Tips for pregnant women: before giving birth, on an airplane, at sea, in the heat. Tips and recommendations for pregnant women in the early and late pregnancy

Tips for pregnant women: before giving birth, on an airplane, at sea, in the heat. Tips and recommendations for pregnant women in the early and late pregnancy

Tips for pregnant women on nutrition, daily routine, activity and loads. Shifting accents in relationships with her husband.

The baby's waiting period is an interesting time of change in all areas of a woman, especially in the bodily aspect. Do not think that you are the only lady with a belly and everything will pass by itself over time.
Yes, it will pass.

However, your well -being and crumbs, the experience of practitioners of obstetricians and friends will become indicators for successful childbirth.

Previously, we considered narrower topics about pregnancy, today we will dwell on tips for almost all occasions.

Tips and recommendations to pregnant women in the first trimester

A pregnant girl sits on the couch and dreams
a pregnant girl sits on the couch and dreams
  • Get yourself a paper or electronic diary, where you write down your emotions and well -being by weeks.
  • Download the program about the development of pregnancy on your phone and be aware of the stages of the development of crumbs.
  • Save a pregnancy test with two stripes as the first photo that you are now not alone.
  • Eat more often in smaller portions.
  • Drink more clean water without gas.
  • Exclude coffee, carbonated drinks, fast food, alcohol, spicy and fried, and also refuse food, the appearance and/or the smell of which you do not like, causes vomiting. For example, from meat, fish and eggs.
  • Throw away the last pack of cigarettes and forget about them forever.
  • Walk more often in the park, in nature outside the city. Replace the screen of the TV, computer and similar gadgets to contemplate the sky, nature, works of art.
  • If possible, quit your job to exclude stress. You will experience hormonal restructuring from almost the first days of pregnancy, because the words and actions of the surrounding people will cling to you even more.
  • Refrain from sex. You are no longer alone, because the invasion of outside is capable of being uncomfortable in sensations, the maximum - to cause a miscarriage.
  • Enter fresh seasonal vegetables, berries, fruits and juices from them into your daily diet. Add sour -milk products, nuts.
  • If desired, become registered in a antenatal clinic. Be prepared for an ultrasound examination, which the doctor can appoint several times.
  • If toxicosis, nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, severe dizziness and excessive drowsiness are annoyed, contact the doctor in the antenatal clinic as earlier.
  • Replace the usual bras with pregnant women. They are invented for the comfort of breast growth and the development of the milk ducts in it.
  • Although the tummy is not yet visible, go to clothes that do not constrain your movements, does not squeeze the body. The best options are dresses, skirts and blouses.
  • From traveling and relaxing in exotic countries, hold back.
  • Sign up for yoga for pregnant women, driving courses, vocal therapy.
  • Again from active sports and training.
  • Solve the pharmacy vitamins yourself. Definitely you will be advised in the antenatal clinic and from TV screens.
  • Start with your husband repairs in the children's room, decide on interior items and color.

Tips and recommendations for pregnant women in the second trimester

A girl with a small tummy rests reclining on a couch
a girl with a small tummy rests reclining on a couch
  • Start registering in a antenatal clinic. Make a conscious decision to take tests, some of them are not at all required. Do not subject yourself and the baby excessly ultrasound examinations.
  • Change your wardrobe for pregnant women.
  • Sign up for preparation courses for childbirth or watch videos with the advice of recognized obstetricians.
  • If you have an older child or you want to change the situation, travel to health. Now it is safe and joy.
  • From the middle of the current period, sleep on the left side. Between the legs, place a pillow for feeding or any other with which it is convenient for you.
  • Move a lot, follow the diet and rest.
  • The receipt of fresh water without gas is still relevant for you and crumbs.
  • Continue to keep your pregnancy diary.
  • Surround yourself with a pleasant communication and beauty of nature. The best option is to change the city life to the village.
  • Massage yourself twice a day with oils from stretch marks.
  • Sign up for a dentist and put your teeth in order. If you need anesthesia during treatment, tell the doctor about your “interesting” period of life.
  • If you feel the tension in the lower abdomen, relax the muscles of the face and hands, breathe evenly and deeply.
  • If possible, visit the pool and aquaerobic classes.
  • Sign up for a photo shoot with the whole family.

