What is the exchange of energies between a man and a woman? Streams of energy between a man and a woman and chakras, channels conducting energy, features of energy communication in the presence of sexual contact, energy levels

What is the exchange of energies between a man and a woman? Streams of energy between a man and a woman and chakras, channels conducting energy, features of energy communication in the presence of sexual contact, energy levels

The fact that between close man and a woman has existed an energy connection for a long time. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Many philosophical theories consider the concept of energy. And almost all of them converge in one thing: when interest arises between a man and a woman, their energy begins to exchange.

Tantric teachings, in particular, argue that a man’s enforcement goes from above (this is called ideological energy), and women - from below, which is the energy of power. To realize his ideas, a man must be fed by the power of a woman, while a woman is not given to spend energy for action, she can get the amount she needs only by interacting with a strong floor.

What is the exchange of energies between a man and a woman?

Let's start with a simple and understandable: the born male infant immediately receives the love of the mother. Growing up, he falls in love and is already subconsciously looking for a similar energy source in a woman, whose strength will help in his life realization.

The connection is known
Energy connection

Later, with the beginning of constant serious relationships, he receives from a woman care in all aspects: in an intimate, intellectual, physical, moral terms. And then he becomes capable of realizing his active actions. This is the initial stage when there is no exchange itself yet.

Only having absorbed the required amount of female force, a man begins to return his energy to his partner (it can be expressed, for example, gifts or financial support), thereby filling it with the ability of further return. Such a constant “cycle” is essentially an energy connection.

Streams of energy between a man and a woman: chakras

So, the couple lives in harmony and there is a constant exchange of energy between them, the so -called energy connection between a man and a woman. It flows between them through the channels formed as a result of the contact of biofields. Energy flows usually have a certain color, which is visible to those who have paranormal abilities.

  • Chakras are also distinguished through which channels pass, and it depends on the type of relationship.
  • The base works with related, sexy - This is a family union, love affairs, the umbilical exchange holds energy exchange between people who compete with each other.
  • Heart chakras They are revealed with emotional relationships, while to achieve harmony, the development of the sexual energy channel is also important.
  • Throat chakra He binds colleagues and like-minded people, the frontal one is involved in the imitation of anyone who is an idol for a person. It is in this chakra that methods such as hypnosis or telepathy work.
  • Veneral chakra Talks about the energy connection formed at the level of the egregore.
Harmony is important
Harmony is important

The stronger and more versatile mutual interest and need, the more powerful the energy channel becomes, and the stronger the relationship, the more the energy connection becomes through all the chakras.

Channels that conduct energy between a man and a woman

If the relations between partners are stable and healthy, channels that work are purely and brightly formed between them. In such relationships there are sincerity, mutual trust, but at the same time, each of them remains in their own personal space. This is the case when the energy connection is equivalent.

Energy threads
Energy threads
  • In the case when observed The dependence of one partner on another, channels fade, which subsequently leads to a violation of relations, aggressiveness, irritability.
  • In a situation where one side strives completely subjugate another, the aura of the dependent as if comprehensively envelops.
  • The termination of relations leads to the weakening of the channels. The more time passes, the less energy comes into them, and then the stream is completely terminated, which ends with the fact that former partners perceive each other as strangers.
  • If the lovers broke up, but the channels are not closed, mutual attachment is preserved. It happens that one of them purposefully breaks the energy connection, and then it is possible that its protection will be exposed by the second.

Features of the energy connection between a man and a woman in the presence of sexual contact

If the couple was in intimate relationships, the work of energy channels continues for a long time and after a break in relations. A new intimate connection creates a new channel in the field of a sexual chakra, which can remain active all subsequent years of life. The most interesting thing is that The duration of the relationship itself is not particularly important: Either for many years, or a random lump -sum connection.

The connection remains for a long time
Energy connection

And since the channel remained, then the energy continues to enter it in both directions. But what charge does she carry? It depends on what emotions people broke up with.

It is noteworthy that cohabitation adjusts the biofield of a man and a woman, this explains the phenomenon that after many years of family life, people even become similar to each other, as their views, tastes, and characters become similar.

The nuances of the energy connection between a man and a woman

We already know about a single energy environment in which the partners truly loving each other live. And if each of them continues this interchange of energy, feelings will only grow stronger, and the union becomes stronger.

In this case, real harmony is achieved in the case when both act according to their nature. Indeed, if a woman begins to show male qualities in herself, and, accordingly, to radiate male energy, then the man will not have anything to do, how to take the pair to the female energy beginning. And vice versa.

Harmony and balance are important
Harmony and balance are important

Speaking in general, then a man in a love union should provide a material component, and a woman-emotional-sensual. This order determines the return of male energy through a material chakra, and the female - heart. Violation of such a natural balance leads to a deterioration in the relationship and the condition of each partners.

Energy levels between a man and a woman

  1. Sexual. This is the level of communication that is formed in case of energy exchange only with intimate relationships, the presence of physical desire or instinct to continue the genus. If subsequently the exchange of energy at the level of other chakras does not begin to work, then the connection remains exclusively sexual, not manifesting in spiritual proximity, which is often the cause of parting.
  2. Soul. There are sincere feelings, a manifestation of sincere care, the desire to understand another. This is a higher level that captures several chakras, including heart. Enriched with emotions and feelings, such an alliance is built on a harmonious ratio of sexual and love energies, not depleting, but saturating the auras of the loving. Such an energy connection is already difficult to break.
  3. Spiritual. This is a fully harmonious relationship, which is already inherent in the connection at the level of intuition. The highest level that uses all the chakras and binds them together. In this case, the biofield is completely united, which allows you to capture the smallest nuances of mood, emotions, to understand not only words, but also thoughts, and sometimes even at a distance. Energy ties of this level give birth to what we habitually call the "ideal family."

May your relationship be built at this level!

Video: Male and Women's Energy Communication

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