Fables for children - a selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Fables for children - a selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren

A large collection of instructive fables for children.

Fables for children - a selection of friendship

Fables for children - a selection of friendship
Fables for children - a selection of friendship

Fables for children - a selection of friendship:

Dog friendship

At the kitchen under the window
In the sun, Polkan and Barbos, lying, warmed up.
At least at the gate in front of the yard
It was more decent to guard the house for them;
But how did they come -
And polite dogs, moreover
They do not bark at anyone during the day -
So they have started to reason together
About all sorts of things: about their dog service,
About worse, about good and, finally, about friendship.

“What can,” says Polkan, “is more pleasant to be
How to live with a friend to a heart;
Provide a mutual service in everything;
Do not drink without a friend and do not eat,
Stand with a mountain for friendly wool,
And finally, look into each other's eyes,
To only improve a happy hour,
Is it possible for a friend than to amuse, to amuse
And in friendship, we will put all our bliss happiness!
Now, if B, for example, with you with you
Such friendship started up:
I'll tell you boldly
We would not see how time would fly ",

“And what is it! -
Barbos is responsible for him. -
For a long time, Polkanushka, it hurts me myself.
What, formerly one yard with you dogs,
We will not live a day without a fight;
And from what? Thanks to the gentlemen:
Neither hungry nor cramped to us!
Moreover, right, ashamed:
The dog of the friend is an example from ancient days,
And friendship between dogs, as if between people,
Almost at all is not visible. ” -

“We will show an example in it in our times! -
Cried Polkan, - Give me a paw! " - "There she is!"
And new friends, well, hug
Well kiss;
They do not know with joy, to whom to equate:
"Orest is my!" - "My pilac!" Away of swary, envy, anger!
Then the cook at the misfortune from the kitchen threw the bone.
Here are new friends to make an attitude:
Where did both advice and go?
My Orestes are gnawing with Pilad, -
As soon as shreds go up:
The violence, finally, were poured with water.
The light is full of friendship.

You cannot say about current friends, not sin,
That in friendship they are all hardly not the same:
It seems that they have one soul, - it seems -
And just throw them a bone, so your dogs!

Children's fable about friendship

Once the animals gathered in the forest,
They sit, decide what friendship is.
- I think that a formidable weapon,-
The bunny said, glancing at the fox.
“Weapons are flattery,” the fox told him,
And friendship is love, as I found out yesterday.
I will tear for a friend, kill and bit,
Do not look that I just bark yet ...
Having sprinkled so, probably two hours
The beast managed to quarrel terribly,
They were going to fight,
But the roar of Uncle Leo was afraid.
- We must be friends at school,
So that then we are all in disconnection.

Boiler and pot

The pot with the boiler brought great friendship,
Although a noble breed of the boiler,
But in friendship what at the expense? Boiler mountain for matchmakers;
Pot with a cauldron boiler;
Without each other, they cannot be in any way;

From morning to evening with each other is inseparable;
And at the fire, they are boring for them, they are boring;
And, in a word, together every step,
And from the hearth and to the hearth.

So I decided to ride the boiler around the light,
And he calls a friend with him;
Our pot is not far behind the boiler
And together he sits on one cart with him.

Friends started on a shaking pavement,
Pushing in a cart between themselves.
Where are the slides, potholes, bumps -
Boiler trifle; Pots are weak in kind:
From each push, the pot is large;
However, he does not think back
And the clay pot is only glad of this,

That he became so friends with a cast iron boiler.
How their wanderings were far away
I don't know, but I definitely informed about that
That the cauldron of the boiler turned up from the road,
And from the pot alone there were slippers.
Reader, fables this thought is the simplest:
That equality in love and friendship is a holy thing.

Krylov fables for preschool and school children

Krylov fables for preschool and school children
Krylov fables for preschool and school children

Krylov fables for children of preschool and school age:

Monkey and glasses

The monkey became weak for old age;
And in people she heard,
That this is not so big hand yet:
Just get glasses.
She took her glasses from half a dozen for herself;
Turns with glasses and Syak:
Then they will press them to the one, then put them on the tail,
Either sniffs them, then they lick them;
Glasses do not work in any way.
“Ugh the abyss! She says, - And that fool,
Who listens to human people;
All about glasses only got me;
And the lead of the war is not in them. "
Monkey here with annoyance and sorrow
Oh the stone was so enough,
That only spray flashed.
Unfortunately, then it happens in people:
No matter how useful the thing is, the price is not knowing her,
The ignoramus about her is a good thing, everything is worse;
And if the ignoramus is cognitive,
So he also drives her.

