The value of the colors of the aura of a person: what is an aura, how to see, to determine by the date of birth is a complete characteristic. How do emotions change the color of our aura?

The value of the colors of the aura of a person: what is an aura, how to see, to determine by the date of birth is a complete characteristic. How do emotions change the color of our aura?

In this article, we will study the colors of the aura of a person and learn to determine them.

When we hear the word “aura”, something mysterious and intangible always seems to us. It is extremely difficult for our brain to accept the nature of such a concept. Only with a long and detailed study can we realize what a person’s aura is, as well as to know its energy force. But even more mystery is hidden by its colors. Therefore, in this material we will consider their characterization and methods of determination.

What is the aura of a person?

  • Under the aura of a person, which in Greek sounds as a “trend”, it should be considered Energy shell Or a cocoon enveloping the body. For the first time, the aura is mentioned even in ancient manuscripts. Even then, it was open that each person has an energy field, which is light radiation. Ancient beliefs meant by this shell manifestation of the soul of man.
    • Of course, this thing is intangible and even invisible, therefore it does not apply to existing subjects. But then it is widely popular in pseudo -scientific directions and religions, which are still stretching from our ancestors. It is believed that not everyone has the ability to see the aura, but subject this only to the chosen personalities.
Energy cocoon
Energy cocoon
  • Moreover, it is noted that A person’s aura can not only characterize his character, but also tell about diseases, well -being, and even the future. For example, incurable diseases lead to the fact that the natural aura of a person fades.
  • It is also worth noting that each of us has your personal color of the aura. Yes, we repeat that it can change slightly depending on our thoughts or well -being. But when we are in a stable position, the color of the aura remains unchanged, that is, it acquires a harmonious shape. Moreover, more often There are a couple or several color combinations.
  • It is also noted that it may not completely envelop us, but to be concentrated in a certain area. Especially if this is an additional color. But the main circle is always whole and uniform! All bulges or holes speak of diseases and disorders.

Important: on average, the aura cloud covers about 15 cm. But the spiritual growth of a person helps to increase it. And, as a rule, Very rarely a person has one pure color. Basically, the aura has several layers and shells or spots.

It is also believed that the golden halo above the head of the saints is their aura.

The structure of the aura
The structure of the aura

How to see a person’s aura yourself: your own and others

Important: if you wear glasses, then be sure to remove them. Glass flies a stream of light and change color.

And make sure that the lighting into the room is not very bright, but natural and even with a small twilight. Therefore, the most successful time to determine your aura is twilight, but not too dull. Light candles also help, but they should not throw the shadow behind the object.

Visual method for determining your aura

  • You can find your own aura in the mirror,before him at a distance of 30-50 centimeters. There should not be any distracting objects behind your back. You can hang a light blanket or sheet. It is also worth excluding any distracting sounds!
  • Make a few deep breaths and exits to tune. Next, you need to breathe evenly and calmly, swaying a little, and monitor the background.
  • Find the place of the third eye - A little above the level of eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead. And concentrate all your attention to this point! But remember - There should be concentration, not stress. You should not peer, but your gaze must look deep into it.

Note: this view is very similar to the condition when you thought about something, while looking at one point. You seem to find in this world, but mentally went into your thoughts.

Open the third eye!
Open the third eye!
  • After some time, you will be able to distinguish a thin line of light emanating from your body. This circuit will gradually increase in volume and become more contrasting. Very important - Do not look away from the third eye. The first time, when you go to consider the aura, it can simply disappear.
  • For each person such a study may require 3 to 10 minutes. But with subsequent training, this time will decrease, and the aura itself will be more persistent. Therefore, in the future you can more carefully consider it.

Important: the color and texture of our clothes also plays a role! Even more, some psychics claim that you cannot see the real color of the aura through clothes. And neutral colors like white or gray make a natural stream dull. In black things, in no case should you look at the aura.

How to see the aura of another person?

  • In fact, you need to do the same with the alleged object. Ask him to become a gray or dim background, without bright pictures.
  • The distance should be at least 2 m, and ideally-and all 3. From the wall it should stand by about 40-50 cm.
  • You also need to watch through it, focusing on a person as much as possible.

Note: One of the ways to improve vision helps to practice such a view well. On the glass, glue a circle of paper - look at it for a few seconds, turned your eyes into the distance to the silhouettes outside the window. But you need to choose one point.

