Medusa bite: how it looks, is it dangerous, symptoms, a possible reaction of the body. Is it possible to die from a bite of a jellyfish?

Medusa bite: how it looks, is it dangerous, symptoms, a possible reaction of the body. Is it possible to die from a bite of a jellyfish?

The jellyfish bite is always unpleasant, and sometimes a threat to health and life. What to do, read in the article.

Often we are faced with a situation where a vacation in a sea resort is spoiled by such a nuisance as a jelly bite. These marine inhabitants are very difficult to see among the waves, because They are often transparent - jellyfish by 98% consist of water. But what to do if the incident has already happened, how to provide first aid? How to avoid such cases? An interesting and useful information can be found out from this article.

What does the jelly bite look like: photo

Medusa Cornerot and her bite - is found in the Black Sea
Medusa Cornerot and her bite - is found in the Black Sea

The body of the jellyfish in shape resembles a bell or umbrella. This seemingly vital organs as a heart and lungs, this marine animal has no such seemingly vital organs. In her arsenal there is a mouth surrounded by poisonous tentacles. The tentacles are the main threat of burning. It is on them that rocker cells containing a toxic substance are located - book. In the interaction of the tentacles with the body of a person or any other living organism, the micropoline of the integumentary tissues occurs and toxin injection.

There are many types of jellyfish. Read more about these marine inhabitants in another article on our website on this link. Accordingly, the degree of toxicity, depending on the species, will also be different:

  • Some jellyfish sting, and this leads to death.
  • Others burn, and such a bite takes place for several days or even weeks.
  • Third species sting slightly. The consequences of such a bite are already invisible through 1-2 hours.

For example, the most dangerous jellyfish that is found in the Pacific Ocean is very dangerous. Her bite can be fatal. In addition, the swimsuit may not even notice that the danger is nearby, since this jellyfish is completely invisible in water. This is what her bite looks like - photo:

Medusa bite sea wasp
Medusa bite sea wasp

For example, in the Black Sea, in most cases, you can find a non -hazardous jellyfish, which is called Aurelia. Its bite will not harm, only in a person with sensitive skin, there can be a small burn in the form of a pink spot.

A bite with a jaure aurelia
A bite with a jaure aurelia

Meduses are found in the Black Sea Cornerot. Their bite is more noticeable and felt more on the skin in the form of a burn, and can take place within a few days. It is usually stinging in contact. What a jellyfish looks like Cornerot And her bite, you can see in the picture above the text.

Medusa bite: benefits and harms

Medusu bite
Medusu bite

The negative aspects of the bite of the jellyfish are quite obvious. Among them:

  • Spoiled mood
  • Pain
  • Long -term drug treatment
  • In some cases, if a poisonous jellyfish is bitten, fatal outcome

If you were bitten by a jellyfish from the list of dangerous ones, then this may lead to more severe consequences for the whole organism. But there are hypotheses that the bites of some types of jellyfish can be healthy.

  • So they say about jellyfish that live in the Black Sea - Aureliaand Cornerot.
  • As mentioned above, Aurelia almost does not leave a burn, and the root can burn if it touch it.
  • The “poison” of these jellyfish, according to people, helps to cure arthritis and other similar joint diseases.

Important: No need to specially rub yourself with jellyfish or apply them to sore spots. This can lead to severe burns. However, if the jellyfish stung slightly and the skin blushed slightly, then this, as many people say, is good for health.

If the burn is stronger, then it is worth taking measures. Read further.

Medusa bite: possible reaction of the body, symptoms

Medusa bite Portuguese boat
Medusa bite Portuguese boat

One of the most important feature of the bite of the jellyfish is the rather slow development of symptoms. Depending on the toxin's toxic, unpleasant consequences may appear from 10 seconds to several hours.

In general, symptoms of a bite are similar to manifestations from ordinary burn with hot water or chemicals. A possible reaction of the body can be this:

  • Redness of the bite area
  • Burning and itching
  • Numbness of the part of the body where a bite was produced
  • Swelling
  • Covering a burn site with blisters
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle spasm

In practice, allergic reactions, increased blood pressure, respiratory compression, cough can also be observed. High or low degree of pain, as well as the development of symptoms, directly depend on the poisonous of the jellyfish and immunity of a person. In the worst cases, you can get anaphylactic shock, fall into whom and everything can end death. In particular, if we talk about a situation where a jellyfish bit a person in a state of intoxication during a long swim, he may well not reach the shore.