Dragonfly and ant

Dragonfly jump
Summer red sang;
I did not have time to look around
How winter rolls into the eyes.
The purely field was dead;
There are no days of those bright ones,
Like under her every sheet
There was a table and a house.
Everything has passed: with the winter of cold
Need, hunger comes;
Dragonfly does not sing:
And who will go to the mind
To sing hungry on the stomach!
Evil longing is dejected,
She crawls to the ant.
“Don't leave me, cute kum!
Let you get together with force
And only days only days
Feed and warm! " -
“Kumushka, this is strange for me:
Did you work in the summer? " -
She tells her an ant.
“Before that, darling, was it?
In soft ants we have
Songs, abuse every hour,
So that the head turned over. " -
"Ah, so you ..." - "I am without a soul
Summer Square everything. ” -
“Did you sing everything? this business:
So go, dance! "


How many times have they repeated to the world,
That flattery is vile is harmful; But only everything is not for the future,
And in the heart of a flatterer will always find a corner.

Vorone somewhere God sent a piece of cheese;
At the spruce of the crow, lining up,
I was completely going to breakfast,
Yes, she thought, and kept cheese in her mouth.
For that misfortune, the fox was plinical;
Suddenly, the cheese spirit stopped the fox:
The fox sees cheese, the fox cheese captivated.
The rogue to the tree on tiptoe is suitable;
Turns his tail, does not take his eyes off the raven
And he speaks so sweet, breathing a little:
“Golubushka, how good it is!
What a neck, what kind of eyes!
To tell, so, right, fairy tales!
What a feather! What a toe!
And, right, the angelic should be a voice!
Sing, Svetik, do not be ashamed! What, if, sister,
With the beauty of this, you sing a craftswoman -
After all, you would have a king-bird! "
Vestenina with praise turned his head,
With joy in the goiter, breathing stared, -
And on the friendly foxes words
The raven croaked in the whole raven:
The cheese fell out - there was a rogue with him.

Elephant and Moska

They drove through the streets of the elephant,
As you can see for show -
It is known that the elephants in our curiosity -
So behind the elephant the crowds went to onlookers.
Take a break, to meet the pug them.
Seeing the elephant, well, rush to it,
And bark, and scream, and break,
Well, so he climbs into a fight with him.
"Neighbor, stop shaking",
Sheka says to her: “Do you bother with an elephant?
Look, you are wheezing, and he goes to yourself
Forward, and I bark your barking at all. "-
"Eh, oh!" Moska answers her:
“That's just that gives me the spirit,
That I am, without a fight,
I can get into big scraps.
Let the dogs say:
“Ay, Moska! She is strong
What barks on an elephant! "

Tolstoy fables for children of preschool and school age

Tolstoy fables for children of preschool and school age
Tolstoy fables for children of preschool and school age

Tolstoy fables for children of preschool and school age:

 Wolf and crane

The wolf choked on the bone and could not go. He called the crane and said: "Come on, you, a crane, you have a long neck, put your head in my throat and pull out the bone: I will reward you."

The crane put his head, pulled out the bone and said: "Come on the reward." The wolf gritted his teeth, and he says: “Or there is little reward for you that I didn’t bite your head when it was in my teeth?”

Squirrel and wolf

The squirrel jumped from the branch to the branch and fell right onto the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat it. Squirrel began to ask: - Let me go. The wolf said: - Well, I will let you in, only you tell me, why are you squirrels so cheerful. I am always bored, but you look at you, you play and jump there at the top. Squirrel said: “Let me go to a tree before, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I'm afraid of you.” The wolf launched, and the squirrel went on a tree and from there said: “You are bored because you are angry.” Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and not evil to anyone.

Water and pearl

One person rode a boat and dropped precious pearls in the sea. The man returned to the shore, took a bucket and began to draw water and pour it onto the ground. He scooped up and poured tirelessly for three days. On the fourth day, he left the sea of \u200b\u200bwater and asked: "Why are you drawing?" The man says: "I then draw that I dropped pearls." Vodyanoy asked: "Will you stop soon?" The man says: "When I dry the sea, then I will stop." Then Vodyanoy returned to the sea, brought the same pearls and gave it to man.

Wolf and onion

The hunter with onions and arrows went hunting, killed a goat, put it on his shoulders and carried it. On the way, he saw a wild boar. The hunter dropped a goat, shot at a boar and wounded him. The boar rushed to the hunter, argued him to death, and he was immediately died. The wolf sensed blood and came to the place where a goat, a wild boar, a man and his onion lay. The wolf was delighted and thought: “Now I will be fed for a long time; Only I will not eat everything suddenly, but I will eat a little so that nothing disappears. At first I will eat what is tougher, and then I will buy what is softer and prettier. ” The wolf sniffed a goat, a wild boar and a man and said: "This is a soft food, I will eat it after, and first give me these veins on the bow." And he began to gnaw on the veins on the bow. When he had a bite of the bowstring, the bow was hiding and hit the wolf on the belly. The wolf immediately died, and other wolves ate a person, a goat, a boar, and a wolf.