By this principle, you can study other people
By this principle, you can study other people

We use the date of birth to calculate the aura of a person

  • This system is based on a regular scheme when all the numbers of the date of our birth are formed in one amount. For example, take a date on November 25, 1989:
    • 25.11.1989;
    • 2+5+1+1+1+9+8+9=36;
    • but there are no double numbers, so we add the number again with each other 3+6 \u003d 9.
  • And now we determine the color by finding the desired number. In our case, this is a bronze kner.
We determine the aura of a person

The colors of the aura of a person and their shades: characteristics

Red background of the energy sphere

  • Red aura is characteristic For natural leaders. They always take responsibility, are not afraid to make important decisions themselves and are actively advancing to the goal of financial confidence.
  • These people are characterized by active energy, bright temperament, courage and conscientiousness. They are realists, their conscience rarely gnaws them. Although they can “explode” very quickly and say excess that they will regret.
  • "Red" people generally differ in great temper and even some aggressiveness, But they quickly move away. They also do not like to hesitate and quickly make decisions. They have great endurance, so they can survive in any conditions.
  • They love to live “to the fullest”, have fun, achieve their goals. They differ in confidence, hard work, prefer to work themselves, and not in the team. In temperament, they belong to choleraiks.
  • These people can be excellent speakers, and with the proper energy direction Able to influence large masses of people. Therefore, good public figures, as well as military, athletes and entrepreneurs come out of them.
  • Also, personality data are very attractive for the opposite sex. After all, red symbolism is responsible for passion.

Important: if red is not your main color, then you should pay attention to your health! It is also worth changing your lifestyle, having started sports if the red aura began to dull.

The color of leaders with notes of aggression
The color of leaders with notes of aggression

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the shade:

  • too much Scarlet tonehe speaks of selfishness, pride and excessive self -confidence. By the way, in women of light behavior, the aura around the hips is painted precisely in the scarlet kner;
  • but delicate and light shadecharacteristic of lovers;
  • bright red tone - This is anger and temper. Therefore, this color is temporary;
  • raspberry shade speaks of sexuality and attraction;
  • but Brown red toneread as violence and a tendency to dominance;
  • brick color - This is arrogance;
  • dark red - speaks of a deficiency of energy and fatigue.

Human yellow aura

  • Yellow aura is characteristic of people who differ outstanding creative and mental abilities, as well as a sharp mind. These are the individuals who love to speak heart.
  • it Very open and honest people, The main goal of which is happiness and entertainment. They are distinguished by active energy, everyone likes desire, very intuitive.
  • They somehow resemble children-the same gullible and even a little naive. But charge everyone with their positive Like a ray of the sun.
  • They adore power, know how to control their strength and will, directing them to achieve the goals set.
  • But sometimes frivolity takes up, and they can succumb to the influence of bad habits. Therefore, these people are very vulnerable - to alcohol and drugs of any kind. But sometimes yellow spots can simply indicate the dependence of a person with a different color.
  • In temperament, these people belong to sanguine. Thanks to the natural potential and wisdom, excellent teachers, teachers and sages come out of them.
  • Of the shortcomings, we can highlight that they Often they throw the started projects for halfway, Since they lose interest in them.
Earthly ray of joy and energy

Shades characterize:

  • citric - speaks of the severity and lordship of the mind;
  • but mustard shade already reflects cunning and cunning;
  • dark shade yellow indicates greedy and indecision;
  • light yellow - This is a great creative potential;
  • yellow with brown tone - bad thoughts;
  • but Red overflow speaks of self -doubt and bad luck in life;
  • clutch of color He speaks of fears.

Orange color of the aura of a person

  • It is possessed by people who love to spend time with family and close friends. Differ Carefully, tenderness, excellent intuition.
  • They are balanced, firmly stand on Earth. But they like to challenge themselves, go beyond any restrictions. And in general, monotony is not for them, they love changes in life.
  • They are characterized by extreme ingenuity, confidence in their abilities and energy. They easily achieve their goals. In principle, they are somewhat similar to ambitions and energy on “red” people, but with a softer character, like the “yellow” representatives.
  • In temperament, these people represent something between a sanguine and a cholera. They have good health.
  • Thanks to internal adventurism, these personalities come out of good racers and stuntmen, and a business grip will make good entrepreneurs from them. Also, excellent detectives are made of them.
  • In relations, these are very open and friendly people who can empathize with the partner, but sometimes they are too vulnerable.
  • This colon is often o indicates self -healing from any mental trauma. Especially if it is saturated and envelops the whole sphere in large numbers. But sometimes this also indicates the healing abilities of the carrier.
Inspired by adventurism and energy
Inspired by adventurism and energy

We pay attention:

  • warm and bright color, Which resembles a tangerine tone, speaks for joy and vitality. This is precisely the color of optimists;
  • dark orange - This is a weak mind and lack of willpower;
  • but turbid, Blurred and slightly even faded orange - it is temper;
  • orange color With notes of green He speaks of a conflict person who does not respect someone else's opinion and loves quarrels.

