Dream Interpretation - dead relatives: what to see in a dream of the dead father, mother, wife, husband, grandparents, children as alive and what are they dying? Why dream of hugging, kissing, swearing, talking, feeding, burying, a gift from an already deceased relative?

Dream Interpretation - dead relatives: what to see in a dream of the dead father, mother, wife, husband, grandparents, children as alive and what are they dying? Why dream of hugging, kissing, swearing, talking, feeding, burying, a gift from an already deceased relative?

Did you have a dream with the participation of a deceased relative? Find out what he can mean.

The dream in which the deceased relative is, no matter how close and expensive it is, most often causes double, more negative sensations. It seems to those who he dreamed that the deceased wants to warn about something bad or, even worse, to pick up with him. And if you look into the dream book? What do they write there about the causes of the phenomenon in the dreams of deceased parents, children, grandparents? What role does the circumstances of sleep play?

Why often and constantly dream of dead relatives?

What are dreams, why do they dream, what mean - questions that modern science cannot yet give an unambiguous answer. Dreams are considered echoes of a person’s life experience, the results of his experiences and emotions, omens and even a kind of window between worlds.

Important: the loss of a relative, his funeral is suffering for family members. Therefore, psychologists find a simple explanation for dreams with the participation of the deceased - the one to whom they to star, he is very worried, grieves, sad, all the time recalls the deceased during his lifetime, at the time of death, or his funeral. Such dreams can talk about a complex psycho -emotional state, for the removal from which a specialist is required.

Interior interpreters have a different opinion about this. They believe that those who left this world dream of alive not only with the aim of warning them about something bad that will happen or can happen. Sometimes they come to communicate the good news.

A dream with the participation of deceased relatives may be good.
A dream with the participation of deceased relatives may be good.

Video: Why do dead relatives and acquaintances dream in a dream?

What to see in a dream of the dead mom, dad, as living, or what they die: meaning and interpretation of sleep

If you dreamed of mom or dad who died recently or long ago, they appeared as alive, talking with you on some kind of extensive topic or trying to explain something, this is a classic example of sleep- warning.

Important: at least, this is how the dream with dead parents in Müller's dream books is interpreted.

  1. Mom dreamed - she is trying to protect you from you, your evil thoughts or unclean intentions. She seems to be asking you to behave restrained and well -recoiled. Also, a deceased mother can come in a dream before the disease.
  2. The late father, who is in a dream, as a living who is talking to you, warns you against conflicts. You should look around, replace your enemies and look at their behavior.
You can calmly take the late mother, who came to you in a dream, for your inner voice. A dream with her participation is definitely an omen.
You can calmly take the late mother, who came to you in a dream, for your inner voice. A dream with her participation is definitely an omen.

Important: pay attention to the circumstances of sleep with the participation of deceased parents.

  1. In a dream, you kiss a mother who is no longer there. This dream means that you should not live with a stone on your soul because of quarrels, mutual grievances or omissions with your parent during her lifetime. Be sure - he forgave you.
  2. Mom does cleaning. Perhaps you remembered your deceased mother just such a household, taking care of the coziness of your family nest. But this dream means that now in your family a difficult situation with a spouse, children, and it has appeared most likely through your fault.
  3. Mom scolds you. A dream indicates you to your wrong situation in any situation that you are aware of, but do not show others.
  4. Father argues with you. Most likely, such a dream indicates your inner confusion, doubts about the correctness of any decision that you already made, or which you need to make in the near future. You need someone wise and calm to help you understand yourself.
  5. Father hugs you. Even if you are a strong personality, sometimes you want to have a patron, lean on someone's strong shoulder.

Important: if the dream in which you met with late parents does not come out of your head, leaves an unpleasant motive, go to church, put the candles, remember mom and dad. You may have not remembered about them for too long.

You will find waste and financial failures if you dream of the death of a deceased father again and again.
You will find waste and financial failures if you dream of the death of a deceased father again and again.

Dreams in which the sleeper sees the moment of death of the parents, especially if they are alive are very unpleasant. What does he mean?

  1. If you dream of the death of a mother who really died, you may expect a business failure.
  2. If you dream of the death of a living mother, you are tormented by remorse over the recent contention with her. Call her, apologize, it will become easier for you.
  3. If you dream of the death of a father who really died, wait for a loss in money.
  4. If you dream of the death of a father, who is actually alive, you have committed any act, for which you are very ashamed of him.

Why see the dead grandparents in a dream as alive, or what are they dying?

When the dead grandparents come in a dream, double feelings arise. On the one hand, on the soul it becomes warm from communication, not in reality, with a close, dear, loving person. On the other hand, it overcomes sorrow. Consolation can be found in the fact that seeing the late ancestors in a dream is most often a good sign.

  1. Granny, who has left this world recently, dreams like alive to joyful changes. She, as it were, calls on to sail through the life current at least in the near future.
  2. To see the deceased grandfather in a dream alive and cheerful - to success and material well -being.
  3. If your grandfather talks to you or gives you something, you think that to solve any problem you need a council of a wise person, but in fact you only need to establish an internal dialogue with yourself.
  4. If you dreamed of the late grandparents together, most likely in your life an event awaits you, whose witnesses, you would like them to be. For example, marriage or birth.
  5. But to see the death or the funeral of grandmother in a dream is not good. Take more attentive to your health.
Have the late grandparents joyful visited your dream? A significant happy event will occur in your life.
Have the late grandparents joyful visited your dream? A significant happy event will occur in your life.

