Fable "Dragonfly and Ant" a new way - alteration for adults


A selection of cheerful, original alterations of the fable to us from childhood “Dragonfly and Ant are options in a new way.

"Dragonfly and Ant" in a new way - for adults

Dragonfly and an ant in a new way - for adults
"Dragonfly and Ant" in a new way - for adults

"Dragonfly and Ant" in a new way - for adults:

Planning, dragonfly.
Summer is a hot shelter.
I didn't look at the weather
Like winter, snow in the eye.

What to do, mother!
After all, I freeze, do not give God.
Marked the road
Only snowdrifts in the way.

What should I do, what should I do?
Dragonfly, although beautiful,
But against the reprisal of negativity.
I managed to forget everything.

Hat, howl, all things,
But who cares.
I did not have time to look around
She came to the anthill.

The anthill was rich.
And the doors are almost closed.
It's not happy to be a foreigner here
Suddenly I saw a poster.

You will save, ants,
After all, I will freeze and die.
I am so chilly in the wind.
Her legs and hands are freezing,
For you, a butterfly Sopru.

Okay, come in, goat!
Her in response from the distant darkness,
Just do not touch anything
And not that spin the eyes!

No, what, I will not,
And she came in quietly.
The door slammed lightly,
He sees the aphids there in the excess!

I scored this one with a dope,
I got drunk yet, in the reserve.
And for this a stick in the eye,
I received it, yes, in kind.
For this, here is a trick.

Here is the moral of this fable:
Do not take someone else,
Though marvelous beauty.
Your song will be sung.
And you will get trouble!
Torn to the pins
Dragonfly features.
And they let on amlets
What would I know and you.
That's all her show -off ...

Esca one fable option:

Dragonfly dumping the summer of life pumped -
She slept sweetly, ate deliciously, at the same time drank.
Autumn came to visit her - Dragonfly is already 25!
You have to look around in life, it's time to choose a husband!
That years have passed as a dream, not her fault.

Having sorted out the heroes, she found an ant.
The ant was old, bald. Barely crawled, did not fly,
But, trading in the forest, he made capital.
He built a house in the clearing, bought a limousine for himself.
And, having a lot of money, he was in a lot of honor.

Well, and most importantly, it was idle! His wife died.
Having appreciated all this, having weighed, she went to the ant.
"How wise and beautiful!" Dragonfly told him.
“I lost peace, only I saw you!
I have lost my appetite, and I sleep badly at night.
After all, all thoughts about you! How I love you! "

There is no friendship with the head: old, that it is small - he is also stupid!
The eccentric believed the dragonfly, even though he was not stupid in business.
He believed that Staten, and was still beautiful ...,
Let it be too late, and not early, happiness finally came!

And our hero married! The noisy wedding was played.
The guests drank for a long time, ate, "Bitter!" The "young" shouted.
The moth at that young wedding liked ...,
They understood each other, and smiled at each other ...

The ant as before "plows", multiplying capital.
Dragonfly praises him. Says that he removed
Wise, successful in his affairs and is still strong in love!
And, strangely, a fool believes that, handsome like Apollo!

Dragonfly, one left, immediately calls the moth!
He knew how to love in love and always flies to the call!
And together, having indulged in love, the ants grow horns!
And the muddler believes in loyalty! .. And the spouse is the road! ..

Rich - old people! Be a little smarter!
If you live with a young, do not marry her!
Do not laugh a crowd, saying that you are loved,
That you are dear to your spouse and in love are invincible!
Everyone laughs behind the back! This is a bluff and your deception!
You are a laughing stock for everyone! You have fog in your head!
Not about the body, about the soul, you have to think for a long time!
And then you will not touch the cunning maiden in love game!

"Dragonfly and ant" a fable in a new way for a noisy company

Dragonfly and an ant fan in a new way for a noisy company
"Dragonfly and ant" a fable in a new way for a noisy company

"Dragonfly and ant" a fable in a new way for a noisy company:

Characters: Author, dragonfly, ant

Author: Dragonfly Summer Summer Summer sang,
She did not have time to look back, the winter rolls into the eyes.
The session is just around the corner, she came to the ant with gifts.

Dragonfly: Cute, glorious ant,
Help me soon!
I didn’t get used to the salons and did not touch the notes!

Ant: You have discos and cafes only on your mind!
I'm all right
Both in the test and in the notebook I have notes ....

Dragonfly: Hey Botanik! I'm a star!
Your destiny, sitting! And you don't treat me!
Everyone loves me on the course!
Teachers are also in the know ...
I will give the tests without problems
After all, my dad is a businessman!

Ant: Well, good luck I wish!

Dragonfly: Cao, I’ll be late for the haircut!

Author: The day of exams has come
Ant is all the same!
I sat behind the books,
Above the notes of Corpoles.
There is no dragonfly, but
Only the Internet is on the mind.
Digging in social networks,
Communicates with girlfriends!

Author: Ant-laborer personally
I handed over the session for "excellent"
According to the merits, the Dragonfly received "non-display"-two!

Ant: It was necessary not to be lazy!
I came to study in college once!

Author: And the moral here is such
You are always diligent!
Engage and study, but do not be lazy in pairs!