Mikhalkov - fables for children of preschool and school age

Mikhalkov - fables for children of preschool and school age
Mikhalkov - fables for children of preschool and school age

Mikhalkov - fables for children of preschool and school age:


Watermelon that pulled mercilessly juices from the ground,
That more than others lay in the sun
And grew to such a size,
That all the other kavuna
They were not equal with him,
Before his counterparts, he became proud
“I'm the harder than all that I tasted?!
Everyone will say about me: "Watermelon is so watermelon! .."
So until then he boasted and boasted,
Until in the master's hands he suddenly found himself.
And how I got under the knife,
It turned out not so good
What is the point that is great?
Great, yes fatokozh! For color?
Yes, how to say, not white, but not red.
It tastes - grass grass ...
The meaning of this fable is clear.
Another, you look, and says variegated,
Moster at least where, it is so important to wear a belly,
And click him, look at the gut.
It is like that watermelon!

Without fault, victims

Listen to singing birds once
The authorities were invited - Leo.
The lion was in ranks and in force,
And in front of him, the breath of the back,
Many went on the hind legs.
Leo arrived at the concert.
The singers were asked on stage:
Squur and nightingale.
In the face of such a shy from excitement,
The star was almost forgotten by the aria,
But in the end, well done, well,
This was attacked by inspiration,
That a diva would be given any connoisseur of a stump.
What a soloist! Then suddenly clicks, then switch to a whistle,
Then the Ivolga screams, then Kenar will flood,
Clumps chicken, as a person laughs,
And there is no end to the fun to the fun!
But then they noticed that, listening
Squur, the lion never smiled,
On the contrary - even turned away!
Here is the nightingale. Leo frowns again!
What does it mean? How to understand? ..
He is not sitting on the spot,
He wants to get up!
He is hardly held by the lioness ...
And the nightingale? .. How sweet he sings!
What the top he takes!
But, shaking with a mane, the lion suddenly gets up from the place
And without listening to Solovina's songs,
He leaves with his half ...
The fox is already right there: “Singers are the reason!
Who called them "soloists"?
No diction, no voices!
I watched the lion all the time
He was indignant now and then!
Scandal! A shame! And the order was given:
“Singer to send to the choir!
Make a study! "
But how could it happen?
Leo to the stump had a taste
(He even sang a little
And, they say, pretty nice),
He was pleased to listen to the masters.
Why was he frowning? ..
He ate superfluous
And then just his stomach grabbed him! ..
And the poor singers who passed to the choir,
When not an eagle, they still sang there!
I wrote the fable to those people as a edification,
That the authorities are curling endlessly,
Ready for instructions
Consider the usual sneezing of a higher face.


Once, on a sultry day, a chain dog was furious
And, poisonous spraying saliva,
Suddenly fell off the chain, waved through the fence
Yes, right to the herd! At first he attacked the wolf on the chick,
Then he lifted the innocent lamb
Bite some, others tore sides
And the shepherd wounded to death.
In short: he did such troubles,
What the light did not see!
When would not be taken by the Robber,
Many would have suffered.
But the fierce dog was eventually captured,
And ... the work began!
Not one week flew by
For six months the court is coming.
The case is growing and chopping
The witnesses are interrogated.
Bandit in prison stronger, grew up,
So on the grunts of the officials fed
And he was laveled
That from the tail to the neck he was healed.
He only knows to sleep and eat.
Friends are with him. Services cannot be counted:
The collars change him, his relatives visit him,
And two jackals, counting for honor,
The trial is defended before the court:
Brush, scream, and bark,
And to diminish his guilt,
Repeated analysis for saliva ...
“What are the judges waiting for?
When will the dog hang?
Voices are heard everywhere.
What other end is possible for a freak? .. "
The courts of this kind are known to us.

Fit -shaped forty

Exhausted from heavy wounds,
The boar retreated to their slums.
He invaded other people's possessions,
But there was a repulsion of a worthy of a dignous,
How the forest population rose ...
Forty happened to fly at that time
Above the field of combat events.
And - who would expect such a forty agility!
Magpie, sitting on a spruce, suddenly began to chop:
“So, so it! Well well! Drive the wild boar!
I can see from a tree - it will not go far!
I will help you need help.
And you succumb to the side once again! "
“I'm marveling at you. You just flew in
Said Soroka Sparrow,
And his chatter, she, her,
I already managed to get bored! "
“Tell me, my light, forty sparrow in response,
What is the point if I was silent?
And then the end of the war will come
You look and remember me
Yes, they will say somewhere: "Forty fought! .."
Magpie gave out a medal. It's a pity!

Krylov fables for preschool and school children

Krylov fables for preschool and school children
Krylov fables for preschool and school children

Krylov fables for preschool and school children

Mirror and monkey

Monkey, in the mirror, seeing his image,
Tyokhokhonko Bear is a good foot:
“Look,” he says, “my dear kum!”
What kind of face is there?
What is her gripping and jumping!
I would have strangled with longing
When it was at least a little like her.
But admit, there is
Of my chickens, there are five or six such krivlyaks:
I can even count them on my fingers. ” -
“How to consider the kumushko to work,
Isn't it better for yourself, kuma, turn around? " -
Mishka answered her.
But Mishenkin only disappeared in vain.

