How to increase sensitivity during sex in men and women: general tips. Poor sensitivity during sex in men and women: Reasons

How to increase sensitivity during sex in men and women: general tips. Poor sensitivity during sex in men and women: Reasons

The reasons for the decline and ways to improve sensitivity during sex in men and women.

Both men and women suffer from impaired sensitivity. Most often, the reasons are not in physiological health, but in human psychology. Therefore, you can cope with a similar phenomenon with the help of psychoanalysts, as well as sexologists. In this article we will tell for what reasons the sensitivity of the genitals is reduced, and how it can be increased.

Poor sensitivity of the penis in men: Causes

Most men, with minor touch to the floor dick, have a reaction. In this case, the most sensitive part of the penis is the head and area of \u200b\u200bthe bridle. It is the touch to this area that is accompanied by the most powerful sensations. With a decrease in sensitivity, this area practically does not respond to touch. In this regard, an erection is violated, a member during sex is sluggish and poorly poured with blood.

Signs of a decrease in sensitivity in men:

  • During a sexual act, the man experiences insufficient sensitivity of the penis
  • Much greater stimulation is required to obtain sexual satisfaction
  • During sex, the partner does not feel anything in the penis area, as a result of this there is no erection
  • Random orgasms that are not related to stimulation are possible
  • A man cannot get satisfaction even with prolonged stimulation of a member
  • The impossibility of ejaculation, a decrease in libido and a decrease in sexual activity

It is worth noting that such a violation of sensitivity can be associated with both diseases of the body and psychological problems.

Reducing the sensitivity of the head of the penis
Reducing the sensitivity of the head of the penis

Physical reasons for a decrease in sensitivity in men:

  • Diabetes. With this disease, blood vessels and nerve endings suffer. Accordingly, the member is poorly poured with blood
  • Heart diseases
  • Disorders of the nervous system
  • Infections
  • Spinal injuries
  • Light weight, obesity

Psychological factors also significantly affect sensitivity.

Psychological reasons for a decrease in sensitivity:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Misunderstandings with a partner

Therefore, your sexual desires must be informed about your sexual desires, to communicate more about sex, intimacy. Do not hesitate to tell what excites you, and how you want to get sexual pleasure, increase sensitivity, even if it seems somewhat strange or unconventional.

Negatively, smoking, as well as the use of drugs, alcohol affects the sensitivity. Due to the use of these psychotropic substances, the erection and sensitivity of the penis decreases.

We increase sensitivity
We increase sensitivity

There are also traumatic factors that contribute to a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis:

  • Frequent masturbation and dry friction in the head of the penis, which injures the mucous membrane and leads to a loss of sensitivity
  • Rough sex. During aggressive sexual intercourse, without a sufficient amount of lubrication, a bridle, as well as the head are injured
  • Classes of some sports. These include cycling.
  • Reducing blood circulation in the perineum, tight clothing. This applies to tight trousers, panties

A decrease in sensitivity can be observed if you take any drugs. Most often this is indicated in side effects. A sharp decrease in sensitivity leads to disorders in the brain. This is due to the production of a large amount of serotonin, some other hormones that are produced when using psychotropic substances or drugs.

Poor sensitivity during sex
Poor sensitivity during sex

How to increase the sensitivity of a member head in men?

In order to increase the sensitivity of the penis, it is necessary to deal with the reason that entailed a deterioration. If this is due to the disease, it is necessary to cure the infection, the disease that provoked a decrease in sensitivity. Only after that it will recover. There are also special tools, as well as technology, to improve the sensitivity of the penis.

Methods of improving sensitivity in men:

  • One of the optimal and simplest options is the use of feathers. It is necessary to purchase special feathers in sex shop, which differ in their size, as well as softness. It is necessary to alternate more rigid feathers with soft, driving them along the penis. It is desirable to carry out the procedure immediately before sexual intercourse. This will help improve sensitivity.
  • You can also increase the sensitivity of the penis using special ointments, as well as creams. Now on sale in sex shops a decent amount of funds is sold. They contain L-Carnitine, Arginine, as well as oils and vitamins. Such substances help improve blood circulation in a member cell, accelerate metabolism. Accordingly, because of this, the sensitivity will improve.
  • It is also worth normalizing blood circulation in the genital area. For this, the rejection of tight jeans and dense panties is usually used. Choose sweatpants, or more free trousers that do not constrain movements, and do not squeeze the penis, area of \u200b\u200bthe perineum.
  • Refuse cycling so that the crotch section does not injure. It is necessary to regularly carry out hygiene procedures with the application of softening creams and means to normalize sensitivity. We do not recommend taking any tablets and drugs in order to increase sensitivity. Such funds are prescribed only by a doctor, because they can aggravate the situation, and lead to irreversible consequences.
During sex
During sex

Poor sensitivity of the vagina in women: Causes

Many women were faced with the problem of reducing the sensitivity of the vagina during intercourse. The most interesting thing is that not all women know about the vaginal orgasm, despite the fact that in 90% of cases they can satisfy themselves, during masturbation. Accordingly, a decrease in the sensitivity of the vagina may not be connected with the health of a woman. Although such factors are also not excluded.

