Poems for children 5-6 years old-about summer, autumn, winter, spring, short for memorization, speech therapy, about children: the best selection

Poems for children 5-6 years old-about summer, autumn, winter, spring, short for memorization, speech therapy, about children: the best selection

Our article will introduce you to short verses for children 5-6 years old.

Small children in the first years of their lives know the world around them with the help of parents. That is why it is very important to submit information to a little crocheme as correctly as possible so as not to repel him to study the whole new one. Ordinary poems for children will help to do this. Light quatrains can be read to the child at any time of the day, and if desired, even in a playful way. In our article you will find many poems for children of 5-6 years old that will help you make the learning process more fun.

Poems for children 5 years old

Poems for children 5 years old

IMPORTANT: Remember that at this age, the baby cannot yet concentrate his attention on one thing. In view of this, choose small poetic works for reading or memorizing, in which the child tells about things that are understandable to his age.

Poems for children 5 years old:

1. My cheerful ball
Jumps and jumps:
Jump-skok-into the corner,
And then back.
This is how we are in the evening
We spent pleasantly!

2. The cat is sitting on the window
A cat washes a spoon with a paw.
And then he will go for a walk
Vorobyov, tits count.

3. Monkeys are very fond of
Eat sweet bananas.
We are similar to monkeys
And we love bananas too.

4. Parrot Petya walked
On the path, I found a ruble.
He put the ruble in the piggy bank,
In order to buy a machine later.

5. The sun came into heaven
And he looks in all eyes.
Hello, the sun is golden!
Walk well with you -
Like good hands,
Hug us with rays.

Poems for children 6 years old

Poems for children 6 years old

At the age of 6, the baby should already know the letters and numbers well. But as practice shows, some children are lazy to get acquainted with school science, or simply categorically refuse classes. In order for your baby to hunt the alphabet and numbers, carry out irradiation in a playful way using funny rhymes for children.

Poems for children 6 years old:

1. The house is beautiful.
As if in a fairy tale
They live in it, putting on the masks,
Letters. Exactly thirty -three,
Someone outside, some inside.
The letters hid and are waiting.
Will they really read us?

2. What happened?
What happened?
From the stove of the alphabet fell!
Painfully dislocated her leg
Upcable letter "H",
"G" hit a little
Wed completely!
Lost the letter "Yo"
The crossbar!
Finding himself on the floor
Parged the tail "y"!
"F", poor thing, so fired -
Do not read it in any way!
The letter "P" turned up -
Turned into a soft sign!
The letter "C" was completely closed -
Turned into the letter "o".
The letter "a" when I woke up
I did not recognize anyone!

3. Once in the summer on the lawn
Mr. Teacher Zhuk
Founded for insects
School of Reading and Sciences.

Here are dragonflies, flies, midges,
Bees, wasps and bumblebees,
Ants, crickets, boats
They came to the bug lesson.

“A” - shark, “b” - bug,
“B” Raven, “g” - eyes ...
Bumblebee and fly, don't talk!
Do not be staring, dragonfly!

"D" - a child, "e" - a unit,
“F” - hot, “h” - winter.
Repeat without getting down:
“And” - toy, “K” - Kuma!

Who wants to study really
Let the laziness be forgotten at school.
“L” is a fox, “m” is a monkey,
“H” - science, “o” is a deer.

"P" - parsley, "p" - chamomile
"C" - cricket, "t" - cockroach,
"U" - snail, "f" - violet,
“X” - stilts, “c” - gypsies.

So our beetle, waving a rod,
Teaches a dragonfly alphabet,
Flies, midges and boys,
Murasha, bumblebees and OS.

4. The king sits on the pot,
Looking for zero as a digit.
We can tell the answer:
Zero-when something is not!

5. This is a unit number,
She is the first to seek.
All straight and even,
The rest are all behind her.
In the right upper corner
Pencil in, my friend.
And then to the left, down:
Here is one of the units!