There are many such examples in the world:
Nobody likes to recognize himself in the satire.
I even saw that yesterday:
That Klimimych is unclean in his hands, everyone knows this;
They read about bribes Klimich.
And he sternly nods at Peter.

Demyanov’s ear

“My neighbor, my light!
Please eat. " -
"My neighbor, I'm fed up." - “No need,
More a plate; Listen:
Burnt, she-also, welded to glory! " -
"I ate three plates." - “And full, what's due to:
There would only be hunting - -
And then in the health resort: eat to the bottom!
What the ear! Yes, like fat;
As if she had pulled amber.
Slow down, a nice friend!
Here is the bream, gutted, here is a duffed piece!
Even a spoon! Yes, bow, wife! "
So the neighbor Demyan of a neighbor Foku regretted
And he did not give him either rest or time;
And with Foki, sweat rolled for a long time.
However, he still takes a plate,
Gathered with the last force
And - cleans all.
“Here I love a friend! -
Cried Demyan. - But I can’t stand it for the blessed people.
Well, eat more a plate, my dear! ”
Here is my poor foca,
No matter how much he loved the ear, but from trouble like this,
Grabbing in an armful
Kushak and hat,
Hurry up home -
And since then to Demyan, not a foot.

Three men

Three men went into the village to spend the night.
Here, in St. Petersburg, they hunted by leaf;
Worked, walked
And now they were kept home to their homeland.
And since the peasant does not like to sleep skinny,
Then our guests asked me to dinner.
In the village, what kind of wrappers:
Put an empty cup on the table.
Yes, they served bread, yes, what was left, porridge.
Not in St. Petersburg - but not about that;
Everything is better than hungry to lie down.
Here the peasants crossed themselves
And sheltered to the bowl.
How alone is there, more laughed out of them,
Seeing that there are only few for three,
Sundered how to correct the case
(Where you can’t take it by force, there you need to be half a thing).
“Guys”, says: “You know Foma,
After all, in the current set, they will plow his forehead. ” -
"What is the set?" - “Yes. There is a rumor - a war with China:
Our father ordered to take a tribute to the Chinese tea. ”
Then two began to judge and reason
(They were to literacy, unfortunately, knew:
Newspapers and, sometimes, read the relations).
How to be a war, to whom to command.
My guys went into conversations,
Guesses, rumors, disputes;
And ours, Lucavets, wanted to:
While they were judged and barked,
Yes, the troops were bred,
He is not a gug - and cabbage soup and porridge, everything was bored.
Another what does not care
He interprets this most willing
What will happen to India, when and from what,
So clear to him;
And you look - at the very
The village between the eyes burned.


Yard, faithful dogBarbos,
Which the lady's diligently carrier
I saw an old acquaintance
Zhuyu, a curly bolon,
On a soft down pillow, on the window.
Last to her, as if to a relatives,
He, with tenderness, almost cries
And under the window
Screening, turning his tail
And jumps.
“Well, that, Zhuzhutka, how you live,
Since the Lord took you in mansions?
After all, remember, in the yard we often starved.
What service are you carrying? " -
“For happiness, it’s a sin to murm,” Zhuzhutka answers, “
My master does not have a soul in me;
I live in contentment and good,
And I eat and drink on silver;
I’ll be frozen with the barin, and if I get tired,
I am lying on the carpets and a soft sofa.
How do you live? " “I,” Barbos answered,
The tail with a whip and hanging his nose,-
I still live: I endure and cold,
And hunger,
And, saving the landlord,
Here, under the fence, I sleep and wet in the rain;
And if I get out of place,
Then I accept beatings.
Yes, what are you, burning in case,
Formerly so small,
Meanwhile, how am I eager for my skin in vain?
What are you serving? " - “What you serve! That's great!-
Zhuju answered with a mockery.
I walk on the hind legs. "

How many find happiness
Only by the fact that they go well on the hind legs!

Poems of fables for children of preschool and school age

Krylov fables for preschool and school children
Krylov fables for preschool and school children

Krylov fables for children of preschool and school age:

Fly and bee

In the garden, in the spring, with a light breeze,
On a thin stalk
A fly sworn, sitting.
And, on the flower, seeing a bee
Spacely says: “How laziness is
From morning to evening to work all day!
In place, I would have gnawed per day.
Here, for example, mine
So, right, paradise life!
There is only business for me:
Fly by balls, by guests:
And say, not praised, I know me in the city
Nobles and rich all houses.

