Vaginal tablets-wings Terzhinan: what helps, composition, instructions for use, the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to use, security measures, side effects, interaction with other drugs

Vaginal tablets-wings Terzhinan: what helps, composition, instructions for use, the effect of the drug, indications and contraindications to use, security measures, side effects, interaction with other drugs

In this article, we will consider the instructions for the use of Vaginal candles of Terzhinan.

This medication is in great demand, since it quickly and effectively fights vaginitis, and also acts as a preventive tool for preventing it.

Vaginal tablets-wings "Terginan": the effect of the drug

The active substances of the Terzhinan medication are Ternidazole, Neomycin Sulfate, Sodium Metasulfobenzoate, Nystatin, also in vaginal tablets, there are other auxiliary substances.

  • This medication is used to treat some gynecological ailments that are caused by microorganisms.
  • Ternidazole (in 1 tablet 200 mg) has an antifungal effect.
  • Neomycin (in 1 tablet 100 mg \u003d 65,000 IU) is an antibiotic of wide action, which destroys pathogens.
  • Nystatin (in 1 tablet 154 mg \u003d 100,000 IU) fights yeast -like mushrooms.
  • Prednisone (in 1 tablet 3 mg) relieves inflammation, has an antiallergic effect.

Vaginal tablets-wings "Terginan": Indications for the use of the drug

As mentioned earlier, Terzhinan is used to treat gynecological ailments, among which we can call the following:

  • Inflammation of the female genital organs, which arose due to pathological changes in the microflora of the vagina.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system that are caused by vaginal trichomonas.
  • Inflammation of the female genitals, which is caused by mushrooms of the genus Candida.
From gynecological diseases
From gynecological diseases

Also, with the help of this drug, you can prevent vaginitis:

  • Before surgery (gynecology surgery).
  • Before childbirth and artificial termination of pregnancy.
  • Before and after cauterization of the cervix.
  • Before hysterosalpingography.

Vaginal tablets-wings "Terginan": contraindications to the use of the drug, interaction with other drugs

Among the contraindications to the use of this drug, the intolerance of any component that is part of it can be called.

During treatment with Terzhinan, it is necessary to take into account its interaction with other drugs. For example, the use of this drug simultaneously with aspirin can provoke bleeding, simultaneously with painkillers, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs can lead to ulcers and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

You can use these vaginal pills for the treatment of gynecological ailments only after consulting with a specialist.

Vaginal tablets-wings "Terginan": Features of the use of a drug for pregnant women, children, children

Apply "Terzhin" must be taken into account certain features:

  • Vaginal candles are used only vaginally, it is forbidden to use them inside.
Vaginal candles-tablets Terzhinan
Vaginal candles-tablets Terzhinan
  • If the patient has a sexual partner, then it is necessary to treat both of them at the same time, since otherwise the risk of re -infection will be too large.
  • This medication is prescribed for the treatment of pregnant women and nursing women, however, treatment is strictly controlled and adjusted by the doctor. Also, the medication can be prescribed for the treatment of children.
  • “Terzhinan” is not a drug that affects the speed of a person’s reaction, therefore, after applying this medicine, it is allowed to drive vehicles and perform other work that requires increased attention.
  • There is no data on the possible overdose of this medication, however, it is necessary to apply Terzhinan according to the scheme that is in the instructions or as the doctor prescribed.

Vaginal tablets-wings "Terginan": Instructions for use

During treatment with Terginan medicine, it is extremely important to observe personal hygiene: to change underwear daily, not to use synthetic underwear during this period, and do not drink alcohol.

  • Before applying the drug, wash your hands, then take 1 tablet, lower it into the water for a few seconds and enter into the vagina. The depth of administration should be comfortable for you.
  • After the tablet is introduced, lie down at least 10-15 minutes.
  • It is recommended to use 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.
  • The duration of treatment rarely exceeds 10 days, however, this issue is solved by the attending physician based on your disease.
  • Be careful, treatment is not interrupted during menstruation.

Vaginal tablets-wings "Terginan": side effects

The use of Terzhinan rarely gives side effects, however, sometimes they still happen:

  • Rashes may appear on the skin, itching, urticaria may begin.
  • The operation of the reproductive system can also be violated: itching, swelling may appear at the place of use of the medication, discomfort, burning, tingling, and pain in the vagina can be felt.
  • If after several days of treatment such symptoms do not pass, it is necessary to stop treatment and consult a doctor.
There are side effects
There are side effects

Terzhinan has established itself as an effective and relatively affordable remedy for the treatment of gynecological ailments, which can be used even to pregnant and nursing women, as well as children.

Video: Treatment Treatment Terzhinan

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