Green aura of a person

  • Green color characterizes it as reliable, successful, noble man. “Green” people always challenge themselves and achieve the intended goals. They are distinguished by endurance, stubbornness and perseverance.
  • They are able to create financial well -being for themselves, prefer silence and peace. A little secretive, but possess a huge willpower, easily overcome obstacles.
  • People with a green aura self -critical full of strength and intelligence, They have good organizational skills. Quite demanding: both to themselves and to others.
  • Critics and defeats cannot stand, Although these things are rarely found with them. Very responsible! At the same time, very sentimental and love silence, nature. Often among them there are vegetarians and fighters for the purity of ecology.
  • By temperament, they belong to phlegmaticians.
  • Hidden by nature, rarely open to people. Therefore, in intimate terms, a problem may arise, and the search for a partner for long -term relationships is delayed for a long period.
Strong, hardy and responsible personalities
Strong, hardy and responsible personalities

Green shades complement:

  • light green talks about talent for training;
  • dirty green the shade indicates longing and depressive condition;
  • but A muddy tone - these are experiences;
  • dark green color speaks of selfishness and jealousy;
  • bright shade reveals a tactful person;
  • beautiful Emerald color - This is compassion;
  • but yellow shade Hides greed for money and manipulating people!

Blue aura of a person

  • She belongs freedom -loving people What prefer diversity. They love traveling, changing the place of residence, a circle of communication.
  • Are distinguished by sincerity, honesty, They prefer to say what they think. They never want to bother and strain others, they are embarrassed by compliments, they like to cope alone.
  • They are characterized by special spirituality, devotion, obligation. "Blue" personality They have good intuition. They have a very developed imagination, and in their souls they are "forever young."
  • Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the desire to seize at once in several cases, most of which will not be completed.
  • In terms of temperament, they belong to melancholy. Monoys and very faithful partners.
Great potential and love for changes

Additional shades:

  • light tone indicates indecision;
  • and dark - for wakefulness and wisdom;
  • pale color describes fluctuations;
  • turquoise - This is charisma;
  • heavenly color reveals energy and sympathy for others;
  • dirty shade speaks of suspicion;
  • but Pure colors - This is an active position and kindness.

Blue the color of the aura of a person

  • Those who are particularly concerned with a blue aura. Such people love to solve family concerns. They are characterized by responsiveness, mercy, willingness to take responsibility. Therefore, there are many friends in their environment.
  • Extremely sensitive and spiritual people who often give themselves religions. Endowed with special intellect and quick wit, But prone to frequent mood shifts. They can soak in the clouds, and after a minute fall into deep despondency.
  • The disadvantages should include Excessive meticulousness. Moreover, this applies to all aspects of their life and even environment. Therefore, they need to control themselves and learn to perceive not as ideal and perfect things as they would like.
  • Also "blue" personalities are worth Keep your impulsiveness under control. Since sometimes she can play a cruel joke.
  • But then good educators and teachers come out of them, as well as doctors and psychologists.
Caring intellectuals
Caring intellectuals

Shades say:

  • what Clutch of color reports on disappointment;
  • but Dark tones of blue - This is anxiety and depression;
  • bright shades Indicate great care and reliability.

Violet aura of a person

  • Purple auras have people who are characterized by a special spiritual connection with the world. These are smart personalities that Always strive for knowledge.
  • They are characterized by extraordinary, freedom and independence. They are also endowed with excellent leadership abilities. Not used to rely on other people!
  • They always experience a craving for all mystical and secret, look for unraveling and explanations. They do not feel fear of dangers, but do not differ in physical strength. And it is with them Intuition and a hidden sixth instinct are pronounced.
  • They should also be careful in psychological terms, since it is through “purple” people that a huge flow of information passes. Therefore, they should be less nervous and not so close to take everything to heart.
  • They are quite closed and independent, Always in the search. Therefore, in any sense, it is not easy with them.
Intuitive power
Intuitive power

Different shades complement:

  • lilac color speaks of a healing gift;
  • purple Indicates pride. But can symbolize devotion;
  • silver tide speaks of a high level of knowledge;
  • but Dark and saturated shades of purple color warn of homosexuality, dependence, vampirism and psyche disorders!

Pink human aura

  • Pink aura belongs to people who differ determination, perseverance and care. These are very tender personalities who like to plan the future. They set very high goals and make great efforts to achieve them.
  • It is about them that they can say that they have in harmony the inner world. They are very well versed in the financial sphere, therefore, the professions should choose the appropriate ones. It is also very sensual personalities, that spiritual and subtle aspects value.
  • But them You need to find a lesson to your liking. Otherwise, they will lose all interest in this boring routine. And they sometimes depend too much on someone else's opinion.
  • They know how to concede if it is considered necessary. But more often, their point of view is defended to the end!
  • These are the most faithful friends With whom you can even go into reconnaissance, but they can also become the same avid enemies. Since they never forget resentment and calm down until they avenge.
Inspires in love
Inspires in love


  • light or even pale tone - This is shyness;
  • but bright colors are responsible for love;
  • dark shades Indicate deception and dishonesty.

