What to do if the child eats poorly? The child has poor appetite: how to rectify the situation?

What to do if the child eats poorly? The child has poor appetite: how to rectify the situation?

How to provide the child's body with a sufficient volume of vitamins and minerals, and at the same time not overfill the baby? How much should your child have?

What to do if the child eats badly?

At different times, almost all children, to one degree or another, refuse to do a short time. This may be due to the disease, poor mood, the body's need for a small unloading.

Sometimes the assessment of “poorly eats” is purely subcetitive and parents simply do not very well imagine how much their child should actually eat according to age standards.

When a child reduction in a child should cause a real alarm of parents and the need to see a doctor? Let's try to figure it out.

What to do if the child eats badly?

What should a child have?

Often parents, whose children have come out of infancy, believe that now a child can eat at a common table, and do not make the difference in cooking for adult family members and for the baby.

Meanwhile, the children's body is still fragile enough to overload it with adult foods. Some products of the adult table are completely dangerous for the child, and I can cause serious digestive failures up to chronic diseases.

What should be included in the diet of a child from 1 to 5 years old?

  • From dairy products, kefi, yogurt, cottage cheese can be given daily. After three years old, children can be introduced into the diet of whole cow's milk. It is advisable to choose grocery lines developed specifically for children ("Agusha", "Tyoma", "Rastishka")

Products useful for children

  • It is better not to give sour cream and cream in its pure form, but you can use them in small quantities as a dressing for salads or cottage cheese
  • Cheeses, especially hard varieties can be given in a very limited quantity, preferably after three years
  • From meat you can give chicken, lean beef, rabbit. It is better to give meat in the form of minced meat and products from it: meatballs, cutlets, rolls
  • If you give boiled meat, check that there are no bone fragments in it, and the fibers are soft and well -welded
  • Fish should be given at least twice a week, only fillet, peeled from bones in boiled or stewed form
  • It is impossible to give fatty fish (salmon, salmon, halibus, sturgeon), it is categorically impossible to give caviar, since it is the strongest allergen
  • You can not give smoked and fried meat and fish, including sausages, chickens, carbodes and the like

Harmful products for children

  • Pork, lamb, ducks and geese should be excluded from the child’s diet. Boiled sausages and sausages can be given occasionally and only very high quality
  • Eggs can be given 2-3 times a week in the form of an omelet or boiled boiled
  • Be sure every day in the child’s diet, different cereals and bread in small quantities of rough grinding should be present
  • Sugar must be used very carefully. Until three years, they can slightly sweeten the drink. Honey and chocolate for children under three years old is contraindicated.
  • Preschool children should also use sweets in a limited number
  • It is advisable to exclude store desserts from the diet with a long shelf life and many unnatural food additives (rolls, cookies, croacans, cakes, and other confectionery)
  • As a dessert, you can give products specially designed for baby food by trusted manufacturers (“Heinz”, “Lyubatovo”, “Gerber”, “Bebi”, “HIPP”) and special products for children who are sold in pharmacies (hematogen, bars -MULLY, candy lines without sugar)

Useful products for children

  • Every day, there should be vegetables, legumes, fruits in any form: raw in salads and on a grater, as part of first and second dishes, compotes, cocktails, mashed potatoes should be present in the diet.
  • It is better to avoid exotic and feed only what grows in your region
  • Do not abuse the jelly, since they have high the content of starch, and nutrients, on the contrary, are less than in compotes and decoctions
  • To strengthen teeth, it is important to give the child “hard” products: crackers, apples and pears, carrots
  • The child should take the most high -calorie food for lunch. The most facilitated meal is before bedtime

Important for the health of the child products

How much should a child have?

Age Diet
1-2 years The daily amount of food is 1000-1400 g, of which 2/3 are in liquid form or in the form of mashed potatoes. The number of feedings per day is 5 times 200-280 g per appointment
3-4 years The daily amount of food is 1500-1800 g, the average norm is 1600 kcal per day. The number of feedings per day: breakfast, lunch, dinner - a full meal; Late breakfast and afternoon snack - a small snack
5-6 years The daily amount of food is 2000-2400 g, the calorie rate is 2200-2300 kcal. Number of meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and afternoon snack

Nutrition standards for childrenHow to understand that the child does not eat anything?

