The beauty and youth of the hands in 10 minutes a day. How to moisten dry skin at home?

The beauty and youth of the hands in 10 minutes a day. How to moisten dry skin at home?

In winter, the problem of dry skin of the hands appears. Tips will help get rid of this problem forever!

Our hands are constantly subjected to loads. The skin loses its elasticity and beauty. There are problems with the upper layer of the epidermis - cracks, wrinkles, dryness and roughness. The process of hand care is a very painstaking activity that requires time and patience. Women constantly take care of their skin - apply masks, use creams with special ingredients, make makeup, and care about their hands fades into the background. Therefore, there are problems that need to be eliminated so that the hands are well -groomed and beautiful.

Dry skin of hands what to do? The causes of the red very dry skin of the hands

There are no sebaceous glands on the skin of the hands, so it is exposed to external influences. It is affected by weather conditions - frost dries and leads to redness. It is in winter that women ask the question: dry skin of the hands what to do? The causes of red very dry skin of the hands are to dehydrate it. After washing, wipe your hands dry with a towel, since the water, drying, quickly dries the surface, which leads to dehydration.

Important: the lack of important vitamins affect the condition of the skin.

Lack of what vitamin, trace element or nutrient with dry skin of the hands?

Rough skin prevents you from feeling attractive. It gives out age and even adds 5-10 years. Each woman should know what kind of vitamin, trace element or nutrient is an indicator with dry skin of the hands. When the layer of the epidermis is rapidly eager and becomes dry, it loses such vitamins:

  • Vitamin A. Helps in the production of sebaceous glands that moisturize the surface, making hands beautiful. This vitamin is contained in all fruits, carrots, dairy products, liver and fish oil.
  • Vitamin B.. If you make up for the lack of this substance, then the skin will become even and beautiful. A lot of such vitamin is found in chicken egg yolk, greens, fish, milk, brown rice, black bread and fruits.
  • Vitamin C. It is an antioxidant. Helps the development of collagen - a substance responsible for the extension of youth. Collagen helps the fabrics be elastic and durable. There is this substance in citrus fruits, rosehips, nuts, kiwi, onions and cabbage.
  • Vitamin E. Due to the presence of such vitamin in the skin in sufficient quantities, wrinkles will not appear prematurely. The skin will find a healthy shade and blush. With a lack of this vitamin, the nails begin to spread, and the skin becomes red and rough. It contains a lot of vitamin E in vegetable oils. Twine all winter salads with olive or corn oil. This will allow the body to obtain many nutrients.

Proper nutrition for dry skin

Women are always surprised when with the next problems with the skin, it is necessary to monitor their nutrition.

Important: proper balanced diet in dry skin of the hands will help the body get the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

If you start eating citrus fruits (200-300 grams per day) and nuts (up to 50 grams per day), collagen production is activated.

Amino acids entering the body with dairy products will help in constructing cells of the skin, and healthy cholesterol contained in fish will help accelerate metabolism.

Tip: Do not forget about the daily use of carrots, apples, beets and Bulgarian pepper.

How to moisten dry skin with folk remedies?

There are many different recipes in the form of applications and masks to moisturize the epiderma of the hands that can be prepared at home. Almost every woman knows how to moisten dry skin with folk remedies, and each has their own secrets.

Make an egg-honey mixture. Mix the yolk with a portion of honey and two portions of sunflower oil. L tam the surface of the epidermis and wash with water after 10 minutes. It is useful to rub the surface of the skin with aloe juice. It is enough to hold such a mask for several minutes and wash off with water. Many dermatologists advise spreading the skin with all fruits and vegetables that we eat.

Tip: if you eat an orange, leave a piece for the skin and it will be grateful to you. This will help get the skin of important nutrients and trace elements.

How to make a nutrient hand for hands at home?

At home, you can use any blowing and plants as masks for the skin: lemon, aloe juice, egg yolks, infusions of herbs. But few women know how to make a nutritious hand for hands at home.

Recipe: you need to take any fatty factory cream. Make a steep infusion of any herbs (2 tablespoons for half a glass of boiling water), which you like - St. John's wort, ordinary chamomile, sage. Mix a tablespoon of infusion with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and several tablespoons of cream.

Lubricate the skin of the hands twice a day.

Mask for very dry skin

Spend these procedures 25 minutes a day. Do them for 10-15 days. Stock your patience and then a mask for very dry skin will help.