The reasons:

  • Most often, the reason for the lack of sensitivity is the inexperience of the partner. Perhaps there is no prelude, which is necessary to arouse and isolated lubrication. Accordingly, the walls are dry, or on the contrary, excessively wet, this leads to the fact that a woman does not feel a penis inside herself. You need to talk with a partner and talk about your sexual fantasies.
  • In most cases, in order for a woman to receive an orgasm, much more effort is necessary than men. Therefore, do not hesitate to talk with a partner, tell him how you want to have sex. Accordingly, only in 10% of cases of a decrease in sensitivity can be associated with health disorders.
  • This is usually due to diseases of the reproductive system. It occurs due to vaginitis, cervicitis, as well as inflammation of the appendages.
  • A decrease in sensitivity is associated with endometritis, ovary cysts, as well as a lack of lubrication.
  • A decrease in the sensitivity of the vagina is also associated with diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, menopause, the use of a large amount of alcohol or drugs.
  • The use of antidepressants or oral contraceptives provoke a decrease in libido and sex pleasure.
  • Psychological causes are of great importance. This is stress, depression, guilt.
  • Sexual injuries that are associated with rape, perverted sexual acts, sexual violence. Due to such experience, a woman cannot feel excitement and orgasm in a normal environment.
Poor sensitivity during sex in women
Poor sensitivity during sex in women

How to increase the sensitivity of the vagina in women?

In order to increase sensitivity, it is necessary to cure the diseases of the reproductive system, cope with stress, irritability and talk to a sexual partner. If a decrease in sensitivity is associated with different tastes in sex, you need to talk to a partner. Explain how you would like to experiment and tell about your sexual fantasies. Only in this case, you will be able to return the sensitivity and get satisfaction from sexual contact.

Ways to improve sensitivity in women:

  • If a decrease in sensitivity is associated with stretching the muscles of the vagina after childbirth, it is best to engage in Kegel exercises that restore muscle elasticity and return sensitivity. You also need to learn more about your erogenous zones. Feel free to purchase a dildo, explore your body.
  • Please note that the impact on which parts of the body provoke the most powerful excitement. Perhaps you do not know yourself enough. Try to stimulate the point G, which is in the vagina, at a distance of 4 cm from the entrance, from above. To do this, it is enough to introduce two fingers bent crochet, and stimulate in a circle or from the side to the side. After stimulating this point, you will feel a large amount of lubrication.
  • Also, during intercourse, you can stimulate the clitoris. Many women use the way to stimulate through the anus. To do this, you can purchase special phallimitators called "bunnies". They resemble ears of different sizes, one more thin, the other thicker.
  • Talk to your partner, try to use such a dildo and deal with sensitivity. Ask your partner to do the same during intercourse.
Fallomitator Bunny
Fallomitator Bunny

How to increase sensitivity during sex in men and women: General advice

Improving sensitivity is facilitated by sexual openness, liberation of both partners. Talk to each other, try to realize your sexual fantasies into reality, even if they seem slightly abnormal. In sex shops, a significant amount of attributes for sex are sold. It can be gags, handcuffs, gids, ropes, as well as a large number of phalloimitator, anal traffic jams.

You can use clitoral stimulants that are sold in the form of thin, vibrating sticks, or Magic Wand massager. For them, you can purchase special nozzles, with which you can simultaneously stimulate both the point G and the clitoris. Thanks to such devices, it is possible to increase sensitivity, make an orgasm brighter. This will help to diversify and make your sexual life more bright, rich.

Magic Wand with nozzles
Magic Wand with nozzles

Feel free to talk about fantasies to each other, despite the fact that they may seem somewhat strange. What is in the bedroom, behind the closed door, should not worry anyone. You can seek help from a sexologist, as well as an andrologist. In most cases, a decrease in sensitivity is associated with psychological problems and dissatisfaction with your personal life, as well as hiding your own sexual fantasies. Therefore, try to have no secrets to your partner.

Magic Wand with nozzles for men
Magic Wand with nozzles for men

There are also stimulants for men that are used to massage the prostate. This brings satisfaction to some men, as well as great pleasure. How to massage prostate can look here. To do this, you can purchase special massagers that are sold in the form of hooks with vibration.

Prostate massager
Prostate massager

Feel free to tell your partner about your sexual fantasies and purchase toys in intimate goods stores. Sexual satisfaction will positively affect all areas of your life.

Video: How to increase sensitivity during sex?

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Comments K. article

  1. Piquant infa))) Author of specials in these pieces.

  2. My sensitivity was reduced when I encountered erectile dysfunction .... At the time when something, but it turned out, did not really receive, just because of this problem. And you know, here you really need a competent approach, went to the doctor, the tribulus prescribed me the effect (by the way I ordered the phytomarket in the online store, it also went cheaper)+seriously engaged in sports-thanks to this I forgot about dysfunction, thank God, but I returned the sensitivity, but I returned. which is very happy))

  3. Well, I had low sensitivity until I tried the cream detonator. I smear and feel the sensations several times. I advise you to try.

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