Tima, Timur: One and the same or not? Can Timur be called Tima and vice versa?

Tima, Timur: One and the same or not? Can Timur be called Tima and vice versa?

If you do not know the names of Tim and Timur - the same thing or not, then read the article. Everything is explained in detail.

Male name Timur came from the Arabic language and means "iron". There is another version of the origin of the name - from the Tatar "Damir".

Read on our website another article on the topic: "If you change the name or surname, will fate change?". We will also talk about when you should not change the last name.

Name Timur It is considered one of the most popular in Russia, in addition, it has strong energy. Can Timur be called Tima and vice versa? More details described below. Read further.

The meaning of the name Timur

The meaning of the name Timur
The meaning of the name Timur

Men with a name Timur Lucky in terms of family happiness and favorite work, there are good friends and acquaintances. From personal qualities, it is worth noting the willpower, determination, judgment and solid character from childhood, which helps to move forward along the career ladder. All because this naming means in the literal translation from the Turkic and Mongolian "iron", "strong".

  • Sometimes in the way Timurov Life difficulties appear to be overcome, but under any circumstances they cause people only delight and admiration.
  • Typically, carriers of this name are very active and sociable, so they easily find their place in society.
  • Each of us has our own shortcomings, Timuras, for example, usually do not like to restrain themselves, rather the opposite - are always ready to prove their case and impose personal opinion.
  • Usually people with that name are very unpredictable.
  • Despite the fact that it is difficult to avoid conflict with this man, it is still possible to do this. It is necessary to show endurance and yourself not to lose heart.
  • They do not communicate with arrogant people, as they have high self -esteem and narcissism.
  • With closed people, they also do not find a common language, also with everyone who does not look like them.

As for physical health, guys with this adversary have a predisposition to diseases of the immune system and allergies. However, it is possible to overcome all these ailments, adhering to a healthy diet. At baptism, these boys are given the second Orthodox name, since the first is not used in the church calendar - it is absent in the holy holy.

Tima, Timka and Timur: the same thing or not?

In fact, the exact answer to the question - Tima, Timkaand Timur - One and the same or not, does not exist.

  • Tima - One of the abbreviated options for the full name. Quite often, parents call their little sons Tima, so calling Timur Tima is no mistake, the opposite is completely a diminutive-abiding appeal to the boy.
  • Timka - This is also an abbreviated version

However, there are names Timur and Timothy, the first of which is Turkic origin, and the second - Greek, therefore, these are two different names. Yet, despite this, both can be replaced with a name Tim. There are several opinions on this subject, but most adheres to the first.

Can Timur be called Tima and vice versa?

As mentioned above, to call Timur Tima You can and this is not a mistake. Often so named small boys with such an adversary. This form of the name is considered diminutive. In addition to him, there are several more variants of the name Timur, for example, affectionate forms:

  • Timurchik
  • Timochka
  • Timurka
  • Timushka

Abbreviated options:

  • Tim
  • Tima
  • Mura

If you take into account the origin and long history of the name, then the reduction Tima has nothing to do with Timur. However Timur and Tima, in fact, the same names, and most of us are accustomed to this theory, and Tim’s appeal to Timur has long entered into use. In addition, you can call Tima not only Timur, but also Timofey.

Video: The meaning of the name Timur: Karma, character and fate

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