Dragonfly: The main thing is to write notes
They have tips and answers.
To the exam, if you go
You will disappear without notes!

Ant: So it is not for nothing that you study
And in the end, finally
From the student turned out
Certified special!

"Dragonfly and ant" in a new way - modern

Dragonfly and an ant in a new way - modern
"Dragonfly and ant" in a new way - modern

"Dragonfly and Ant" in a new way - modern:

On June day in a summer hot
Forgetting a vacation for a long time
Ophasu with gasoline and diesel fuel
First ant

Suddenly in a clearing near the river
He was stunned, raising his eyes
There is careless and lazy
Dragonfly was sleeping in the shade

Already September replaces summer
The rain is knocking out the window every other day
After getting a fufike somewhere
Rushing an ant home a log

And on a ferry across the river
In the shade of the umbrella, covering his eyes
To the theater or disco
Swims slowly a dragonfly

Winter damned is fierce
The sheepskin coat does not warm a horseradish
But the ant does not protest -
Rolls two logs in the snow

I got up to rest. It sighed hard.
And suddenly I saw in sables
Dashing three horses in the harness
They rush a dragonfly in their sleigh.

Where are you flying - tell a friend
Not knowing the essence of being?

For leisure
I'm going to the dinner.

Nice to drink a glass of tea
In a circle of talented people
I love the Bomond Spirit.
To ripen the origin of ideas ...

Taking the logs on the shoulders again
The ant answered her like this:
“You will see if there is Krylov there
Tell him that he is an asshole. "

Another option:
Is there an initial capital? Life becomes beautiful.
This question was raised even in old-old fables.
Dragonfly Dragonfly Summer Summer sang ...
And let's figure out how the case happened.

There are no means of existence, as well as happiness in a personal life?
Where to get a decent girl to work?
Maybe lay asphalt? Trolleybus as a driver?
Or cut sausage to arrogant consumers?

Maybe run around the hospital with a "duck" in your hands?
Or maybe the delivery of pizza?
You can weave braids in the city barrel to weave brabs,
Only the income level is lower than requests.

If he rings in his pocket, then the sea is knee -deep.
And she chose the way ... in the show! On a large stage!
Take the dough, like waste paper,
We must find a sponsor in the Ministry of Culture.

Senior, dad Muravyov, forty years old in offices.
He perfectly mastered a bribe -gap secret.
In the ministry, both the son, and the nephew and the brother.
They drag everything home to the family. Real anthill!

After a long red tape, after all kinds of armored.
A dragonfly hour was appointed.

And the talent existed. I touched the soul with a stump,
But unlucky. I got to the soulless bureaucrat.
The official fell apart in the chair, his gaze crawled down the body:
-Ah, did you sing? This business! And now the spray is striptease!

Dragonfoot was indignant, they say, go to Volochkova.
But the official looked very strictly and severely.
And the clothes flew off the shoulders, the gap gave shyness.
The fan was inflated by the vegetation ...
Muravyov flared up, extended his hand from his pocket:
There is no striptease - there are no finances, here at least sing, but at least dance ...

The girl made her own very good life.
In "Microphone" sweat is magical and dances on the table ...
What is the moral of this fairy tale? Answer quickly!
“There is no better work in the world than a simple minister!

Basnya "Dragonfly and Ant" in a new way - Armenian, Caucasian alteration

Basney Dragonfly and Ant in a new way - Armenian, Caucasian alteration
Basnya "Dragonfly and Ant" in a new way - Armenian, Caucasian alteration

The fable "Dragonfly and the ant" in a new way - Armenian,caucasian Alteration:

Straggy Straps,
Abnodelia eyes.
Tselius Lata pushed pushing
Vodka Zhel, Drigg, Nagami,
And they will work on Ne Hatel!
Patama and not a salvo!
And Murash Squads Bil,
In the yurt, he is in the bags of Nasil -
Tea, Uryuk, Kish-Mishch, Hurma ...
Gatavali for winter
And the dragonflies over him is laughter,
Sitting Zhel, Nagoy Battal!
Do you laugh?
Warm Murash to him,
Soon it flies from Neada,
Where is Patam sitting?
Strekaza "Ha ha" Zapel,
He grazed and flew away into the distance.
Soon with NEB Vada Pashol
Strakaza to Murash Prushol
Wah! Salyam! Maroz in the step!
Take the mines to yourself.
And Paka on the yard of the khan
I will be Tiba Live.
And Murash Anashka Pykh,
-I thought I -Kutyu?
For a cake spat with a table?
Thinking so stupid ??!
Club Summer Suggled,
Zhel Arak, Nagami Drigal,
Sa did not build me,
Kel Atsuda! Sandoteny sing!
There is truth in this fable,
If you want fkkoo
Latam Nada work,
And in the winter the Naga Blit!

The fable "Dragonfly and ant" in a new way - alteration of instructive

Dragonfly fable and ant in a new way - remake instructive
The fable "Dragonfly and ant" in a new way - alteration of instructive

The fable "Dragonfly and the ant" in a new way - the alteration is instructive:

Author:Dragonfly jump
The whole movie watched the evening
I did not have time to look back-
Eyes are closed.
On a comfortable on the crib
Dog Dream Dreaming Sweet,
As if all her notebooks
In the perfect order.
You have to wake up in the morning,
Go to school again.
Evil longing is dejected,
She crawls to the ant.