  • You can talk about the real malnutrition of the child when his appetite is reduced for several months. In this case, the balanced intake of the products that are vital for the full development of the child and the maintenance of immunity at the proper level is violated
  • Gradually, insufficient nutrition leads to reduced muscle mass, a decrease in immunity, frequent colds, increased fatigue, poor assessments and weak physical development. Ultimately, the lack of nutrition leads to very serious problems for the health of the child
  • Some parents believe that the main thing is to replenish the volume of food consumed, and allow the child to eat only by the fact that he is with pleasure, even if this food is harmful
  • Such conclusions are erroneous, since with a general deficiency of beneficial vitamins and trace elements, a body weight occurs, which only exacerbates the health of the child

Obesity with malnutrition of children

Why does the child eat badly? What to do?

  • In the absence of a strict regime, a child may often refuse to eat, since his body is not used to making a feeling of hunger, especially if the child is allowed to arrange a small snack with a cookie, apple or a pair of tablespoons of dad's plate at any time.
  • Make sure that you have the right ideas about how much your child should eat in one meal. Consult with a pediatrician about the calorie norm for your child's age
  • The cause of a prolonged decline in appetite may be protracted stress. If the family has a dysfunctional situation or in the recent past there were events that could injure the psyche of the child, contact a specialist to establish the exact causes
  • Often, children have a deferred reaction: at the time of the traumatic event, they look calm, but after a certain period of time (sometimes quite long) they begin to spare off for no apparent reason
  • A decrease in appetite can be caused by the presence of a hidden chronic disease. Contact the pediatrician to undergo a full examination and exclude the presence of a disease from the list of causes

What tests and examinations should be passed to clarify the cause of a decrease in appetite?

  1. Blood test for vitamin and mineral composition
  2. General test of blood and urine
  3. Calais analysis for eggs Golist and cysts of lamblia
  4. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
  5. FGS (fibrogastroscopy)
  6. Examination by a gastroenterologist, neurologist, psychologist and endocrinologist

Medical examination with a decrease in appetite in a child

How to increase your child's appetite?

If the examination by specialists has not revealed any deviations in the health and psyche of the child, it is necessary to independently take measures to return your child’s appetite.

  • Vegetables in the children's diet can be replaced with cereals, whole grains of bread and fruits
  • If the child refuses meat, fish, or certain vegetables, replace one species with another
  • The child may not like the consistency or features of the recipe for a certain dish. Try to cook something new of the usual products to interest it
  • Often children refuse products only because of their appearance, for example, boiled chicken yolk. It is important to reinforce the persuasion with your own example, to show how all members of your family love this product, including a cat. This technique works in most cases
  • Do not forget that children are large conservatives. In order for the child to agree to change his opinion about the product, it must be offered to try from 8 about 15 times
  • Prepare food with your child, this will increase the value of the dish in the eyes of the baby and cause a desire to try it

How to increase appetite in a child

  • The meal should give pleasure. Do not scold the child at the table, do not force him to eat by force - this can beat off the appetite even more
  • Invite the child a “false choice”: instead of the question “will you eat or not?” Ask "Will you be porridge, mashed potatoes or pasta?" This is a popular method among children's psychologists, which does not allow to abandon food completely
  • Have dinner, lunch and have breakfast with the whole family when there is an opportunity. The child will be very contagious for adults who are happy to chewing mother's cutlets
  • Do not let the child arrange small raids to the refrigerator in between basic meals. Spontaneous snacks beat off appetite
  • Do not allow your child to sit in front of the TV while eating. A big mistake when parents allow their children to do anything and sit in front of a plate for an hour until he eats everything.
  • Eating should last no more than 20 minutes, after which the food is removed from the table until the next reception
  • Active outdoor games, sports and walking in the fresh air significantly increase appetite. Plan the daily mode so that the child walks and actively moves before each meal

