The shelf life of cosmetics: where is it indicated, how to check, determine? Is cosmetics dangerous with expiring expiration date?

The shelf life of cosmetics: where is it indicated, how to check, determine? Is cosmetics dangerous with expiring expiration date?

Do you know how to determine the shelf life of cosmetics? Read the article, it describes where to see these numbers.

"Save the skin young and healthy" - The unchanging motto is absolutely every girl and a woman. Sometimes, with care and decoratives, it is not so easy to say goodbye. Even if the expiration date has expired. But is it worth doing? After all, perhaps the product is not yet expired, and it can be used.

Read the article on our website about how to make home decorative cosmetics with your own hands. Believe me, it's very simple. Lipstick, lip gloss, powder, foundation - all this can be natural and prepared at home.

How to check the shelf life of cosmetics? What are the methods? Where are these numbers indicated? How to extend the service life of cosmetics? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article. Read further.

What is a cosmetic preservative?

To preserve the properties of cosmetics and increase the expiration date, manufacturers use antibacterial and antifungal substances. They're called cosmetic preservatives. These substances are present both in industrial and in home cosmetics. If in the process of manufacturing to neglect the enzyme, then the product will lose its qualities. It will simply quickly deteriorate.

What preservatives are used by cosmetics manufacturers so that it is stored for a long time?


Due to the propagation of bacterial flora, cosmetics quickly deteriorate, causing allergic and fungal lesions. What preservatives are used by cosmetics manufacturers so that it is stored for a long time? Two groups of these substances are distinguished. Aggressive chemical components include:

  • Benzylbenzoate
  • Quaternium-15
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Edta
  • Tocopherylacetate
  • Parabens (all types)

It is worth knowing:Parabens are natural components contained in onions, carrots and cherries. By the 1920s, they were ranked especially dangerous due to the risk of breast cancer. In the course of research, scientists came to the conclusion that parabens are harmless, quickly destroyed and easily excreted from the body. However, with excessive accumulation, they act as hormones.

A group of natural preservatives:

  • Vitamins
  • Milk and other acids
  • Alcohols
  • Essential oils
  • Plant extracts
  • Honey
  • Salicylic or benzoic acids
  • Huxetidine (antiseptic)
  • Chlorhexidine
  • Urea

Useful preservatives restore the cellular composition of the skin, improve regeneration, and contribute to the healing of cracks. The list of critical - tested by manufacturers and certified in any composition of cosmetics.

Where is the date and expiration date on the packaging of goods, decorative cosmetics: how to understand by the type of cosmetics?

Shelf life on cosmetics
Shelf life on cosmetics

In order to maintain the beneficial properties of cosmetics and not harm the skin, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions before buying. Particular attention is required by information about storage time. Where is the date and expiration date on the packaging of goods, decorative cosmetics? How to understand by the type of cosmetics? Here's the answer:

Tonalists (cream):

  • The term of use, depending on the texture, fluctuates from 6 months. up to a year.
  • After opening the bottle or tube of the cream and others, no more than 6 months are suitable.
  • During use, the skin of the skin with the neck of the tube should be avoided.
  • This will warn in the bottle of bacteria.
  • The shelf life is usually indicated on the seam in the form of a colored strip, where the manufacturing date is squeezed out. Such a strip can be black, red, blue, blue, red.


  • The shelf life of sticks, tints and liquid matte lipsticks 3 years, and shine, pencils, hygienic lipsticks and balms - 24 months.
  • After opening the packaging, cosmetic cosmes should be stored no more than 1.5 years.
  • These numbers will be written on the package, at the base. Look for them next to the name of color and tone.

Powder and blush:

  • Openly, the suitability of suitability reaches up to 1.5 years.
  • This is indicated at the bottom of the package.


  • Used no more than 6 months.
  • Look for suitability at the bottom of the tube or on the label, which is glued to plastic packaging.

Dry shadows:

  • Consumed in 1.5 years.
  • Liquid - per year and less.
  • The shelf life is indicated at the package bottom, on a paper sticker.


  • The term of use of toilet water should not exceed 2 years, and spirits-no more than 1.5 years.
  • These numbers can be seen on a box or bottle, on the label, which is glued on one of the sides.