Dragonfly: Do not leave me, cute kum,
I have no strength to study.
In general, I want to say:
Let me write off your home.

Ant: Kumushka, this is strange for me.
Well, tell me a secret
What were you doing yesterday?

Dragonfly: Rested until the morning!
I walked on the street
She sang at home and danced,
I managed to play again
Lieuted and ate,
I looked at the "Yeralash" ...
Do you write off when you give me?
Or do you feel sorry for your notebooks?

Ant: Well, you, Dragonfly, impudent!

Dragonfly: I know, grandfather Krylov
He loves ants.
We, poor dragonzees,
He does not count for people.
Dragonies Ile Dragon-Wr.
How rightly they say?

Ant: Yes, I was big lucky
That I did not become a dragonfly.
Get an education
It is impossible without an old!

Author: The moral of this fable you are a mustache:
Learn, if you were not a dragonfly!

Another option:

Vertikhvost Dragonfly
The whole season of garbage suffered
Mars-Brush on the cinema halls,
Red eyes.
All the nights are awesome
Until the morning Mojito in the club -
I could become a YouTube star
With the dance naked on the table.
Only the crisis is wave
I flew with renewed vigor
I lowered all the funds into the pipe -
All. Lafe came the khan.
Breakfast is a miserable doshirak,
For lunch - about breakfast thought
Dinner - hands were somewhat hanging
And weaves somehow.
To take a loan is a simple step.
True, this will not help
Let a fool, only
Not so much that like this.
Cursing your life
Together with the crisis in Europe,
That he slapped on her pope,
She galloped to the ant.
In the trash, the tired ant -
The turner of the fifth category,
Dragonfly looked around
From under the shifted eyebrows.
"What the hell? What did you rush? "
That in response: “Oh, my life,
There was no spear left.
Land a little money. ”
“Interesting things.
You look what the topic -
I can solve your problems
Having borrowed a dough for you?
No friend. Will not work.
Here the dragonflies were fucked up.
You take care of the panel
The most ancient of the works. "
Conclusion: laziness is the reason for evil.
Who did not become a millionaire
Spend the money, knowing the measure.
There will be a whole ass.

The converted fable "Dragonfly and Ant" for adults is short

The converted fable of dragonfly and an ant for adults is short
The converted fable "Dragonfly and Ant" for adults is short

The converted fable "Dragonfly and Ant" for adults is short:

Dragonfly jump
Summer red walked
Everything rode, but fluttered.
Let's just say: I didn’t miss it.
I sat at the computer
I watched the films in TV
Everything was digging in the phone,
Yes, I rolled on the videos.
Very close, next to her
The Musa teacher lived
In the summer he was playing sports,
I tried to read many books.
Dragonfly laughed at him
And literally mocked:
“Throw all this science,
Let's run to the disco
In the summer you need to rest,
And not to dry with the book. ”
Summer quickly flew by
Autumn is already rolling into the eyes.
And confidently and boldly
Dragonfly flies into the classroom.
School rang the call,
The ant is led by a lesson:
“Tell us all in the classroom,
What do you know about Kuzbass? ”
“This cinema is like that
The film goes there good
I sat on it in 3D
And she looked in all eyes. ”
(In horror, our ant
He blushed already to the eyebrows).
“Answer without delay
We are a multiplying table.
Two by two?"
"I do not remember."
“Five five”.
“I don't know, I'm your questions
I do not understand well".
And with a prayer dragonfly
The ant looks into the eyes:
“Help me, my dear kum,
Let you get together with force
Teach what is trained
Give me a bunch of brains. ”
“Kumushka, it's strange for me
Have you repeated in the summer? ”
“Before that, darling, it was
In the summer camps we have
Songs, dancing every hour.
So that the head turned over.
And I spun the novel
I forgot everything in the world. ”
“And so you ...” - “I am without a soul
Summer red sang everything ... ”
“Did you sing everything? This business:
I put two - go dance! ”
Morality is such fables of our
And each student will understand her:
Who is dancing carefully in the summer,
He usually pours tears in the fall.

Another option:

Once, the Deputy Prime Minister in the Socialist, popularly, accidentally, walked,
And the ants are a little, the ears of the wheat that threshed, the lady met.
"And you, Muravushka, to pick up the virus, what are you not afraid of?" - she asked.
"No I'm not afraid! - answered the ant. “My strength is hidden in my work!”
“Then, Muravushka, I should remind you the order of the donkey:
At home, you must sit, like your business!
I have to, dear, I will call a guard with the police,
To punish you for a couple of million rubles! "
“You, Dragonfly, in your mind? How can I postpone my business for a month?
Who is large, the bread will feed then then? "
“Yes, this is not a problem! Hot baguettes, I personally deliver me a plane from France!
“Well, you, the unfortunate ant, are a fine to pay anyway!
Look, what the arrogance has gained! Orders of wise donkey does not want to fulfill!
No, dear friend! For this impudence, you will have to be approximately punished! "
Here the dragonfly iPhone 11 Pro Max took out of the handbag,
And the guard with the police called for the crime scene.
Police and the guard, in the place of crime, were faster than the ambulance, appeared,
They honored such an important lady and bowed low into the belt.
“Here, an ant, - what an impudent! He does not want to execute the wise donkey!
I think ... No, I'm sure that he needs to be punished for three or four years! ”
And the ants grabbed, and the bread that threshed, all trampled,
They twisted their hands, put on handcuffs and pushed into a black car ....
Muravushka was outraged "Div, or what did they go?"
He was not listened to, they brought him to court, and there were awarded for three years ....
And the dragonfly, dancing and singing, continued the path among the people,
And soon, the other ant - I met the worker ....