When would you see me feast there!
Where is the wedding, name day,
From the first I am already true here.
And I eat from porcelain rich dishes,
And I drink from crystals of shiny sweet guilt,
And before all guests
I take what I think of, from tadly sweets,
Moreover, complaining about the gender tender,
In a young beauties Watch
And they sit down to rest
On the cheek of pink il shake of snow -white. "

“I know all this,” the bee answers.
But also rumors came to me,
That you are not sweet to anyone,
That at the feasts they only frown from the fly,
That even often, where you show you into the house,
They drive you with shame. "
“Here,” the fly says, “drive!” What is it?
If they drive out the window, so I will attract another. ”

Old cat and mouse

Young, inexperienced mouse,
A little from the diapers,
I got into the claw of the old cat,
And so he prayed to him in justification:

“Leave me ... let me go ... what a hardships
And for whom do you see fromcreation
So weak and frail as me?
I am very small, how much I will flare up
The owner of my life?
Is it great harm to his pocket?
No, he is not a burden to him
And in the house no one
I will never become:
I'm fed with bread crust
And from the walnut I already get fat ...
Leave, let go ... Well, what am I for a cat? ..
I only have charms for kittens:
You have saved me to your kids. ”

And the cat in response: - Do not lie!
You can’t spend me with such speeches ...
Deaf Fucking! And the old cat
Shedding stupid words:
It would be funny mouse from the cat to wait for mercy,
We are always happy to help parks;
This is the law for you, mice,
And according to such laws
Under the tip of my claws,
Not for my children
And pay me your last moan.
And the word cat restrained the word.

And to my fable
Here's what I will say in addition:
I, right, young man, Miles,
Dreams of a young man, hopes live,
The elders have the heart with callouses,
And they have long stalled in regret for a long time.

Swallows and birds

Flytunia swallow and there and there was,
I heard a lot
And I saw a lot
Therefore, she
And she knew many.

Spring came,
And they began to sow flax. “I don't have it on my heart!
She repeats to the beads.
- I'm not afraid myself, but you are sorry; Summer will come
And this seed will give rise to your misfortune,
Will produce snares and nets,
And you will be to blame
Or death, or waist evil;
Fear spin and cells!

But the mind will correct everything, and here is his advice:
Take off the corral and turn off all the seed. ”
"Empty!" - laughing, the tribe cried out finely.
As if we have no other food in the fields! "
After how many days then, I don't know
Len came out, began to turn green,
And the bird to sing the same song:
“Hey, worse! I also foreshadow you, birds:
Do not let linen mature;

Look with the root! Or you will come to wait for a dashing! "
“Silent, ominous meal!
The birds cried out to her.
You think it is easy to pluck out the whole field! "
A dozen days have passed
Or maybe much more;

Len grew and ripe.
“Well, birds, so Len ripened;
As you want, call me
Said a swallow, - and I was the last time
I also came to instruct you:
Now wait for that
That the plowmen will begin to remove bread from the field,
And then to fight with you:
Catch you with snares, kill you from guns
And cover the network;
To get rid of such poorness
There is no other means to you
Like Dahl, Dahl away. But you are not crashes
After all, the sea is the edge of the earth for you;
It is better to shelter closer,
To hide in a nest, but do not move in it. ”

“I went, went! Fast others
You are with a nonsense!
The birds cried out in chorus.
And do not bother us to walk! "
And so they flew in the fields, but they flew,
Yes, they got into the cage.

Everyone only goes to his mind:
And it believes in trouble not before, as he will come.

Good fables for preschool and school children

Good fables for preschool and school children
Good fables for preschool and school children






Good fables for preschool and school children

The feast at the lion

If you can’t answer with truth,
It is more useful to be silent.
With the boyars how to live, it is necessary to know this.
Leo had a feast
The whole world came

In the chambers of the stench at the lion:
The apartment is as follows.
And lions live non -combustible,
So it's wonderful.
Like in the purity of dwellings, they are slut
Or Posad peasants,
Who entered the auction
And we have not yet been peeled off
And instead of pods they have souns,
And the shorter is so: trading men.

The stench came to the wolf to the nose;
The wolf announced this in a conversation without interrogation,
That the smell is thin.
Hearing, the lion shouts: “You are a loaf and a rogue,
The bad smell has not happened here.
And whether they laugh at such a push
Enter wolves about the Lviv house? "
And to crash the wolf did not dare to be daring,
A little he grind the wolf
And for the amendment he punished,
Namely, he was torn to pieces.

Monkey, seeing terrible thunderstorms,
She said: “Here are daffodils, roses
They bloom. "
Leo answered her: “And you are the same rogue:
Daffodils, roses and have not happened here.
Do not weave the flattery on the ancestors,
And for such news
And for the affection
Accept you worthy execution. ”

The she -wolf stented
The monkey naked.
“Tell me, fox, you,” the owner asked, “
What smell would we breathe?
I know that your feeling is much gently;
Smell diligently. "
Fox for this question
She said: "I had a nose today."