Cream foundations for the face:

  • A closed bottle is able to maintain its properties for 3 years.
  • After the opening, it is better to spend the product for 12 months.
  • The suitability period is usually written at the bottom of the package.

Creamy bases for the eyelids:

  • Its composition contains much fewer preservatives than in the creamy foundations for the face, hands and body.
  • Shelf life is from 3 to 6 months.
  • The numbers are usually written on the adhesion of the tube.

Plaons and tonics for the face:

  • In a closed state, if the composition contains an alcohol component, the product is suitable 3 yearswithout alcohol - 1-2 years.
  • After contact with air or skin, the period is reduced up to 4-6 months.
  • These numbers are indicated on the tool in the bottle - on the label, and in the tube - on the spike seam.

Creams and oils:

  • Stored no more 6 months.
  • This is written in the form of computer marking right on the package.

Sunscreen creams:

  • Closed state can be stored about 3 years.
  • After opening, it is advisable to use during the season.
  • This information is indicated either in the form of a computer marking or on the label on the package.

Gels and nail polishes:

  • The shelf life fluctuates from 1.5 to 3 years old.
  • When changing the consistency, it is better not to use the coating.

While using cosmetic products, it is necessary to carefully monitor the texture of the product and the reaction of the body. If signs of allergies appear, suspend or completely stop allergen contact with the skin, even if the suitability has not yet passed.

How to check the shelf life of decorative cosmetics on the barcode?

Barcode - This is a graphic combination of hatching and 13-digit set of numbers, giving data on products: country and manufacturer. Additionally, you can find out about the constituent elements of products, color, mass, name. Determination of the suitability of decor. Cosmetics and other products will not work. Dating and operating time are indicated in a separate form.

How to check the shelf life of decorative cosmetics: decryption on a butch code?

Batch code on cosmetics
Batch code on cosmetics

The butch code is represented by a combination of letters and numbers, which contain informative data on the storage of cosmetic products: month, year, suitability. The code on the bottom of the banks is depicted, on the bottle - from the left or right side, on the tube - at the top. How to check the shelf life of decorative cosmetics? You can ask about the decoding:

  • Consultants when buying
  • Directly with the manufacturer
  • With the help of off. manufacturer's resource

There are also methods:

Cosmet. calculator. For this method, you need to introduce the name of the brand and the written Butch code. In the information window there will appear:

  • Date of manufacture
  • The deadline for suitability
  • Time from the beginning of production
  • Expensed term (if any)

Important: The butch code on the box should match the code on the bottle itself, the bank, etc.

Independent counting. For this, it is important to know the name of the concern of the cosmetic brand. For example:

  • L’Oreal. Consists of 36 brands that have the same butch code reading by 1st letter: S-2019, t-2020
  • Esteelauder. It consists of 29 companies. The butch code is in the form of 3 characters and is read according to the last digital sign: AC0-2020, A59-2019 production.
  • Unilever.The concern belongs to 77 world industries, and coding may vary. The 1st Codic Code denotes the year of production, the next three-the number of the day a year, the latest values \u200b\u200bshow the brand code in the concern.
  • Louisvuitton. Under their wing are 12 companies, the batch code of which is 4 characters, and the 1st digit is the year of producing.

Also, by the butch code you can understand whether the original product or not.

Where is the shelf life of decorative cosmetics after opening?

The shelf life of decorative cosmetics after opening
The shelf life of decorative cosmetics after opening

After contacting with the external environment, oxygen, skin, humidity, the suitability of products is reduced approximately for 2-3 months. Where is the shelf life of decorative cosmetics after opening? On paper packaging, after informative data on constituent elements and manufacturer, a sign of an open jar is depicted. The number inside shows the deadline for the product in the open state.

Remember: If the deadlines are between "Sell by" And exploitation in the open state vary, then preference should be given to the latter.

The shelf life of good Korean cosmetics: how to find out, determine?

Korean factories for the production of care and other means use the standard designation of the safety period of the format: year/month/day (GGGGMMMDD). What is the shelf life of good Korean cosmetics? How to find out, determine?

  • Some companies do only dating without the final date of use.
  • In this case, the duration will be standard and will be 36 months. And after the remedy has been discovered - 12 months.

On the packaging and on the product itself, the date is indicated by special symbols:

  • Manufacturing time (number, month, year) - MFG (manuapacturn) /제조
  • Suitable to - Exp (Expiration) / 까지
  • The safety period after the autopsy is indicated by the letter M (6m, 12m) or in Korean: 사용기 한

Below even more useful information. Read further.