Such dragonflies are ready to crush anyone,
Only only, to the lips to the beloved, at least somehow please ....

Another option is the redone fable of Krylov for those who are 18 years old

Dragonfly jump
Summer in taverns sang.
I did not have time to look around
How in July "flew"
From some "goat".
And she had to with her stomach
Leave a brothel.
There is no money, work too
And no one will help her.
What should she do?
How can she be?
Where can she get the money?
Only one she could
Helped in that **** a.
Only now with the stomach
Nothing shines to her ...
Evil longing is dejected
She crawls to the ant.

The ant tells her:
“Right at least a hundred children,
You became indifferent to me!
Go away, live publicly.
I loved you for a long time
And now I don't care! "

In the early morning, Dragonfly,
After rubbing his eyes
In the clean field by the stream,
I met an ant.
Combing his bangs,
The ant
I do not pus and do not sow
But then I have everything.
Although I am a dragonfly
But I am steaming freely,
I will get what I wish
For beautiful eyes.

Well, you come out stupid!
Pulling up your tights,
On Instagram, fingering pictures,
I flew to the fashion club.

We went on weeks, day after day,
The ant built a house,
And the farm got out,
(all day worked in it).

Dragonfly sits alone -
She became the old
And I will tell the guys honestly
No one is interesting!

"Dragonfly and ant" for adults - a converted fable

Dragonfly and ant for adults - converted fable
"Dragonfly and ant" for adults - a converted fable

"Dragonfly and Ant" for adults - a converted fable:

Somehow summer, after a long thorough,
Ant walked home
It was already in the evening ...

He walked cheerfully, singing to himself simple,
Yes, even thinking, where will you clash to the wait?
After all, the house is far away
It would not be in time to sunset, and it would be nice
At least someone ... hug!

Suddenly, as if from nowhere,
The house sees a house by the road. AND!
Oh miracle! Dragonfly…! The mistress in him!

The ant has forgotten fatigue to the house quickly ran up,
Climbing into the rubble, he knocked quietly in the window.
All filled with impatience, already trembles with his whole body,
Here was heard, like a singing, a door tickle, a faint ringing.

The door opened with loops creaking,
Dragonfly from the porch is coming,
And grabbing an ant in an armful,
Caution, leads to the house.

At the window, in the light of the lamp,
The table is covered - as I waited,
Vodka, lard, there, hiccups,
For tea - bagels, halva ...
At the wall, the table is opposite -
The double bed is worth
Covering to the floor by dropping,
Dragonfly is already sitting in it ...

Ant ate a little
The stamp of vodka sipped,
And a little drunk gait
I gently rolled to the lady.

You, male, let me
I undress you slightly
Feel free, why do you need a sheet?
I don't need it yet!

Without waiting for permission,
He hugged the beauty with agility and reduced,
He took off her skirt instantly.

The skirt flew to the floor,
Following a blouse, cowardly,
How do you want, cancer?
Or are you from above, on me?

And behind this conversation,
After everything is forgetting
Legs of this lovely Virgin
He hoisted on his shoulders,
And, your scepter sovereign, in Nen!
What was the strength, plunged!

Like a boat on the water,
Dragonfly in ecstasy howled, spun on the saddle
Do not rush, do mercy,
Ah ... how good ... how sweet to me!

The ant does not heed the word
Like a ram in gates rushing,
Climbing her hips
Everything works, works ...

The morning has come-
Outside the window, the dawn rises,
Dragonfly washed in the pelvis,

The ant is calling for the table.
On the table - snacks, vodka,
The samovar is in full swing,
Know, I liked the cocoon,
If the table is so noble!

The ant is getting tired of
After all, I did not rest at all
UV ... how did you exhaust me,
I obviously too went too much - albeit a kind snack,
And to know the vodka, the deprivation of sagged!

He raised his eyes to the dragonfly,
She is in a robe lace
How incredible LCD!
I stay! This is now my house!
There will be without me there
There are doh-i like me,
But there will be a dragonfly, where will there be
To be like yesterday?

And leaving thought
The ant to the table creeps
Splash a stack to me a fairy,
My disease will pass!
Again give ourselves to the pleasure,
I am glad to please you
Substitute you rather
I have my own round, sweet ass!

And now, again, our bacchan
With ants weaved in a ball,
Only squires in a pelvis,
Between the legs lined up.
Breasts like a jelly on a dish,
Sway to them to the beat,
Nipples stick out - piles of piles,
Yes, it sparkles a bare ass!