Tips and recommendations for pregnant women in the third trimester

Watching a pregnant mother with her eldest daughter
watching a pregnant mother with her eldest daughter
  • Control your weight. Think over the menu for a week for yourself and other family members. You better go to vegetables-fruits with minimal heat treatment.
  • Keep a notebook for records at hand, because the memory will sometimes let you get it.
  • Support the relevance and convenience of your wardrobe.
  • Complete the repair in the nursery until the middle of the current pregnancy period. Prevent the room regularly so that all the smells of paints, glue and furniture disappear.
  • Sign up for proper breathing courses during childbirth. Learn to own your body, recognize its needs.
  • Attend classes devoted to caring for a newborn.
  • Decide on the maternity hospital, Doula - an assistant in homework. Say all the details and nuances a month and a half before the time of “h”. Think the spare options for the place of birth.
  • Prepare packages with the necessary things/objects for childbirth.
  • Walk more and spend time in nature, listen to its sounds.
  • Minimize your stay at the screens of any gadgets.
  • Prepare your chest for feeding to avoid cracks and wounds in the first days after childbirth.
  • Visit a psychologist if you are overcome by the fears of the upcoming birth. Take your husband with you, he also needs support.
  • Refuse cosmetic deodorants, replace them with more thorough care of the zones under the armpits and the use of natural minerals, for example, alunity.
  • Take a choice of a name for the crumbs, take into account your husband's opinion.
  • A month and a half before birth, drink tea from raspberries. It helps soften the muscles of the uterus and birth canal.
  • Pack in heels in boxes. It is more convenient and safer for you to walk on flat soles.

Tips and recommendations of a psychologist to pregnant women

A pregnant girl at a reception with a psychologist who gives practical advice
a pregnant girl at a reception with a psychologist who gives practical advice
  • Admit the idea of \u200b\u200ba possible pregnancy and take its fact with joy. Psychologists and pediatricians argue that the welcome children are healthier, more calm and more quickly develop.
  • Learn to love your baby from the first days of pregnancy. Speak with him, stroke the stomach, sing songs, tell fairy tales to establish and strengthen a healthy connection.
  • Trust your feelings regarding the living of emotions and desires. If suddenly you felt a craving for the singing of romances, do it.
  • Speak all fears and anxieties to a loved one - husband, mother, father. If something confuses you, sign up for a psychologist and work with him.
  • Communicate with other pregnant women and young mothers who have been giving birth recently.
  • Attending the preparation courses for childbirth, caring for the baby, maintaining physical shape and mastering the technique of breathing.
  • Pamper yourself with cosmetic salon procedures - manicure, pedicure, haircuts, styling.
  • Review your environment and protect yourself from unpleasant communication.
  • Turn only on yourself and the child. Allow yourself moderate loads and rest.
  • Carry out a long -standing desire into reality. For example, take a dress from your husband as a gift to the floor, sari, beautiful jewelry.
  • Ask for help from surrounding relatives and strangers.
  • Relax, slow down, calm down, remove anxieties about the future. Especially the topics of money, survival, protection from changeable political laws.

Tips for pregnant women when flying on an airplane

Pregnant girl on board the aircraft
pregnant girl on board the aircraft

One of the tests for women in a position is the restructuring of their rhythm of life. More precisely - change:

  • thinking
  • views on many things and situations
  • hierarchy of priorities

On the other hand, pregnancy is not a disease that packed you for 9 months to home and bed.

Understanding the changes in your body, given its needs, you can partially lead the same mobile lifestyle as before. For example, fly by plane, travel.


  • gestational age
  • your well -being
  • health status at the current time and in dynamics
  • requirements of air carriers
  • recommendations of a guinecologist of a female consultation
  • risks for yourself and the baby

Details of the tips on air travel for women in the Regulations considered here.

Tips for pregnant women at sea

Pregnant girl sits on the beach by the sea
pregnant girl sits on the beach by the sea

If you are healthy, you feel good and there are no contraindications of the doctor watching your pregnancy, go to the sea after 12 weeks and no later than the last trimester.

  • Consider a change in your body and select a swimsuit and clothes for relaxing at sea so that they do not crush, do not constrain movements. Shoes also choose comfortable without heels.
  • The best tool for your trip is a car where you are a passenger.
  • In the suitcase, add funds to protect against sunlight, a headdress.
  • Swim in the sea often and not long - 10 minutes each. The optimal water temperature for you is 21-22 ℃.
  • After each bathing, wrap yourself in a towel.
  • Take sun baths only in the morning until 11-00 and in the evening after 16-00 short segments for 20 minutes. At the same time, you have a hat on your head, the body protects the cream/sagar lotion.
  • Avoid swimming in the sea in the presence of light and medium -sized waves. They are able to knock you down.
  • Drink clean water more often. Eat only familiar food.
  • In the evening, walk along the sea in a calm atmosphere. Consciously refuse discos, bars and similar entertainment.
  • After communication with the sea, do not rush to immediately wash off its salt in the shower, let it be saturated with your body a little.

