Natal map compatibility: compatibility between a man and a woman, by date of birth

Natal map compatibility: compatibility between a man and a woman, by date of birth

The most effective tool for astrology, which allows you to find out the maximum information about the fate of a person, is natal chart. A personal horoscope allows you to identify the most significant life moments, analyze the negative aspects and determine the circle of their capabilities.

Natal map with decoding Determines character traits and personal qualities, the inner world of a person and his abilities. Professional astrologers form a chain of events in various areas of life and various time periods. Natal compatibility map It is compiled for two people and takes into account the personal data of both partners.

How to build a natal chart?

  • Individual natal map horoscope It is compiled in personal data and is significantly different from predictions in the zodiac sign. Based on information about the date, place and time of birth, the natal chart displays the position of celestial bodies in the solar system at the time of the birth of a new life. A unique astrological picture has not been repeated for several thousand years.
  • Natal chart It is formed in the form of an astrological diagram, displaying the position of planets and stars regarding the date of birth of a person. The planets applied to the natal chart are divided into 12 astrological houses. The analysis of each house allows you to form a horoscope about a particular area of \u200b\u200bour life. Information about the personality as a whole is drawn up, about material well -being, about interaction with society, about work, health and other aspects.
  • The nature of the interaction between the stars in each house has a direct impact on human life. Natural elements in the natal map are responsible for the mental and emotional state. The natal chart allows you to characterize a person regardless of the image, which allows you to look at him with different eyes.

Video: How to build a natal chart on your own?

Compatibility of a man and a woman by a natal chart

  • When checking the relationship of two people, partners compatibility Natal Map. You can characterize both business relationships and a love connection. Natal map compatibility It helps to identify the points of contact between people, to prevent possible difficulties and conflicts.
  • A useful source of information is natal chart For future spouses. In addition to sexual communication, it is important to establish spiritual contact. Before marriage, a person has the opportunity to reveal the essence of relationships. Understand what is common between two close people in addition to physical attraction.
  • An independent assessment with the help of a natal chart helps to find pitfalls or strengthen relations for a long period. Having dispelled your own misconceptions, you can soberly evaluate the prospects of the future marriage.

Natal card of compatibility by date of birth

  • to install date of birth compatibility between two partners, need to calculate the natal card each separately. The combination of astrological characteristics is the synastria. The concept appeared from a combination of two words “astro” - stars and “Sin” compatibility.
  • Two drawings of natal cards are imposed. A single whole helps to identify mutual aspects. Harmonious relationships are evidenced by a large number of synastric aspects between planets. Depending on their location, the strongest connection between people is revealed - love, partnership, material, etc.
  • Natal card of compatibility by date of birth It helps to strengthen friendships, to establish relations between parents and children.
Can be decrypted by date of birth
Can be decrypted by date of birth

How to calculate compatibility by a natal chart?

  • Compatibility by the natal map calculate You can online using free services on the Internet. The calculated algorithm of programs Sinastria, Star, Stalkerit provides for filling out the form in which the temporary period and the birth center indicate.

If you do not know the exact time of birth, indicate the time of 12:00. The program is provided for indicating in the absence of accurate information. For those born exactly at noon, you need to fill in the time 12:01.

  • The graph of the place of birth indicates locality Or the closest area to your location. You can determine your graphic coordinates using online services.
  • In the graphic image, all cosmic bodies of the studied partners will be displayed. With the interpretation of the horoscope of compatibility.

How to determine compatibility by a natal chart?

  • On one's own determine compatibility by natal chart can be in several ways. For the exact result, they make up a comprehensive characteristic.
  • Calculation of the natal compatibility card You need to start with the position of the moon for each partner. Depending on the sign in which the heavenly luminary is determined by the internal, subconscious desires of a man and a woman.

Consider several ideal combinations of partners in which the moon are in different signs:

  • Moon in Aries - The ideal pair will be the moon in Aries and the location Moon in the sign of Leo.
  • Moon in Taurus - Another Taurus will make you a fun company, also suitable The moon in the Virgin and the Moon in Capricorn.
  • The moon in the twins ideally compatible with the moon in air signs Libra and Aquarius.
  • Moon in cancer will build warm and caring relations with a similar sign, positive for the marriage union are Scorpio and fish.
  • Moon in Leo will make up the perfect pair with Sagittarius and Aries, and the moon in the scales makes a harmonious combination with Moon in Gemini and Aquarius.
  • Moon in Virgo Compatible with Capricorn and Virgo, and the moon in fish Compatible with the moon in Virgo and Scorpio.

Following the lunar compatibility determine compatibility of ascending signs. They are displayed in the first house of the natal chart. The ascending signs characterize the inherited talents and abilities, parental education and behavior in society, the state of health, etc.

Another option for checking compatibility by the natal chart is compared to the position of Mars and Venus. Their stay in the astrological house is considered individually for each sign. Mars is aggression and conflicts, so its location on the natal chart can warn against conflict marriage. The location of Venus determines the compatibility of the love views of partners, will tell you what partners expect from each other in the manifestation of feelings.

Seventh House of the Natal Map

  • Per natal map compatibility in marital relations answers seventh Astrological House. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe card there should be a beneficial planet, otherwise the future union will need to adjust relations.
  • If one of the partners in the 7th house has the sun, then it will occupy a leading position in a relationship. Partners will have to go through the process of “grinding” of characters.
  • Planet Mars in the 7th house means conflicts between two people, which only wise solutions can smooth out.
  • The presence of Saturn in the 7th house of the natal chart from one of the partners will demand patience and excerpts from the second half. In such a union, it is very important to clearly distinguish between responsibilities.
  • Finding in the seventh astrological house of heavenly tel Rahu and Keta indicates the lack of mutual understanding and common interests between partners. Such a marriage is doomed to lonely coexistence in one room.
7 house

Natal map of compatibility with decryption

Compatibility by the natal card with decoding is based on not any important points:

  • The location of the planets in one sign speaks about the similarity of the energy of two people and indicates their compatibility. For example, the combination of Mars and the Sun in one sign indicates strong male energy and dominance over a woman. Venus and the Moon in one sign reflect the sensual and emotional feminine character.
  • The more planetary formations, the stronger the relationship and better understanding between partners.
  • A favorable symbolic meaning for building relationships between two people reflects the compatibility of the elements. For example, both a man and a woman in one sign combine the elements of the Earth and air.
  • The tense aspects between planets in the form of squares or opposition lines warn about partners' incompatibility. First of all, it is worth paying attention to aspects from Saturn, Uranus, Pluto. For example, tense aspects in the male natal chart from Saturn and Pluto to the female moon and Venus warns of painful relationships and female tears.
  • Analysis of compatibility by natal map It implies many options for combining planets and aspects. Understanding the needs and desires of the partner allows you to adjust your behavior and build mutual understanding.
Consultation with an astrologer
Consultation with an astrologer

The result of compatibility by the natal chart is not issued in 5 minutes. It will take several days to fully decrypt the astrologer.

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