Medusu bite - what to do, than neutralize: the first urgent help

Medusu bite
Medusu bite

Medusu bite is always unpleasant, painful. What to do, how to neutralize such consequences? Here are some tips:

  • It is worth starting with the parsing of the most important mistake.
  • Many are used to the fact that the place of a regular burn needs to be substituted under cool water.
  • But, in no case, do not water the place of the bite of the jellyfish with fresh water, this can only aggravate the situation.
  • Fresh water releases toxin and spreads it on the surface of the skin, which means subsequently, most of the body can be affected.

If you were bitten by a jellyfish, you need to take a number of some measures. Here is the first urgent help:

  • Slowly and gently leave the pond.
  • Remove the residual tentacles from the skin. It should be especially attentive here, because the remnants of the tentacles may also contain toxin residues. It is better not to take off the tentacles of a jellyfish with your bare hands. For this, improvised things like sticks, credit cards or even sand are suitable.
  • Until you took off your tentacles, try not to move. Any movement also contributes to the spread of toxin.
  • Rinse the place of burns with salt water, salt or acetic solution.
  • To remove toxin, a compress from gauze moistened in vinegar or alcohol is necessary. If these products were not at hand, a sugar solution is suitable, sunflower oil or even a tomato slice will be useful.
  • To prevent pain, it is necessary to cool the burning place, for example, attach ice, and apply a dry bandage from gauze or bandage.
  • You can also resort to the use of antihistamines and anti -inflammatory ointments, which include hydrocortisone.
  • After the bite, you should make up for the body's water balance - drink more water and avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Important: If more dangerous symptoms occur - seizures, severe edema, heat - should immediately resort to the qualified help of a doctor.

Is a jelly bite of a jellyfish: consequences a few days later, weeks

Medusu bite
Medusu bite

The consequences of the bite of the jellyfish can be completely different. An individual approach is needed in this matter. The consequences will depend on the age of a person, the development of his immunity, toxicity and the type of jellyfish itself, as well as the quality of first aid provided. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: is a jelly bite of a jellyfish.

To understand this situation, it is necessary to recall some of the most common types of jellyfish, the bites of which can affect a person in different ways:


  • One of the lowest species of jellyfish is rarely stinging a person. They live in the Black Sea.


  • The jellyfish bite of this species is also not fatal.
  • Depending on the duration of contact with the animal, it can leave a slight bomb or cause more serious harm.
  • If the skin of a person is damaged, then the consequences of a bite can occur within a few days. The upper layer of the epidermis will be inflamed, swelling will be observed, itching may occur.
  • Also, the burden strength will increase if it is on the body, where the skin is more delicate and sensitive.
  • For children, they are more dangerous, since their bite can lead to the development of allergies.


  • The most dangerous class of jellyfish, which has order 20 species.
  • The predominant habitat is warm salty waters.
  • A distinctive feature of the jellyfish of this cash desk is a body in the shape of a rectangular bell.
  • It is representatives of this class of jellyfish that can cause tremendous harm to human health.
  • Cububsuzes can also kill an adult in a matter of seconds with their poison.
  • If a person after the bite of this inhabitant of the ocean remains alive, then the consequences can appear for several weeks: severe skin inflammation, fever, etc.

If the jelly bite leaves a trace in your body, then it will most likely be:

  • Strong itching, which can last up to a month after the incident.
  • Long -free wounds or scars
  • Development of seafood allergies
  • Amnesia (light or complete)
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Collapse

It doesn’t matter which Medusa bites - non -hazardous or poisonous, the consequences will be unpleasant. Try not to contact these marine inhabitants, and try not to swim in the sea if there are too many of them. In this case, a clash with them and obtaining a burn will be inevitable.

Is it possible to die from a bite of a jellyfish?

Medusu bite: Can I die from it?
Medusu bite: Can I die from it?