Tips for pregnant women in the heat

A pregnant girl wipes her face in the heat with a cube of ice
a pregnant girl wipes her face in the heat with a cube of ice
  • Walk in the fresh air to the peak of solar activity.
  • Ventilate the room more often.
  • Use the air humidifier than air conditioning. If you turn on the latter, then set the temperature with a difference of up to 10 ℃ and not lower than 20 ℃.
  • In the hot season, always put on a headdress and apply sunscreen to the skin.
  • Drink clean water as much as you want.
  • Take a warm shower as many times as you feel the need for this. Water perfectly levels body temperature.
  • Review your wardrobe. Wear clothes made of natural fabrics of light tones that corresponds to your size.
  • Do not dress any tankers and heels in the heat.
  • Try to take off your shoes at any opportunity.
  • Learn to breathe properly at the moments of strong body heating, for example, like a dog. These skills are divided in courses for pregnant women.
  • Try to be more in the shade on a hot day.

Pregnant nutrition tips

A pregnant girl eats a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs
a pregnant girl eats a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs

The nutrition of any person, and not just pregnant, provides restoration of strength and support for activity. It should be as natural as possible, without snacks, fast food, colored soda and similar examples. On the beds, salads with mayonnaise do not grow, and there are no store cola and kvass in the wells.

  • An important point - choose products for the season characteristic of the area of \u200b\u200byour residence. They make up the lion's share of your diet.

Details about the nuances of nutrition during pregnancy Read here.

Vitamins of pregnant women: recommendations

A girl with a large belly holds an apple and a handful of vitamins in her hands
a girl with a large belly holds an apple and a handful of vitamins in her hands

Although the period of bearing crumbs is not a disease, women are characterized by fear of lack of vitamins and minerals in their body. Therefore, they often buy vitamin complexes and take them almost to childbirth.

You should know that a sufficient balanced diet has the entire spectrum and dose of valuable substances for your body and crumbs.

Vitamins are shown in cases:

  • the characteristics of the health of the pregnant woman, when her body does not learn specific types of useful substances or does not receive them at all due to the diet,
  • living in countries where there is a deficiency of specific vitamins. For example, in the north of Russia - iodine, in Africa - D,
  • food is not balanced and sufficient.

The world association of obstetricians are unanimous in the need to take folic acid to women before and in the first trimester of pregnancy.

If you are shown to take vitamins during growing a child, then:

  • focus on the results of your tests and the recommendations of the observant gynecologist,
  • give preference to children's vitamins.

Recommendations for hygiene of a pregnant woman

Soul for a pregnant girl
soul for a pregnant girl

Body care for a woman is always important, not only while waiting for the baby. And yet there are some differences:

  • take a shower at least twice a day. Refuse from fragrant gels by replacing the soap,
  • piling the skin of the body, a couple of times a week,
  • wash 2 times a day,
  • takes air baths for 5 minutes before bedtime and several times during the day,
  • change linen as necessary and desire. It should be made of cotton, flax and similar natural materials,
  • give up the heavy smells of spirits so as not to provoke dizziness and fainting,
  • instead of industrial deodorants, go to natural ones.

Recommendations for pregnant women according to the regime of the day

Pregnant girl is doing yoga in the morning
pregnant girl is doing yoga in the morning
  • Increased drowsiness is one of the signals of pregnancy. Therefore, allow yourself to sleep at night for 8 hours and in the afternoon until 2 hours.
  • Be daily in the fresh air for at least 3 hours. Morning walks are especially beneficial.
  • Engage in mild gymnastics, yoga for pregnant women.
  • Eat at the same time.
  • Listen to pleasant music, read books, needlework.
  • Do cleaning in the house, but do not lift the severity or move.
  • If you work, review your schedule and load with the leader. Exclude night shifts and business trips, replace harmful conditions with the lungs.

Anemia of pregnant women: recommendations

The pregnant woman has poor health due to anemia
the pregnant woman has poor health due to anemia

Anemia, or insufficient amount of iron and the concentration of red blood cells in the blood, is characteristic of both diseases and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy of a particular woman. The following recommendations will help to eliminate it or significantly reduce it:

  • take folic acid before and during the first trimester of pregnancy,
  • by the appointment of the doctor based on the results of the tests, observe the use of iron drugs in the second and third trimesters. You may need intravenous administration of iron -containing drugs or blood transfusion,
  • enrich your diet with products where this mineral is contained in more quantities.