Bronze background of the aura of a person

  • It is this color that answers For protection, self -sacrifice and determination. These representatives are bright fighters for the rights of the whole nation, protecting the ecology of the whole planet and saving the life of animals. Also often are vegetarians.
  • They are often endowed with healing and psychic abilities. Love to help others, Even if it is inconvenient for them and deliver a lot of problems. Moreover, they do it without any benefit.
  • And this hopelessness sometimes has the back of the coin - people simply do not appreciate them and "sit on the neck." The poet "Bronze" people must learn to appreciate and respect themselves, learning to say no!
  • But they have a big optimistic faith, that everything will be fine. Therefore, as a rule, they are happy and satisfied with their lives. True, you should not forget about a full rest not only of a physical, but also moral character.
  • Have great creative potential, Therefore, the professions of musicians, writers, artists and other spheres of this area are suitable for them. But they can also master medical positions and become good mediums and predictors.
A disinterested hand of help
A disinterested hand of help

Silver aura of a person

  • People with a silver aura love to plan and build grandiose and even a little unrealistic plans, since are bright dreamers.
  • They have a good inner instinct and creative thinking. Despite innate intuition, they are often mistaken in people. And all because of their trust and faith in the best qualities of everyone.
  • They are distinguished by honesty and nobility. Literature, psychology and art are ideal for them.
  • It is "gray" representatives Often experience nervous overstrain. Therefore, they need to relax and relax in time. Moreover, this is good for their unique ability to dream!
The bright background of the dreamers
The bright background of the dreamers

Golden color of the aura of a person

  • People with a gold aura do not approve of easy ways to their goals. They are distinguished by sacrifice, zeal, patience and determination.
  • They have huge inclinations of the leader, very energetic. Moreover, they have the most developed sense of responsibility.
  • Have a very strong energy field, Therefore, they are able to charge other people. Excellent leaders come out of them, and success is guaranteed in almost any undertaking and in any profession.
  • But them It is necessary to spend your potential correctly, In order not to waste it. Therefore, you should always set goals and plans. Moreover, they just need to raise the bar a little higher than their abilities.
  • But the "golden" personalities need to not forget to relax well to achieve the goal.
The strongest energy
The strongest energy

White aura

  • It belongs to the absolute peacekeepers. They are distinguished by care, modesty, mercy.
  • Such people have a kind, pure heart, are extremely independent, prone to constant training.
  • This is exactly what the aura of Christ was. it Very religious people But sometimes they can have strong extrasensory abilities.
  • Therefore, personality data can see true goalsand the thoughts of another person. Good diagnosticians come out of them.
  • But they in every possible way avoid conflicts and competition, Therefore, they do not talk about their suspicions. Sincere and delicate enough.
  • It is believed that a person cannot have a color, since he belongs to the angelic spheres.
Maximum energy
Maximum energy

How can emotions change the color of a person’s aura?

But it should be understood that some factors may affect the color of the aura:

  • for example, From anger, it stains in a red tint. Moreover, it is noticed that red lightning pierces our shell. But if it is hidden anger, then the red spot will be concentrated in the throat. And if this is a long-standing anger and discontent, then the spot sinks into the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart, where it settles with a dark red spot;
  • any fear deprives our aura, turning it into a light gray shade. Moreover, one might even see that the whole aura gains a needle -shaped shape along the edges;
  • but Envy will make a dark green aura. The cloud will concentrate in the head and shoulders;
  • the dirty green color envelops us with sadness;
  • love inspires a pink cloud in the chest area. Moreover, this feeling also creates white and gold glare on the crown;
  • inspiration and creative impulse will give us a yellow kner in a biofield;
  • orange-red or scarlet holes In our cocoon appear from bacteria and viruses in the body;
  • but Small infections show spots of khaki;
  • severe diseases are already mixed together brown and gray, Creating a dirty shade.

But here is the approach of death or very poor well -being, a mental violation of the human aura is black! Although it is considered , that black is the lack of colorso it symbolizes death. Therefore, a living person cannot have a completely black aura!

Emotional self -destruction
Emotional self -destruction

At the same time, stains from the disease will be concentrated in a sore spot. For example, with migraines - an orange circle will be in the head area. But keep in mind - the spot will always have an angular shape.

Such an energy cocoon as a person’s aura carries a lot of information about the person himself. The aura displays temperament and character, human thoughts. Most often, the aura does not have the same color, it is a connection of different shades. But the main color of the aura never changes, it remains with a person for life.

Video: how to see the color of the aura - the value of colors

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