6. The water glides barely
Like a swan, the number is two.
She arched her neck with an arc
Rocks the waves behind him.

Poems for children for memorizing short

Poems for children for memorizing

At the age of 5-6 years, the baby can already begin to memorize small quatrains in memory. Learning of verses is a kind of memory training, which will further help the child remember the school curriculum better.

IMPORTANT: Do not force the child to memorize large works for one day. It will be better if you start with small poems, and only after the baby begins to easily memorize quadrues, you will go to big verses. If you load the memory of a small child with a large amount of information, then he will not only not learn new material, but will begin to hardly recall what has memorized earlier.

Poems for children for memorizing:

1. From birth, stripes.
There are strips of y.
And y zebra them without account.
There are strips on the mattress.
And strips in the sailor.
There are strips y slagbaum
And strips on a birch.
There are beautiful strips
Dawn and sunset.
But the guys meet,
All from dirt are stripes.
I don't want to write about them
In a striped notebook.

2. The bird flew in the sky,
I wanted to eat a bird
With a keen look down
I found a worm.
But digting to the branch,
Suddenly stumbled upon a neighbor
The skirmish began between them -
There are one prey for two.
They argued for a long time, to tears -
And the worm crawled for a long time.

3. Sleeps the alarm. The bell is sleeping.
The puppy wakes up.
Wakes up and barking
Dreams are pleasant to us.
“Bay-by! Bay-Bai! " -
This is what this barking means.

4. Wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
Grow up - dresses up
In a white dress:
Light, air,
The breeze is obedient.

5. Tanya has a lot of things,
Tanya has a lot of things:
In the morning she helped her brother,
He ate sweets in the morning.

Here's how much to deal with Tanya:
Tanya ate, saw tea,
Sat down, sat with her mother,
I got up, went to my grandmother.

Before going to bed, she said to my mother:
- You undress me yourself,
I'm tired, I can't
I will help you tomorrow.

Poems for children about autumn

Poems for children about autumn
Poems for children about autumn

You can study the seasons with a child with the help of poetic works. Moreover, such a study of poems can be combined with visualization of wood, leaves or natural phenomenon. So, for example, telling your son or daughter a poem about autumn foliage, you can show it to her gold color. Such an association will contribute to a faster memorization of a poetic work, as well as the development of memory.

Poems for children about autumn:

1. Autumn walks in our park,
Gives autumn to all gifts:
Pink apron - aspen,
Red beads - mountain ash,
Yellow umbrella - poplars,
Autumn gives us fruits.

2. Autumn! Golden grove!
Gold, blue,
And flies over the grove
A flock of crane.
High under the clouds
Geese respond,
With a distant lake, with fields.

3. In the morning the sky was gloomy,
And everything seemed dumb.
Autumn loves to cry very much
Rain on the ground drip.
Loves to rustle with leaves,
And to tear them off the trees.

4. The birdhouse is empty -
The birds flew away
Leaves on trees
Also, does not sit.
All day today
Everyone is flying, flying.
Apparently, also to Africa

5. Autumn diluted paints on the edge,
On the foliage, she spent quietly with a brush:
Yellower hazel and maples were excited,
In Purpur, the autumn only is green oak.
Autumn comforts - do not spare summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

Poems for children about summer

Poems for children about summer

IMPORTANT: It is not particularly important whether the child is learning poems or you just read them to him, you need to do this as emotionally and expressively as possible. Only in this way, the baby will be able to correctly understand that you are trying to convey to him a poetic work.

Poems for children about summer:

1. So much light! So much sun!
So much greenery!
Summer has come again
And warmly came to our house.

And there is so much light around
It smells of spruce and pine.
It would be so that summer
It was a whole year with me!

2. Vegetables grow in the garden,
Fruits in the air are hanging.
In the yard they play hide and seek
A lot of joyful guys.