Repeatedly answering the question of the consequences of meeting with jellyfish, it is worth mentioning, a clash with what kind of species of these inhabitants of the seas and oceans can lead to death:

Sea Wasp:

  • View living in the waters of Indonesia and Australia.
  • The size of the jellyfish dome reaches the size up to 40 centimeters.
  • On each of the four edges of the dome there is a tentacle of about 15 centimeters in length.
  • However, at the moments of the combat readiness of the animal, the tentacles increase in size and can reach order 3 meters in length.
  • The poison of one such marine creature can kill up to 60 people.
  • Death occurs very quickly - during 3 seconds.
  • This jellyfish is considered one of the most dangerous animals in the world.
  • However, the poison is not terrible for everyone. Interestingly, sea washing can become easy prey for a sea turtle, on which the poison simply does not affect.


  • Habitat of the coast of Australia.
  • Meduses of this species have relatively small sizes - the base of the transparent bell of the jellyfish is no more 0.5 centimeters. The tentacles are thin, but about 1 meter long.
  • This jellyfish bites so that a person will not even notice.
  • Symptoms develop quite slowly, but the consequences of such a bite are very serious.
  • While a person with a burn has not contacted a doctor, toxic poison spreads throughout the body.
  • Subsequently, this can turn into severe intoxication, abdominal pain and pelvis, various disturbances in the nervous system and heart rhythm, increase blood pressure or even edema of the lungs.
  • According to statistics, after a burn from Irukanji, there are not so many cases of death, but there are enough those who will forever remain disabled.

Fizala or Portuguese boat:

  • A very beautiful type of jellyfish, a distinctive feature of which is a dome in the form of a kind of sail, painted with different colors.
  • This species lives in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the Pacific and Indian Ocean.
  • The bite of phrasalia can also be difficult to recognize immediately, because it does not always cause strong unpleasant sensations.
  • Symptoms of a bite subsequently can be convulsions, dizziness, violation of the respiratory system and paralysis.
  • If these symptoms have already been found on the shore, then the risk of death is not very high.
  • However, if the attack finds at sea, there is a great chance not to swim to the shore.

The risk of a fatal outcome from the bite of the jellyfish is undoubtedly exists. However, not all species pose a truly greater threat. But you can really die from a bite of a jellyfish.

The jellyfish bite became inflamed a few days later - it hurts, itches: what to do?

If the jellyfish bite is inflamed after a few days - it hurts, itchs, then you need to consult a doctor
If the jellyfish bite is inflamed after a few days - it hurts, itchs, then you need to consult a doctor

Often on vacation it happens that a jellyfish bite has inflamed after a few days - it hurts and itches. What to do in this case? Here's the answer:

  • If you are in such a situation, you should not self -medicate.
  • As mentioned above, there are a lot of different options for the consequences from the bite of the jellyfish, so you should consult a doctor.
  • A dermatologist will help in this matter.

If this is not possible, then it is worth taking antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenistil). It is also important to rinse the skin area on which the poison is or attach a compress with a vinegar solution.

How to avoid a bite of a jellyfish?

You can avoid a bite of a jellyfish
You can avoid a bite of a jellyfish

Avoiding the bite of a jellyfish, which is practically not visible in the water is quite problematic. Here are a few recommendations thanks to which you should get it:

  • Check out in advance with the sea fauna of the place where you have to spend your rest.
  • Carefully study the measures of the necessary first aid for a bite. Remember, the more thoroughly and timely to provide first aid, the less likely to encounter the consequences in the future.
  • If you saw a jellyfish in the water, in no case approach it - their tentacles can reach several meters in length.
  • Let the small size of the jellyfish not mislead you. Small, does not mean harmless.
  • Exclude panic from your behavior. At the sight of a jellyfish, remain calm, otherwise you can provoke the animal to attack.
  • Do not go into the ocean during a storm - this is the best time to get burns from jellyfish.

Do not go into the water if you see the invasion of jellyfish. But even if these inhabitants are not visible, this does not mean that there is no danger. Often dangerous jellyfish are almost invisible under water, since they are completely transparent. Before you open the bathing season during vacation, study the flora and fauna of this place., And then you can protect yourself and your loved ones from troubles. Good luck!

Video: Medusa bite. "Firing" touch

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