The son peeps for his mother - this is normal, how to behave to his mother?

The son peeps for his mother - this is normal, how to behave to his mother?

From an early age, children copy adults, and who is closest to them? That's right, dad and mom, who should be concerned not only for their child to be fed, shod and dress, they must also give him the rudiments of intimate education.

You should know and remember that children begin to be interested in the peculiarities of their body, starting from one and a half announced to seven years. Therefore, it is the parents who are assigned to the parents - the first to give the child the basics of knowledge from the field of intimate zones, and both sexes.

What to do to parents if the son is spying on his mother?

  • If you notice that the son peeps for his mother then it's time to take measures. Parents should tell how the boys differ from the girls, and even where the children come from - it exists on this topic special literature adapted for preschoolers.
  • Because, if close adults do not do this, then this gap in knowledge will immediately make up for the street - and, in a cynical and perverted form. After receiving such “knowledge”, the child can be closed in himself, begin to be shy of his body and conversations on the topic of interest to him with his parents, and this cannot be allowed.

The fact that dad and his mother will lay in the consciousness of his child will also depend on how he will be in the future to relate to himself, his own and the opposite sex, as well as his sex life.

  • Perhaps the older people remember how, during one of the first television stations with the Americans, a zealous Komsomolskaya Pravda pathetically declared the whole world: “There is no sex in the Soviet Union!” Here is the brightest example of the fact that you can not educate children, behind seven seals hiding issues of sexual nature. Of course, explaining to children “adults” intimate details is not very convenient, it is not always possible to choose the necessary words so that the child is normally perceived.
  • How to do all this correctly, without injuring the psyche of the child, and at the same time, so that everything is clear to him, will tell you psychologist or special literature. All this needs to be done so that your offspring does not think that there are something shameful in sex and sex matters, and that is why adults are silent about it. Whether he will be unknown in adulthood, unlearned and sexy - it depends, first of all, from his parents.
It is important to explain to the child elementary sexual issues
It is important to explain to the child elementary sexual issues

The son peeps for his mother: what does not need to be done?

  1. Do not scold your child for peeping!
  • In no case should you scold his son if he is peeping at his mother! As we already said above, sexual awareness in children begins to form approximately one and a half year old, and at this time he begins to look closely at his loved ones, comparing them with him.
  • It may well happen that you will find your boy for peeping at your mother or sisters. Do not count that there are some deviations in this. Consider it natural cognitive process, And therefore, do not lose your temper, scream, insult and shame your child.
  • Do not scare the baby with such inappropriate emotions, but rather gently explain to him that peeping is a bad lesson, Which in our society is unacceptable. And try to distract his attention to something else, for example, call him to play cubes or something else.
From a year and a half, the child will be interested
From a year and a half, the child will be interested

2. Do not expose to children more than one gender with you

  • Do not expose to children of the opposite sex. Psychologists admit that until the age of seven, while the child has only research interest in you, this can still be done. On the other hand, why do this at all with a child, because there is always the opportunity to retire in order to change far from children's eyes.
  • It’s better to play it safe - suddenly your child is hypersexual! And when the seven -year line has already been passed, the child begins to form it psycho-sexuality, libido (attraction).
  • And if the mother, as before, will undress in the presence of the boy, then the mother’s body can become an object of attraction for him. Of course, if a child grows in a nudist family, then this is permissible. In this case, nudist parents should often tell their son about the beauty of the body and that it is the best creation of nature, and it should be treated as a precious gift.
  • If without explaining anything, you will begin to walk in front of your child naked, then this will only excite his sexual desire that has only begun to develop. Take measures also so that the child does not even accidentally see parental intimacy.
Make sure that the child does not see your solitude
Make sure that the child does not see your solitude

Son spies at mom: reviews

  • Anya, 14 years old: I remember when I was five years old, and my brother was seven, I found a magazine with naked aunts under his pillow. I was small then, stupid, attributed this magazine to her parents, scored by them. They then scolded him for a long time and even spanked him, he then cried for a long time. Since then, he has become somehow distant-both from me and from my parents. Probably, then the children's punishment was not in vain.
  • Valentine, 30 years: He found his five -year -old son, as he spying on his mother when she changed clothes in the bedroom. He did not scold, he did, as you advise - went with him from the cubes to fold the fortress. But at the same time he advised him not to spy anymore, because it is ugly. Several months have passed, I did not notice this anymore.
  • Tatyana, 24 years old: I don’t understand at all why to undress with children. My three -year -old Nikita is growing, and I never allow myself to do this with him. We must change clothes - close in the bedroom and do it! Then there will be no problems.

Children's topics on the site:

Video: How to behave if the child found you during intimacy?

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