And the sea also heats up
And on the card of the track,
All bypassing traffic lights,
We are going there as a family.

3. The sun shines brightly.
The air is warm.
And wherever you look -
Everything is bright!
They are full of meadow
Bright flowers.
Gold is doused
Dark sheets.

4. Collect in August
Fruit harvest.
A lot of people joy
After all the labors.
The sun over spacious
Nivami stands.
And sunflower with grains
Black packed.

5. The sun got up early,
Survived in the river
And she sat down on the lawn -
On the green tubercle.
Dark - scarlet carnations
Heated reddened!
I tanned on a handy
One -legged pine.
Raspberry was browned,
Placed in the Mac field.
Frogs shout in the reeds:
- It's hot! It's hot how!

Poems for children about winter

Poems for children about winter

IMPORTANT: Some children are difficult to perceive poetic works, and therefore they prefer prose. If your baby belongs to such a category of children, then you can cheat a little. You can initially, after reading the rhyme, translate it into prose, and try to ask your son or daughter leading questions regarding the verse. Such a little trick will help to form a semantic sequence, and your child will be able to understand what you just told him about.

Poems for children about the winter:

1. In the ice carriage rushes
The wind knocks with wings
In sleepy houses.
Squares bloom, parks
Snowy white.
And frost builds arches
Above the forest path.

2. Silver trees
The veil spread -
Snow -white, fluffy,
Lace beauty!

And the birch is sad
I could not find out herself -
So adorned skillfully
Branches of the tree winter

3. Our favorite snowman
The head is completely drooping:
The hare took to the forest at night
He has a carrot nose!
Do not be sad, snowman,
We will help in trouble in trouble,
We will give you a new nose,
The nose is good, the nose is spruce!

4. Again in the worries winter-ruler
Let nature dress warmer.
I have prepared yarns for many winter,
White things tirelessly knit:
Sleepy trees - fluffy hats,
Christmas trees - mittens knit on the paws.
Shila, knitted and very tired!
Ah, spring would come as soon as possible.

5. Winter-winter winter came
Horses in the sled harnessed,
The path-path brought out
I had ice on the river,
I connected it to the shore
Cooked to the ground!
Small guys
Yes, lovely girls
I put it on the sledges
Yes, I rolled from the mountain!

Funny rhymes for children about the New Year you can find here.

Poems for children about spring

Poems for children about spring

Another way that will help a child 5-6 years old correctly understand the poem is to visualize it with the help of a drawing. Invite the baby to each line of the poem to make a small schematic pattern, and then ask what he drew. If the baby understood the meaning correctly, you can safely proceed to memorizing a rhyme text.

Poems for children about spring:

1. If snow is melting everywhere,
The day becomes longer
If everything is green
And in the fields a stream rings,
If the wind is warmer,
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the sun shines brighter,
So, spring came to us.

2. Spring came to Snezhnoye,
On a wet carpet,
Scattered snowdrops,
Sowed the grass.
Barschy families for the deadline
Raised from the minks,
Birch juice
I handed out the guys.
She looked into the den:
- Well, get up, bear! -
I breathed it on twigs -
It's time to green!
Now spring is beautiful
Calls from all over
Geese, cuts and storks,
Cuckoos and starlings

3. Sweet Pevunya,
Swallow dear,
I returned to our house
From someone else's edge.
Better under the window
With a live song:
“I am spring and sun
Bring with me ... "

4. Oukhokhov cheerfully
Spring from the forest,
The bear responded to her
Winking from sleep.
Grounded bunnies to her,
Rook flew to her;
The hedgehog rolled after,
Like a thorny ball.
Squirrel was alarmed,
Looking from the hollow, -
I waited fluffy
Sveta and warmth!
Proudly rose
Light -up boron;
On the branches of brown
The bird choir struck.

5. April! April!
Drops rings in the yard.
Streams run around the fields,
On the roads of puddles.
Ants will come out soon
After a winter cold.
The bear makes its way
Through the thick valernik.
Began to sing birds songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.