If you have your established taste habits, you should not change them sharply during pregnancy. For example, a meat -eater becomes a vegetarian, and vice versa.

Hypertension of pregnant women: recommendations

The doctor measures the pressure in the pregnant woman to understand the presence of hypertension
the doctor measures the pressure in the pregnant woman to understand the presence of hypertension

Let's start with the moment that hypertension in pregnant women has 2 types:

  • chronic, that is, such that was present before the baby begins to begin
  • temporary inherent for 2 and 3 trimesters, which disappears after the delivery

To accurately understand the picture with blood pressure:

  • buy a device for measuring it for yourself
  • use it up to 3 times a day and write down the results in a notebook
  • during measurements, you are in a sitting position
  • ask for help to determine the pressure indicator by the husband or relatives
  • compare the notes with the measurement results of your pressure in the clinic
  • submit urine for analysis to determine the amount of protein.

By purpose of the doctor, take only one drug with a confirmed diagnosis of hypertension.

Before taking drugs and/or entering a daytime inpatient for a drug reduction in pressure, consult with several more specialists in other clinics.

Remember that your calm and a minimum in taking pharmaceuticals is the key to the health of crumbs and prosperous births.

Pregnant advice before childbirth

Obstetrician gives advice to a pregnant girl before childbirth
obstetrician gives advice to a pregnant girl before childbirth

The closer the date of birth, the more exciting becomes not only to you, but also to your loved ones.

  • Feel free to look inside yourself - are there fears, doubts, fears. Make friends with them. Find the reason that caused them.
  • Move a lot, do exercises, do yoga.
  • Learn to breathe correctly. Control your body and help it relax.
  • All pregnancy keep a positive attitude.
  • Be attentive to the contents of your plate and the scales.

Read more recommendations here.

People’s advice to pregnant women

Pregnant in the last period walks around the autumn park
pregnant in the last period walks around the autumn park
  • At the time of fright, try to lack your hands, touch your body and other parts of your body. The baby increases the likelihood of the formation of birthmarks in these places.
  • Before taking medicinal herbs, carefully read their properties. Many of the natural gifts are contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • Look at beautiful and healthy people, nature, classic works of art.
  • Refuse riding, bicycle, jumps and active physical exercises.
  • Turn the support of the husband and relatives to move weights, hanging linen, lifting something up.
  • Fill your wardrobe with spacious things so that the waist area remains without tugs.
  • Eat chalk or drink its aqueous solution daily if you feel the craving for it.
  • Check your teeth regularly and treat them as necessary.
  • Beware from contact with rubella, especially in the first 4 months of pregnancy.
  • Follow the work of the intestine. Reception of laxatives is able to provoke undesirable uterine contractions.
  • Pay attention to hygiene armpits in order to avoid the development of diseases of the mammary glands.
  • Drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices, especially carrot.
  • For better skin support and preserve it from stretch marks, wear a bandage in the last trimester.
  • Refrain from intimacy with your husband during pregnancy.
  • Drink into the essence of the results of your tests to understand the picture of your and the crumbs of health.

Tips for the husband of a pregnant wife

Happy pregnant couple in a photo shoot
happy pregnant couple in a photo shoot
  • Realize and accept the fact of the pregnancy of your wife.
  • Ask your friends, read articles on the features of pregnancy to understand the stages of its development from your wife.
  • Stell yourself.
  • Perform all the gastronomic whims of your spouse and support her diet, abandoning fried, smoked, acute during pregnancy.
  • Be sure to support and embody her idea with repairs. Let it be only a balcony or a change of wallpaper in one room.
  • Master household business - cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, hanging it.
  • Speak more with your wife about her well -being, experiences, past events of the day. Learn to listen to her without boredom on the face.
  • Present small presentations and surprises to her so that she feels your attention. For example, candlelight dinner, a trip to the cinema, boat on a boat under the light of stars.
  • Agree with your wife about the day and the time of your personal solitude, for example, fishing, training in the hall. So you will cope with stress from living together with a pregnant wife and get a charge of new forces.
  • Go shopping with her, buy high -quality beautiful things in which she will be irresistible with her stomach.
  • More often talk about my feelings for my spouse, about her unique beauty in this period of life.

We briefly got acquainted with a lot of advice to pregnant women, as well as their spouses. However, the most important is to listen to yourself and the signals of your body!

Joyful pregnancy to you!

Video: Pregnant advice on preparing themselves for childbirth without fear

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