How to increase appetite in a child

Folk remedies used if the child has become less to eat

  • A decoction or compote of rosehip, black -brown mountain ash, sea buckthorn and barberry increase appetite well and are also very pleasant to taste, unlike drugs. You can give a child a mug of such a decoction in half an hour before each meal
  • Fresh (in winter - freshly frozen and previously thawed) garden berries: raspberries, currants, cherries, are rich in fruit acids that increase appetite. Half an hour before meals, give the child several berries
  • A small apple or carrot (one and the other can be together) 20-30 minutes before meals I will raise the appetite in the child
  • Tea made of mint or fennel, which improves digestion and metabolic processes, can be given in between food as drinking to improve appetite

Folk remedies to increase appetite in children

The advice of a pediatrician doctor

  • Do not force the child by force. Food is well absorbed if the child is really hungry
    Enjoy your child thoroughly chew food, and not swallow in a hurry
  • The first meal should be no earlier than 20-30 minutes after waking up, since the body needs time to “wake up”
  • Do not feed the child, if he is excited, overflowed with emotions, is too sad, or vice versa crowded with joy
  • It is better to give meat only at lunch
  • You can sometimes arrange fasting days and eat only vegetables and fruits
  • It is harmful to drinking food with water. It is better to drink water 20 minutes before eating or half an hour after it
  • Do not let your child be distracted while eating and monitor his posture at the table: improper planting compresses the digestive organs and makes it difficult to undergo food

Proper intake of the child's food

Drugs that increase appetite in children

  • Help to return appetite well homeopathic remediesthat only a specialist can appoint. The plus of homeopathic treatment is that the time is short in time of drugs usually gives a long effect. However, it is necessary to strictly observe the instructions of the doctor, since the accuracy of the dosage is very important in homeopathy
  • Elkar - The drug for the correction of metabolic processes, improves metabolism and digestibility of food. This drug is prescribed for children in the form of an additive to tea, compotes, juices. Up to three years, the drug is taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor
  • Creon - Normalizes the digestion process, is prescribed for children with a decrease in appetite and insufficient weight gain. Available in capsules. Small children who are unable to swallow the capsule are recommended to pour its contents into food or drink
  • Vitamin complexesproduced for children, contain a complete set of beneficial vitamins and trace elements necessary for the children's body and helping to increase appetite

Drugs for increasing appetite in children


Natural vitamins to increase appetite in children

  • Vitamin A In natural form, it is contained in carrots, eggs, milk, broccoli cabbage. With a deficiency of vitamin A, peeling appears on the skin, vision in the dark is reduced, infectious diseases often occur
  • B vitamins b Contained in meat, cereals, nuts. The lack of B vitamins in the body leads to a decrease in appetite, increased excitability, fatigue, chronic fatigue, and violations in the heart
  • Vitamin C Contained in almost all fruits, berries and in most vegetables. With a lack of vitamin C, a serious decrease in immunity is observed, bleeding gums may appear
  • Zinc, contained in meat, seafood, cereals, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Zinc deficiency leads to excessive weight, distraction, and a decrease in the ability to concentrate withdrawal
  • Magnesium It is important for energy generation and reducing glucose in the blood. In natural form, it is found in legumes, nuts and cereals. The lack of magnesium affects the processes of carbohydrate metabolism in the body
  • Vitamins and trace elements that are useful for increasing appetite contain prunes and dried apricots
  • Very rich prebiotics (products that improve digestion) bananas, beets, plum, zucchini and legumes

Video: The child became bad to eat. Help me to understand

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful tips! It was interesting to read. We also had problems with apptite ... I had to get confused, of course, I got out of food to make all kinds of “plots” -s in advance, steam locomotives, cars (which you won’t go for the sake of the child))).+They also added bio vitamins. Now we eat well, already without any drawings on a plate)

  2. A very interesting article. I have found the information necessary for myself

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