of glasses appeared.  Previously, glasses were attached to wigs or hats, sometimes they adhered to a lace tied around the head. In addition to this accessory, they were popular monocles, pince -nez and Lornet. So that these accessories are not lost, they were attached to a chain to the wardrobe item on themselves. The pince -nez was on the nose, like modern glasses, but without arcs that are attached behind the ears.

Read on our website another article on the topic:  "I broke the nail on the arm: signs".

Glasses They have a rich story that has more than one hundred years. During this period, a million signs have appeared related to them, which still exist. Read further.

What do glasses mean?

In some religions, glasses have a simple symbolic meaning. Here are a few examples:

  • In Hindus, they are often portrayed in the image of the Lord Shiva, one of the most important deities of this religion.
  • In Christianity, glasses can be considered as a sign of wisdom and spiritual insight.

Siene Katalina is often depicted in glasses on works of art as a symbol of her deep understanding of the will of God.

Why find glasses - a man, a woman, a girl: a sign

Glasses are a very individual thing that is in contact with the body, absorbs human energy. It is not recommended to lose them or raise strangers on the street. In general, they saw glasses on the street that do not belong to anyone - go your way.

So, why find glasses of a young girl:

  • Her personal life has become an object of close attention of some other person. Take a closer look at the environment, be selective in communication.

A man or woman aged:

  • This is a warning sign from excessive gullibility. A man needs to be more strict to the environment, and a woman does not trust unfamiliar.

Finding your glasses at home - belief has a different meaning. Read further.

Why lose and find glasses at home: sign

One of the interpretations of signs about lost and found points at home reads that a person has to face life difficulties.

According to another version, loss of glasses warns a person against the spread of gossip. Avoid stories in details about your life and things, especially if there are strangers nearby. A person can eavesdrop on specifically or hear by accident, pull the phrase out of context, come up with his plot and spread rumors.

Lose Sunny Glasses: Sign

The loss of sunglasses, according to signs, can lead to problems, for example, on the life paths may arise insurmountable obstacles.  If the accessory is lost during rest, this is a good omen: soon you will learn about some secrets and secrets, your environment will appear in a different light.

Glasses cracked: sign

If cracks appeared on glasses, then  ahead is a lot of troubles or even divorce. This may also be a warning about the illness of the owner of the accessory. The more glasses are damaged, the more serious the health problem will be.

Give glasses: sign

Glasses are not the best present. The person who present them as a gift will manipulate you and make you think the way he needs.  One exception for whom such a gift will be pleasant and useful. These are close people, for example, spouses - this present helps to establish family relationships and promotes mutual understanding.

Sign - Can you give your beloved glasses from view?

You can give Glasses for vision to a loved one. According to the sigh, this helps to come to the understanding of the family. It doesn’t matter if you have not yet married, but already in close relations - the sign is also valid.

I broke the glasses - a sign: why?

Broken glasses - a lot of troubles any age.  If you accidentally sat on this accessory, then wait for a deterioration in relations with friends or colleagues at work.

Why you can’t wear glasses on the head: sign

Many women believe that wearing glasses on their heads is beautiful, but it is not so. This is not even fashionable or even an accessory with the most beautiful frame, it looks ridiculous on the hair, it is bad taste. According to the signs, this habit will lead to headaches And the problems that literally fall on your head.

Sign - Is it possible to give your glasses?

As mentioned above, glasses are your individual thing that is saturated with your energy. Therefore, do not give them to strangers and even temporarily, for example, to fill out documents, etc. So you pass all your good to a person, after which a dark strip can begin in your life.

Wear, put on other people's glasses: sign

For the same reasons why you should not give your glasses, you can not wear or wear strangers. You take his energy from a person and it can be bad. It all depends on how you are configured to him. If you are a kind person, then take everything bad. If there is hostility towards this person and he will give you his accessory, then give you a piece of its positive. 

Break glasses: sign

If one of the hinges broke, this  warning about impending financial difficulties. If a plastic jumper has cracked (at the nose), this means that you will completely review your life path.  The faulty right darling will lead to a series of failures, and the left, on the contrary, is to something positive (fateful meeting, acquaintance, another person will help you build a career or tell you how to climb the career ladder).

  • In addition, you can mentally wish yourself good luck in case of such damage, and you will be lucky.
  • But, if you think about bad, then it will come true.

The left -wing mate has broken - you will have problems in your personal life, a serious conflict with your spouse, and the right one will meet your love, if your loved one is, then relations will go to a new level.

Sign - What are the glasses to fall?

If you dropped this accessory, then There are many quarrels ahead. If the glasses crashed in this case, then the reconciliation after the swearing will be difficult to achieve.

Threw out sunglasses, from view, especially: omen

It so happened that you specially threw out sunglasses. They were cheap or you didn’t like it so much that it was not a pity to send it to the trash. The sign for this says that in your life there will be changes and you will see the world in a completely different way. Perhaps after that you will have a new acquaintance, which will lead to a romantic relationship.