Again, the day is already running out
There is no road to the ant
He is visiting a comfortable house, he’s affection, and hello.
Everything that the darling pleases
Just know for yourself, love.

Merry alteration for adults - fable "Dragonfly and ant"

Merry alteration for adults - Dragonfly's fable and ant
Merry alteration for adults - fable "Dragonfly and ant"

Merry alteration for adults - the fable "Dragonfly and the ant":


  • Ant
  • Dragonfly
  • Dragonfly-gaps
  • Narrator

In the foreground on the left is a high anthill, on the right is high grass and flowers. In the background, the blooming meadow.

In the meadow between two fields
Under the spreading sowing
In the anthill high
Lived a hard worker.

Ant comes out of the grass, dragging a thick caterpillar, and slowly moves to the anthill.

Then pull ... otherwise I push ...
But what a fat!

Playing laughing dragonflies fly over ants several times.

Something painfully heavy!

The ant stops resting in the middle of the scene. A dragonfly settles next to it.

Dragonfly (frivolously):
Throw her and all things!

The dragonfly breaks the sheet and covers the ants of the ant.

You, I see, got tired.
On now, put on from the heat!
Than to mess around all day,
It would be better to have fun with us!

What about work?

Dragonfly (carefree):

Ant (condemning):
No, this will not work!
Who wants to be full in winter
He is talking about this since spring.

The ant again takes its caterpillar and drags into an anthill. A flock of giggling dragonflies flies by. The dragonfly flies with them.

Dragonfly jump
Summer red sang;
I did not have time to look around
How winter rolls into the eyes.

The howl of the wind is heard. The narrator changes summer scenery to winter.

The purely field was dead;
There are no days of those bright ones,
Like under her every sheet
There was a table and a house.
Everything has passed: with the winter of cold
Need, hunger comes;
Dragonfly does not sing:
And who will go to the mind
To sing hungry on the stomach!
Evil longing is dejected,
She crawls to the ant.

The dragonfly, wrapping himself in a dry leaf, slowly wanders to the anthill and knocks. The ant peeps out.

Dragonfly (plaintively):
Do not leave me, kum sweet!
Let you get together with force
And only days only days
Feed and warm up!

Kumushka, this is strange for me:
Did you work in the summer?

Dragonfly (enthusiastically):
In soft ants we have
Songs, abuse every hour,
So that the head turned over.

Ant (condemning):
Ah, so you ...

I am without a soul
Summer Square everything.

Did you sing everything? This business:
So go, dance!

Another option for converted fables:


  • Ants - 3 participants
  • Dragonfly - 4 participants
  • Blizzard - 2 participants
  • Storyteller - 1 participant

-Pupport Dragonfly Summer Summer sang ...

Ants come to the music. Digging the ground, sown, watered, chopping firewood, folding.
Dragonfly output. Dance.

- I did not have time to look around
How winter rolls into the eyes.
The field was faded purely
There are no days of those bright ones,
Like under her every sheet
There was a table and a house.

Dance of blizzards. Dragonflies are clinging to each other.

1st dragonfly: Everything has passed, with the winter of cold
Need, hunger comes
Dragonfly does not sing
2nd Dragonfly: And who will go to the mind
To sing hungry on the stomach!
3rd Dragonfly: Evil longing is dejected,
She crawls to the ant.
All: Do not leave me, cute kum!
Let you get together with force
And only days only days
Feed and warm up!

Ant: Kumushka, this is strange for me:
Did you work in the summer?

Dragonfly: Before that, darling, was it?
In soft ants we have -
Songs, abuse every hour,
So that the head turned over.

Ant: And so you ...

Dragonfly: I sang the whole without a soul.

Ant: Did you sing everything? This business:
So go, dance!

Dragonfly song. One performs a song, others dance a farewell dance

Ant: What will you do with her?
Tea, I, brother, not a villain.

We will show mercy
Let us go into the hut for zeal!

Final dance. Ants are sitting, doing business. Dragonflies prepare dinner and serve.

All: What are the works - these are the fruits.
What is the employee - this is the payment to him.
As you stop, and we dug
He knew how to make a mistake, know how to get better.
A small thing is better than a big idleness.
You can’t live without difficulty.
Where the work is, there is densely, and in the lazy house it is empty.
Who does not work shall not eat.
You will work to sweat, so you sing on hunting

Original alteration for adults - fable "Dragonfly and ant"

Original alteration for adults - Dragonfly's fable and ant
Original alteration for adults - fable "Dragonfly and ant"

Original alteration for adults - the fable "Dragonfly and ant":

At the end of summer, on a raw cane
Dragonfly danced, taking off her shoes from his legs.
Ants are sullen, the slave is long tired
It scratches his back of his head, dissatisfied with Alla.
- Summer sang and sits laughs
Quietly drip rain, but she is silent.
Soon cold again - spin a snowstorm
And she will bother with a smile under the spruce.

- Do not look gloomy, a friend of an arthropod!
You don’t want to dance yourself - get away from the road.
Can't you see - my legs are barefoot
I need to warm the boots for the winter,
Handbag and fur coat to wrap the tail,
Dress ... This is important what I will come to visit!
Do not forget to prepare a barrel ...
And perhaps I will tie your socks!

