How to force yourself to learn well: several practical tips

How to force yourself to learn well: several practical tips

Very often we cannot understand what prevents us from studying, becoming active and successful in life. In the article you will find some tips on how to motivate yourself to achieve the goal in studying.

Any training - at a school, a professional or higher educational institution, is associated with certain difficulties. Not all students are easily given this process, because it is necessary to attend the classes daily, to remember a large amount of new information, to respond to the learned material to classmates, to hand over control and tests. It is necessary to develop a desire to learn as early as possible. But how to do it right?


If in the school environment the training takes place under the close attention of teachers and the control of parents, then in colleges, schools and higher educational institutions, only their own desire becomes the basis of performance.

  • The main problem of learning is the lack of motivation. Often, the student simply does not understand why he should spend so much time on sometimes boring and, in his opinion, unnecessary lessons, when there are so many interesting activities around.
  • To determine for yourself the reason why you need to study well is the main task. Stimulations for learning can be of a completely different nature - that which pushes forward one person does not suit another at all.
  • For most students, good motivation is the prospect. It can be long -term - getting a profession, a good job, a worthy salary, career growth. But for the bulk of adolescents, a closer and understandable goal is more suitable. For example, if he finishes the school year (semester) without triples, parents will buy a new bicycle, gadget or let go on a trip with friends.

Adults need to learn to show flexibility in such matters. Instead of endless moralizing the benefits of knowledge, try to agree on a specific encouragement. Even if it seems to you that this is not pedagogical, it is much more important to get the desired result.

Correct motivation is a guarantee of success
Correct motivation is a guarantee of success


Training is a large and responsible work, so the arrangement of the student’s workplace is simply necessary. Properly organized space can change the quality and speed of homework, as well as the very attitude to the learning process.

  • The desktop needs to be placed so that nothing distracts the student from classes, for example, a working TV or computer. During the homework, you also need to make it a rule to disconnect a mobile phone and a tablet.
  • Only the necessary stationery should be on the table - a constant search for pencils, erasers or paper for the draft distracts and knocks down the mood.
  • It is important to provide proper lighting and convenient stationery chair.
Organization of the student's workplace
Organization of the student's workplace

The first step to the regimen of the day

It is incredibly difficult to force yourself to sit down for your homework - this happens with most students and schoolchildren. The delay itself sometimes lasts until the evening, when daytime fatigue does not allow to complete the tasks well. The main reason for this is the unwillingness to overcome difficulties.

  • It is important to develop the habit of sitting down for lessons at the same time, regardless of mood, weather or other things - more important or more interesting things.
  • If for several weeks to force yourself to strictly follow the regime, this will become the norm and will not cause negative emotions. In addition, the oppression of unaccounted lessons will disappear and much more free time will appear.
  • Each person has periods of performance and fatigue. The necessary vacation will help to fully absorb educational material. During periods of overwork, our brain cannot work productively, concentration and memory are reduced. Therefore, it is important to develop your own regime for successful study.
  • In order not to go astray, you need to try on weekends and holidays to devote the first half of the day to classes, and the second - to rest and communicate with friends.
Unwillingness to study - fear of difficulties
Unwillingness to study - fear of difficulties

Association game

If the subject is especially difficult, and the material being studied seems hopelessly dull, you need to try to systematize and remember it using some associative techniques.

  • Working on records, basic rules or formulas, it is better to highlight in large print and bright color - using colored handles or markers. You can use stickers, drawings - all that will then become a signal in memory.
  • It is easier to memorize the material with associations that can be even funny. The main thing is that in memory they are associated with the subject being studied. Thus, you can learn vocabulary words, formulas, geographical names, etc.
Abstracts and entries must be organized correctly
Abstracts and entries must be organized correctly


The team in the educational institution has a huge impact on the attitude to study and the desire to gain knowledge. Often, boys do not seek to learn well, because it does not look cool. Out of fear of becoming a “nerd”, many remain lifelong three -year -olds, do not want to stand out.

  • It can be very difficult to cope with laziness and lack of an incentive for learning. Try to attract your friends. For example, conclude a bet with them, for who will have better grades at the end of the year.
  • Find what the loser will have to do. Do not forget to support friends in an effort to win. The spirit of the competition will not only improve performance, but will also be an additional occasion to spend time with benefit.
The circle of communication should help study
The circle of communication should help study

Pleasure from the learning process

In any, even the most boring lesson, you need to learn to look for positive aspects. By changing the attitude to study, you can overcome your laziness. Here are a few examples:

  • If you do not want to write an essay, invite a friend. Choose the necessary literature together or look for information on the Internet. Discuss your views on a literary work. During the conversation, you will probably have ideas for work.
  • You do not want to make a report to other students. Choose a spectacular outfit and introduce yourself to the conference. The desire to look worthy will be the best incentive for good preparation.
  • You do not want to read a boring literary work - today this is not a problem. Find an audio version, put on the headphones and go for a walk.
It is important to find positive moments of training
It is important to find positive moments of training

Understanding is the key to success

Already from elementary school, it is necessary to develop the ability to understand the material and its systematization. You can’t just pick up the lessons - this method works at once. The school and subsequent education are more aimed at developing the necessary skills for assimilation of information.

  • For example, knowledge of Lermontov’s poem by heart may not be useful in life. But the process of memorizing literary works is developed by memory, vocabulary and literary taste.
  • Trigonometric formulas are not used in everyday life, but the study of mathematics and geometry is taught to logical and spatial thinking.
Systematization and analysis of information - the key to the success of learning
Systematization and analysis of information is the basis of training successful

Study - the key to the future

No matter how pathetic it sounds, a good education is the basis of the life of any person. Since school years, every step the student builds his future. Of course, you can not start only from assessments. Sometimes the general development is much more important - logic, thinking, horizons, aesthetic perception, etc.

All this will not appear from watching TV and computer games. Try to read more, develop your hobbies and apply them to study.

  • If you cannot do without a computer, devote time to studying programming languages, computer graphics, design.
  • If you like sports, pay attention to the structure of the body, its proper development, diet, etc.

The basis of a successful future is the ability to accept every new type of information and use it in its life.

Turn your hobbies into success in success

An example to follow

Nowadays, you can find many examples of successful people. And here it is impossible to talk only about material values \u200b\u200b- there are much more important universal qualities and will to victory.

If you have any idols-athletes, actors, people of art, study their biography, try to highlight the main steps for yourself on the path to achieving your goal.

Video: How to force yourself to study? 10 ways to force yourself to learn

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