Why see the dead wife, husband, as alive in a dream, or what are they dying?

The loss of the spouse, with whom it was planned to spend their whole life together, is very difficult to transfer. Dreams in which the deceased second half cause goosebumps. But they do not always mean something bad.

  1. The dead spouse dreams quite rarely, is it silent in a dream? Such a sign comes only to a change in the weather.
  2. If the late husband or wife often dreams, but are just silent secondary sleep characters, know that they are looking after you. Perhaps you feel their invisible presence in life.
  3. It happens, I will dream that the deceased husband or wife is resurrected. This is a good dream, it portends well -being.
  4. If in a dream you are looking for a deceased spouse, call him or her, you are still experiencing the bitterness of loss. You need to let go of the deceased, try to start living a new life.

Important: a dream in which you had sex with a dead husband or wife is unlikely to tell anyone. It means that after the loss of rugs, you do not feel integral, you do not have enough affection and warmth.

When a husband or wife dies, especially in the first 40 days, you may dream of a scene of their death. Such dreams are hard to interpret. For the most part, they are echoes of your subconscious.
But the dreams in which the husband or wife, who are alive, suddenly die, mean a quick parting or, at least, a serious conflict.

What to see in a dream of dead children, as alive, or what are they dying?

Loss of a child is a terrible tragedy for parents. Naturally, he, as a living, or dying, in a coffin, will dream of him for a very long time. It is difficult to interpret such dreams, abstracting from the incredibly painful state of the psyche of parents.

Dreams with a deceased stranger do not take to heart. They do not carry anything bad in themselves.
Dreams with a deceased stranger do not take to heart. They do not carry anything bad in themselves.

Why dream in a dream to hug, kiss a deceased relative?

The dream, in which you hugged with a deceased relative, gives an interpretation of the Dream Interpretation of Wanga. He portends changes. Whether they will be for the better or for the worst, no one knows.

Why dream in a dream to talk with a deceased relative?

If the late relative talks to you in your dream, try to listen to each of his words, catch intonation and facial expressions. He either wants to present you some news, or warns you against something.

Why dream in a dream to swear with a deceased relative?

If you swear with someone in a dream, it means that in life you are now in a state of serious conflict. And if this is someone else your late relative, in this conflict situation you are absolutely wrong, and its resolution does not bode well for you.

In a dream, during a quarrel, did you bring your deceased relative to tears? Be vigilant, rebuild, perhaps a disaster will happen to you in the near future.
In a dream, during a quarrel, did you bring your deceased relative to tears? Be vigilant, rebuild, perhaps a disaster will happen to you in the near future.

Why dream in a dream to feed a deceased relative?

The prosperity and well -being is a dream in which you feed your relative who died.

What is the dream of the resurrection of a deceased relative in a dream?

When he dreams that a relative who left this world is resurrected, wait for a serious problem that tormented you for a long time to be resolved in your favor.

Why dream in a dream a gift from an already deceased relative, that he gives things and money?

Gifts, things, money from a dead man in a dream are damage to your energy and, possibly, health. Better go to the doctor and take tests for prevention.

A gift from a deceased relative in a dream is a loss in real life.
A gift from a deceased relative in a dream is a loss in real life.

Why dream of an evil deceased relative?

When a deceased relative comes to you in a dream, and you feel his anger, you must think about whether you have committed an act that would disappoint him. After all, feelings always mean feelings. So that the gloomy dream is not repeated, try to correct your mistake, go to church, remember the late relative.

Why dream of a smiling deceased relative?

And, on the contrary, a deceased relative can be satisfied and smiling if you have recently committed an act that would make him be proud of you. You can be happy.

Also, a smiling deceased relative may dream of a harbinger of some joyful event.
Also, a smiling deceased relative may dream of a harbinger of some joyful event.

Why do the funeral, coffin, death, wake, grave of the deceased relative dream in a dream?

Re -experiencing death, the funeral of a relative, even in a dream, is very difficult. Psychoanalysts say that such dreams cope with stress, tries to get used to the idea that a loved one is no longer nearby.
If you dream of the grave of a deceased relative, you have not remembered him for a long time. Do it - visit it in the cemetery, order a requiem in the church, light the memorial candle of the house.

Why do all the dead relatives dream at once?

Several deceased relatives, who are in a dream at the same time, is a bad sign. They warn you about health problems, family and business failures, and treachery of enemies.
It was previously believed that such a dream was a dream to the imminent death of the dreamer himself.

Why do the deceased relatives of the pregnant woman dream?

A pregnant woman is very impressionable, and a dream in which she had contact with a deceased relative, she could not be worried about her. In fact, he does not promise anything bad: this is how her fears and excitement for the health of the baby and ambulance are embodied.

Dreams with deceased relatives who dream of pregnant women are unpleasant, but you should not worry about them.
Dreams with deceased relatives who dream of pregnant women are unpleasant, but you should not worry about them.

What to do so that dead relatives do not dream?

From the point of Renia of the Orthodox Church, the dead relatives dream with the aim of more diligently to pray for the repose of their souls. If such dreams are unpleasant or frightening, it follows:

  • remember the deceased house
  • order a memorial service to him in the church
  • put a candle for him
  • give alms
  • give out sweets and cookies "for the Kingdom of Heaven"

Important: obsessive dreams with the participation of late relatives are an occasion to seek help from a psychologist.

So that you do not dream of a deceased relative, put a candle for him for the rest.
So that you do not dream of a deceased relative, put a candle for him for the rest.

Video: Dream Interpretation What are the dead and dead relatives?

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