Speech therapy rhymes for children

Speech therapy rhymes for children

If your child has problems with speech, he does not pronounce some sounds of the alphabet, you can always try to solve the problem with the help of special speech therapy poems for children. They can be learned and just tell, and if you wish, even hum.

Speech therapy rhymes for children:

1. To Cheburashka in a cup
Bukashka slapped,
Good Cheburashka
I pulled out the bug,
He put the bug
To dry on a piece of paper.
The bugs dried up
I got up from a piece of paper
And again Cheburakhurakh
In a cup to Cheburashka.

2. The moonlight is blue
He did not give a donkey to sleep,
Sitting a donkey on a boulder
And yawned and yawned.
And by chance the donkey suddenly swallowed the moon,
He smiled, sighed
And calmly fell asleep.

3. Evil rats
Gnawed the roof
But the kitten came of red, rats ran into the holes
And from fear they trembled there.
Piggy is a pig
He grunted:
Gruck and grunt! Gruck and grunt!
- Give me Uryuk!
Piggy pigeon
Before you eat,
You take soap
Yes, the Ulya is snout!

4. Hedgehog with a hedgehog and hedgehog
Collect blackberries.
Red -legged fox
Also wants to profit.
Kuma thought:
Hedgehogs have needles of darkness

5. The mouse has crumbs and crusts in mink.
In the pantry at the mouse, pieces of rug.
At the mouse, the bunker is in the mug.
The mouse has a mushroom of a wave in a tub.
In a bowl at the mouse the remnants of the sourdough,
And in the top of the cheese and sausages.
In the saucepan - gallushki, in the oven - cheesecakes.
Kisel - in a bottle, coins - in a piggy bank.
On the table - bowls, forks and spoons.
On the bookcase - books about a cat.
In the locker mouse - shirts, pants.
On the hanger - hats, on the rug - slippers.
The mouse on the shelf has threads, needles,
And near the stove - matches and candles.
On the door - hooks, chains, locks ...
The reserves at the mouse are large excess!

Poons about children

Poons about children

1. All Aleshins palms
They talked about Aleshka.
They became a little white -
So the window was painted.

They cleaned potatoes with mom
And slightly blackened
Nailed the nail of the palm
And they managed to get hurt.
And in the evening they told
We have a secret to us
That they took without asking
Chocolate candies

2. Having moved the cloud a little,
The sun is penetrated into the window.
I lit up the whole apartment
And he woke the girl.
Sitted Nastenka in the crib.
A ray with her plays hide and seek:
Flashed, flashed in the mirror
And quietly slipped away

3. Masha got up early in the morning,
"So I promised my mother."
Masha began to dress
I began to gather to school:

“Where are the tights? On the floor,
Where is the dress? But not in the closet.
I found everything, but where is the hat?
There is a rag.

Where are the books? On the couch,
Tanya returned them yesterday.
And the notebooks, where, where?
Yes, they are on the window.

Already eight, I collected everything,
But again I was late. "

4. Sasha Sashulya -
Big Vobrazhlya!
Before the mirror all day
She is not laziness to chime!
Mom's shoes shoe
I pouted lips with a bow
It is important to go like a turkey,
Mad everything around

5. I promised Marinka
Make friends with her yesterday.
We will spin with her
On the site near the courtyard.

We left the garden in the evening
They immediately began to think with her,
What is necessary for our friendship,
To start friends soon.

And Marinka told me
What are the dolls for friendship,
What had dreamed of them for a long time
And my hoop needs round.

She still needs her friendship
My videos, rope,
Many, many chocolate,
Pencil and a subsidiary.

I don't feel sorry to share with her,
But I do not want to.
I'll be friends with Alka better,
Alya is friends just like that!

Video: Andrey Usachev. Poems for children

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  1. Everyone who loves poems in children's performance, I recommend!

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