If you threw out glasses from view, then this is also to changes in life, but no one can say whether positive or negative changes will occur in your life. It all depends on you and your mood for life at the moment.

The sign is not to let your glasses measure: why?

In general, giving someone to measure their jewelry and various accessories are considered a bad sign. Therefore, it is better not to let the glasses measure. According to the signs, your generosity will be to troublesthat can appear in various areas of life - at work or at home.

Burnt to someone glasses: folk signs

If you need to lend your glasses for a while, then think first. According to the signs, it is better not to give such your personal things. As esotericists say, glasses that were in contact with the body and absorbed the owner’s energy, bad people can impose a negative program. She will then switch to you when the thing will return to you and you will begin to wear.

Sign - Why can't you put glasses on the table?

In ancient times, the table was called "God's palm."  Put individual things on the table was considered a poor omen. You can offend God and this will lead to something bad, a lack of money, scandals.

Why find glasses on the street - a woman, a man: a sign

If you found glasses on the street, be prepared for the fact that significant changes will occur in life. And they are unlikely to be pleasant.  Signs warn of a serious quarrel with a loved one. There is also a possibility that the surrounding environment can completely change, and these changes will not be for the better, especially if you find a broken or cracked glass.

Do not take glasses found on the street and do not look at them, it is better to just get by, pretending that you saw nothing. This must be done by a woman, otherwise she will have problems in her personal relationships.  If the subject still fell into your hands, take it home, sprinkle it with holy water and bury it on the wasteland. The same should be done with other people's glasses that you found at home. In this case, they should be considered as a lining.

The sign - cracked, burst glass with glasses: why?

People have always considered a broken mirror or glass a bad sign, superstition with a negative interpretation. The glass fragment in this case plays the role of a source of negative energy. And the same interpretation will be if we are talking about glasses for glasses. A similar nuisance - The harbinger of the upcoming indignation, illness The owner of the accessory. The severity of pathology depends on the degree of damage to the lens - the more cracks and chips, the more difficult the disease will be proceeded.

Glass of glasses fell: sign

It seems that so unusual - glass just fell out of the frame of glasses. This can be the marriage of the manufacturer or the owner of the owner. But esoterics interprets this trouble as a sign:

  • If the glass just fell out and did not break, a small trouble at work or a quarrel with relatives.
  • If the lens has crashed - health problems, a deterioration in the condition, if you are sick, etc.

If two lenses fell out, then the action of signs doubles.

Sign - Losing dark glasses in the cemetery: Interpretation

Read on the site another article on the topic: "" Is it possible to raise a fallen or lost thing in a cemetery", If these are glasses, hat, glove, bag, phone, keys, money?

There are different beliefs about behavior in the cemetery. Supreme people constantly come up with some signs, and someone does not perceive it seriously and is skeptical.  Our ancestors also believed in some superstitious moments associated with the cemetery. You need to take something, otherwise you risk getting through this trouble, there is such a thing as an energy connection, so if you dropped something, get rid of it, put it for a while in salt when you return home and then Sprinkle the earth with salt.

Stole glasses - which means: sign

If you stole glasses, then according to signs, this to achieve success. You will achieve much more than you wanted. Go boldly forward, you will achieve your goals, solve all problems and objectives.

What sign if the sea took the glasses?

If the sea took the glasses, what kind of sign is it bad or good? They say that in this case rest on the coast will help a person open his eyes to many secrets And look at your environment in a new way. And it is difficult to say in advance whether the consequences of such “insight” will be useful and good. In general, everything is in the hands of fate.

Sign about glasses: Interpretation from Baba Nina from the series "Blind"

Read on our website another article on the topic: "" Signs of a blind woman Nina from the series": A list from clairvoyant for love, money, luck, for weight loss.

Grandmother Nina is the heroine of the series, which was broadcast on Russian television from 2014 to 2016. It was a multi -part film in which the actress played herself. The advice of Grandma Nina from the series is a storehouse of folk wisdom, which returns people to their origins. The audience with love accepts the healer in her heart and collects her advice to pass them on to the next generation.

Grandmother Nina has an interpretation of signs about glasses:

  • If you break, the glass broke - you will be deceived.
  • If the frame cracked, unpleasant surprises happen in life.
  • To lose - to the loss of friends, they can give, the new ones will not work out quickly.
  • Wear on the head - to illness.
  • If you find glasses - do not raise, pass by, you can’t step - you can get sick.

Give this accessory only to your family, but try to choose another gift so as not to bring troubles on your life.

Lost, broken glasses: how to neutralize the sign?

How to avoid the negative action of this belief? If glasses are lost or broken - how to neutralize the sign? A bad interpretation disappears if you do not believe in it. If your lost or broken glasses in your thoughts does not work, then read the prayer " Our Father" or Jesus prayer - Repeat "Lord have mercy" 12 times.

You can also go to church and pray there. Put a candle for health, stand all the service. You can confess and take communion. All this will help protect yourself from troubles and get rid of sins. It is known that it is the sins that make us think about some negative.

Video: Finding or losing glasses are signs.

Video: Signs about glasses. They broke or crashed, find or lose.

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