The ant is grumbling, it looks only strict
He looks with love at bare feet
Big, full of fire
And in the shower dreams - choose me!
Not for the fact that I will buy you a fur coat,
Nectar's reserve, sewls sew
Just. As a loved one, love me
In pure bliss, the monastery will take you away.

- I know such a pure none of the monastery!
Do you want to bring the communal house to the house?
The queue is in the toilet, drunks-neighbor ...
Better on Tahiti we will leave!
I don't need a fur coat there, you don't need boots,
We will wash my bare legs in the ocean,
Dance on the beach, eat avocado,
Admire together a frantic sunset ...

- House communal, but with a separate entrance
I can't part with my people!
An ant eggs will not leave for anything
Although very amorous -but in the soul is good!
So said Murashik and sighed dullly
Usykom touched Taurus with his sweet
Drowned in endless velvet eyes
And only said from the kiss - ah ..
And when I woke up, the darkness sank down
The stars flared up, the heart often beat
He came into the closet, silently sat on the bunk
He pulled the aphid by the udder and left ... in a drinking.

- Here! Knowed up! Is it too late?
Two more weeks - and still freeze!
I’ll knock, perhaps, to the house on the edge of the edge ...
Even the aphid will have to scratch behind the ear.

He believes and does not believe ... outside the window badly ...
And in the open door hides the eyes of happiness.

Musical variation of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant" in a new way

Musical variation of the fable
Musical variation of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant" in a new way

Musical variation of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant" in a new way:

Song for the motive of the song Meladze "Actress":

She was an actress
And every day frantically
She played a role and sang like a star.
And not far off an ant
Thinks about her with anxiety
And he watches her whole fate.

Ant - on the motive "black -eyed Cossack":

Wait, my friend,
So soon the blizzard will conquer.
I'll see how you will sing
Where can you find a refuge?
Where, where can you sit down?
What will you find then eat?

Scared me, oh-oh,
There will be everything, like in the spring.

Choir to the Motive "Last Battle":

Both the dragonfly and the dragonfly did not rest.
She was just not up to rest in the spring.
She danced, sang everything and danced.
And now, finally, goes home.

Dragonfly on the motive "call me ugly":

I am now forgotten and abandoned.
Like grass, that snow is zealous.
Oh, I returned to you, Muraveushka,
You let go, warm and forgive me.

Ant-on the motive "Gop-Stop:

GOP, stop, forgiveness better not ask.
GOP, stop, and do not vote to the moon.
Now make excuses late.
You sang all summer
You didn't want to see me
I didn't even call - 2 times
So now go and dance.

Choir to the motive "train" Apina:

In the city autumn, and rain, and slush,
Well, how can I not cry, how can I not cry?
How are the tears of eyelashes are not dripped
Into darkness?

You said everything - 2 times
Then at the station, there at the station ...

I realized, realized everything, I'm sorry.

Well, something, cry at the threshold,
Life was shared by the railway.
Strange star is green
It’s too late to beg, dear spouse,
I already have another friend.
We are very loved with her
Each other
Tears are not lei, everything will pass in the spring.

It turns out, girlfriend.

Dragonfly - to the motive "Madame Broshkin":

What did you pose for?
On the heart with an ice cream,
On the kudly white, painted
Under the scarf.
She is such, dull, no ...
Well, what did you find in it?
And I am like this, all such a muffled,
And my train did not leave.

I foresaw everything in the spring, spring.
And I signed up for school.
Take both to sing and dance
To the fourth grade me.
And if I, beauty, is such
I want to eat
Then there is a dining room for everyone, for everyone
The same school has
She is such, dull, all like that.
And there are a lot in everything, everything.
And everything is baked, so sweet.
Try to eat it.

Ant - on the motive "Wizard is an arrears":

You, Dragonfly, always
I would eat yes
If only not to study.
Well, where is it good?

I became different
You, my ant.
Believe me now.
I am now a schoolgirl.

Choir to the motive "Teach at school":

Write letters to write
A thin feather in a notebook
Teach at school - 3 times.
Subtract and multiply,
Do not offend kids, 2 times
Teach at school - 3 times.

I was disgraced and silent.
I also want to go to school.
Oh, forgive me, forgive me, I'm sorry.
Writing letters to write different
Subtract and multiply 2 times
Teach me, I ask, teach you.

Dragonfly for the motive "Natasha":

Do not tear your shirt on your chest,
Changed, not Krivi so in my soul.
Go away and love your bug.
I will manage somehow without your love-2 times.

Choir - on the Motive "Autumn" DDT:

Here is the end of this fable.
Try to think about winter in the summer.
Dragonfly sits at school and is studying now.
Business before pleasure. 2 times

The fable "Dragonfly and the ant" for adults - alteration for a family celebration

Basney Dragonfly and an ant for adults - alteration for a family celebration
The fable "Dragonfly and the ant" for adults - alteration for a family celebration

The fable "Dragonfly and the ant" for adults - alteration for the family celebration:

  • ANT
  • Butterflies
  • Hares

Author: We start our performance -
"Dragonfly and ant."
We invite the fable to the tale
All: both adults and children.
I once composed it
Good grandfather Krylov.
And today we guys
Recall this fable again.