Leo and mouse

Lev asked the mouse humblypermission
Near him in the hollow, the village
And so she said: “At least here, in the forests,
You are both powerful and glorious;
At least no one is equal in the power of Leo,
And the roar of him on all of him leads to fear,
But the future who will guess will undertake -
Who knows who the need will come to whom?
And no matter how small I seem
Or maybe sometimes you will come in handy. ” -
"You!" Leo cried out: “You, a miserable creature!
For these daring words
You stand death as a punishment.
Away, off the thaw, while alive -
Il will not be of your dust. ”
Here the mouse is poor, do not remember fear,
My legs set off from everyone - she was caught up with a trace.
The lion was not in vain, but this pride: this:
Sent to look for lunch mining,
He got into the Tenet.
No benefit in it, the roar and groan is in vain,
No matter how he was torn nor darted,
But all the hunter's prey remained,
And in the cage, the people are taken away to the people.
He remembered the poor about the poor mouse here,
To help, she managed to him,
That the network would not have survived from her teeth,
And that he ate his pitchfulness.
Reader, - the truth is loving
I will like a fable, and then not from myself -
It is not in vain that the people say:
Do not spit in a well, come in handy
Get drunk water.

Donkey in lion's skin

A donkey dressed in the skin of Lviv,
Put on the renewal,
He began to be proud
And, as if Hercules, it shone under it.
But how do the treasures collect such?
I was told: and lions, like cats, die
And they rip off the skin from them. When the ferocious lion will stop,
Not terrible Levi Zev
And anger;
And there is no defense against death.
Only not such a rite of death by the death of the lions:
Worms, as you die, eat us,
And Lviv eat crows. Kakov became proud of the donkey, what about it to chat?
You can experience gently,
When we look
On a man
And we will read
We are in it as a tax amuse
Who sold the scores in the market
Or at a tavern,
And after in the hidden
His wealth is a great river,
Or, tell me to say, and the Volga and Oka,
Which everyone is crowded with sides
And swims like a fly in the roof,
In the lengthy sea of \u200b\u200bmilk;
Or when you see a fool in honor,
Or in the rank of freak
From the very thorough of the genus
Which nature has produced to plow.
Grinkled, wechal, rsil, torigal,
I was angry with everyone, -
The great Alexander Toliko was not proud.
That became our donkey.
It seemed to him that he had sat down to the judge.

Bowns went, flattery
And about the donkey everywhere are praised by news:
Fear spread,
And all before the donkey of the earthly only the ashes,
Weeks in two worships pyeremed with a donkey
Thousands did not become, but millions of h becameisle,
And all from afar, they are going on;
The angry lion will not make peace soon;
So debt repeats the mind:
Don't come to him.

The fox says: “Even though Leo and Dyuzh children,
However, he and he is the same cattle;
So you can approach and look for mercy;
And I know how to caress. "
I came and asked for mercy,
To the very heaven, the creature raised the rush,
But suddenly I saw all the flattery of those propagation,
Something donkey, not a lion.
The fox gnawed
That, instead of a lion, the donkey read with all her heart.

Short fables for children of preschool and school age

Short fables for children of preschool and school age
Short fables for children of preschool and school age

Short fables for children of preschool and school age:

Waterfall and stream

Boiling waterfall, overthrow from the rocks,
The healing key with arrogance said
(Which under the mountain was hardly prompted,
But by force he was famous for his healing):
“Isn't it strange? You are so small, so poor water,
Do you always have a premium of guests?
It is not surprising, since who comes to me who is to threaten;
Why are they going to you? " - "Treat"
Smecelly impeived the stream.

Chizh and dove

Chiza slammed the villain-west:
The poor thing in it was torn and darted,
A young dove mocked the young above him.
“It's not a shame”, says: “In broad daylight
Got it!
They would not have done me like that:
For this I guarantee boldly. "
You see, immediately he himself got confused in Sittle.
And business!

Leo and the fox

The fox, not seeing the lion,
With him, she got into, from the passions she remained a little alive.
Here, a few later, again she came across a lion.
But she didn’t seem so terrible to her.
And the third time then
The fox and went into the conversation with the lion.

We are also afraid of other
Sweeter will not take a closer look at him.

Wolf and shepherds

Wolf, close bypassing the shepherd yard
And seeing, through the fence,
That, having chosen a better ram in a herd,
Calmly shepherds of lamb will gut
And the dogs are quietly lying
He said to himself, away leaving in annoyance:
“What kind of noise you all raise here, friends,
When I did it! "

Boy and snake

The boy, thinking of catching eels,
Grabbed the snake and, looking, from fear
He became pale as his shirt.
Snake, looking calmly at the boy
“Listen,” says: “If you won't be smarter,
Then insolence will not always pass it easily to you.
This time God will forgive; But beware forward
And know who you are joking with! "

Swan, pike and cancer

When there is no consent in comrades,
Their business will not go in the way
And it will not work out of it, only flour.