The shelf life of Clarins cosmetics

Clarins It is a brand that releases the line of perfumes and care cosmetics. This brand prefers plant components and collaborates with the pharmaceutical association Jardins Dumonde. What is the shelf life of this cosmetics? Answer:

  • Cosmet storage time. means of this line - 3 years In a sealed form.
  • After opening - 24 months.

On the packaging, dating is indicated by several dials: 1st-year of release, 2nd-month.

Is cosmetics dangerous with expiring expiration date: cream, perfumes

The cream foundations at the time of manufacture are a specialized tool with a complex of care and protective properties that retain their strength until the opening and several months after. Is such cosmetics dangerous with an expirational expiration date?

  • It is worth noting that the expiring period of safety corresponds to a partial loss of these properties and does not carry a serious danger, especially if the care of cosmetics was proper.
  • However, this does not mean that the means can be used up to the last drop. You need to focus on the consistency, color, effect after use.
  • The perfume loses its properties much faster. With proper storage, it can be used up to 1-1.5 years.

Below even more useful information.

Is it possible to use cosmetics after the expiration date: what is dangerous cosmetics with an expired shelf life, why can not be used?

The expired shelf life of cosmetics
The expired shelf life of cosmetics

Almost every woman tries to use a cosmetic product to the last drop. After all, it is beloved and so useful for a particular part of the body. But no one thinks - is it possible to use cosmetics after the expiration date? What is dangerous cosmetics with an expired shelf life, why can not be used? It is worth knowing:

  • After the expiration date indicated in the image of the open jar, the process of using the product should be completed.
  • Even if the cosmetic product remains, you do not need to neglect your health and try to use absolutely the entire volume.
  • The composition of cosmetics includes organic and inorganic components. Like any products, they tend to deteriorate.
  • In the case of a changed structure, the products can cause allergic manifestations: from slight irritation to dermatitis, urticaria or even Quincke's edema.

Important: When storing cosmetics in the bathroom (in a room with high humidity), fungal microorganisms that cause dermatitis and dermatomycosis can develop in them. Keep the products in a dry room and normal air temperature.

The following types of lesions are distinguished depending on the type of cosmetics:

  • Mascara, shadows, pencils for the eyes and eyebrows: they provoke keratitis, conjunctivitis.
  • Tonal foundations, creams, blush, highlighters, serums: cause acne, dermatomycosis, seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Shampoos, shower gels: dry skin, peeling.
  • Perfume: skin irritation in the form of redness, itching, nasal congestion.

Remember: The negative qualities of cosmetics have the effect of accumulation. Irritation and dermatitis may not appear from the first application. As for Quincke's edema, it develops in the first minutes of contact with an allergen.

Where do you need to store cosmetics correctly, if there is a lot of it?

Boxing for storage of cosmetics
Boxing for storage of cosmetics

Many fashionistas can have so many cosmetics that women do not even know where to store. Others have a large amount of funds for work. Where do you need to store cosmetics correctly, if there is a lot of it? To preserve the beneficial properties of cosmetics, the following rules should be followed during storage:

  • The ideal storage option is a suitcase.
  • Keep cosmetics in a dry and dark place.
  • For fabric masks, serums or gels, you can use a special small refrigerator. In it the temperature does not exceed 12 ° C.What is optimal for care funds.

Important:Do not store cosmetics in the refrigerator with food. The temperature for oil products is quite high. This can damage their texture.

As additional compartments or containers, you can use improvised means: wine shelves in a home bar - for varnishes, gels, shampoos. In paper stands, different bottles and tubes will also fit well.

Read on our website an article on how to make an organizer for cosmetics with your own hands - From wood, cardboard, papers. You will get an excellent cabinet for storing your care products.

Cosmetics is not only care, but also beauty. Compliance with the shelf life and storage rules will help to avoid allergic reactions, disorders from the cardiac and respiratory systems. Therefore, you need to respect your health, even if, after the expiration of the term, the tool is still left. Better throw away the remains and buy a new bottle. This will help you be beautiful, with healthy skin, hair, nails, etc.

Where do you store your cosmetics? Write in the comments.

Video: The shelf life of cosmetics

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