In the foreground of the scene, an ant appears.

Ant: I am an ant
Hello everyone, hello!
There is no creature in the world!
I collected all the animals
I gave everyone a job.
In the midst of summer -
Hunting everyone is walking.
But we must remember
Not only about fun,
We will build a house - and there will be a housewarming!

Author: Fun - then,
First we build a house.
Fun - then,
First we build a house!

The ant taps with a hammer, depicting the builder. In the foreground, the scenes appear, dancing butterflies, in the hands of buckets and shoulder blades.

Butterfly: How wonderful our summer!
The bright sun is warm.
We will have fun flutter
And to choose pollen from flowers.

Author: Bees, animals and birds work.
But it’s not good to live in a different way!

A dragonfly rolled into a bright outfit appears.

Beauty butterflies,
What are you flying here?

We collect pollen,
We will weld the glue from it.
Animals build a new house,
They will live in it in it.

You are in a hurry in vain
How warm in the forest, fine!
I don't need a house in the summer,
I will build a house later.
What a beauty!
Flowers, leaves, herbs!
In trees and bushes -
All renewal, all fun.
I dream about
So that the fly does not end.
Every bush is for me - a house,
And I want to laugh.
Hi-hee, ha ha!
Cares - nonsense!
Ha ha, hee-hee!
Only eccentrics work!

Dragonfly laughs and flies away. Hares come to the forefront of the stage. A dragonfly appears on the stage again.

Well, why were you knocking?
All the raven was scared.

Animals build a new house,
They will live in it in it.

They found ourselves the care
In the summer, build a winter house.
I don't want to work now
I'll build a house later!
(Flies away, singing.)
Hi-hee, ha ha!
Cares - nonsense!

Bears appear on the stage. They drag logs. A dragonfly flies onto the stage.

Are they not tired?
How many logs they dragged!

The Bears:
Bear love to work hard
We are not happy to be lazy!

I don't need a house in the summer,
I will build a house later.
(Flies away, singing.)
Ha ha, hee-hee!
Only eccentrics work!

The animals put the house.

Finally our house is ready,
In it we will heal together!
(Beasts enter the house.

Summer money flew by quickly,
Yellow leaves flew to the ground.
Yellow leaves flew to the ground.
The rain is frequent, the wind blows,
In the yard is bad weather, oh, how cold it is!
In the yard is badly, gets colder!

An ant goes to the forefront and begins to knead the dough for the pie.

I bake a lot of goodies
For their friends, animals,
After all, today is a housewarming line,
So the holiday and fun.

All: Fun, fun,
We have fun in the forest.
Fun, fun,
We have fun in the forest!

Dragonfly appears. Trembling from the cold.

Oh, how cold it is around!
(Looks around.)
So happiness is a new house!
(Suitable for ant.)
Hello, good ant
Are you waiting for guests today?
Pity me, cute kum,
Feed and warm up.

Ant: (Strictly)
In the summer, all the beast worked
You only had fun.
Summer has a whole sang,
And I didn't want to work.

I sang everything and walked
Even a little tired.

Clutched from the heart,
Now go, dance!

Oh, my trouble came!
Oh, in winter I will perish (crying).

All: In the summer, all the beast worked
You only had fun ...

Please excuse you
Let me go to the new house.
I will drown the stove,
I will wear water.
I understood everything, friends,
I can’t live without you!

Maybe we should forgive it?
Let me go into the house and treat?
After all, everyone has a holiday today!

Do you think a prankster?

I think to forgive her
And invite to the holiday!

All participants in the performance are built in a semicircle.

1. Everything children love fairy tales,
Magic good world,
2. Khority denouement,
At the end - a cheerful feast.
3. We are our representation
We are not in a hurry
4. And all for refreshments
Today we will invite.

Fairy tale, fairy tale, ah, what a charm!
A fairy tale, a fairy tale is our life.
In the fairy tale, the sun, rain and leaves rustle.
Take a part with her.

Dragonfly and Ant fable for adults-for entertainment

Basnya-transference dragonfly and an ant for adults-mini-scene
Dragonfly and Ant fable for adults-for entertainment

Dragonfly and ant fan-transfers for adults-for entertainment:

There are many fables in the world, even children know it.
The fables I really love the word every catch.
But I love one more strongly, in the memory of EN cherry.
The fable is, known at least not very flattering.
But what's the matter, the topic suddenly hit me.
And I decided in response to write another plot.
What will happen? Don't know. Well friends, I'm starting.

Once upon a time on the edge of the edge, in a small forest hut,
Where a stream flowed, a dragonfly and an ant.
They lived so -so, not very. Dragonfly bothers all day,
Either the house, then in the forest is looking for pure dew.
Then in the morning flipping into the meadow, surrounded by friends,
Will collect from the flowers nectar, by nature a generous gift.
And he carries him home to snow in the winter,
Do not starve with ants, and wait for frosts.