Once a swan, cancer, yes pike
They took to carry from WHO lobes,
And together the three everyone was harnessed to him;
They climb out of the skin, but the cart is not on the way!
Pokla would seem easy for them:
Yes, the swan breaks into the clouds,
Cancer backs back, and pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame for them, who is right - to judge not to us;
Yes, only WHO and now there.

Mosquito and shepherd

The shepherd was sleeping under the shadow, hoping for dogs,
Together, snake from under the bushes
Creers to him, having stuck out the sting;
And the shepherd would not be in the world:
But clutching at him, mosquito, that was the strength,
Sonlivz bit.
Waking up, the shepherd killed a snake;
But before, a mosquito was so enough,
That the poor thing was not there.

There are many such examples:
Since weak to strong, at least moved by good,
Open eyes to the truth will encroach,
And wait for the same thing to happen to him,
What is with a mosquito.

The best fables for children of preschool and school age

The best fables for children of preschool and school age

The best fables for children of preschool and school age:


Prankster Martyshka,
A donkey,Goat,
Yes, a clubfoot bear
They started playing a quartet.
Took out notes, bass, Alta, two violins
And they sat on the meadow under the sticks, -
Captivate the light with your art.
Hit the bow, pull, but there is no sense.
“Wait, brothers, wait! - the monkey shouts. - Wait!
How to go to music? After all, you are not so sitting.
You are with bass, Mishenka, sit down against Alta,
I, Prima, will come against the second;
Then the music will not go:
We will dance forest and mountains! ”
Settled, started a quartet;
He is nevertheless in the way.
“Wait, I found a secret! -
The donkey shouts, - we will, right, we’ll get along,
Since we’ll sit down next to it. "
The donkey obeyed: we sat down in a row;
Nevertheless, the quartet is in her way.
Here are more than the former they went from their analysis
And disputes, toom and how to sit.
A nightingale happened to fly to the noise.
Here with a request to him to solve the doubt.
“Perhaps, they say,“ take patience for an hour,
To score our quartet in order:
And we have notes, and there are tools,
Just tell me how to sit down! " -
“To be a musician, so you need a skill
And your ears are more likely, -
The nightingale answers them, -
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down
All in the musicians are not good. ”


Seeing the wolf that the sheep’s wool is cutting off,
I am surprised, said: And I don't understand,
Why the shepherd does not at all twist the skin from them.
For example, so I rip off all the skin from them
And I note in other courtyards of the Lord.
Why shouldn't he do the same?
Elephant, hearing a wolf reasoning,
I must, say, to say to you:
You judge like a wolf, and Pastukhovo doubt -
Do not kill your sheep.
From you, and from gentlemen, take other examples,
Finally, there will be, from whom and the wool will not be removed.

Falcon and worm

At the top of the tree, clinging to the branch,
The worm rocked on it.
Above the worm the falcon, rushing through the air,
So from a height joked and mocked:
“What are you, poorly, you have not suffered works!
Well, profit, that you crawled out high?
What is your will and freedom?
And with a branch you will be drunk where the weather tells. ” -
"It is easy for you to joke"
The worm replies: “Fly high,
Then, that you are strong and strong, and strong;
But fate gave me dignity not those:
I'm here on top
Thus, I hold on to that I, fortunately, are grants! ”

Wolf, goat and goat

Fill the udder with milk
The goat went for the grass in the valley,
Closed her house tightly
And strictly ordered her son:
“To avoid woeful losses to us,
Until I return from the field,
Store you the Lord open for a moment at least the door
Those who do not say our password,
Although they began to ask you!
The password will be: Wolch to see! ”

Just during a conversation
The wolf accidentally passed there,
And having heard the goat's speech, he picked up everything.
The goat, of course, did not see a thief.
She left. And the wolf is already right there.
Changing the voice, announces
He: "Wolch Saw", and expects to
That the door is heating him right now.
However, the kid is careful
(He knew that the deception was possible here),
And shouted, looking at the gap:
“What kind of foot is you?
Stick here ... If white, then I
I will open the door, otherwise - away! ”

The wolf is amazing. Everywhere
A long time ago is known
What white paws at the wolf cannot be found.
What the wolf came with, with the back he turned.
What a woeful share
The poor goat experienced,
When he believed the password,
Which the wolf accidentally heard.

The preventiveness is double
I need it everywhere ... I do not see harm in it!

Fables for children modern

Fables for children modern
Fables for children modern

Fables for children modern:

The fable about the hare

Centuries are changing, but morals
The same, God sees.
Bunny, having grown fame,
I started a video blog.
Tryndel in him about the love of carrots,
About eternal sadness,
About ears in a sweatshirt
Yes, drummed on the hemp.
His blog was terribly boring -
He is about anything.
Nobody in the whole forest dense
He did not subscribe to him.
The scythe was upset immensely
And on the Internet threw a cry,
That for subscribers a hundred faithful
Swallow the whole brick,
All the dishes will beg everything on the forehead
And he will drink vinegar.
And on the same day a miracle happened,
He became super-popular.
To look at the idiot,
A crowd poured into the blog of a hare.
I am pleasing to her, he is hunting
Smelly licked a bug
The back lubricated with honey and condensed milk
And put it in the hive, and then
Shin of wool, painted with green,
I ate a cactus and arson of his house.
Bunny Passion was proud of himself.
And so that the pig does not surpass,
On the live air shot down
He is for likes from a gun.
All viewers were delighted.
They always swore to love him
But after an hour they forgot about him,
Without remembering never again.

