Why do we need enzymes in cosmetics and what is their effect?

Why do we need enzymes in cosmetics and what is their effect?

Cosmetics are the best that humanity could come up with. They help improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Most women prefer cosmetics, which contain enzymes. More information about these enzymes will be described later.

Why are enzymes are needed, what are enzymes enzymes?

  • Enzymes are necessary for strengthening biological and chemical reactions, which are held in the human body. Amino acid enzymes consists.
  • About 3 thousand enzymes are produced in the human body. And only 400 of them can synthesize and produced on an industrial scale. For this, manufacturers use the biological material of plants and animals.
To enhance reactions
To enhance reactions

In the modern world, enzymes are used in such areas of life:

  • in the food industry;
  • in the production of household chemicals;
  • in medicine and pharmacology;
  • in cosmetology.

In the production of cosmetics, only a small part of the enzymes is used. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to control the behavior of such molecules that can behave in an unforeseen way.

Why does an enzyme deficiency arise in the body?

Enzymes can be classified as complex and simple. The first class needs a "partner" - coerment. As a coherent can be vitamins and mineral components. If the body lacks vitamins, then enzymes will not be able to function fully.

There are several reasons why there is a deficiency of enzymes:

  • A large number of synthesized food additives.
  • Inflammation in the body, due to which there is a lack of vitamins and mineral components.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Bad habits, including smoking.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Infections.

In order for enzymes to be produced naturally, you must regularly consume fresh fruits and vegetables. The more you use semi-finished products and fast food, the less enzymes will be in the body.

  • Many are wondering how the lack of enzymes is reflected in the quality of the skin. This negatively affects lipid barrier of the skin. There is also the destruction of "proteins of youth" - collagen and Elastin. The skin becomes flabby, wrinkles appear.

If the skin is not enough enzymes, the process of its regeneration slows down. Dead cells do not disappear, which leads to the appearance of black dots and acne. The lack of enzymes provokes the appearance of age spots, because the skin is not able to prevent the negative effects of sunlight.

Types of enzymes

In cosmetology, plant enzymes are used. Most often they are used for exfoliation of the skin. They help clean the pores, and remove keratinized skin cells.

There are different types of enzymes, each of them has its own application:

  • Papain. Enzymes Papaya. It is added to Pillings and masks. Destases protein, can cause irritation.
  • Bromelein. Pewish from pineapple. It is part of Pilling and serum. Desters protein bonds.
  • Tripsin It is extracted in industrial means. It is added to the remedies for hair removal. Promotes the destruction of protein, which is part of the hair bulbs.
  • Lipaza It is extracted from cereal crops or algae. It allows you to effectively split fats. Therefore, it is part of weight loss products, and gels for cleansing oily skin.
  • Amylase. It is a product of biotechnology. It is part of cosmetics for oily skin. Helps to fight inflammation and secretion of sebum.
  • Oxiddismutase. It is a product of biotechnology. It is part of the creams that fight free radicals, as it destroys hydrogen peroxide.

Enzymes in cosmetics: where are they used?

Enzymes are part of a large number of cosmetics, including:

  • masks aimed at moisturizing and nutrition of the skin;
  • serums for the restoration and regeneration of the epidermis;
  • gels aimed at rejuvenation of the skin;
  • peels that clean the pores;
  • products for the treatment of oily and problem skin;
  • funds for removing age spots.

Cosmetics, which contains enzymes, dissolve harmful proteins, and keratinized skin cells. They also remove irregularities, so the skin becomes more smooth. Regular use of such means allows the skin to give a healthy radiance and elasticity. The effect of cosmetics with enzymes occurs delicately, because keratin is broken down.

  • The advantage of enzymes - hypoallergenicity. Holders of sensitive skin, after applying most peels, feel itching, redness and peeling. If you use enzymatic peels, there will be no such consequences.
  • The lack of funds that contain enzymes is that they demanding temperatures and humidity. It is recommended to store them in cool rooms, with a low level of humidity.
  • The use of cosmetics should be carried out in warm and wet rooms. It is impossible for the sun's rays to get on the enzyme. So cosmetics will deteriorate much faster.

The best enzymes

There are a large number of cosmetics, which include enzymes. However, they have proven themselves best:

  • Enzyme Wash Powder washing powder. It is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive. It is recommended to use powder at the stage of skin cleansing to prepare it for further procedures. The peculiarity of the powder is that they are finely dispersed. When it connects with water, turns into a foam. The action of powder is aimed at cleansing the skin, narrowing of pores and natural radiance. Immediately after applying the product, you will notice that the skin has become velvety. After using powder, you need to apply lotion or tonic to the skin to restore the skin of the skin.
  • Piling Papaya Enzyme Peel. Suitable for all skin types, and is used before applying essence or serum. The composition includes papain and allantoin. The tool is aimed at cleansing the skin and removing inflammation. Apply a small amount of pilling on the face with massive movements, cover the skin with cling film, and leave for 10 minutes. After rinse with warm water.
  • Alginate mask Enzyme-Vita Mask. The action of the mask is aimed at giving the tone to the skin, and the removal of fatigue. Also, this tool helps to clear the pores and slow down the aging process. The mask is diluted in water to make the consistency of sour cream. Apply it to the skin and leave it for 30 minutes. When the mask freezes, it can be removed from the face with one movement. It is not necessary to wash with water.
List of funds
List of funds

How to care for skin after using enzymes for the face?

  • The correct use of cosmetics, which contains enzymes - is only half the work. It is necessary to correctly care for the skin after using the enzyme products. Especially if you used peeling.
Correct application for mature and young skin
Correct application for mature and young skin
  • The sun's rays affect the skin throughout the year, but in the summer they are more active. Therefore, after the use of enzyme peeling, you need to apply sunscreen with SPF30 or SPF40 protection factor. You can also apply a SS Cream, which also has a factor of sun protection.
  • After the use of enzymes, you can make a moisturizing mask so that the skin becomes more moisturized. When keratinized cells are removed, the components of the mask penetrate the skin more deeply.
  • Most cosmetologists use enzymes -based products, because they are more effective. Some products can be used at home. For home use, peeling and washing gels are developed, in which the minimum concentration of enzymes.
  • Therefore, you will not cause any harm to the skin. More concentrated drugs are used only by cosmetologists, they need to work more carefully with them. Regular use of enzymes will allow you to make the skin radiant, clean and healthy.

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  1. I really like the MEZOLUX LIBREDERM enzymatic mask, it perfectly softens and exfoliates the skin, levels the relief and helps to reduce the depth of wrinkles

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