Well, what about the ant? He was a noble prochinde,
And he is a jubble and a mot, in general, a complete discovery.
Day-day, he lies on a leaflet under a rakita,
He does not want to do anything, but how the old grandfather grumbled.
But one fine day, when the sun disappeared into the shadow,
Dragonfly, returning from the field, says to him: “How long?
You will lie all day, “beat the bucks” and grumble.
Rise you your ass, and go to the next garden,
Gather more berries to have enough for a year.
The ant has already jumped, with his paws, as he rolled up.
“What are you, what are you, God with you, you do not see me sick.
I have radiculitis, and gout, and bronchitis.
You, my dear, be controlled without me. ”
Dragonfly said nothing, raising his eyes to heaven.
I flew back in the field to work out.

But once flying, between swamp bumps,
Closing, the dragonfly broke the stocking.
From annoyance, all in tears to the house returned a dragonfly.
She rushed to her husband, asking him as a friend:
“Listen, dear Ant, give me a few rubles.
I need to buy stockings, otherwise there is nothing to wear. ”
The ant in her response: “Maybe I will give it, or maybe not.
I remember, in the last year, you bought it kind of,
And stockings, and socks, and two silk scarf.
So what else do you want? You fool me,
You flood holes in them, and fly for another five years. ”
Dragonfly got angry, stomped with the foot,
And from the house the ants was driven by a broom,
With the words: “I'm tired! Life with you got me.
Leave out of sight, my hubby is dear! "
Our ant very proud shows that he is grated kalach.
“Get out! Oh, let it be! I have no sadness at all.
I’ll go to my friends, and I will find a shelter from them. ”
He runs to the mahaon (such a butterfly),
In the meadows and in the fields, it flies all day.
And he lives under a snag and is a terrible miser.
An ant knocks on the door: “Open a friend soon!
You really need you now! ” Mahaon: “I'm a cold.
Do not open the door to you, go away soon! ”

Stopping in front of the door, the ant wandered into the village.
There in a small hut, behind the stove old,
His friend lived his good. "I'm sure he will help"-
The ant did so reason, and slipped under the door.
And then running behind the stove, grabbing a candle with him.
And behind the stem, the cricket tuned a bow.
Ant to him: “Hello! I have not seen you a hundred years
And I looked at you for the old friendship for lunch.
And such a thing, my dragonfly fooled.
I drove me out of the house, and from now on I am homeless.
You would have sheltered me, well, at least for three days. ”
"Yes, things!" - said the cricket and set up his bow.
"I feel sorry for you. But to be honest, it’s closely behind the stove.
I will have to apologize, and with you, friend, say goodbye.
You don’t be angry at me, there will be time, visit. ”

Saying goodbye to the cricket, the ant left the house.
And he went to the neighbor, the caterpillar that she lived on a branch.
And in the midst of the brethren of the garden wind, it was known.
He climbed into the branch, says: “Hello, neighbor.
How do you live, how are you, and what do you dream about now?
Remember how kissed you together in the rain? "
“Well, I remember!” Says. “Until now, the back hurts.
After all, then I was blown up, my back pouted to me by the wind.
Well, why did you now look at such a late hour? "
The ant was barely embarrassed, but in the face did not change.
I scratched my back of my head, thought a little and said:
“The fact is that my wife and I parted,
And I want to live with you, my soul. How good you are. "
Having gripped the acidic grimace, she answers immediately:
“Yes, once I loved, but for a long time it was.
I will give advice to you simple, turn home.
Gently kiss your wife, and admit your guilt.
After all, in winter you will disappear, get sick and die.

Here is such an bad luck. Our ant is almost crying
With a drooping head, slowly wandered home.
He knocked quietly at the door, opened and made his way into the house.
“You're my wife forgive me and go home.
I will not forget your lesson, I will help you. ”
Dragonfly grinned, narrowing his round eyes.
“Sit well, eat and listen to me now.
If I suddenly hear your refusal at least once,
Help me, then I will drive out forever,
You will live alone in the forest, and winter is on your nose. ”

Morality, this fable, is obvious. So that it was not offended
For yourself and for friends, do not live like an ant.
If you want to live beautifully, eat tasty and sleep sweetly,
Then in your whole wife, your beloved, you must help.

Another interesting option for fables-transfers:

Lived - there was a dragonfly,
Slender camp, black eyes.
She knew how to dance,
But I didn't want to work.

Her thoughts, day and night -
Who can help her?
While youth is going on
Who will take his budget?

I began to choose the strap
Grooms to sort out.
Maybe she can become May?
And circle with the beetle, flutter.

But again, unprofiting
There is no car, there is no cottage.
The beetle has no stocks.
The duet is not suitable with him.

Dragonfly saddened
Veas wet from tears ...
And to the meeting, ant,
Do not dare to cry a shower.

Give you I will reassure
I'll take it to my chambers
I will feed and drink,
I'll put it in the mansions.

Labor is not needed from you
I myself can work.
You live without worries
Not at the expense of my mouth.

I want you to sing to me
To flatterly, she knew how to flatter.
And danced in the evenings.
So that the union is between us.

The dragonfly began to live with him,
It is tasty to eat sweetly ...
Although I'm not Krylov at all
This fable is total.

Video: “Dragonfly and Ant” - an old fable in a new way

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