Multiplication table on fingers by 6, 7, 8, 9: a detailed description, photo

Multiplication table on fingers by 6, 7, 8, 9: a detailed description, photo

The multiplication table to 5 is usually given to children easily, but after 6 difficulties are already beginning. Therefore, in order to remember faster, you can use the multiplication cheat sheet from 6 to 9 on the fingers.

To learn the multiplication table with children, at first glance, seems to be a very difficult mission. But there is one way that allows you to do this almost in a playful way. This is multiplication on the fingers. This method will definitely help your child learn to multiply quickly and easily. Everything will be simple for him, you just have to train every day for several minutes. By the way, if your baby forgets something, then such a cheat sheet will be allowed to take even for exams.

Multiplication table with fingers by 6, 7 and 8: diagrams with a detailed description

Prepare the correct position of the hands

First of all, it is necessary that the child’s hands take the right position. To do this, put them in front of us, turning their palms to the face. At the same time, try to direct them a little towards each other, since you will need to work according to the method of touching the fingers. That is, the little fingers should be below. On each hand, the fingers will indicate the same numbers:

Thumb, Like a perky fat man

Let it wear the title - 10-I are good!

Pointing,yes, the gentleman is influential

Sunny 9-Oh identifying.

Middle finger - hooligan

In endless 8-What called!

Nameless, which is scratched,

Also magical 7-Oh, enchanted!

Our favorite is small little finger

Received 6-Oh hotel!

Thus, we prepared for multiplication on the fingers. Next, we choose an example that we want to solve.

Give your finger not only the score, but also the nicknames
Give your fingers not only the score, but also the nicknames

Consider an example of a multiplication table 6 by 7

  • The number 6 on our left hand means a little finger, and the number 7 is a ring finger, but on the right hand.
  • We need to connect them together, in contact with the joints of the pillows. With such contact, other fingers remain free.

Rule: The sum of those fingers that are in the connection and under them will mean dozens of our future result. And those that remained free over the crossed design, we change each other and get units. In conclusion, it remains only to summarize the lower dozens and the upper number.

In order to learn the material, we suggest returning to our example:

  1. On the left hand we have only one finger, with a sixth hotel. He is in our connection.
  2. Two fingers are already on the right hand - a little finger, which is at the bottom of the structure, and the nameless, which is at the junction with the left hand.
Multiplication 6 by 7
Multiplication 6 by 7
  • Thus, among our result In the category of dozensthere will be a number 3. That is, three fingers mean 30. In the photo they have blue.
  • And to find out the figure category of units,it is necessary to count separately the remaining free fingers on both hands and change them with each other. They are numbered blue In the upper photo.
  • In our case:
    • 4 fingers remained free on his left hand - a fat man, a gentleman, a bully and a nameless
    • 3 fingers remained on the right hand - middle and index, as well as a large
  • We need to multiply 3 by 4. Thus, we got the digit of the category of units - this is 12.
  • In conclusion to 30, add our 12 units and get 42!

It may be much easier to option when, when multiplying the upper free fingers to obtain the digit of units, the result is less than 9. In this case, folding two numbers together is much easier even to first -graders.

If your baby has not yet automatically learned the material, then break the summation into stages:

  • 3 - these are dozens
  • Number 12 is 1 dozen and 2 units
  • As a result, we add 3+1, we get 4 dozen
  • And we already add the remaining 2 units to them
  • And we get 42
  • The result of multiplication 6 by 7 or 7 by 6, since there is no difference, there will be a number 42.
Small test for attentiveness
Small test for attentiveness

Note: develop ingenuity and attentiveness from your baby! Even on this example, sometimes change the places. The result still remains the same, and the baby will learn to analyze the heard and visual information.

Consider an example of a multiplication table 7 by 10

Despite the simplicity of such multiplication, children sometimes have difficulties with understanding the scheme itself. Therefore, such a simple example should be considered after the basic analysis of the finger methodology. You need to numb your fingers exactly in the same sequence:

  • number 7 means the ring finger of the left hand
  • and the number 10 is a big fat man

And now we coat the thumb with the nameless.

Multiplication 7 by 10
Multiplication 7 by 10
  • Thus, in order to obtain the digit of the gangs of dozens, you need to add all five phalanx of the right to the two fingers of the left hand. As a result, we get the number 7. That is, 70.
  • To obtain the digit of units, you need 4 free fingers of the left hand by multiply by 0 free fingers of the right hand. As a result, we get 0.
    • We recall the elementary grade rule - When multiplying by zero, we also get 0!
  • As a result, we add 0 to 70, but we get the same 70. We recheck the result!

Multiplication table by 8: Example 8 by 8

  1. We coat our middle fingers because they are responsible for the number 8.
Multiply 8 by 8
  1. Below we have 2 fingers on each hand and 2 more in the castle. As a result, we have 6 fingers. That is, 60.
  2. At the top of the structure there are 4 free fingers. That is, we multiply 2 by 2 and get 4. It is quite simple, because they can be folded and multiplied, and get the same result.
  3. As a result, we add 4 to 6 dozen and get 64!

How to multiply by 9: analyze the multiplication table on the fingers

You will be surprised how easy it is! But in order to multiply on the fingers by 9, they need to numb them differently. Now we are changing the countdown in order from 1 to 10, starting with the thumb of the left hand:

Finger numbering
Finger numbering

We turn our palms also to ourselves. Thumbs look to the sides. By the way, if you are more convenient, then work with the back. Only the countdown will be from the little finger to the little finger.

Rule: To find out what number will turn out as a result of multiplication by number 9, it is only worth the number of free fingers from the multiplier/bent finger - it will be dozens. Then count the number of free fingers to the right - these will be units.

We will analyze the example of 9 by 2

  1. Our index on the left hand has an invoice 2. bend this finger.
  2. And now we begin to count: on the left side of the bent commander we have only 1 finger; On the right side - 8.
  3. As a result, we just fold 1, which is 10, and 8. And we get 18!

There is an even more cunning way - it is not necessary to summarize the number, it is enough to simply put them in one number.

We complicate the task - 7 multiply by 9

Multiply 7 by 9
Multiply 7 by 9
  1. The number 7 means the ring finger of the right hand. Be careful at this stage! We bend and begin to count.
  2. Before that, we have 6 non -lawying finger: the thumb of the left hand, index finger of the left hand, middle finger of the left hand, ring finger of the left hand, little finger of the left hand, a little finger of the right hand.
  3. Thus, the digit of the category of dozens is 6.
  4. All other free fingers that are after the seventh finger, and this is the middle finger of the right hand, the index finger of the right hand, the thumb of the right hand will be units.
  5. The digit of the category of units is 3.
  6. We put them together. So we decided example 7 to 9. The answer will be the number 63.

Using such tips, the child will not be difficult to remember the multiplication table. And in the lessons he will no longer be nervous, since the cheat sheet will always be “at hand”, or rather on the hands. Of course, you need to teach a multiplication table and count in the mind is an important work for the brain. But much better the material is absorbed if you develop interest in it.

Video: Multiplication table on the fingers

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