Recipe: twist green leaves in a meat grinder and strain the juice through gauze (you can use a juicer). You will need 1 teaspoon of parsley juice, which is mixed with a half teaspoon of fish oil and three teaspoons of sour cream.

Keep the mask for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water of a comfortable temperature.

Baths for dry skin

Women are accustomed to do such procedures from herbs, brewing them, insisting and immersing them in a solution. But the recipe for a really good bath for dry skin is oatmeal.

Recipe: Buy it in any grocery store, take 3 tablespoons of the fenced and pour boiling water (0.5 liters). Wait until it cools down to a comfortable temperature, and immerse your arms in this mixture for 30 minutes.

If there are cracks on hand, a bath of flax will help:

Recipe: Three teaspoons of seeds pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist and immerse your hands for 20 minutes. The infusion softens well and envelops the skin.

How to treat dry skin? Cosmetics and drugs for dry skin

Dry skin of the hands or xerosis is a disease that is treated. First, put your nutrition in order. Follow your hands hygiene - wash with liquid soap and lubricate with cream after each soap. If after this the question of how to treat dry skin of the hands remains relevant, then use special cosmetics and drugs for dry skin. They should include glycerin, which moisturizes, as well as a sorbitis, which is a hygroscopic hydratesta.

Important: with the help of these substances, the required amount of waterproof lipids appears in the skin, which monitor the maintenance of moisture in the upper layer of the epidermis.

How to care for your hands in winter?

In the morning, be sure to apply the cream half an hour before going out. Use warm gloves in the cold. Wash your hands in a liquid soap with a cream content in the afternoon.

Tip: Water should be warm, not cold or too hot.

In the evening, upon coming from work, when household chores begin (washing dishes, washing), use protective gloves. Before going to bed, do massage and apply your favorite cream. If all this is done constantly, then the question will not arise on how to care for the hands in the winter, since the skin will be silky and beautiful.

Dry skin: tips and reviews

Many women like a mask for skin from egg yolks and aloe juice, with the addition of kefir and vegetable oil. You can change these ingredients and add something of your own. The result will be excellent, since all foods contain beneficial vitamins and trace elements. The usual oatmeal porridge cooked in milk with the addition of honey in the morning will be a wonderful hand mask.

Tip: after breakfast, leave a tablespoon of porridge and grease your hands. Wash off after 15 minutes, and you will forget about the problem of dry skin of the hands.

Our tips and reviews will help to be on top, and your hands will be beautiful and silky. Drive yourself only 10 minutes a day, and you will forget about the problems of dry skin in winter! The magical power of healing herbs, masks, applications and independent creams will make your skin soft and young!

What creams should be used for dry skin, they say in this video

Video: Care for the skin of the hands. Choose the best cream!

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  1. In fact, everyone can maintain beauty and youth for the long time. For these purposes, I take the antioxidant formula to Evalarovskaya and I take fisheries+food. I support proper power. I look great, and this is not only my opinion))

  2. I can’t wash the dishes in gloves, it is very inconvenient for me. I tried many times to learn, but it doesn’t work, I interrupted a bunch of dishes in the sink. Hands from the water dry out very much, hard water in our country, there are cracks to the blood. I constantly try to smear my hands with creams and do masks, but to be honest, they help for the first half an hour after use. Now I’m testing know -how in cosmetology - probiotic cosmetics. I take a probioderm, produces a buckstone. The composition is natural, oils, extracts, hoods, bacteria lizata, etc. The action is aimed specifically at the restoration of skin cells and their ability to retain water, nutrients, and not at a simple temporary diet-moisture. I have been using it for only a month, but the effect even after the first application. The skin is soft, fresh, elastic. It seems to me that even brighter is old. Like packaging with a dispenser, very convenient and economical, the composition is chic, 98% of natural components.

  3. Hands always require moisturizing especially with age. The woman's hands fade before the face. In the beauty of the hands and moisture of the skin, the cream of the Twins TEK helps me. It includes vitamins, oils, contains allantoin and it is generally widely used in cosmetology and is active in component in the regeneration of skin cells and helps to rejuvenate cells. The cream nourishes and deeply moisturizes the skin of the hands.

  4. A hydroeal before and after the natural composition of the cream helps my hands, they are always moistened and protected from external factors. Also, the appearance became better, the skin became more toned, smooth and shallow wrinkles were smoothed.

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