Alas, people often too
By stupidity, they are ready to become
Jacks of worse thick -skinned ones,
Who just do not give a damn.

Owl, fox and hedgehog

The fox gave advice to the hedgehog:
“Listen to what I will tell you
Spines have not been in fashion for a long time,
That a fur coat in heat is not according to the weather!
You would go to the hairdresser,
And asked him to shave
Your middle -legged needles
About which there are only bad rumors.
Let it cut "under the turtle" ...
You will see how everything gasping around! ”
He rushed from the forest to the city,
Ashamed that he was behind everything.
He did not hear advice often,
When the owl suddenly met,
Asked her, the right of the fox
Thorns, they say, is not in fashion?
The owl answered: “You yourself
In appearance, the animal is not stupid, it seems,
In the world, tea, quite a few lived.
You look, and you will live it ...
If you go to the hairdresser,
Ask to refresh,
He, after a haircut, is all with a lotion
Carrot, apple, honey ... "
"Why should I have such an honor?"
So that everything is tastier ... to eat a fox! "

Paper birdhouse

When there is a premonition of spring around
On warm wings in a clear sky, it runs,
Everyone wants to become a little kinder
And believe that all the guilt is forgiven.
And everyone is trying to be good -
Pollut on the asphalt near the puddle
Underdrawn at the time of fierce cold
For birds experiencing the winter, crumbs.
All upturned dogs are fed
And from the cellars out of the cats,
That they watch incredulously, wither,
As if those hours are remembered
When in vain they were waiting at the entrance,
Suddenly they will regret and open the door ...
But this is all in winter - spring now,
And the scores for the former are inappropriate.
So many good thoughts, good deeds,
It’s time to hurry with -
Are about to return home from the south of the bird,
Anyone would like to please them.
Now that pioneers do not go
Hang the birdhouses with a crowd,
Can do the case of any
For pride and children for an example.
And it so happened that one is madam
I decided to build a house for birds,
Yes, but I didn't be friends with a saw
And I did not read the book "Do yourself."
Cardboard, tape, around a crowd of kids -
Tyap-lip and glued with a hole in the boxes.
They painted on it - who is a flower
Someone butterfly, some sun on the lid.
Delight, fun, jumping, rowing,
They are proud - everyone tried gloriously.
Hanged and admired for a long time -
Everyone was waiting, the newcomers will fly.
They didn’t wait - he froze, poured
Spring rain that replaced the snow fluff.
Paints and cardboard swelled,
And in the morning their birdhouse fell down.

Morality is clear: in the piggy bank of good deeds
Draw nothing and what you managed.

Forty reporter

One forty-white
I decided to become a reporter
And began to fly everywhere,
Find out and shake everything
From morning to night, incessantly.
It's a pity only news in the forest
There was very little for a year -
The mare was wandered into the Yarug,
The bear killed with lightning
May the boar of Osa swallowed.
And so around - all quiet and surface:
Hares, foxes, wolves breed,
Birch trees, linden, Christmas trees are growing,
Hedgehogs angry Kolki,
But everyone does not give a damn about it.
Nobody wanted to hear
About the new raspberry crop,
About the old proteins of the name day,
About the content of clay in the soil
And who ate someone for breakfast.
The forty was spinning all,
He doesn't know where to go
Everything around - there is no sensation,
Doesn't want anything to happen
And without sensations she can’t.
And began to lie forty -
About the miracle tool from the gutters,
About genies from cans,
The night of life -off traps
And an oak can fly.
Her affairs went well -
Beast, hanging ears,
I ran in crowds to listen
And the tales of the magpies-races
Everyone was glad to retell.

Forty we can blame
For planting the yellow press,
But consider victims to be dishonest
All those who are not interested in
Without the fiction of shirt live.

Cultural goat

Once upon a time there was a goat. His manners
They put everyone else as an example:
He turned to his friends "sary",
Was aware of all forest prime minister;
When he left the house,
Then he put on a cylinder and a tailcoat;
When I arranged receptions,
Macaques hired in livery.
They spoke about him with enthusiasm:
"There is no goat in the world!"
But only the guests left,
Others he did things:
He scratched his back with his back
He threw the scraps to the parquet,
New curtains were blowing
And put hooves on the buffet,
With his indulging nature
And not embarrassed nothing.

But who is cultural, he is cultivated
When there is no one nearby.

Video: Sergey Mikhalkov's fables: Rooster visiting and Kaban and Khomut

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